White Sister Living in India PANIC

Help, Sup Forums. My sister is a yoga nut and is going to go live in India for a year. She thinks everything there is going to be Namaste this Namaste that, it being the yoga mecca of the world but has no idea the dangers of going to live in a third world when she's herself is super white and tiny 5'1.

Quick, I need to redpill her without sounding like a racist asshole. I'm about 98% certain she will be mugged, and about 70% sure she will be kidnapped and sold into sex trade, and about 50% sure she will be murdered for no reason whatsoever.

Please, Sup Forums, help me to convince her to avoid the poo.

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>and tiny 5'1.

She's already a poo in size.

Introduce her to Sup Forums

rape her before pajeet does it.

>the dangers of going to live in a third world when she's herself is super white and tiny 5'1

She's probably going to get raped to death

If I was you I would just stop trying to convince her if she's retarded enough to want to go there in the first place

show he rape statistics. Among highest in world.

Still not as bad as in Sweden.

Show her photos from India.

If she's older than 18 years, just show her the stats and let her make her own decisions

Buy her a laptop and leave the web cam streaming for us