Sup Forumsand

Why is Sup Forums so divided? We have constant arguments about Christianity and its denominations, arguments about racial differences, arguments about presidential candidates, arguments about Jewish influence... just arguments and bickering.

Is there anything we agree on? If Sup Forums were to run a state, would anything get done? Can we ever agree to disagree about insignificant things, and focus on important problems instead? What are the important problems?

That's who we believe in.

You mean you?
Sure we can get things done, set up a parliament based on the Westminster and things will go smooth.

A recent pol stated that 43% of 100 polacks are Kekists.

No, he means we. heretic.

Kek is Satan
Into the oven he goes

Sup Forums is the Christian board

>why can't we all just get along and sing kumbaya

>Pol is a Christian board.
Used to be, now you're a minority, faggot.
Get out, Kike worshipper.

This. Complete unity on a political forum of any sort is overrated.

Exactly. I need a safe space.

The orthodoxy must be restored.

Other social media platforms are echo chambers and hugboxes.

Kekists and troll merchants keep Sup Forums human. Read the fucking pamphlet Hiro sent you when you signed up.

It still is Schlomo

>Is there anything we agree on? If Sup Forums were to run a state, would anything get done?
p sure we could agree to genocide all the nigs and muslims pham

Because pol is a tolerant place where anyone can express themselfs even shills 24/7

Sup Forums is a Christian board, kek is just a bit of fun.
The only ones arguing over candidates are shills.
Arguments about racial differences are kikes trying to start infighting.
Jewish influence is the only thing that's up and down, though people still hate jews anyway.

>Why is Sup Forums so divided?

It's almost like people have different opinions and Sup Forums is composed of random people around the world


really makes you vomit


>Is there anything we agree on?

Sup Forums only agrees on 1 thing: That women are inferior and should have never gotten the vote.

But the sole reason Sup Forums is worthwhile is because it's the last place in the world where absolutely no one can shut you up for having an unpopular opinion

Actually only US women are. First world women aren't nearly as retarded and some of them are even redpilled.

Haha! I know, right? Having opinions can make others hate me! Why can we all agree and just say that having ANY opinion at all sucks and people who have them are idiots!

>Actually only US women are

Yeah no.