Russian pride world wide

Bunch of old Russian paratrooper veterans trying to kill each other during a reunion.
No wonder they are unable to win in Ukraine and Syria.

Other urls found in this thread:льняшкa

>"drunk Russians = Redundant!

The only country that makes the Irish look like teetolers!

They're just having fun. I don't expect a red velvet cake to understand.

>No wonder they are unable to win in Ukraine and Syria.

I would say they are doing quite the oposite, Ukraine is utter shit hole now and rebels in Syria are soon BTFO, just a matter of time, with full control of the airspace they cant move across the land in groups larger than 3.

wew is that Alex Jones?


>No wonder they are unable to win in Ukraine
I don't think they really wanted to 'win'. This way, pure chaos zero chance to join the eu no more nato base, so russia already won. In that buffer zone (draw a vertical line) no one wants to see strong independent countries.

That zones always be the no-man's land or there will be war, if the west or the east try to gain power there (see history) or just the locals wanted to be more independent.

almost every "russia is shit" thread is from your country, did russians fuck your parents or something?

That's how real men celebrate brotherly love. They even hug at the end.

I wonder why countries that have nothing to do with Russia always have the most positive opinions about it

Drunken gay faggots

Latvia is not a country.

A leaf

What a bunch of savages, fucking Russians fighting over small matters. I hope Drumpf don't make deals with this assholes

>didint 'win' in syria
>at actual war in Ukraine
This just some innocent fun from real men.
Dont let the testosterone offend your fragile sensibilities.

Yeah but Russian have amazing retard level strength and pain tolerance. Even the fat, flabby drunks are strong like bears. If I had to fight one and I couldn't KO in first minute I'm out of there.

>win in Ukraine
Last time I checked - Crimea was Russian.
It is not a problem of military power - it is just extremely hard to annex something in modern world.

Actually, yes they might have, just our grandparents.

It's a special kind post-soviet of butthurt

Didnt the rebels just break the siege of Aleppo though?

Thats what I thought too.

Also. Anyone who wears a bright, blue beret and a white striped singlet deserves to be beaten severely.


How is it not a country, teach pls

nothing really happened in this vid
fat drunk faggots kinda tickling each other and then some ayn rand looking woman taps the bloodied guy on the head with a plastic chair gently


>russia thread

opinion discarded

Latvia is a meme


Makes you think how they crushed the germans

>Krauts: We fucking shot this subhuman 50 times he's not going down, what do we do
>Subhuman russian: Cyka blat!!

that's how they won the war

Atleast we are not subhumans

The same way Austria is not a country. Austria is part of Germoney but because of the 30 years war and Hapsburg aggression the country was split in two owing to foreign interference with Germoney. Austria belongs to and with Germoney, its independence is only transitory and illusory.

I don't care if Latvia is or is not a country.

This video is absolutely hilarious, Russia obliterated my sides just now.

The butthurt belt is real

U wot m8?

Chill, they are Russians.

>not affected by bullets
Sounds like Ubermensch to mee

"Drunken faggots"
My sides

>contrarian inclusion
if you're against rapefuggee, then you're pro russian. he's sheep.


It's the other way around. Germony was part of Austria. But they were/are the same faggs as the French. They deserve the worst.

That is not a common stereotype for the British, whilst drunken brute is quite a common one for Russians. What are you implying?

The Russian military is known to be totally undisciplined because of their alcoholism.
In any major conflict, all we have to do is drop tons of vodka and we win
Putin really is holding that entire country up by himself

I wont have peace until every singe Russian is killed

typical russian pig

>russian invasion
>in Ukraine
Dude there are some agents who sell weapon to DNR and LNR but that's All.

What's with ruskies and those blue striped shirts?

Ye but they wasted their whole army on it

Kurils and Sakhalin are Russian too.

Hokkaido is rightful russian clay, leave ethnic russian minority alone Nippon

Its the VDV paratrooper uniform.
Tough guys usually wear them. You have to "earn" to wear one

Germany belongs to Austria friendo, Its been proven time and again that austro/swiss are the higher germanics

>feel at home in few kilometers away from the NATO base.

Nothing to see here. This is just Russki bants. They do that after a few swigs of Vodka.


opinion discarded

>coming from a split region of Russia

all i kept hearing was something about Supras?

im glad i quit drinking

Yeah, but what about next week?

been 3 months sooo next week is pretty safe

it's just a regular meetup m8, that's part of the program

I didn't know VDV day was celebrated in Riga.

It's rather about "faggots" part than "drunken" part.


Breaking siege implies establishing a corridor for supplies and reinforcements, overrunning an artillery museum doesn't count as breaking the siege.

>not a common stereotype for the British
you never go on vacations do you?
oh case closed


End of story

Are those Russian Navy or sailors?

Man those VDV outfits are fucking sexy.

Russian Airborne Guards, you can tell by the striped shirts.


thread theme song

Drunken animals.

>you have to support getting conquered and raped by Muslims or you have to support getting conquered and raped by Russian Asiatic mongoloids led by a Judeo-Bolshevik KGB member

> USA marine kills someone
> meh ok, PTSD

> Russian marine punch faces a little
> reeeee Russian pride world wide kill eachother ukraine syria

t.soviet scum

are those shirts made to specifically fuck with camera sensors?

>Open thread
>Op is balt

>G-g-g-guys look r-r-russians are brutes and evil

>Iam totaly not buthurted because they gulaged my grandfather for collaborating with nazis

Of course with sharia implementation british people are sobering.

>all the pathetic numales ITT intimidated by real men fightingльняшкa
> Initially, a color scheme made it possible to see the actions of the men at their work with sails aloft, and then became a tradition.

Yeah, pretty much to fuck with eyes in the bright +water-reflected light enough so people will see each other in the distances.

i m shocked that braliukas have not banned such celebration at all.

> i`m shocked Russians are allowed to have anything
t. soviet scum


If Stalin was alive there would be 1 week of Gulag for them.


Nobody gives a single fuck about Kurils, to be honest. We only keep clinging to it because of fish and some geopolitical ideas. Nobody would be salty if they would suddenly become Japanese.

In contrast, Crimea is a meme place of russian military glory. It was made Ukranian by Khruschev because why the fuck not, and many people were salty as fuck for Crimea being another country now (implying that Ukraine is a country)

When you think that americans almost built a multi-trillion anti-missile satellite network when they just had to flood Russia with smuggled potato alcohol to defeat USSR...

>amerimutt accusing anyone of kikery

Nobody returns from the Gulag or Goli otok.

Kuriдs are population free but iam pretty sure we got a military base and a traning field outthere.

Interesting, I wish I could understand tundra runes to read a bit more.

Didn't they do that with Yeltsin?

Russians are literally still a country because we allowed them to exist when the USSR collapsed. Most Russians orphans ended up here, probably marrying blacks as we speak

Stay pleb

There were less people on Goli otok though decades than USA has people in jail per year and out of those only few died, mostly of natural causes.

Big words from the shithole who's only sole reason to exist is protecting jews interests.

>probably marrying blacks as we speak
Ameriniggers sure like projecting.

>Damage control.
Fuckin' kek.

>probably marrying blacks
Oh you

honestly do you like chechens parades in ''''''russia'''''' with Kadirov and takbir shouts?

Slavs are truly super humans

Also Romanian orphans came here to the US, probably marrying Indians as we speak