Since you guys don't trust the MSM, I figured we would have a vote on who you think should be the next POTUS.
Trump or Hillary. Who will it be?
Since you guys don't trust the MSM, I figured we would have a vote on who you think should be the next POTUS.
Trump or Hillary. Who will it be?
You have created the very definition of a biased poll.
>Hillary is winning 5 to 3
RIP Trump
why do people come here and post their stupid data collection polls?
Fuck off, sage
Wheres the option for no leader? I dont want to be led. I do pretty well on my own. Sure you cattle need some kind of shepherd to lead you to slaughter, but cant i just roam free? Wheres that vote?
Hillary. Trumps campaign seems to have slowed significantly.
And trump is coming across as an idiot.
Good riddance trump. Buy an island somewhere so you can leave when you lose.
pol is Trump country. All the proxies in the world won't help.
Voted for Hillary
OP, this is brilliant. Now we know how many CTR fags are on this morning.
So vote for Crooked Cunt then if you don't like it
>anyone who doesn't like racist trump is a shill
You're a moron.
>I am stupid
You are crashed team racing
Hmm the poll is actually kinda close considering its on Sup Forums. This isn't good....
You know how we know CTR is shilling?
Nobody here called anyone "racist" disparagingly before this election. Now it happens constantly.
>not being racist
what the fuck?
And you're a nigger
Around 35% of Sup Forumsacks are shills. This is pretty bad.
Looks like we have 20 CTR shills online and 15 australians.
>50 shills online and counting!
How in the ever living fuck did Hillary get over 50 votes? I thought everyone hated her ass
literally who?
Obviously this is being passed through a lib channel.
Easy fix, keep bumped here and we should win ;p
CTR Shills plus trolls
There aren't that many, it's shills using multiple proxies.
Sup Forums is becoming more and more pro-Hillary. Soon she will be more popular than Trump.
>anyone who doesn't think like I do is a troll and/or shill
Shut up pajeet. People are allowed to have differing opinions.
What's wrong about toilets?
If trump can barely win a Sup Forums approved poll, I don't see how he's going to beat Hillary nationally. He's screwed.
Why is CTR so racist?
Hillary "I will always have your back"
I want them baby back, baby back
CHILES, baby back ribs!
You tell me jamaican nigger
do americans not realise hillary clinton will be americas angela merkel? do you guys really not care about your country at all?
she literally supports an open border policy which is literally destroying europe as we speak
It's so easy to trip up you shills. This is a board where there's nothing wrong with being "racist," it's actually encouraged to be realistic about race.
Either you are a shill, a cross-board poster, or a filthy migrant from reddit/tumblr. One thing for sure is that you suffer the mental disorder of liberalism.
>Who will be the 45th President of the United States?
Since that's obviously going to be Hillary, you're really just measuring how delusional Sup Forums is. Now delete this and make a real poll asking who people prefer. And put Johnson and Stein on it.
Lithuania is Europe faggot! Toilets are ok!
We had no toilets 20 years ago too... I know that feeling.
>calling people racist on Sup Forums
CTR redditard detected
>jamaican nigger
wew lad
you know how easy it is to share this shit right
Thought trump would be winning by bigger margin tbqh.
What the fuck. Are people on Sup Forums actually turning to Hillary? What the fuck is wrong with you idiots
>tfw 30% of this board are now ctr shills
what has pol come to
Question isn't asking who we support but "Who will be". Just a bunch of defeatists.
I'm shocked that Hillary got that many votes
From Eight.
Take a good look at this.
God speed.
What will CTR do once they run out of money to post on a Mongolian Yak Husbandry forum?
Like this fucking paid for kike.
Fuck you nigger, you'll hang.
Femanons, paid CTR shills, niggers, and mudslimes most likely
Well tough titty for all them kitties
Hillary's health will not endure the next pressure
It's Trump vs Jill
Nobody's turning to Hillary. This is the usual time reddit starts invading
The hell is this source?
We've been asking for evidence of this racism for half a year now but so far nobody has tried to present their case based on anything but fantasies.
No, he didn't.
Trump isn't racist at all. It's just that these nigger faggot sjws think meritocracy is racist. They also think islam is a race which it is not.
Post this in every thread that shows a poll with Hillary in the lead.
This is the only poll that matters.
>25% shillary
fucking sad desu
Guys help, there's a 6'4" tranny in my bathroom screaming at me to mind xir's pronounds.
Voted Hillary. fuck trump.
i'm impressed Hilldog made it into the double digits.