How does the video make you feel?

> 10/10 blonde wife
> Mudshark relationship, 2 kids

> Accuse nigger of cheating - dindu nuffin
> Catch nigger cheating
> Beats up wife
> Apology accepted - "my own fault"

> Accuse nigger of cheating - dindu nuffin
> Caught nigger cheating
> Beats up wife
> Apology accepted - "my own fault"

> ...

> [Thinking intensifies]

> "Brave Emma Murphy rejects ex-partner's apology"
> "We need to raise awareness.."

Other urls found in this thread:


That is not a 10/10 in any universe.


They all pay the toll eventually

Not far from

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

the first time I saw the video and saw the niglet pop up I lmaooed so hard

Burn coal pay the toll. Now she's stuck with his nigglet and higher chance of ending up with another worthless nig nog, because no self respecting man will touch a coal burner. She made her bed now must lie in it. Heck 1 coal burner cost 7 of her friends and family their lives. pic related.

There is no such thing as a trustworthy nigger.

You gotta pay the troll toll

Why not post her channel so you can see all her videos and like them and shit?

Ok, let's say the guy and her kids were white, how would Sup Forums feel then?

Very happy.


>only beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed women in Ireland
>gets bred by BBC


It really is a waste. She used to look good.

I was anticipating that niglet, and I - instead of laughing - just felt really bad inside me. Like the nausea was stronger than the comedy of it

She deserves all shit she gets. I don't give a fuck about her. It actually feels kind of nice that she gets punished for being the worst possible scum a white person can ever be.


>nigger beats his irish wife

Who said blacks couldn't intergrate?

God damn it man, when will they ever learn. Makes me so angry.

ayy fucking lmao
burn the coal...

Toll status : paid


I wish he had killed her

We would not be in this thread.

Women dealing with their own bad choices..


I`d feel really sorry for her if I knew her personally but since I don`t it gave me a soft chuckle

Is that why they call it a "black" eye?

She wouldn't be beaten

8.5 when not including the fact she is a mudshark.

We'd have a domestic violence problem. Now we have a nigger problem.


She is still young enough to dump mudbastards and find herself some obese whitey, who will care about her.

Fucking lol'd at the niglet. Looks absolutely nothing like her, its ridiculous. She could have scooped any random child off the street and they would look more like her than that thing.

Right, white men never beat their wives and girlfriends...

The kid will still have some of her qualities.



Coal burners don't deserve empathy.

>The kid will still have some of her qualities.

Maybe, too bad it won't have the same colour skin, hair, eyes.

Nappy hair looks so dogshit, especially on little mulatto niglets.

Where dey at tho?

Yea, cos micks and pikeys don't beat the shite out of their women. Please.

a 7 at best

That's your opinion, mate.


> 10/10 blonde wife
At best she is 8/10
> Mudshark relationship, 2 kids
Typical Irish woman
> Accuse nigger of cheating - dindu nuffin
> Catch nigger cheating
> Beats up wife
> Apology accepted - "my own fault"
Typical Irish woman
> Accuse nigger of cheating - dindu nuffin
> Caught nigger cheating
> Beats up wife
> Apology accepted - "my own fault"
Typical Irish woman

Honestly laughing during the whole video, typical Irish female behavior.

kek, good one

couldn't care less

could care less* moron

situations like this seem like such a waste. she probably could have got with any mediocre white guy and lived a better life. flip side of the coin is that if they are so mentally broken that they repeatedly seek out the same self destructive situation, it eventually boils down to natural selection. it is better that women this dense are removed from the white gene pool. if it happens once, i am sympathetic. when they go back for more, i no longer give a shit.

>you should never hit a woman
Even when they hit you back?

The more you know...

If she can't hurt you much and you can restrain her, then do so. But if she can seriously injure you like if she has a weapon or something, fuck her up.

The less we could care.


She deserves to fucking die. Her children should be skinned alive as she is crucified to view the spectacle. Then we take the spine of her dirty little coco pop of a kid and brutally fuck her cunt with it while she squirms and squeals on the cross.

>half nigglet

Stopped video there, I'm glad she was beaten by her baboon master.

You are disgusting.

"Comments are disabled for this video." Oh I wonder why.

>If you cant support my shitty mistakes, them I dont need your opinions

Guess what party she votes user. Pro tip: is not the GOP.

Idiots were leaving fucked up comments praising this beautiful woman being abused.

Whats so difficult about COULDN'T care less? Think about what you say you galloping retard.

when will they learn??????

Me too, hope this will happen again

I really could care less about this, but for now I just can't care less to discuss it.
So no, I cannot care less if you could care less about COULDN'T or can't.

i always thought it was "Couldn't care less" but you know, not my native language.

Me importa un culo.

>marry Tyrone
>shit out a mud baby
>get rekt

I'll grant her a tiny morsel of sympathy, but hopefully she serves as a cautionary tale to other coalburners.

That reminds me te blonde activist who was fighting for the inmigrant rights and was raped and murdered by on of them

omigawd so brayv :')

Shitskin in Ireland here: Irish girls are fucking whores. You'd NEVER see an Irish girl without her tits out. Fucking sluts. I've personally fucked at least a dozen.

Ireland's shame

>Things that never happened.

>fucks niggers
>above a 3/10
topcuck, m8

Hard luck, Paddy. Irish girls prefer alpha blacks over Irish knackers and beta male bollock scratchers.

Honestly feel disgusted when I see a little halfie mutt

I'm not even a racialist

Toll paid.

Poor bait, try harder lad.

Marry an abusive retard and have children with him: your own fault

Not divorcing or sueing him: your fault

Skin color doesn´t matter. Still a coal burning whore. There is just "so much" you should endure for the sake of your children. Getting beaten into a pulp is not one of these things.

she wouldnt be beaten

>I've personally fucked at least a dozen.

not as disgusting as the mmudshar. she's so disgusting no white man will touch her except the absolute cuckuest of cucks. she's stuck in the cycle of fucking niggers and getting beaten over and over for the rest of her life

You're slow, Jens. This shit went viral in early July a year ago. It was also posted on Sup Forums multiple times back then. Find some actual news.

The fact is she truly didn't want to carry on her genetic heritage in favor of her children's future or her family's future-

She hunkered down on all those evil white men are racist and privileged and I would rather give the privilege to Jamal to give me children.

Have mixed children that have no identity to Jamal or the retarded mother and Jamal beats her up and cheats on her all the time, having completely different world views on society and family.

Isn't mudsharking and race mixing unavoidable among a multi-ethnic population? I mean, the while point of sex to mix up your genes with a diverse set to increase fitness. Niggers and White women are separated by 40,000 years from the last common ancestor. No doubt they'll feel compeled to mix.

>white woman flushing her genes down the toilet
>with a nigger of all shitskins
>gets abused probably weekly
>stuck raising a waste of space
>no white man will ever touch her again
There's so many cases of this and they still don't fucking learn! Tell me again how women aren't fucking stupid.
It's like watching a fly smashing itself into a window again and again thinking it'll work the next time.

>How does the video make you feel?

IDGAF about this vapid whore or her brood of niglets.

This Tbh

I had a gf once and she once mentioned to me that she found a black attractive in a film

Dumped her there and then

She'd be a 6/10 at best WITHOUT fucking any nigger (and I'm being GENEROUS right now), but knowing that she not only fucked a nigger but even had a kid with him, she's a straight 0/10.

I laugh with my Jewish overlords at her stupidity

They do, but they're promptly arrested, divorced, and pay 50% of their paychecks until the day they die.

M8 raping passed out fat drunk chicks doesn't count

low quality bait

are you doing this on purpose or can't you just help it?

Cheeky bastard.



BBC CHEATS no shit they have huge dick and get lots offers

The beating i cant exuse. But come in maybe 5% of bbc/wf have dosemic violence.

Its so rare that you can only post the 10 times its happened over and over

A woman with a black man is news worthy here ;^)