'Deep Blue Sea 2' Has Begun Filming


Didn't even realize a sequel was announced/being made

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Of course there's a sequel being made.
There's a sequel planned for every single film ever made that hasn't got one and doesn't require one.
Hollywood has no more fresh ideas.

this movie did not age well... those are some true PS2 graphics.

At least is wasn't that Harryhosen bullshit.

member the 90s lololol


I remember watching my DVD's special features where Renny Harlin was so proud of how we wouldn't be able to tell when the sharks were animatronic or CGI.

Except whenever you saw the character turn into stiff, plastic models, you could guess that the Harlin had stopped using practical effects.

I never thought Deep Blue Sea was all that great. Ice Cube is fucking annoying, and they killed off the hot British chick for no reason. Renny Harlin is the personification of 5/10 filmmaking.

The CGI didn't but the animatronic sharks are amazing.

Deep Blue Sea is well liked because it comes from an era when we still had fun B movies that actually had a budget and big names. The only recent one I can think of is Pirhana 3D.

As a huge fan of women being devoured by creatures (especially prehistoric ones), I thought the british lady's death was the highlight of the movie. Jurassic World's was a bit better and more elaborate and gruesome though.


what does this mean lol

>Deepest, bluest, my hat is like a shark's fin

that was actually 2pac his last movie before he died

>and they killed off the hot British chick for no reason.

Everything was her fault, they shot the movie with her and punisher surviving at the and test audiences got pissed so they made it Punisher and Ll Cool J surviving imstead

So you're a virgin?

What a strange post.

>my reaction upon hearing this news

Nope, I've had sex before, unlike most of you, and I'm married too. I just recognize that women are becoming rapidly more disposable and that it is ultimately a natural good if their bodies nourish magnificent creatures

kino as fuck

>married and still posts on Sup Forums

super embarrassing

That movie was great

>letting a bitch tie you down

>when you get to survive the horror movie and rap the ending credits song
LL was so great in that movie, I hope they bring him back.

Hopefully LL Cool J graces us with another horrible movie song.

Deepest bluest my head is like a sharks fin.

>plays a cook
>kills shark with an oven

Take that Casey Ryback!!


is it a real sequel though, or some SyFy Z grade shit like Anaconda 5 and Lake Placid 36?

Eh, anyone else just want to see more shark horror movies?

Like, I'm absolutely terrified of the ocean and I just love watching shark movies.

>main actress married a woman
well at it least it's better than marrying a white guy


>The film is being produced as a telefilm for the SyFy channel,


This but also dinosaurs. Something like Dino Crisis

why are you surprised?

there's a easy rider sequel. an official one.

>Eh, anyone else just want to see more shark horror movies?
yes, big time. Kinda wish they could be more clever about it instead of endless sequels, or hack jobs like 47 Meters.

Looking forward to Night of the Sharks DVD finally being released by Retrovision... this October. I know I shouldn't expect anything less from a "publisher" that's like three guys, but it's hard to take stuff like
>release date: fall 2016
>early 2017
>July 2017
>October 2017


Yeah, I mean you can get a shitty quality DVD of a shitty shark flick with Treat Williams now, but what's a product without the love and dedication?

I love that the story is that some accountant guy just bought the lapsed rights to Easy Rider and made the sequel about himself.

This time I want the sharks to talk

They seem fun.

seeing her heightmogging Tomanlet Jane gave me weird fetishes

Does this mean i can get a sequel to Deep Star Six? Or are we just gonna skip to The Abyss sequel?

What the fuck happened to Saffron Burrows! Holy shit

She looks better in this pic.

but dude they did it WITHOUT COMPUTERS isn't that just fucking amazing

As long as LL CoolJ and Thomas Jane bro up in the sequel. Loved how unexpected the ending was. Normally the chick would live and the black dude would die first while having the male protagonist die at the very end sacrificing himself to save the dame. Goddamn what a cool fucking ending.

Who is the mad scientist doctor turning so many actresses into Robert Z'Dar?

>Women. Can't live with 'em... .........................period.

> give mommy a bit of your soul. I'm very tired.

oh god

Nobody cared enough to save Olivia Wilde.