I want brutal honesty
Whats your opinion of Denmark?
Other urls found in this thread:
Token socialist country
We wuz vikings, right?
Sounds kinda shit if pic related is speaking truthfully.
Utterly insignificant in every way.
Maybe it's a nice place. Maybe it's a shithole.
It doesn't matter, nobody will know.
Ah yes, Vikings we wuz
honestly forget you exist most of the time
I didn't care, thinked good about it until user from Denmark mumbled on my post about Kurdistan. Though It's not a measure to all people.
But Good income Per capita, I like to learning Danish and start working there oneday.
we wuz kalmar that became a very decent and peaceful country
As a Northern Englishman (on holiday in Indonesia) I see you as our ethnic a somewhat cultural brothers.
Just meh.
1. stayed with a pole would would not STFU about how poland was so much better
2. everything is fucking expensive and i had very limited cash due to banking issues
3. smoked a joint on the christania canal, got danes to buy me drinks
feels good man
Literally who?
But we wuz the original United Kingdom with them remember?
T. Brit abroad
Kierkegaard is interesting.
That's all.
You know how much it hurts liking someone and not being liked back?
>fewer cucks than most eurofags
>good looking
>shitty language
>no identity, no real civilized history
But is what she's saying true? I've been wondering for a while. Seems a bit exaggerated, but I can never really know with you Scandiniggers. You're fucked up heavily.
And Egyptians built wonderful pyramids thousands of years ago. What have they done recently except get beaten by Jews a few times?
You're alright
You need to patch your language though...
You're one of those countries in Europe
t. burger
Being uninteresting and less well-know is a potentially good thing. It means less migrants, tourists and unscrupulous fortune seekers.
First, the image is picture of a danish actor who happened to play a teacher in a shitty series here.
Second, we do have high taxes, but our income is aligned with that. If I went to Serbia, i´d be filty rich.
Not that I would ever in my right mind do such a crazy thing
What has zerbia done recently, bwsides getting bombed and voting in vucic?
Cucklords of the balkans is what you are.
You should make Natt the autist your king
The only mostly sane Scandi country. Too bad it consists of just one city with surrounding flatlands. The language is horrible as well.
Is Indonesia a nice vacation spot
One of the most based counties on earth.
>homogeneous society
>god tier education system
>top happier citizen country
>high HDI
>high GDP
>hotest women in earth
>lots of aryan qt
>@sophiemhenriksen Sup Forums Sup Forums nudes
>top 5 more free countries (low bussiness taxes, very easy to make a conpany, a lot of contracr freedom, etc)
>low unemployment
>Borgen, TheKilling
>nice architecture
>Victoria flamel
The only bad thing I find about your country is you 'Law of Jant' ethos. That's really fucked up.
I have really falled in love with scandinavian culture. Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland.
Your people are complete nigger-tier and you're talking shit about us?
At least we don't have a reputation for being an Indian tier rape heaven, you fucking sandnigger savage.
Also, you're the cunts without history, as you have 0 connections to the Ancient Egyptians of old.
I wad told by my Grandparents to never trust a Dane.
It was never conquered, i don't know if any other country can say that. Maybe China and Japan.
Thank you based Pedro, you are always welcome here
What is EFTA?
Never trust anyone in general
Very insular, seems pretty conservative. Last time I was there people would talk to me in the horribly ugly language assuming I could speak it since I have blonde hair and a round Danish pumpkinhead seemed pretty friendly though.
The geography is pretty flat and the Jutland was depressing, not sure how the bog people don't just kill themselves. The royal guards shouted at me for somthing dont know what.
yea your allright.
Vote Trump 2016 :^)
Your language sounds like West-Flemish. The biggest meme dialect of the Dutch speaking world, even more memier than Afrikaans. But still, I like it, because I happen to speak West-Flemish
Probably the best place to live in the world right now
So - do they actually really pay you for attending University studies? If so, I might move my filthy Slav ass over there and suck out all that sweet free welfare.
1864 very good series despite gypsy worshipping
I like you Denmark, Scandinavia is alright
Meh your alright
You guys seem cool. I don't know where I'd visit outside of Copenhagen or if I could get around only knowing English and German
literaly don't know anything about the country other than the pig farms meme, the fact that they used to own Norway
and hte fact that I had an ambitious friend there with a passion for planes and air traffic controling and I had to watch him descend into being a gay furry with no ambition other than get through college
Mostly irrelevant, tbqh.
good people live there and it has a nice history, but the landscape seems shit tier
They are shutting that down now, though. Probably won't last for more than two years. New reforms have been clamping down very hard on tertiary education.
I think your language is the worst Scandinavian dialect. Danes are also among the worst happy merchants in Europe, always making use of loopholes in any deal they get. They're rude as a matter of course, and use their rudeness as a tool to conduct business and just in general socializing, which makes them very unpleasant.
But at the end of the day, you're our brothers, and if I could make the Kalmar Union come back I would do it even if it meant I had to speak Danish. Plus, you tend to be fairly realistic about politics, not naive cucks like Swedes.
I don't know much about Denmark. Is Denmark less cucked than Sweden? Also are you patriotic and are your women racemixing whores like Swedish women?
Well damn, beautiful Sverige it is then. I'm sure they'll appreciate some white slavic blood into the mix.
>But at the end of the day, you're our brothers, and if I could make the Kalmar Union come back I would do it even if it meant I had to speak Danish. Plus, you tend to be fairly realistic about politics, not naive cucks like Swedes.
If you actually believe this you are more or less guilty of high treason. You deny the right of your own country to exist. Don't they teach history in school?
Also this shit is nasty whoever decided Dill is a good liquor flavor should be shot.
Fuck you. Scandinavians are kin and belong with each other. You're the traitor, to the Brethren Peoples.
Pretty nice
>t. Brown skinned Londonistani
Inshallah my friend, don't be a faggot
Went to a studio near Ribe to record an album.
Extremely friendly people, and the countryside reminded me a lot of The Netherlands. The language can trick you into thinking you understand it if you're not paying attention as a Dutch person.
I quite like Denmark.
One of the best countries in the world. Danes are a tall, proud, handsome people with a fierce history and respectable former empire. It is no more cucked than any other European state, despite the Social Democrats. I have nothing bad to say about Danes because there is nothing bad to say about Danes.
Best of the northern European nations, mostly uncucked. I'm a bit biased though because I plan on moving there in the not-too-distant future.
Listen here you fucking retarded traitor. What you are saying is more or less equivalent of an American saying he wish USA didn't exist. That he still lived in the original thirteen colonies being the property of UK. Your statement denies the entire history and culture of Sweden. You are no better than the refugees coming here demanding Sharia.
lmao this thread is just danes getting mad that nobody likes us
its pretty funny
Honestly I just think of Bang & Olfsun, cool looking furniture. And that cuck that every single night posts that " Donald trump is racist go outside" thread
I'm applying for for 3 years of welfare since Uni is starting up this September. Not sure how it works for foreign citizens, but for native Danes the amount you receive is based off of your parents' income, and whether or not you live with them.
Excuse my bad english typo. I am a little bit drunk.
Something is rotten in this kingdom
I love Copenhagen and Denmark in general.
Bevare Christiania.
>Mads Mikkelsen
WE used to raid and shit on danes
now i have no clue whats going on there
Sweden and the language is swedish mixed with german and dutch
Kalmar is in Sweden you idiot.
Denmark: full of tricks
Dude, a lot of balkan people live here in Sweden/Scandinavia, and they all love our country and are gratefull that we provided their families with a better life, and when they go back to their home country for vaication they live like kings.
An entire Serbian months salary is pocket money here in Scandinavia.
why are you posting this?
That's pretty funny because Scandianvian people love Spain and spanish culture.
Litterly thousands of seniors spend their retirement money on buying an apartment in spain and spending the winter over there.
hard to like/dislike something nobody knows of
Sven knows what's up.
And on the subject of Christiania, when the fuck will it get its own flag? Mods pls
Denmark is great, I would like to live there permanently.
I like Danes, I like to attack them also.
Danes are great people.
The Danes should've slaughtered the Swedish nobility and just eliminated all traces of Swedish identity.
>I want brutal honesty
christiania is the biggest degenaracy in denmark just after muslims
You must pass a certain number of ECTS points to get the monthly scholarship as well. If you fail to do so, or you are declared inactive, you won't get any support. Also there are plans to change the SU system into a loan-based system, because of the recent huge increase in new students.
>Only few will ever own a house or a car
Can confirm i am homeless and all my friends are homeless too, and only my citys mayor owns a car. I am writing this on a toaster with an intel pentium processor and 1 mb/s interspeed. Please america. Gib me cabitalism so i can be freed from this socialist hell.
>/comfy/ af
>good economically
>hot women
>least cucked country of Western Northern Europe
>horrible language
They tried, they failed. Google Gustav Vasa.
You know it Mads, if it where up to me entier Scandinavia should be one big country, Finland included. Just don't let our politicans get anything to say.
I remember a TV debate where they had invited journalists and politicans from Denmark, and I have never seen such a big contrast between politicans.
Denmarks politicans/journalists talked in a calm, informative and logical way, while our own where shouting with leftist rhetoric and buzz words, just making your side sigh and giving up basiclly.
Seems like a great place to live desu.
But sandinavians always oversell their shit and there is a civil war to fight here soon.
you'll be disappointed, we're being invaded with Muslims (although not as badly as Sweden) and our spineless politicians aren't doing anything effective to stop it thanks to the EU.. there will be a lot of trouble in the future
You are okay Pedro. :)
Its a country of faggots.
Geert Wilders is manly compared to your politicians.
It's your own fault for not legalizing it and letting organized crime operate freely and openly in your own capital.
Still, Christiania is comfy as fuck.
That was a great ruck. Nice to see chivalry in this day and age.
Cheap flag knockoff, otherwise quite okay.
i like your smorrebrod
I'm sorry to hear that, but it seems to be the case for all Western countries.
Don't go to school tomorrow.
Language sounds as if someone put a hot potato in a Dutch or German speaking retards mouth.
King of ERRYTHING IS FREE AND SHITZ meme. Taxed to the max, great place to be if you realize that you're a nobody who will never earn enough to OWN a nice car, house and maybe a boat and a holiday home. If you want to earn money and be better than everyone else - tough luck son! You better spread those cheeks and accept the socialistic love entering you from behind.
Or people could choose to not support illegal organizations instead of choosing their own shitty pleasure.
>I want brutal honesty
Geography is pretty boring flat farmland with some moors, rolling hills and woodlands. Largest peak is some hill with some joke name like "massive mountain".
Rocky beaches are really comfy and picturesque though.
Kobenhavn has nice buildings and sculptures, longest pedestrian shopping arcade in Europe IIRC. Major churches and royal palace are nice.
Nyhavn is great when not overly crowded- minus the drunks.
The copper plated roofs and darker clay brick buildings mixed in with Nordic modernism was more aesthetic than Stockholm which had washed out pink/yellow and blue buildings and wide empty streets in some soviet planning pattern.
Some towns are meh, others are pretty comfy.
Most extroverted and relaxed of the Scandinavians in my experience. Swedes seem cold, nervous and autistic by comparison. Their laid back nature and smugness that they are a comfy society with a good social net can make them complacent though and likely to shut down controversial opinions and real probing of important issues. Overall they are less cucked than Sweden when it comes to immigration and refugees, also not as hysterical when it comes to feminism and perceived sexism.
That show by that comedian where he and some random guest shoot the shit and oogle and discuss a naked woman is an example of this, overall Danes gave no fucks while Americucks and Swedes were having an aneurysm over it.
The end of highschool muck up festival is fun. I was around for the chaos.
Don't really know enough about the situation to comment, the fact that a soft nativist and socially conservative party the Danish Peoples Party often has a strongish showing is a good sign.
Too sweet. too pickled. Bit bland. Nice cheeses and desserts though. Like the chocolate slides on toast you have.
Stopped being relevant in 1523
Same as the rest of yurop. A liberal hellscape.