Okay, lads. No console wars, just one question, what are the five best runs or stories from each company?

Okay, lads. No console wars, just one question, what are the five best runs or stories from each company?

Civil War II


Morrison Animal Man
Red Son
New 52 Johns' JL


screw you nigger

Squirrel Girl
Civil War II

Okay, uhh
>Claremont's X-Men
>Kirby's Fourth World stuff
>Moore's Swamp Thing
Eh, I tried.

Simonson's Thor has to be included in the best of Marvel.
I would put Green Arrow and Green Lantern in DC's best, it was doing a lot of topical stuff that wasn't popular for comics at that time

>Green Arrow and Green Lantern
That has got to be one of the strangest ideas they've had.

> Ms. Marvel and Gwenpool instead of Hellcat



>Morrison's Doom Patrol
>Robinson's Star Man
>Moore's Saga of the Swamp Thing
>Ostrander's Suicide Squad
>Ennis' Hitman

>Gerber's Howard the Duck
>Gerber's Man-thing
>Miller's Daredevil
>Simonson's Thor
>Ditko's Spider-man

>they both have green in their name, they should be a team
but it worked, I loved seeing them regularly come to blows with each other.

This. This is a good list.

>Simonson's Thor
I like the cut of your jib.

>OP says no console wars
>user decides to bring console wars
What impels you to this?

Only if DC's had the same substance Marvel had :^)

Whoops. Forget he said that. Deleting.

Tell me about this Thor run.

It is as important to defining Thor as Miller's Daredevil and Claremont's X-Men are to defining those characters

Well that's pretty conclusive.

>DeMatteis' Moonshadow
>Mills' Marshal Law
>Gruenwald's Squadron Supreme
>Gerber's Howard the Duck
>Simonson's Thor

Johns' JSA
Moore's Swamp Thing
Robinson's Starman
Morrison's Animal Man
O'Neill's Batman

Lee/Kirby's Fantastic Four
Claremont's X-Men (maybe not all of it)
Miller's Daredevil
Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man
Ennis' Punisher.

Pretty casual list for Marvel tbqh

What's wrong with casual? Obscure =/= better.

No but there are far better runs than those

Name some then

Then why not bring them up instead of whining?


>obscure comics from the 80's
>best runs from Marvel
How about "no"

I've only read Gruenwald's SS and Simonson's Thor from that list and I'd consider them relatively mainstream compared to what the other user posted.

Kirby's Captain America
Moench's Ghost Rider
Priest's Black Panther
Gerber's Howard The Duck
Thomas' Namor

Grell's Green Arrow
Ordway's Power Of Shazam!
Wagner's Sandman Mystery Theatre
John's JSA
O Neil's Green Lantern

Mark Waid's Daredevil
Charlie Huston's Moon Knight
Ed Brubaker's Captain America

Grant Morrison's Batman
Matt Wagner's Sandman Mystery Theatre

I know there's more, but that's what jumps to mind.

Giffen's JLI
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
O'Neil's Question
Ellis' Planetary
Final Crisis

Kraven's Last Hunt
Priest's Black Panther
Miller's Daredevil
Simonson's Thor
Byrne's Fantastic Four

Well, I can't read or write, how do I know what I'm reading?

That last one the fuck

>Throne of Atlantis
>Trinity War
>Forever Evil
>Darkseid War

The book was never short of spectacles (other than scond arc and the 10 issues in between Forever Evil and Darkseid War where literally nothing happened)

>Kraven's Last Hunt
I keep seeing this everywhere but the premise seems downright silly. What's so good about it?

>I started reading comics just a few years ago, but I'm going to pretend I know what I'm talking about
The post

Morrison Batman>any other writer's Batman

>m-muh O'Neil

eat my taint


This isn't a maymay to fool me into reading something shitty now is it, user?

>last one
Well done lad, you just triggered me.

No. It's pretty fucking great user.

And yet you seem unable to explain why that is. Come on, let's work on that written expression user!

Don't be a fag, just go read it.

It's a good spider-man comic, what more explanation do you need?

Heavily detailed art with thicker lines aside, it's a psychoanalysis on Peter. Dialogues are top-notch and clever. You see Peter and his affection on people around him in a darker and realistic way. It's a good deconstruction.

It's a good story. Just read it. Faggot.

And then user fell for it. The other anons giggled knowingly. They sure had done it again!

Trinity kinda sucked but I'll give you that the other three definitely kept me reading. Besides that I don't really see them as the greatest DC has to offer.