So she is 16, remind me what's wrong with pedophilia?
So she is 16, remind me what's wrong with pedophilia?
That'd be hebephilia you uneducated burger
Pedophilia is the attraction to prepubescent children. You're retarded. 1/10 b8 that I still take.
Also, nothing inherently wrong with pedophilia just child abuse, molestation and rape.
Completely natural to fuck that jizz djinn.
Look mate if you want to fuck children by all means go do it then. Justifying yourself on won't change anything. People committ heinous acts everyday
Your logic is literally:
>she's attractive and that's all that matters
Fucking burgers. She'd be legal in my country anyway.
She is 16, nothing wrong with wanting to fuck her.
Also doesn't make you a paedophile since she isn't pre-pubescent.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to teenage girls. It's not pedophilia.
Who is that?
Americans are sexually repressed contrarians. Wait until they're 18 and they go all out. America has the most child sex related convictions along with Europe, and europe isnt even a country. Makes you think
> 16 yo
Legal in my country. Nothing wrong with that.
This. In a country where having sex with 14 years olds is allowed you can't have more fear for your daughter. Degenerate retard.
God damn I hate sites like reddit where people plater the walls with shit comments like "don't worry, she's 18". I don't give a shit about how old someone is, if I think she's attractive. Her age is not going to change the fact that she's attractive. It doesn't make me a better person to pretend otherwise, or a worse one to think as I do.
16 is legal in most US states, too, but one photo and you're a monster.
Everything is wrong with paedophillia and fucking a 16 yo is not illegal in the UK. However if you are older than 20 it means there is something wrong with your brain and you are probably a paki.
Dw matey, only americans are like that. Cons of being a bible thumping state
16 is a woman grown.
But there is nothing wrong with liking little girls. Little girls are hot.
Yes, abuse and rape is bad. But sex with a little girl is not necessarily abusive or rape.
16 is legal and you don't seem to understand what pedophilia means: it refers to an attraction to PREPUBESCENT KIDS. Not 16 year old women ready to bear children.
>Wait until they're 18 and they go all out
excuse me. we wait until we're in our mid 20s to go all out with people of equal age or older
Ephebophilia. Hebephilia is early adolescence; ephebophilia is just standard jailbait attraction.
Dw senpai. At least you guys are keeping the child sex tourism industry afloat.
Oh and the subway guy. Topped kekkery
>Everything is wrong with paedophillia
Like what? What's wrong with liking little girls?
Into the chambers you go friendo :^)
Nothing. Now come have a complimentary shower.
DEGENERATE. Go back to tumblr with the rest of your scum rusted friends.
>she is 16
u wat m8?
I learned something new today.
Thank you Sup Forums
>Age gap
>Taboo, and should be questioned
>Normal, and should be accepted without question
Fuck this gay earth
Because we don't need you fucking up some 16 y/o girl's life by getting her pregnant and infected by your disease ridden dick. At that age kids are still too young to fully understand long term consequences of their actions
So, you have no actual argument and are just parrotting the bullshit you've been taught like a typical anti? Good to know.