Us on the left

Us on the left.

Other urls found in this thread:

Those neanderthal genes were not kind to those women's facial structure.

Tall women look so awkward.

>Us on the left.
But those are Poles?

short people are disgusting

how tall are the two in the middel?

Hes probably means "us" not US
It says pol on their tops

What is a podium?

Took me a second to realise that he meant left facing us not left on the actual photo. Stupid Amerifat

>can't tell left from right
>calls others stupid

Your education is getting really shitty over there, isn't it?

They all look very beautiful, you people definitely have massive psychological issues if you think that any of these women are the least bit attractive. They are OLYMPIC ATHLETES, you internet couch potatos cannot even begin to compare to these genetically superior females


Don't worry Potat O' Nigger, your lot won't be seeing much of them in Rio.

Hello Youngfag. Is this your first Olympics?

I could have an adventure in their bushy woods.

Female detected

They are standing on Podiums, you guys retarded?

They are 6'0" and 5'8" according to their stats.

Shit I should start watching the olympics just to fap.


No surprise.

I'd still hit us.

>t. manlet

Notice how the shorter women have more proportionate, feminine figures, while the giantesses in the center look more like men. That seems like a sign of something going very wrong genetically.


please observe the level of their kneecaps

>German doesn't understand joke.


shamefur dispray

Agreed, they're all very attractive. The tallest is the least, but still a solid 7 and she'd guaranteed give you an Olympic athlete son. Even if you're a manlet.

>what are podiums

looks like rio 2016 is going smoothly unless i'm missing something

why are they all blondes?

Till they wrap those legs around you.

I would fuck all of them.

Really? Most of them are cute. And no makeup.

6 feet and 40 inches? that's larger than any normal human

Girl height is reverse man height.
6'0" = really 6'4"
5'8" = really 6'0"

>What is a podium?

Why people use feet/inches for height in Sup Forums.
Even europeans doing this, i thought autralian switched to metric long time ago.

My dick is diamond

the OP never implied that they were actually that tall

only ameritards use inches brah

So much this! I'm 6'2" and I'd take a 6/10 6'0" college athlete over a 9/10 vapid moron.

I want to make an Olympian or at least a kid that might score a scholarship.

>That degenerate star tattoo on the lithuanian whore


she is hot as fuck m8.

i feel bad for you.

fuck you guys are dumb they are standing on a podium

Oh don't get me wrong, I'd fuck the living shit out of her, but she's not wife material.

Don't forget Myanmar, asshole.

why not?

>Olympic athletes who are just as fit as any basic bitch

Why even bother. Post some beef.

what do you care you're never gonna get married? loser ass bitch

2 things:

1) She demonstrates poor decision-making and lack of self-control
2) Having my wife branded with a pornstar-tier tatto is not something I'm interested in

Your emotional outbursts suggests that you're projecting pretty hard.

Have I struck a nerve? Perhaps your girlfriend is the proud owner of a lower-back tramp stamp?

how does she demonstrate poor decision making and lack of self-control, she is literally a medaled Olympic athlete.


He's just a homosexual.

Why are all of those young men wearing sports bras?

>Female Rugby 7s
>Kenya vs Spain

What a mess

You'd look awkward too after trying to smile and pretend everything is okay while yours eyes are burning, it's hard to breathe, competing in a toxic country.

I have grown up in a joint school and hockey program, was friends with people like François Imbeau-Dulac (olympic diver) and let me tell you that being an athlete doesn't shield you from being an idiot.

>being an homosexual for not wanting an idiot for wife

Okay :^)

Is this a US Athlete thread?

My favorite is Frog Man.

eww disgusting


Back to Sup Forums, nigger.

see on the left, where he told you to look, on their tops? it says "pol"

If you need clarification, pol does = poland, but he was attempting to say "hey look at us (pol)"

What is that ? The winners of the coalburning cup 2016 ?

>Doesn't know what podiums are.

lireally every chick from the right is better


They're standing on a podium you mouth breathing mongoloids.

I'd fuck us. I'd fuck us so hard.

>tfw all 6 of those girls are probably banging guys every night in their private little athletic town

Women weaken legs, senpai.

YOur a dumbass. Look at the knees you dipshit.

>YOur a dumbass

We did it Sup Forums

Upvoted so it gets more attention.

OP should edit his post to clarify.

They probably are using most of their off time to rest and shit like that t b h

and a lot of athletic girls are frigid, don't know if that is only a personal experience but I've found lots of girls that are heavy into athletics to be kinda autistic

You serious nigga?

fuck black and red and fuck silver

USA confirmed manlets

how will dey ever recover>?????????

>What's an Olympic podium?

This desu. A lot of girls who are really dedicated to athletes are super insecure about making sure people know they are athletes and it makes them act autistic

short women are feminine and sexy

All the right cuteys from each nation seem like total qtiepies.

Must be at least 6'0" Why are the poles so short LOL????

A shame those qtiepies will get zika.

they're all the same height you moronic retard

it's called a podium

So are short men

The fuck? It's common knowledge that the olympic village is a huge sexfest for all of the atheletes involved.
>you will never have atheletic demigod sex

>"There's a lot of sex going on," says women's soccer goalkeeper Hope Solo, a gold medalist in 2008. How much sex? "I'd say it's 70 percent to 75 percent of Olympians," offers world-record-holding swimmer

> the image of a celibate Games began to flicker in '92 when it was reported that the Games' organizers had ordered in prophylactics like pizza. Then, at the 2000 Sydney Games, 70,000 condoms wasn't enough, prompting a second order of 20,000 and a new standing order of 100,000 condoms per Olympics.

How many kilometers of cock have been in your ass exactly?

were are the chicas? Don't they swim across the rio grande to get to America?

Did you see their ad

It was funny as fuck, the brown frog had a bunch of close ups and I laughed every time

>tfw no amazonian suisse qt

>pizza is a prophylactic

the fuck?

i think it's more like, if you give pizza to athletes who havent eaten pizza since they were 5, theyre gonna forego sex for a few hours.

or i could be wrong and pizza is used as a female condom, which now im interested in trying


no, yes, maybe, yes, no, yes

>watching women's olympic volleyball yesterday
>see qt American girl spike the ball and score a point for America
>announcer start talking
>one of them says "that was a great hit despite her only being 5'11"
>tfw I'm 5'11"
>feel like shit

Wtf 5'11" isn't short

And of course it's the American one that's degenerate tattooed trash.

Ridiculously assblasted ganglies

Holy shit you guys make short people look secure lol

Try parsecs or AU-s.

That tall one looks like she has a good mound