Do you think that Ukraine has enough of a history and culture to be its own country, or should it just be fully annexed by Russia?
Consider that Russia is a Federation, and all of you know about Ukraine.
Do you think that Ukraine has enough of a history and culture to be its own country, or should it just be fully annexed by Russia?
Consider that Russia is a Federation, and all of you know about Ukraine.
Most of Ukraine should be Russia. Gib North Bukovina back to Romania, and the most western territories to Poland.
The rest is historically Russia. Much like Croats, Ukrainians are a people who have tried to make themselves up. They introduced slight linguistic changed to make a 'new' language. They are never mentioned as distinct in ancient source material. They are Russians in denial, though I grant some in the west may actually be Poles in denial.
Understand why they feel the way they do, because of Holodomor, but that was Jews, not Russians. a couple hundred years ago, Ukrainians called themselves 'Malorossiy' meaning 'little Russians'.
Question like these don't matter. What matters are facts. And the fact is that Ukraine separated both from Poland and from Russia. In practice people in Ukraine manifested that they want to be something distinct from both countries. As a Pole I like it when 46 million people are hostile towards Russia
I believe Ukraine should be its own independent country.
And should have a missile defense system in it, be part of NATO, and have a bunch of ICBM's to stop Soviet aggression in Eastern Europe.
and the capital of Russia should be Kiev cause history and reasons
Russia is barely a federation. All decisions are made in Moscow, all money flow to Moscow and get redistributed. And you go to jail for demanding more power to the regions.
>4760 rubles ($.02) have been deposited to your account
t. putin
Originally I wanted the US to fund Ukraine to fuck Russia up. But after some time, and looking how Ukranians run their country, I think Poland and Russia should split it 50/50.
This is the best solution for everyone.
why would you annex poor and unstable country, what would you profit from that?
>Do you think that Ukraine has enough of a history and culture to be its own country, or should it just be fully annexed by Russia?
How does history factor in it? By your logic, Russia should rightfully belong to the mongols.
>Consider that Russia is a Federation, and all of you know about Ukraine.
A country's significance or how much you know about it shouldn't be a method through which you determine nationality.
One more thing: if Ukraine really is as culturally close to Russia (not including Crimea) why are they so opposed to it?
What constitutes a nation, imho, is a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own.
Hands off Europe atlantist scum. What will be your tie to Europe when your whole country is submerged with gooks, spics and niggers and your white minority put into slavery?
You should also annex:
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Belarus. Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. Kazakhstan, Kyrgistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.
All these countries are only made up memes. Russia's inner republics have more differences among themselves than Moscow has with the culture of those peoples. You have an unified history. Russia belongs together.
Ukraine is pretty much a non-country especially when it's not only made of Russian parts but also Polish bits too.
While we're at it Byelorussia is Russian too
>Lithuania a meme
they are actually a country with history
Yes but it should be a tiny country around Kiev. It's way too big now. Belarus too.
Blue parts vaguely determine what parts should be Russian. A referendum must be take place, unfortunately, i doubt Nato would allow it.
>"Don't listen to Russians, they always lie"
t. Always Objective Truth-Speaking Free Western Media
This. Literally non-country.
Do you think that Canada has enough of a history and culture to be its own country, or should it just be fully annexed by America?
Do you think that Austria has enough of a history and culture to be its own country, or should it just be fully annexed by Germany?
Do you think that Belgium has enough of a history and culture to be its own country, or should it just be fully annexed by France?
Do you think that Poland has enough of a history and culture to be its own country, or should it just be fully annexed by Russia?
Yes it should
No it shouldn't
Yes it should
No it shouldn't
not defending hohol's here, but by your argument NO nation with short history shouldn't exist?
by your logic USA shouldn't exist (250 years total history is the same period since sweden was in last war)
Bydlo logic or a kremlin shill
Cmon mate everyone knows Estonia is a myth. Also im against incorporating more mudslimes in the RF
Ukranians should be independent and neutral, like Finland.
Crimea can return to the USSR, sorry, Russia
yet at the same time basing your entire existence on the fact that you were the "first" Russian state despite your irrelevance as such since the 11th century is ridiculous. Its short history has nothing to do with actual separate state nationalism but by a power grab by ethnic Ukrainians at a time when Russians were like "yeah fuck it whatever"
Poland and Russia sharing a border is suicide.
they are a necessary bumper nation
You make sound point about USA Sven.
Just remember you said it, not me.
if Canada is annexed by the US, get ready for 100 years of Democrats
exlain then to me reason for Montenegro to exist?
there is none - it's just a coastal area of Serbia - language, traditions, common history everything is the same
Both Yanikocich and Yushenko were nigger-tier.
Places like Russia/Ukriane/Belarus are cursed to have shit governments. They just steal money. They've been doing it for 25 years. Here, Russia, doesn't matter. They buy yachts, mensions in Switzerland/Germany, they have billions in their banks. Their kids study at Oxfords/Harvards/MITs.
And we just rot. While Russians and Ukies shit on each other on the internet, our politicians make money.
Simple as that.
Rightful Russian clay.
A nation is the will of a people. Russia could probably take it without risking war (though it should've taken it with the Crimea), but is it even worth taking? Even if they ask to join they should be turned down.
I can't explain it because to me it shouldn't exist. Again the Balkanisation of Yugoslavia was due to a power vacuum and local interests power grabbing. Every country in the Balkans aside from Greece obviously and Serbia are meme countries.
Do you think that Ukraine has enough of a history and culture to be its own country, or should it just be fully annexed by Poland and Ukraine?
Feels good to be one one of those kids
Shigeru, you have awoken the butthurt belt
I bet it does.
I am well off myself. All my income is in dollars anyway.
Where do I sign up? I want to shitpost for uncle poots
This desu
eastern slavs have always corruption
Most of the Russians retarded enough to support Putin can't speak English. And government-funded full-time shills are a proven thing in Russian Internet. They probably have 1-2 people working here as well.
you should annex Galicia and Volhynia, the rest is Ivan-tier
We're all fucked by the juden.
Trust me, bro. Even your previous left-wing government didn't steal as much as our current one.
You don't know what corruption is.
Besides, Germany has kept you aflow, you're lucky.
Your president already offered a nice way to settle this cluster fuck, you get Ukraine and we get Moldova, also you can keep Transnistria, but we want Northern Bucovina, Balta Alba and Izmail back also
but we are keeping you alive too you got free trains,money from us and lithuania
>Supporting Putin is a simple yes or no kind of matter.
Thanks I guess.
The problem is - all that help that you, rest of Europe (especially Germany), America is giving us, none of that goes to war effort or country's improvment.
It all goes to (((their))) pockets.
Never got the whole Romania/Moldova feud. Should it be part of Romania? Why do you guys want it so bad? As far as I know theres nothing of value there.
its your fault if u wouldnt revolt you would still be Poland
Schh, let it happen, you won't notice a negative difference, it's better this way you both speak the same language, hell, your income might rise
Nations have the right to self governing since like 1415 (Council of Constance) and Ukrainians are the nation (if not Austrians and soviets they would probably end like Belarus, where one third was de facto Poles, one third was de facto Russians and one third had no identity). Sad but true. They have a little of thier culture, some traditions, some historical basis. Not as much as bordering countries but some. Something on Finlad/Slovakia tier.
I agree. A strong and independent Ukraine is the best way to check both European and Russian faggotry.
Nobody wants to revolt anymore. I can't see it happening.
I am thinking about going to Poland next year.
I am just worried that nobody will give me a decent job in there. And I don't really want to clean toilets.
We can try and get it working, and like I said, Transnistria at the east of Moldova was always Russian territory, you can have it no problem
U can build roads ( i am serious its a good job without a degree) with a degree u can get easily a good job
I'd be okay with annexing Canada if we kick out a spic for each Canuck.
Ideally we'd all still have our empires, we'd all be constitutional monarchies with parliaments
But a man can only dream of such a world
Don't forget that Ukraine is a mix of slavs/balts ethnicity. They have their own history since the collapse of GDL (pic related).
>with a degree u can get easily a good job
I just expect a serious competition on a job market in Poland. Soon, I'll have an economy degree.
no such thing
Belgium was independent because Britian threatened war if France didn't keep its independence
>Soviet agression in Eastern Europe
Come to 21st century Amerifriend, no Soviets here!
No need for your meddling BS. You said you will dismantle NATO machine.
Why do you lie Burger?
the competition is high only in Eastern Poland and in very good cities ( Poznań,Warsaw,Katowice,Kraków,Gdańsk)
Kek has spoken, but it still hurts.
>no Soviets here!
There are still soviet-worshipping faggots in Ukraine and we're talking Russia
The same reason why some circles on Kremlin want Narva, destroyed Donbass, northern Kazakhstan etc
>muh history
>muh ethnic clay
>muh wszechruś
If Moldova had Budjak and Bukovina and didn't have Transnistria then it's something valid to annex.
Their government is in massive debt with Russia and has been refusing to pay, Crimea democratically voted to join Russia and it was a landslide vote, I'd say let Ukrainians hold a vote but their government refuses to allow such.
The west cries democracy all day until it doesn't work to their advantage.
You dumb dumb vatnik, go to summer school or something, ukrainians are not a mix of slavs and balts, they are slavs, you're like one of those black history revisionist
Sure there are some here too. They arent the majority tho. And even though some of them may be nostalgic and touchy on the subject no one in their right mind actually thinks things were better in the SU. And communism sure as shit aint coming back any time soon so.. Theres a communist party party in parliament but theyre all dinosaurs with no actual power and slowly dying out.
I agree Lithuania isn't a meme. but what about latvia ? meme tier?
debt with Russia? they got 100 mln euro from us
Latvia was in PLC so they are real too
Ukraine and Russia are literally the same thing. Ukraine is a meme and pretty much a non country.
estonia? come on. estonia has to be a meme
>hundreds of years passed living in union
>not a mix
Paid shill? or brain-dead kike?
Every one of the Baltic states and eastern European countries minus the Yugo states should become part of Russia, clearly.
Except Finland, Finland belongs to us.
Definitely a meme
Grand Duchy of Lithuania barely had any lithuanians in it.
Estonia is a meme they werent in PLC
It seems to me that Russians like nothing in russian history?
I mean look at the civil war in Russia - 3,5 mln bolsheviks vs 800 000 Whites
Correct me, but I suppose that people in Russia don't really like samodzierżawie or Orthodox Church controlled by the tsar, so they kinda like communism which had the rethoric of equality and brought some social transfers to poor people, right?
Same thing with us and moldova, except Transnistria, that's rightful russian clay
I am talking about balts/slavs. GDL was a honeypot of different ethnicities, but balts/slavs were dominating.
Half of it was though.
>brain-dead kike?
Oh, they know exactly what they're doing.
PLC again but better this time ? promise no liberum veto
I love Ukraine.
Lithuanians were the ruling class, they just took the land, because they could, so they ruled it, most lithuanians stayed in nowadays territory, pushed a bit into the bellorusia, maybe some soldiers became stationed at some military points, married into the locals, but it wasnt on a level that could in any way do influence to the modern day (that time) ukrainians or other ruthenians
a fucking non-country
>PLC again
WEU and EEU :D
Western/Eastern EU
Eastern: Ukraine/Poland/Baltics
Western all the rest, excluding Britain.
>liberum veto
KeK, that shit was fucked up.
Belgium was created so Brits could fuck with continentals and their stuff
dunno how we fucked up such a cute union we wuz stronk and shiiet
>married into the locals
That's my point, Ukrainians are like upgraded slavs with some balt's genes.
usa did not infringe on anyones who's more relevant and real land
>you have an unified history
you have poor engrish grammar
and people think anti-immigrant sentiment is racist.
Belgium = 50% Dutch (Flanders) and 50% French (Wallonië) so France can't take belgium.