Roald Dahl Also Left a Legacy of Bigotry


To the Editor:

Your obituary on the British writer Roald Dahl (Nov. 24) omits an important aspect of the subject's life. Mr. Dahl, well known for his children's books, as well as writings dealing with the dark, bizarre side of human nature, such as "Tales of the Unexpected," had his own dark and unexpected side: he was a blatant and admitted anti-Semite.

In 1983, the British periodical Literary Review published a book review by Mr. Dahl in which he referred to "those powerful American Jewish bankers" and charged that the United States Government was "utterly dominated by the great Jewish financial institutions over there."

Later that same year, defending these outrageous statements, Mr. Dahl stated in an interview that was published in the British magazine New Statesman:

"There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity, maybe it's a kind of lack of generosity towards non-Jews. I mean there is always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere; even a stinker like Hitler didn't just pick on them for no reason."

The British poet Stephen Spender and the historian Paul Johnson protested Mr. Dahl's anti-Semitic outburst, while in this country The New Republic (Oct. 31, 1983) referred to his Literary Review comments as the "ugliest piece of anti-Semitism to appear in a respectable setting for a long time." But Mr. Dahl was not finished.

This year, Mr. Dahl told the British newspaper The Independent, "I am certainly anti-Israel, and I have become anti-Semitic." He also asserted that certain alleged Israeli military activity in Lebanon "was very much hushed up in the newspapers because they are primarily Jewish-owned . . . there aren't any non-Jewish publishers anywhere."

All of which serves to remind us that talent is no guarantee of wisdom. Praise for Mr. Dahl as a writer must not obscure the fact that he was also a bigot. ABRAHAM H. FOXMAN National Director, B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League New York, Nov. 27, 1990

Oy vey, telling the truth is bigotry.

Everyone knows what the Jews do, who they are, and what they control.


fuck I knew he was redpilled

Maybe we can do critical reviews of his work that expose the hidden meanings: which characters represent Jews etc.

>talent is no guarantee of wisdom
Not even trying to make an argument, literally just 'it's wrong because it's offensive'

>even a stinker like Hitler didn't just pick on them for no reason

that's the most adorable sounding redpill

wtf? I'm #RollingWithRoald


He made my fave kids books. Based

wtf I love Roald Dahl now!

Fucking kikes.

What he said was very reasonable (if not outright true). It's not like he put on an SS uniform shouting 14/88 GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW down the street.

And they have to take offense and defame him. Seriously, this time they won't escape the gas chambers.

lol, Roald was tortured in life, had a son who got sick and died as a baby

more loss and pain than the average blie hair will ever experience.

that alien's skin suit it too tight I think

Who cares?
Voltaire, Wagner and a shit ton of others hated Jews throughout history
It isn't that big a deal some children's author is an anti-Semite.

A-At least Dr. Suess wasn't an anti-Semite right guys???

Thats fucking awesome i loved Ronald Dahl when i was a kid and now i find out one of my favorite authors was redpill legit made my day

I-I had no idea. A true American hero.

No he was a jew who cheated on and beat his wife

But he fell in line and drew what we told him during ww2, that good old kid propoganda producing mensch.

I mean, he's right. Jewish bankers do virtually control America and own all the media.

Then again they have pretty high IQs and seemingly low empathy for anybody non-Jewish.

you mean Dr. Suess AKA Theo Geisel

I guess Jerry Jones was taken lol

Anglo bullshit. Dahl probably demanded reparations for muh blitz shortly after this.