Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters

>Basically, the studies show that attempts to refute false information often backfire and lead people to hold on to their misperceptions even more strongly.

>Graves’s article examined the puzzle of why nearly one-third of U.S. parents believe that childhood vaccines cause autism, despite overwhelming medical evidence that there’s no such link. In such cases, he noted, “arguing the facts doesn’t help — in fact, it makes the situation worse.” The reason is that people tend to accept arguments that confirm their views and discount facts that challenge what they believe.


Finally I understand why it is useless to argue with Sup Forumstards. You just accept facts that confirm your confirmation bias (e.g. all immigrants are rapists) and don't accept even empirical evidence that says otherwise.

Other urls found in this thread:



what's up with all those german shitposters today?

And here we have the first subject confirming the study.

Whose facts?


(((Facts))) found by (((scientists))) delivered by (((journalists))). All the good Germans died in WWII.

It's probably one German guy.
Canadians - these are the devils.


The "vaccines autism" thing, stupid as it is, should would only discourage a moron in the face of Trumps stances. I don't care about one or two points i disagree with if he manages to revitalizate nationalism in a demoralised country.

Almost every human does this OP, it's called Confirmation Bias. It's so common it has a technical term. If you're under any impression that it only applies to Trump-tards, I have some bad news for you, you yourself are probably a victim of your own personal confirmation bias against him.

I have my own bias in believing both Trump and Hillary are going to be terrible.

That article describes liberals exactly. For example, bring a liberal the fact that negros are 13% of the total population but commit 51% of the total murders, and watch their useless chicken brains implode.

Intelligent people don't dismiss you because they are fact-averse, they dismiss you because everyone knows that there is no point in arguing with liberal livestock. I only have rational arguments with humans - liberals are lower than dirt.

Trump basically lies everyday.

>hurr I saw a video of America flying $400 mil dollars into Iran
>America is a 3rd world country
>Muslims in New Jersey celebrated on 9/11

But it doesn't matter to Trump supporters. God forbid if Hillary lies, tough. They will go crazy and call her a lying criminal for it. Talk about double standards.

What is with Germans today? This is like 4th shitpost i have seen. Some retard earlier today shilled for refugees.

Principles TRUMP (((facts))).
What weakling cannot hold on to their fundamental values when confronted with supposed facts which are indeed falsehoods? You can't trick the red pilled people, you only expose yourself for the liars you are.

All of those points were proven though...

>Finally I understand why it is useless to argue with Sup Forumstards
Yet here you are, trying to argue with them. That either makes you a masochist or a retard, which one are you?

You only believe that because of your confirmation bias, leaf.

Trump will protect the white race.



Facts are made up. The only real facts are in the Bible.

>2 dinars has been deposited to your bank account


I like that comment about trump being the anti-intellectual candidate though. If he panders to the dumbest voters, why does hillary have 90% of the black vote?


Facts from the media, oy vey.

When propaganda comes out day after day after day, eventually people just start assuming the opposite of everything the media says.

Does anyone trust (((social science))) anymore?

The irony is strong with this one.


As far as gaslighting attempts go, this one is pretty weak.

0.05 has been taken OUT of your account. Shill harder.

In fact it is such a joke that they just call it political science to sound like it has actual merit.

Not trying to be funny I'm dead serious.

social science and political science are not synonymous buddy

t. polisci major that went to law school after

the true rise of autism isn't in vaccines, it's in the pill industry demanding more and more consumers for their drugs.

Little Timmy disrespects his teacher in school? He must have the autisms! Now lets pump him full of powerful mood-altering drugs that fuck with his brain chemistry born from MK-Ultra experiments. GOOOOOOOOOD goy parents.

You got jewed.

>Political science is a social science discipline that deals with systems of government, and the analysis of political activity and political behavior.



It's funny how everyone knows that brainwashing is going on but people still think that they aren't being brainwashed.

Really makes you think

> all immigrants are rapists
You're the first one to ever say that in Sup Forums tbqh
Fuck off you dual moralistic oligarchy Hillary supporter

> t. immigrant

Literally this desu



pick one

>denying the antecedent
>shilling hillary Clinton

please leave Sup Forums and never return
next time I ask i will be including profanities in my response

Yep. Same shit happened with add

>Trump or his supporters bring up something stupid that Hillary or her supporters do
>Shills flip it backwards

Seriously, this is what children in primary school do. Grow up


Immigration attorney says Melania Trump had a green card in 2001--from her first marriage. Which means she was married to someone before Donald became her anchor husband. The idiotic plot thickens


>projection: the article
So leftists deny the crime rates among the hispanics, they deny the rapes, they deny the drug-trade, they deny the wage-compression effect of mass immigration, they deny the risk of Islamic terror, they deny the self-evident right of white America to preserve its own existence. And when a man comes along and points these things out, they have the gall to accuse him of "ignoring facts"

You can print out a life-sized outline of Trump’s hand here, and see how you stack up:


According to data from Ergonomics Center of North Carolina, the average American male’s hand is 7.61 inches long. Trump’s hand sits at the 15th percentile mark. That is, 85 percent of American men have larger hands than Trump. As do a third of women.

>As do a third of women

Can't make this shit up lmao

>Can't make this shit up
You just did. Nice digits though, heil hitler indeed.

>facts trigger me

Typical Trump voter hahahhaaha

Trump is just another Mugabe/Erdogan/Putin, etc. his supporters will justify almost anything he says and let him do almost anything he wants. Its a good thing America has the constitution and the senate but Trump and his supporters would probably get rid of it if they could.

not defending trump or his supporters but thats how it usually is. People want what they want then they find reasons to justify it. People overlook the bad parts and explain it away. Really makes you think

>Trump and his supporters would probably get rid of it if they could.

They'd keep the gay rights laws though. Hmm, I wonder why :^)

Does the left think that a man with a mental disability that cuts off his dick is now magically a woman and if you question that then you're a sexist transphobic bigot and probably a racist too?

I mean, if we're talking about who denies reality and facts the most, the left is pretty high up there.

>oy vey goyim vote for my war-mongering molech worshiping zionist and not for the man who said he wants to stop immigration

He's pro illegal immegration, it's what he owes his third wife to :^)


yes, Poli Sci deals with "social science" because politics is inherently social.

but to put it under the umbrella of some Cultural Marxist sociology "blacks dindu nuffin, women are oppressed but also smarter than men" shit is silly.

how about FACTS that wast mojority of german citizens are against limitless immigration and against Merkels insane politics?

if you are not paid shill, then you are the most bluepilled gulible fuck i've ever seen on Sup Forums

>childhood vaccines cause autism, despite overwhelming medical evidence that there’s no such link. In such cases, he noted, “arguing the facts doesn’t help — in fact, it makes the situation worse.”
so like leftists believing that letting in rapefugees is a good thing and that they dindu nuffin despite all the evidence to the contrary?

the only fact you wrote there was that "According to data from Ergonomics Center of North Carolina, the average American male’s hand is 7.61 inches long" the rest you made up to convince yourself you're somehow superior to a billionaire presidential candidate in the US

>vaccines cause autism
I hate this goddamn strawman, well-poisoning bullshit. We KNOW that. Vaccines cause ALLERGIES.

Basically, a modern vaccine is tricking your body into forming an immune response to something that hasn't harmed it: you shoot them full of a dead/weakened virus and a fuckload of aluminum. The aluminum tears up a bunch of cells because that's what it does but your body can't "see" aluminum, so it "sees" the dead virus and figures that's what fucked up all those cells and builds immunity.

But guess what happens when your kid's body is looking for something to blame and your kid happens to have eaten peanuts? Or gluten? Or has been breathing in pollen, or dander? Basically ANY protein in the bloodstream at the time of the vaccine can be "blamed" for the aluminum poisoning, leading to your kid developing a life-long immune response to harmless, everyday shit, immune responses that can be debilitating or even life-threatening.

This is well known, and well documented, but ANY objection to vaccines is met with the same "lol, stupid anti-vaxxer, vaccines don't cause autism" bullshit.

Pisses me off.

It's sometimes hard to tell if OP is delusional brainwashed cucklefuckenstein, or just Correcting The Record.

fake and gay

>In the Soviet Union, political studies were carried out under the guise of some other disciplines like theory of state and law, area studies, international relations, studies of labor movement, "critique of bourgeois theories", etc. Soviet scholars were represented at the International Political Science Association (IPSA) since 1955 (since 1960 by the Soviet Association of Political and State Studies).

You mean like all modern iterations of it are?

Why argue when we can just have a civil war?

It's easier and way more fun.

CTR has finished paying it's shillers now.

Didn't you get the memo that they are out of money?

This triggers the German Leftists

Trump isn't the perfect candidate but there is nothing i will hear read or see that will even make me think about voting for Hillary. The fact that such a corrupt and dishonest politician has made it this far shows the power of the uniformed voter.

>the soviet union

oh shit didn't realize America was under totalitarian socialist rule, guess I'm stumped now man. I got a degree in Soviet Union political propaganda, what will I ever do with my life.

Literally all of those turned out to be true

You only believe that because of your confirmation bias, bong.

Trump will be an okay president but his election will be more symbolic than politically driven

desu allergies > polio, small pox, bubonic plague, etc

>>Basically, the studies show that attempts to refute false information often backfire and lead people to hold on to their misperceptions even more strongly.

Well that explains why Hillary can't seem to stop lying about everything.

>proxyfag gets called out for doing the exact same shit they are shilling
>doesn't directly address the call out
>so chickenshit they will settle on what little shillbucks they make

This is a direct message to the shills. Kill yourselves and burn in hell forever. I mean it. You are traitors of the worst kind.

Kek has spoken.
Blood has to be spilled


Slide this shillcuck's thread, literally pointless to give him attention. There are other topics of conversation that are more suitable for our interests.





Meanwhile the media stream media of Washington labels the people adverting the footsteps of the atrocities of the 19th century to be doomed. Nothing to see here. Look over there. Olympics. Um.

I think you are the same Kraut who shitposted yesterday about Greece, I see you brought that another retarded Kraut who can't even type properly.

it doesn't matter: trump has already lost.

You have to go back....

It's not that they don't believe facts. Just that they will automatically assume anything the mainstream media or political class says is a lie, because it usually is. Even at that, where they do use facts, they use them to support incorrect conclusions.

And then there's you, OP. Nobody is saying
>All immigrants are rapists

They could say
>More immigrants are rapists relative to the native population (true)

They could even say
>At least some immigrants are rapists

And it would still make a case for tighter border controls. Why import ANY rapists at all.

But no, go for the strawman every time, conservatives are such dimwits, herp de derp.

I simply have lost trust in the government, the media, and academia. Does the author consider this possibility?

What facts? Seriously what facts?

I guess that's why people think race doesn't exist and a massive wave of unchecked illegal migrants is a good thing.

Liberals twist and distort facts to make points I disagree with.

If you throw a cookie on the ground and then place it in front of me and say "isn't that dirty?" in order to try and make the point that you shouldn't eat cookies because there's a chance they could be dirty, I'm going to tell you to fuck off, even if the cookie is in fact dirty.

It's not a rejection of the fact itself, it's a rejection of the framework which you've set up within which you're presenting the fact.

.02 cents

Soros money shilling hard this morning...

I get that you are unemployed and a quick buck is all you are looking for. Rather than taking scraps from the dnc team that put you in your current spit, why take a longer term approach and support the guy that is going to get the govt off your back and allow you to make and honest living?



it is CTR shills thinking a proxy will stop whatever that one user that got into their office last night from doing.

>"trump supporters are totally unreasonable even to facts"
>meanwhile shillary supporters still refuse to admit she's a puppet




Your "reality," sir, is nothing but lies and political spin, and it pleases me to inform you that I have absolutely no grasp of it whatsoever.






and here is a cute webm filmed by the obama-approved moderate freedom fighters, they really love children, in so many ways.