Wine now haram in France

Muslims in France have started raiding wine transporters. Once they get control over the vehicle they will empty all the alcohol onto the streets so nobody can drink it.

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Why are your people doing this?

Soon all of France will be a Sharia Zone.

The HOUR OF ALLAH is upon them.

Ha ha ha, very funny...

Source or gtfo.

Why can't I hide threads from the catalogue, so I don't have to click on these shit threads?

Newfag go away

silly muslims, wine is for drinkings not spillings

This may drive Gerard Depardieu to take up arms

You can.

Right click on the thread and hide/unhide

>French 'wine terrorists' flood town

Because you're a shit cunt

>going after Etienne's wine
Good, maybe now the French will finally get pissed off and remove kebab.

Fuck all of you
Fuck Europe
Fuck immigration
Fuck nationalists
Fuck aryans and anglos
Fuck slavs, fuck romans and fuck latinos
Fuck everybody

I'm literally moving to Tromso this week and then looking for a place even more north.

I'm staying there until the bullshit is done, and it has to be done sooner or later. I just choose not to be a part of it.

That's how commited I am.

hold down shift and click on the thread in the catalog to hide it.

Fuck that flipped pic
And I forgot to mention, fuck Canadians

Aussies are cool

I'm out


>Police did not comment on what had caused the massive leak, but the local press was quick to speculate that it was the work of saboteurs such as the Comité d'Action Viticole (Wine Action Committee), a shadowy group of "wine terrorists" bent on militant action to protect local produce from foreign imports.

>The group, which previously went under the name CRAV, has been active since 1970 in France's biggest wine growing region, now called Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi- Pyrénées, where Sète is located.

Kill yourself.

well said brother

Meanwhile in Canada.

even the muslims here dont do that

bosserov. Stop being a little bitch and get ready to fight like the rest of us you fucking disgrace.

>a shadowy group of "wine terrorists" bent on militant action to protect local produce from foreign imports.

Nice try Shlomo...

just another retarded norwegian who votes AP

>that kid sticking his dirty boot in the meat.

Imagine the people who work on the vineyard.

They've been working all year for this. They painstakingly either planted or spliced every single one of thousands and thousands of plants. They lovingly cared for these plants, protected them from birds and rodents, and worried about their grapes in the bad weather. They took their time and harvested these grapes at the optimal time for the ripest grapes and the best wine. It was a tough year of 7am-8pm shifts and these people are proud of their wine.

And then some shitskin who isn't even from their country pours out a years worth of hard work on the road for "religious beliefs"

Also, you'd better believe no one paid them for that. That completely comes out of the growers pocket, and unless you didn't know, growers make shit for money

so it's okay?
but IF muslims did it, it's not okay?

Fuck you. Not my problem. You go lose your life because a fucking kebab threw a molotov at you.
I'll domesticate arctic foxes.

I don't vote for shit, fuck them. Not my problem.


Around 17,000 refugees have settled in Norway in the past three years, record numbers of them outside the capital that’s traditionally been a magnet for more immigrants. Yazan Abu Selah, a student whose family arrived in Norway as Palestinian refugees, is becoming well-integrated in Tromso, recently taking on the role of restaurant chef and publicly describing a complicated menu in fluent Norwegian as part of his studies. Like many others, reported newspaper Aftenposten recently, he expects to remain in northern Norway, where municipal authorities are keen keep him.

Literally the first google hit for Tromso Migrants.

> it's fucking real

You really can't make this shit up.

That is a Spanish truck. Probably targeting Spanish wine.

False flag

It's foreign shitty wine, produce mostly in 3rd world countries like Spain by arab slaves our your easternian shithole.

Fuck this and fuck the EU. They should hang the peoples who import this crap.

They better leave my cognac alone. Fucking shitskins

This sounds like some shit out of A Tale of Two Cities

>or your easternian shithole.**

I think hitting French people's alcohol might be the thing that makes them go full natsoc.

Whoops, should have finished the article

thank you for informing

>muh french wine le best

The keyboard shortcut is alt+f4 when in the thread.

I'm sure even smaller growers would have some form of insurance for these sorts of things

You potatoes always think you know everything.

I live in Oslo now, in a hood where 50% of people aren't white. There are so many that they form gangs, the police can't control that shit.

Up north if you see 3+ swarthy jungle monkeys in a group, you intervene and it doesn't happen again.

Also, 1.6m people in Oslo
80k in Tromso.

You obviously don't know much about France.

Getting angry and dumping large quantities of something in the street is a traditional form of protest.

>"Tanned German"

as long as it's shitty foreigner wine whp cares

You're just like the coward refugees leaving their women and children behind instead of fighting.


>spanish wine

Yeah, because it's kikes who do not whites to drink alcohol.
Nice try, Tahir.

You can, it's pretty easy once you delete system 32.

Frenchies always sabotage our products.

if this was true, it would already been a purge.
This is the one spot the frogs had that would make them snap. It's like taking beer from you guys or us hehe

Fake news blaming muslims, who could be behind this kind of post ?

They do enough shit already to hate them, don't need to make things up.

The grower wouldn't have to worry about the insurance, the transport company does. Moreso, big win for the company who had bought this wine. They get paid for its retail value without having to actually sell it.
(check all three to make sure your country isn't blocking them)

Il s'appele Mohamed
Il est inscrit au chômage
Il arrive du Maghreb
Couscous et Djellaba
Il a ramené sa famille,
Toutes ses femmes et ses enfants
Il ne parle que le Kabyle
Et ne lit que le Coran

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi

Il joue l'incruste partout
Pour pouvoir être embauché
Il ne sait rien faire du tout
Et il passe sont temps à glander
Harlem Désir est ton Dieu
Parce qu’il te donne tous les droits
Il te protège, te rend heureux
Et te laisse vivre chez moi

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi

Nous l’avons croisé un soir
Dans une rue qui était noire,
On a voulu l’éduquer,
Mais nous l’avons crucifié,
Nous nous ne sommes pas inquiété,
De toute façon il n’y avait pas le choix
Dans son sang on l’a laissé
Il n’avait rien a faire chez moi

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas souffrir
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas mourir

I think that economical reasoning is preferable to religious reasoning in cases like this. However sabotage to businesses in general isn't a good thing. If this case was because of some retarded sheep molesting religion, it would be worse than some local protectionists (most likely some commies fighting against free markets) taking action. It would indicate that the whole nation would have been bent over.

Your 3rd world nigger shithole country's wine is inferior to our wine, that's why you keep sabotaging our trucks. If weren't for the EU we would have already retaliated and burned your shitty country.

So insurance rates go up and then you can't compete globally because of prices. Muslims destroy the economy that drew them there in the first place.

You know this type of shit is the quaron, right? They do this to get more "reprerations" and spend those reprerations on recuiting more to their army. This is a step in the Muslim empire that Muhammad planned out.

If it was a small enough vineyard it's possible they'd transport their own product to local distributors

But I have no clue in this case

kek I present you the north norwegian, in our native tongue you would all been a bunch of horsecocks from hell(it's not a compliment if you think that) and southern fairies, all of you.

Lit kekked

But that's right, fuck all off them! It's our fisk.

Keep your cheap wine produced by moroccan slaves in your shithole.

>when south belgium try to act like a badass

It's time to start playing Warband irl and go chasing away the parties of Sharia Raiders, toadies.

>too late to explore the world
>too early to explore space
>born just in time to fight in the European Wine War

OP is a certified faggot.

>I'm staying there until the bullshit is done
Looks like you're staying there forever


and nothing of value was lost, cheers!

Use a filter you retard



Beggar country playing tough...

>France will get on war with Spain over wine and ham
>With the Netherland over Cheese
>With Austria over pastries
>With Italy over all of them
Bring it on

>Oh but user, UK has more to lose in trade negotiations!

Yeah right. Those motherfuckers will burn France to the ground if their exports are as much as held up by an extra five minutes never mind tariffs.

Nobody outside of france speaks french other than hipsters in high school and some africans.

It's an organisation named C.R.A.V

Angry winemakers from the south of france.
They've been doing this kind of this for years.
Absolutely nothing to do with muslims.

>tfw my state has "largest arab population in US"
>tfw they have a containment city.
>tfw the real problem is the Chaldean nogs obsessed with being "gangsta."
Yes the Christian ones.

Haha, you will never enjoy life as much as these people.

So bitter about muh white race and world politics.

No, you're just a fucking moron who's gonna fight someone else's war and die

I'll build chop wood and enjoy every breath I take because it's frisk som en fisk

what a fake
I live in South of France, my house is surrounded by vineyards, and I never heard about that.

>fill some transporters with pig blood instead
>watch stupid shitskins go apeshit as they realize they've been denied 72 virgins

That's a Spanish truck.
Frenchies have been raiding them since the dawn of time.

I'm originally from north Finland, but both of my parents are Norwegian. Don't compare me to these "my dad's a lawyer" types.

>blue = leeches
>red = eu cucks

Because the """"""muslims"""""" are french citizens that sabotage spanish wine trucks because they can't compete with our wine

Fuck off, Sami.

U never heard that sometimes u buy spanish vine and put it in these expensives french bottles?

Very underrated


Good, I don't fucking care, it's population control.
Enough nature, a few women, guitar, video games and chopping wood along with hydro-garden, I'm settled for enough time.

>Your 3rd world nigger shithole country

But, Spain, you are the 3rd world nigger shithole country.

>Blue: Intelligent people getting the most of the situation
>Red: Idealist cucks following a dream to hell


Shut up asian. Go suck some paki cock

Mongoloid reindeer fucker.


lol nothing of value was lost anyway

Now if they did that to Australian wine..

We are not the ones getting overrun with mudslimes

Even though france is basically eurabia, it's still more likely that real frogs are doing this because "that piece of shit poser wine wannabe came into wrong motherfucking vineyard!" or something similar.

If you haven't noticed, this thread is about France not India.

It's like calling a KKK member a nigger... i don't really know how to respond

The false information is ledgendary.
The french did that themselves because vine from southern europe is flooding their market.

>implying that a refugee would know how to open a valve.

Spain is pretty 3rd world. Everytime I have been there I take a train from the airport to the area im staying in and all it has unfinished construction sites and rubble. I even saw shoes thrown over the train lines. It's pretty ghetto and third world