Who is your favourite Fascist, Sup Forums?
Who is your favourite Fascist, Sup Forums?
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Muhammad (pbuh)
Mosley and Rockwell. Pavelić was pretty cool too
Based Mosley, of course
Muhammad was a protofascist
Mosley followed closely by the OG fascist Mussolini.
Hitler was inspiring and a great man but his crimes are unforgivable.
replace that traitor with the original fascist in spain
i also like the Mussolini
get some taste cunts
What about this guy?
None, because I'm not a pleb.
>Of course.
Engelbert Dollfuß is my fav!
Vivat Dollfuß, Dollfuß lebe!
Thread lacks Jabotinsky.
Franco was the only truly successful.
>not Salazar
Then tell me where Spain stands now
he's the same guy, founder of National-Sindicalism in Spain, José Antonio Primo de Rivera such a shame that a rat like franco destroyed his party La Falange
Always gonna be Primo de Rivera.
>a rat who licked USA's boots
>implying he was a two-bit fascist
He is based.
My personal favourite are.
The original bunch I guess, they did it well.
I made a mistake picking Franco, Jose was the based one.
And also, jose actually was a fascist.
Can anyone provide me with a list of the names of all these gentlemen and what countries they were from?
Trump obviously.
Trump is no fascist.
Ante Pavelic.ZDS.
Forgot there names but the country's go as follows (top left to bottom right) Cuba, France, Norway, Canada, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Argentina, Britain, Japan, Romania, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Brazil, Croatia, Greece, Australia, America, Finland and Hungaria.
LeGrelle and Mussert
Let me tell you the Greek guy was Ioannis Metaxas, Greek "dictator" in the 1930's and early 40's. He admired Hitler and his regime, but he eventually ended uo fighting with Mussolini. The Anglos killed him because he was probably gonna surrender to Germany. Instead we fought a pointless war that cost us lives and kept the Germans back from invading Russia sooner.
And you are wrong. Its not Belgium, it is only Wallonian (Rex movement) Next to him is NSB leader Anton Mussert.
Who was Rockwell?
Damn, I do not know the half of this people on the board.
But Captain Condreanu is my favourite.
whose the aussie bloke?
Authoritarianism is not fascism. Fascism is for yobbos who play soldier in their little uniforms.
Mosley was good, a true paritot.
Mussolini and Mosley were good freinds I beleive, and the group was growing in number, allmost 6000 at one point.
He got locked up during the war, all he wanted was to avoid another war.
Based Mosley died in 1980, his ashes are scattered in Flanders, in a battlefield he fought in.
salazar wasn't a facist you retards. he was also a terrible leader
hirohito was the best, followed by Mussolini
>he was also a terrible leader
And I never said he was a fascist. In fact, I've been explicitly saying he wasn't a fascist this entire thread.
>that glorious feeling when fascism has been curbed in almost all of the West
>that glorious feeling when you remember fascist fucks stomped under the boots of Communism in 1945
All of you need to follow Adolf Hitler and off yourselves.
The creator of the american nazi party
He was based as fuck
One and only.
Name one thing fascists actually accomplished besides muh six million
Protip: you can't
Hitler's fatal flaw apart from the meme tier economics was the lack of free speech
Hitler and Mussolini were the most based
Allmost exactly the same beliefs as I do.
he was trash, there was literally no freedom during his leadership, citizens were treated like trash
Obviously Codreanu
He was a dick, but still sorta cool
Who else?
they brought animal rights into the world and microwaves
Thanks for responding pham, helped me a lot.
I'd prefer Gobbels to Hitler tbqh.
He was the one who taught Hitler how to do speeches.
Not s fashist.
pls no
Batista was a fascist? I thought commies just called him that because Castro was against him.
Escaping from the Jewish grasp truely showed what we could accomplish.
A NatSoc country is a God Tier country.
also, can some huefag tell me if Gertulio Vargas was a fascist?
Stop reading self-proclaimed socialist historians' insights on Salazar and the Estado Novo. The man single-handedly set Portugal on the path to economic prosperity, navigated the country safely through the Second World War while simultaneously improving Portugal's relations with other nations, raised the national education level ("muh literacy" is one leftist criticism you will often see - it's patently false; Salazar massively increased the literacy rate, putting the First Republic to shame), preserved Portuguese overseas provinces (until his death) at a time when the world was in a state of rapid "de-colonialism," and guarded Portugal against the immediate threat of poisonous ideologies and socio-cultural customs coming from the east and west.
Yes, there was limited freedom. There has to be. People are too stupid and too enslaved by their own passions to be allowed to do whatever they please. Unlimited freedom is unlimited degeneracy.
He is considered a fascist by many historians.
Some will tell you he used fascist elements, and that he was more a nationalist.
The term Fascist seems to be used extremely broadly here. Jack Lang wasn't a fascist lol
>fucking leaf hating on freedom
He has quite relaxed eyes actually.
I don't know why his eyes are so suprised in that image.
We've divinised freedom for over a century now. It has left us with spineless, convictionless people, broken nations, and dying races. Promoting the status quo at this point is an exhortation to mass suicide.