Could this be made today?
Four Lions
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I don't know how old you think the film is but it was only made in 2010
rubba dinghy rapids broov
That was 7 years ago, before the Syrian civil war, ISIS, and the refugee crisis. It's a significantly different political climate now.
That was 7 years ago user...
There are kids posted on this board who werent even born then.
>Brother, I don't know what I'm doing
>Jewish sparkplugs
>He hasn't heard of the war in Afghanistan or Iraq
The political climate is not that much different other than momma Merkel inviting them all in.
You make it sound like nothing happened before or during 2010 that didn't involve Islamic terrorism, ISIS and the Syrian war doesn't hold a candle to what happened on 9/11 and the years of shit that followed it
This was made while the 7/7 bombings in london were still relevant in the UK.
Before we had terrorist attacks all throughout the year like europe.
There's also more social media and SJW's and what not these days.
Harder to make a controversial film without a bunch of autistic screeching, which makes producers shy away from such projects.
This, might be hard for some people here to understand who are in their early 20s or teens but so much has changed, political correctness was a joke now it's the rule, it seemed to change with Obama
Indeed it would be a shitshow today because of social media l, I imagine J.K Rowling would have something chilling and earth shattering to say about it.
Searching "Four Lions Islamaphobic" actually doesnt bring up that many snowflakey articles.
Hell even The Guardian praised it. But all the search results are from 2010.
>makes paedogeddon
>gets blacklisted
>comes back and makes four lions
top kek
Holy fuck you have shattered my sides.
>momma Merkel inviting them all in
Yeah, like he said, the political climate is significantly different.
Was it the breakout role for Benedict Cumberbatch?
Obama was already two years in office when this film came out.
>2010 was almost a decade ago
I see this sentiment increasingly often on Sup Forums, that PC/SJW/outrage culture is a new thing that started in 2014.
Goes to show how young the cunts on this site are.
political correctness stems from the fucking 60s if not earlier
fucking clown i bet youre 25 complaining about early 20s
it didn't start then, but that's around the time it started ramping up to insane levels
I think the big change was smartphones allowing internet access on-the-go to anyone in about 2011, then normies started living their entire lives on facebook and twitter hashtags had actual cultural heft, so now everyone is aware and influenced by the latest internet drama rather than just autistic nerds like in the 00s
That's when you started to pay attention to it.
No, that's just when you got old enough to figure out how to use a goddamn computer.
I'm 28.
Couldn't believe it was made back then, so yes.
people picketed movies and shit because they're too racist, sexist, portrayed gays as human since forever, getting offended at everythign and telling people how to live.
it's the same fringe groups of nutters as always, just now they have social media to spam it in everyone's face constantly for attention so it's harder to ignore.
No, it's really not.
Everyone thinks PC culture started becoming "out of control" around the time they became teenagers and so started becoming aware of the world around them) Ask a millenial and he'll say PC started going mad in the ~mid '90s, ask a boomer and they'll say it was the 60s-70s, ask a gen Z'er and they'll say it was ~2010 (see: you).
The fact is PC culture has been around for a very long time and it's no more "rampant" than it was 20 or 30 years ago, you just notice it more now because you were either 1) not alive that long ago or 2) spend an excessive amount of time on the internet specifically looking for examples of PC stuff to get outraged over (Or both)
There would be more backlash because there are more victims of terrorism. I remember they were interviewing the families of 7/7 victims when the movie was being released, and they were complaining about it.
But they didnt have access to smartphones and social media then.(see:trump/j.k rowling)
Without a doubt it has been amplified to a ridiculous degree.
Based Chris Morris not giving a fuck
He wasn't blacklisted tho
He made Nathan Barley and My Wrongs 8245–8249 & 117 and was in the IT crowd.
>knife and fork, make a fucking meal of it
I need to rewatch this
Did anyone else find the ending sad?
it's supposed to be
They blew up the Boots like they wanted to. Mission accomplished.
These people are so full of shit, it's not even comparable nowadays, plus for some reason they keep getting their way nowadays.
There was nothing like Bill Nye's shitty netflix show before 2010
>political correctness was a joke now it's the rule
dude, go read Frank Zappa's autobiography. He fought PC culture for decades, form getting arrested for having long hair and making sex noises on a record in the 60s to testifying in front of congress in the 90s against music censorship
nobody outside of america knows who bill nye is nevermind cares aboout him flip flopping on gender/sex, is he even a real scientist or just a guy on tv?
the only sjw stuff I ever really see is online, mostly retards and college students in america.
You have no idea what you are talking about
I hardly see it in the UK its mainly cos of american internet retards
Nigger, London is infested with that shit as well, there were actual BLM rallies there and city of london uni banned a bunch of newspapers (like daily mail) for being racist (although I just read it got overturned a few months after it happened)
but bill nye is a literally who outside of america, and your college campuses are the focal point of most of these sjw/blm vs alt-right/reeeeee movements.
the internet and social media is what gives these retards a voice when in the past they'd have just been sitting in a room with people who share their opinion bouncing off eachother, these people existed we just didn't actually see them 10-15 years ago.
that's the only difference now compared to years ago, facebook twitter etc.
I'm not american, you have no idea what you're talking about.
>banned the daily mail
>this is a bad thing
literal joke newspaper, you've shown your double digit IQ there mate
Great job missing the point you dumb cunt
great agument there, really well put
fuck off
you have no idea what you're talking about
great agument there, really well put
you're right, they're just retards that can't grasp the idea that the world is keep spinning faster and faster and a lot of has changed over the 7 years
that said, four lions would still be made because it's a satire. can't say for other films. a lot of other films
The Foreigner is the best example of that. Yes IRA killed his daughter. IRA. Even though we've had dozens of isis attacks in UK & Europe. So much for "nothing has changed" and "everything is the same"
There's a show called Lucky Man and in it there's some all white Christian church in London that's homophobic as fuck and thinks homosexuality is an abomination, it was pretty funny.
wasn't this thread made earlier today but with the RDJ tropic thunder blackface op pic?
everything else that followed was basically the same, some people saying yeah it would np, and people that don't remember life before facebook thinking SJW's would somehow stop it from being made because they are just that powerful.
guess it makes for a decent change of pace, be flooded with spider-man spam in a few days.
Im a student.
You overestimate how many of us actual care about student politics and the SU. It's just run by a bunch of twats who get like 5% of the vote but because only 5% voted they'll manage to get some majority out of everyone who voted which is overall a minority. They live in a bubble and don't really effect anyone desu.
I'm sorry, but James Nesbitt's face makes me wanna puke. How did he become an actor is just a mystery to me
Watch Jekyll
omg this is like so dark, why am i laughing xDDDD
>tfw our local TV station aired this the next day after Westminster attack