How are you gonna refute this Sup Forums?
How are you gonna refute this Sup Forums?
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hello newfag
>implying all science is equal to each other
Did you know that scientists are just human beings like you and me and therefore fallible? Besides, I can verify gravity by myself but not evolution.
Gracity is just a theory?
Well, so is evolution but i don't see you intentionally geocoding your race.
Great rhetoric from a rhetorician!
Some fruits are apples and some fruits are bananas. Even if you're an atheist, you'd be wrong to shove something up your ass just because it's a fruit.
Not an argument
The fact of the matter is, physicists are still trying to figure out gravity: nobody has been able to work out a mathematical model that explains why it works. We can observe that matter attracts matter, but we have no clue why it does so. If you want an example of a "fact" I wouldn't start with gravity.
Gravity has nothing to do with objects falling. Gravity is the idea that one body of mass revolves around another body of mass in a gravitational field.
Not an argument
Gravity is something we can test ourselves, but evolution is something we can't see on a really small scale, especially macro-evolution
Our proof for macro-evolution are fossils, and as we all know, those were placed in the soil by george soros himself
>Gravity has nothing to do with objects falling
>american education
I'm pretty sure gravity is the thing that makes objects fall
>Gravity has nothing to do with objects falling
>American education
the point is gravity is a word to catch all when bodies are attracted due to mass
we dont know what causes it, we cant even be certain that its mass
hence gravity is a theory
You're confusing theory with hypothesis you insufferable imbecile.
But...physics has ONLY theories. Doesn't mean they're wrong, it's just an expression thing because unlike maths, physics isn't based on axioms.
LOL Sup Forumstards are racist as fuck yet they are also creationist christians.
>in the year 2016, people still think the colloquial meaning of theory equates to the scientific meaning
Although, macroevolution is a meme.
exactly, and falling objects are objects that are being attracted by gravity
we may not know what gravity exactly is, but the word gravity is defined as the force that causes objects with mass to be attracted to each other
Dont need to refute it, i understand it...But unlike macro evolution thoery, the theory of gravity can be observed and retested....go read a book dumbass
they are synonymous you twat
well doesn't that prove OP wrong?
gravity theory isn't why you don't jump off a building. you don't do that because you observe the phenomenon of falling, and understand it.
how do you observe the phenomena specific to evolutionary theory? how do you actually observe selection as it happens like you would observe an object accelerating towards the pavement?
he's not wrong though, falling is relative. What if a more massive body came near earth and began "pulling us upwards". That would still be an act of gravity.
Can't tell if OP is an idiot, or a shill for one side or the other in some argument that is irrelevant in board affairs
Newton's law of universal gravitation states that a particle attracts every other particle in the universe using a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
I don't, I'm a protestant who believes in the evolution theory.
Isn't that true of most racist?
If liberals are so smart why are most of their arguments based on "muh feels"
Because there really are no other arguments for taking in millions of uneducated Arabs and Africans and spend billions on them.
Gravity is a law.
then we're falling relative to the more massive body
Mini raptors to archaeoptyrx to birds in a couple large leaps
There's thousands of these species fossils yet zero transitions between? That's pokemon style evolution.
Makes you question the whole thing
Evolution is not a theory its consillience. We're at the point where a bunch of people agree on something and now that makes it a theory even though these same people don't actually agree on what it is, what it does, how it started, and its implications and affect.
>how do you observe the phenomena specific to evolutionary theory? how do you actually observe selection as it happens like you would observe an object accelerating towards the pavement?
You cant remove the effect of the observer, you end up dealing with a range of possibilities, hence quantum theory.
This is why social sciences fail
This is why theory of evolution fails
This isn't true though
I can observe gravity. I've never seen a monkey turn into a human. LOL!
How are you gonna refute this /roach/?
literally only two people here pointing out that gravity is a law not a theory.
Sup Forums ignorant racist NEETs for you
IRA were catholic and they bombed shit in Dawkins' own country
>implying I deny either evolution or gravity
Ahmed, I'm shitposting exclusively to insult the roach OP.
>that retarded leaf again
IRA didn't do shit for years, they're relevant like a roach in a sewer.
Libertarians have the highest IQ...
fucking what
You do know that QM only applies on a really small scale right?
I am not a scientist.
Why is gravity a theory?
Because a theory isn't just a guess in scientific terminology. Theory means a set of ideas and rules based on relevant evidence, which is the closest you can get to saying "This is definitely absolutely 100% true" in science.
It can apply to any size
People used to think a lobotomy would cure retards not that long ago
Thats why these cry babies talking about man made climate change with such authority tick me off sometimes
Maybe gravity isnt what we believe it is either, and let the earth be flat too
Where is the fun in things anymore? We already know everything if you ask dick dawkins
you can verify evolution through the existence of ring species.
Only as a matter of fact. The relevant aspect of their identity is separatist nationalist. Besides, they were living in an apartheid state, the Brits absolutely had it coming.
No, it doesn't.
>A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world.
>how do you actually observe selection as it happens?
>I can verify gravity by myself but not evolution.
You could with very basic scientific skills.
Anyway, it's stupid to oppose evolution for religious reasons. Both are compatible
If there is no Dog, who buried all those dino bones ?
There MUST be a Dog !
I don't think dumbkins knows how science works.