I think we should make Sunday on Sup Forums international blasphemy day...

I think we should make Sunday on Sup Forums international blasphemy day. While the christfags are at church and start to post about their fairy tales, we post the most horrific blasphemous images to try to rid Sup Forums of their regressive asses


Catholic here. I'm okay with you putting degenerates like PETA on a cross. Not at all offended.

Keep up the good work.

shouldn't you be fondling a priest right about now


>making fun of the largest kike religion in the world

>"g-guys, he's a jewish infiltrator!!!!"

t. El Ateo

If europe was atheistic there would be nothing stopping us to genocide all the subhumans.

keep desert religions in the desert

This is the most anti-god, pro-atheist image I have saved on my computer.

>atheism is degeneracy
I was going to say that taking refugees is in the christian values but you're already less than 20% white.

Loss of belief in Christianity is what led to current day degeneracy. Islam, an ideology that idolises a paedophile and simultaneously says non believers and apostates should be killed is the fastest growing religion in the west, and yet you want to attack Christianity? The fuck is wrong with your head. Zionist or Mudslime?

Yes, spitting on European tradition will surely help get rid of all the people spitting on European tradition

This does't anger me, it just shows your insecurities.




since when did some hippie kike from palestine county as "european tradition"

You fedora tippers are going all out this morning aren't ya.

Everyday is blasphemy day on Sup Forums
Have a bang on Sept. 30

I am an Atheist but I will always side with Christians against mudlsimes and fedora Atheists

Are you angry because your parents take you to church on Sundays?

>since when did some hippie kike from palestine county as "european tradition"
nice proxy mehmet

Catholics consider ``Sunday'' their holy day. Christians know the 7th day is the Sabbath. All you would do to Christians would be make them sad and feel bad for you, and the Catholics are bound to give you the type of attention you crave.

The wicked who cause distress to the righteous will be payed back twice what they measured out :^)


>on Sup Forums


t.Fedora Aficionado

Since 1,500 years ago?

Christianity isn't just Christianity. ALL European tradition was branded with the Cross, reinterpreted through the gospel. Catholic churches are expressions of Roman pagan architecture. The little wooden crosses on the side of the road in the Orthodox world were once shrines to local deities. All the Christian holidays are our holidays, going back into the antediluvian mists. To remove everything Christian is to remove everything European.

You say 1,500 years like that's amazing.

1,500 years is babby talk in terms of the white race and civilizations

>I think we should blaspheme on a Christian board

You have to go back

At this stage, I think most christians just want to be left the fuck alone already. They're not welcome at school, at work, or in politics anymore. Just let them do their thing, FFS.

>unironically posting in a Muslim-pretending-to-be-an-atheist-attacking-Christians thread

Allahu snackbar Ishygddt senpai family.



>Christian board

Sup Forums has been an atheist board ever since it was /new/

There are decent folks on Sup Forums. Don't project user.

A "righteous" person has no business on Sup Forums in your religion

This is all that need be posted.
Varg hits Sup Forums's Christfags where it hurts. White Europe.

Don't tell me where I belong

The sick need a doctor



you have a serious superiority complex for a christfag

how can a pacifist turn the other cheek pussy even have an ounce of confidence?

meant for

Pacifism is incompatible with christianity.

>A professor has no business teaching a class full of freshman.

you got it the wrong way around.

Which system of beliefs is now the best for westerners?

atheism / indo-european religions / agnosticism / gnosticism

any of those

Sounds like a honeypot to me

The "Mudslimes" can convert and become Christians but they'll never be Us.

I hope you realize you're not triggering any Christians or getting anyone to intellectually challenge their beliefs. You're not creating any constructive dialog; you're just being an edgy fedora lord stroking his e-peen.

Did you read the rest of my post? I'm thinking no. Typical yank

Varg thinks "hur dur society will collapse and everyone will die so problem solved lel". Well I tell you that if society collapses it will be the pagans who suffer most, because 99% of pagans are either fat tie-dye wearing elfkin or basement-dwelling neckbeards.

A society is not a few socially isolated people posting rage and butthurt on the internet. Until pagans can prove themselves more than that, they are a stillborn irrelevance.


did you miss the part of history where they were explled and killed at every turn?
until the British decided to give them positions of power wich then spread to America, and from there, the most powerful western nation the rest rained down back on us like fallout
so don't flatter yourself mr.not-turk

>Projecting: the post

I'd say have a nice day but we both know that's not going to happen with your attitude


>implying this is just about paganism

Post something other than a stupid non-post and we will discuss. Otherwise fuck off you pussy preening Cancuck

and what have christfags proven in the past 10 years?

Face it, you're a dying cult and you're just lashing out

are you saying they won't be Swedish? If so that's fine... who you allow to be a citizen of your country is up to your government.

But you have to acknowledge them as fellow brothers in Christ if they are sincere in their faith, even if they aren't citizens of your country. We are all invited to Christ through the Holy Spirit. God does not favor white or black, Jew or Gentile.

I wish more people, including Christians, understood that it is possible to care for others and treat them humanely without handing them citizenship and a welfare check. Government does not equal religion. If we claim our government is Christian, we deceive ourselves.

I'm not a Christian. Anyway how does that counter the argument that Christianity is the ark of European tradition and everything we call Christian actually comes from an earlier age? (hint: it doesn't)

i agree

Brutal monarchs with more class divide and superstition than there is today is the ark of European tradition?

kek wow

Christianity borrows a lot from a lot of different places. Quite a bit comes from paganism too.
Calling what the west was founded on Christian is disingenuous.


Christianity is superstition and a bearded flying lightning-man isn't? 1,500 years of history is an irrelevance but a few decades of capitulation to Judaeo-entropy isn't? Tradition is important but hierarchy isn't?

You're a stupid, confused man. I'm done with you

you have to go back

And the places it borrowed from came from earlier places, you're not compelling.

keep following your jewish religion, kike

But that's entirely my point m8. That's how tradition works: it's accretionary. It's a natural growth out of the geographical being of the people. Christian philosophy was a hybrid of Near Eastern (not just Judaic, but Manichaean and Zoroastrian) and Greek, and Christian custom and aesthetic was OVERWHELMINGLY European pagan. These just as, earlier, Roman bureaucracy was a hybrid of Aryan and Near Eastern.

I said I'm not a Christian. Kill yourself, illiterate, you're trashworthy no matter what you believe in

you sure love defending the chosen ones to not be a christfag

>While Christians aren't here we'll get them to leave
Is that how atheist logic works?

That's not really the point.
Calling Christian principles "Christian" exclusively denies lots of history.

>Expecting anything less from shills

Sup Forums is a board of peace and more liberal (in the conventional sense) than dictatorship tier "liberal" sites like twitter and reddit. You can spot shills from a mile away because they try to force their garbage on people instead of letting the facts and evidence speak for itself. Obviously they can't do that because their "facts" and "evidence" are non-existent unlike the $2 that gets deposited.

>There wasn't at least five Jews with Columbus when he set foot in America
>The first man ashore wasn't a Jew
>Jews haven't always seen America as theirs because of this

Nothing to do with us, Mario. Read a fucking book.

>what is nuance, what is independent thought
I have problems with Christianity myself. I think that the future is some sort of deism, because that's what a society-building amount of people would commit to. This should not be in conflict with our past, but slowly reimagine it as Christianity reimagined the old folk religion.

Pagans throwing out the Christian age as foreign is ironically throwing out more paganism and ancient (ie pre-Christian) European tradition than they could otherwise construct from their romantic-era forgeries and new age LARPing. Paganism is not tradition, but a kind of religious progressivism. Everyone thinks it's laughable. I'd happily be proven wrong, but I know I won't be.

> itt: Muslim Jew OP is a faggot
> again

Nothing mundane is formed ex nihilo. Everything has a precedent.

god still loves you user

Yeah, but don't go after any actual evil religions like the one that originated in Arabia, they might actually attack you, better to be a non productive coward

Btw case in fucking point is Varg.
>This is how the old religion was because my wife smoked a lot of weed and stared at cave paintings
>It's totally fucking obvious how do you even need this shit explained to you, if you disagree with any aspect of her charismatic quackery then you're a crypto-Jew
>I'm a strong independent heathen who don't need no community of like-minded people. 100% sure my daughter won't go mental and fuck a nigger at age 20

He was going on about how pagans beheaded people as a sign of respect, mimir and celts etc. Someone sent him some holy relics of saints' heads and he flipped out like a nigger complaining about muh cultural appropriation. Hilarious

I read sub humans as humans and thought "yeah seems like something they would do"

Retard detected

gud argument's, go stab your voodoo doll

That is one Buff fucking Sikh!

video of varg flipping out?

Try the last one, the butthurt is overwhelming.

There's nothing to learn from someone who thinks that the ultimate destiny of man is to go back to living in the forest until a comet kills us all. He's a white injun, just let him live on his reservation and be irrelevant

i cant fucking find it what's the title


Y'all are acting pretty butthurt tbqhfampai. Just came back from catholic church . Why do you want to degrade something that protected europe and btfo peagans?

"christfags" have never bashed anyone on Sup Forums intentionally or made a thread that says "lets make a day where we talk shit about everybody who doesn't believe". This fact alone says something about the intention of atheists, gnostics, and the like. You aren't trying to be enlightened. You are not trying to spread anything but hate/elitism/degeneracy. Please reconsider your efforts, and place them in a more fruitful endeavor.

Nice try pig fucker. DOWN WITH ISLAM!!

.>large groups of edgelords demonstrating how edgy they are.

Want to be edgy? Do this with Mohammad

What is atheist fundie lack of belief in god?

It seems lack of belief in god is often the boast of the man who is too lazy to investigate for himself and demands the believers to prove it to him thinking they care if he does or not. Lack of belief to an atheist fundie, is what sand is to an Ostrich.

Have the atheist fundies considered what price of seeking to force their lack beliefs on others may cost what if perhaps someday they use brute force, to force you to believe.

All an atheist fundies argument against god just a bizarre collection of out-of-context quotations, misquotations, misleading quotations, non sequiturs, errors of fact, Straw man arguments, every manner of logical fallacy and just about every other dirty intellectual trick known to man.

Straw Man (But of course atheist fundies never claim anything it’s the damn Christians!)

If god then X… The lamers guide to why god does not exist:) If God is all powerful why did he take six days to make the universe? Standard atheist fundie troll question format.

The straw man fallacy is also very common, particularly in Theological debates. Think about this one literally. A man made of straw is easy to push to the ground. A real man is harder to push to the ground. What happens in this fallacy is that someone builds up someone else’s position like it’s made of straw, then easily knocks it down. In other words, someone attributes a false position to an opponent, then easily attacks that false position. If he had described the true position, it wouldn’t be so easy to knock down.

Sometimes the straw man fallacy aims to make someone’s argument or claim look downright ridiculous. For example: “This is what Christians actually believe…”

Here’s a full example of a typical straw man: “Theists thinks God is in everything. But if God is in everything then my pencil is God and I should worship it. This is idiotic. So God can’t be in everything.” Here the belief that God is in everything is equated with the need to worship—this is a mischaracterization of pantheism, the belief that God is in everything. It’s also used to justify misplaced burdens of proof and in begging the question fallacies. Such as “Atheists don’t claim there is not a god its Christian who do they need to prove it.” Or “ If christian believe in god why don’t the give one shred of evidence he exists.” If god then X…

A little logic will show you why some people are agnostic I don’t pretend to know what ignorant atheist fundies claim, they believe does not exist.

It boggles my mind why people just can’t say I don’t know… I think I’ll go make holy water get me some tap juice and boil the hell out of it.

I don’t know if there is a god but I know damn well you atheist fundies don’t know either. Just admit it…Wisdom is knowing you know nothing…

Do atheist fundies have a false dilemma on their hands?

False Dilemma

The false dilemma fallacy happens a lot consider the following. The typical question is “Christians, I believe in God, but how can a story that has a talking snake in it, not be mythology?” What’s the problem with this statement? The problem is that the question has given you the illusion that there are only two choices: Believe in god, or believe in talking snakes. This is a false dilemma fallacy. Clearly, there are other options besides the ones presented. You could believe in the bible stories and god, or believe in god and accept the moral of the story as wisdom, or disbelieve in god and the bible.

Atheists lead the question to presuppose that you’re an idiot if you do not believe what they present. It’s akin to child psychology but they figure it’s very cunning and logical. After all only a moron would believe in a talking snake. And the ignorant atheist tries to pass the failed logic on as reason.


Point in question: I believe in Aesop, but how can a story of a talking rabbit and turtle not be mythology? And they have a race and the turtle out runs the rabbit, that’s just not possible? If you analyze Aesop and the turtle and miss the moral of the story, what’s the point? The gift is the moral and the story carries the moral. It’s like a getting Christmas gift unwrapping the gift, keep the paper and toss the gift. Not so bright.

The crux of the false dilemma is that only two options are presented when there are, in fact, other options. Like if you believe in god then do you believe in pink unicorns Thor and whatever else exists too? The problem with the false dilemma is that it’s an attempt to simplify the world in areas where the world is clearly complex. Here’s another common one that is often used by leaders: “Either you’re with us, or you’re against us.”

Note that there are cases where there are only two choices about something; such cases are not false dilemma fallacies. For example: “Either you are Ray Balthazar or you are not.” There are only two possibilities here.

Why do atheist fundies claim that you cannot prove a negative?

Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise is a logical fallacy that is committed when a categorical syllogism has a positive conclusion, but one or two negative premises.

For example:No fish are dogs, and no dogs can fly, therefore all fish can fly.

The only thing that can be properly inferred from these premises is that some things that are not fish cannot fly, provided that a dog exists.

Theists have no proof of god, and so no god can exist, therefore no proof can exist.

The only thing that can be properly inferred from these premises is that some things that do not have proof cannot exist, PROVIDED that a god exists.

Atheists don’t believe the bible. Theists who believe the bible don’t appreciate real literature. Therefore, Atheists appreciate real literature.

This negative could be proven mathematically as
If A ⊄ B and B ⊄ C then A ⊂ C.
It is a fallacy because any valid forms of categorical syllogism that assert a negative premise must have a negative conclusion.

Need more “proof”. Here are some examples:

All squares have four corners.
No round thing has four corners.
Therefore, no squares are round.

You can even prove a universal negative if you can distribute both terms.

There are no eggs in my hands.

I know what an egg is and what it is not. I also know about every square inch of my hands. Therefore all I have to do is look at them. If I see no eggs in my hands, then I have just proved a universal negative.
So in order to prove god does not exist all you have to do is know what god is. You need to define god so everyone knows what you’re howling about when you say you do not believe in it.