I don't get it...
Why are Muslims afraid of dogs?
Other urls found in this thread:
>No masturbation
>No Drinking
>No clothes that aren't desert robes
>No dogs
They hate everything fun
Muhammed told them dogs where evil.
> Incest allowed, and encouraged
> Rampant indignant idiocy allowed
> Gay sex allowed, and heavily promoted
> Being completely uneducated allowed and promoted as a lifestyle.
So there is some fun things too do. However they might not be fun for the majority.
The U.S. isn't Muslim fuckwit
In the apocalyptic inbred sandlands packs of wild dogs roam all over the place and are dangerous as fuck.
do they have a similar sign for menstruating women?
Because they're a bunch of superstitious idiots who believe the ravings of a desert-dwelling madman are the literal word of God.
Take islamic belief, and repeat it word for word without calling yourself a muslim or doing the prayers, and I guaran-fucking-tee you you that you will be arrested and/or committed to an institution.
>Dogs can sense Evil.
True. Dogs and babies are good judgement of core character traits.
Their IQ and mindset is unable to handle a dog properly.
Dogs are superior to them.
don't worry about the beliefs of savages.
Dogs sense loyaly and dishonest people,
By nature the Muzzie is dishonest, and will decieve and cheat you when ever he gets a chance.
Its why dogs bark at niggers and not black people, they sense the intent of being true.
This, too.
They aren't, just like they really aren't afraid of bacon. It's just an excuse they use to trick kaffirs into letting them kill other kaffirs. "No, Mister Kaffir Leader Sir, I only killed him because he had a dog, and that is insulting to my culture; as long as you ban all dogs, I will not kill anyone else, I swear inshallah."
They don't look after dogs, so dogs don't look after them, they run amok in stray packs, sometimes attacking people, it's not rocket science.
Also the Muslims living in the desert compete with dogs for food. They never had the same relationship with dogs as westerners did.
Man's worst enemy hates man's best friend.
>tfw when it actually fits like a glove
>triggered dogcuck from the superior feline thread so buttblasted he has to resort to guilt by association and false equivalences
Pottery, pure pottery
>Sup Forums will hate Lovecraft now
My dog barks at everything that it doesn't see everyday and does whatever someone tells it to if it's holding food. Does it mean?
Sounds like you're unable to train an animal literally engineered by mankind to serve mankind. Your laziness is a stench thay could fill a stadium.
Why are you afraid of dogs?
Barking usually is just a signal that somebody should fuck off from the territory of the dog, or rather what the dog perceives as its territory. A dog that barks doesn´t bite.
If it senses evil, it will start to growl and become very aggressive. Barking is often just a sign that the dog doesn´t like the current situation.
is mekel a muslim ?
she's afraid of dogs
Train? What would I train it to do?
I get a feeling you've never had a dog. This is how most household dogs behave, unless you're talking about police dogs or competition dogs.
Dogs are cool, i like dogs. But cats are superior.
>implying dogs can actually compete
cats are for cucks that want to be dominated
NZ is approx 40% gook
>what would I train it to do?
Your bidding.
Not a debate, Muslims are 100% terrified of dogs, I want to know why.
They see the fidelity and self-sacrifice in dogs and it chills their spines
In order to understand desert people, you must think like desert people.
Think, would dogs be useful there or would they be a pest? No big animals to hunt, therefore no need for hunting dogs. Scarce food, desert dogs would eat anything, even human carcasses. If you grow up seeing dogs eating people you won't think the same of them, as you do now.
Also Mohammed during one of his seizures saw an angel, and the angel wouldn't go in his house because there was a dog in there.
Dogs can sense the worth of a person in seconds.
Arabs fear them
Watch Erdoğan opposation rally
This. Dogs can be really passive aggressive. My eldest schnauzer barks whenever she's locked up or in a cage
Arabs prefer cats. Like those saudi arabia uae fags that have lions as pets
Dogs have spent years being genetically engineered by humans, which means the instinctive knowledge of a "good master" or a "bad master" are probably ingrained within them, down to a few select, subtle character traits.
For example dogs can recognise a human that is possible ill or diseased and will act aggressively towards them if it means defending their family. It seems absurd to think an animal recognises negative qualities of another animal that poses no direct threat to it (but to other animals), but they still do.
It's rational that a bunch of murderous, delusional desert people who treat animals like dirt possess the same psychotic qualities dogs recognise in the humans that beat or scared them.
Isn't that Nehru in the pic? OP trying to slip a Hindu in as a Muslim and laugh at Sup Forums's ignorance.
muslims know they are inferior to dogs
>Dogs find lost child, muslim kidnaps child
>muslims steal, dogs stop thieves
>muslim rapes little girl, dog protects little girl
>muslims are dirty pigs, dogs hunt pigs
>muslims are mankind's enemy, dog is man's best friend
>muslims plant bomb, dog finds bomb
>muslims invade border, dog guards border
That's J.Nehru. India's first Prime Minister. He was a Hindu, you Amerifat.
Is poo afraid of dogs?
when you walk your dog do you both shit at the same time, or do you like to go on separate streets?
I beat you to it Riteish. Not all Americans are ignorant.
I trained mine to lick peanut butter
Where is the sign from? Britbongistan, right?
Nice proxy, Canada.
I hate Lovecraft for his trundling, meandering prose overstuffed with archaic words trying to compensate for his lack of an actual vocabulary more than I hate his preference in animals.
Dunecoons can fucking allahu akbar themselves into oblivion, though.
Dogs can smell evil.
If you haven't been to a third world country, no matter what religion is prelevant there, you won't understand how dogs are.
The dogs are dirty, disease-carrying and most of all DANGEROUS. Their only job is to guard the home. They're not "pets" like in a Western society. Just my take on this.
Dogs can literally smell evil.
Because dogs are a good judge of character
br00tal savage rekt
>so evil the Dog completely ignores her as she flinches back in fear as the dog doesn't even look at her.
>because Putin is the Master in that Domain, Putin wants civility.
Awwwww that guy seems so warm and kind, where do I know him from...
what are you talking about
I have a dog, she's fat, old, completely harmless. nobody on my street has a guard dog and I don't think we've ever had any accidents with dogs either. And it's not even a gated community.
A+ bants
dogs are listed in the quran as being unclean
the same scripture that results in pigs being worse than hitler to them also makes dogs awful and terrible
>implying you have to train them for that
my buddy's dog loves licking my feet and butt
Ayy lmao rare flag.
The Desert Niggers developed without needings dogs, they have no emotional connection to them, Whites mainly Celtics and Germanics needed dogs to function and help them in the early years and whites also saw their dogs worth as fellow warriors and companions so we have a preference for them, we're the only race that see the canids true worth. Others just see a dirty scavenger.
Because dogs can smell evil.
Are dogs the solution to the Muslim problem?
>stop spaying/neutering dogs
>stray dog population skyrockets
>muzzies fuck off
No, I'm talking about really really poor countries. Worse than Brazil's poorest neighbourhoods.
When I visited a third world country, out in the rural parts, I was constantly told to beware of the dogs.
If you touch them, even as a friendly gesture, they will attack and bite. They are more wild there I can assure you.
>for public purity
so muzzies have a problem with a public "contaminated" by doggos but have no qualms with living amid rubble and litter everywhere?
Does no one see the irony is Muslims saying dogs are unclean, here in Ireland you walk past the Muslims in the shops and jaysus, the smell is so bad you'd swear you're back in 1845 during the famine surrounded by rotting corpses.
Because dogs are smart, loyal, nice, protective and obedient.
Everything muslim aren't
You win Australia..
Shut up, Abdul
Lovecraft hated everything and everyone
Dogs have a great sense on judgement. They know when somethings not right.
In order to entertain well-rounded people of good taste who might fancy a little foray into eldritch fantasy, it was necessary that a broken twisted man like Lovecraft be born among us, that he might better produce such works.
Better that we remember him for this fine sentiment, rather than any psychological failing that drew him to the feline:
Mohammed didn't like them because they reminded him of his ugly smelly self.
It's a passage in Quran. Something about how "no angel will enter a house that has a dog residing in it". I think dogs are still accepted for working/hunting, just not as household pets. They're pretty frightened of them for some reason. Here's a pic of my doggo that makes my neighbors run down the stairs in horror when we're waiting for the elevator.
dogs eat their own shit. filthy creatures. they can guard only that. PIGS live with dogs
Muslim spotted.
As a third world country you should know.
Dog thread. Post your dogs to help keep muslims away from Sup Forums.
I'll tell you why, for all you Western retards
Dogs can be possessed by a "Jinn"
You and I know this as a "genie"
Muslims believe in demonic Genie's, absolutely, and their ability to possess you is easy
They're 100% terrified to the fucking bone by a "Jinn"
So a Jinn possesses your dog
The dog is in your house
The Jinn jumps from the dog and possesses you, a family member, or your home
Game Over
Want to run Muslims out of an area?
Surround them with dogs. Even a Chihuahua
>lack the intelligence to properly train dogs
>lack the compassion to treat dogs well
>Believe all dogs are dangerous
Just because you suck doesnt mean everyone else does too.
I think we need to retaliate with a poster that shows "no muslims" for public purity.
Pieces of shit think they can change everyone around them? bitch please, its time to teach the followers of pisslam some tolerance Bulgarian Big Brother style.
their shitskin prophet hated them so they hate them
It's actually kind of funny because the hadith that supposedly said Muhammad hated dogs has long been called into question and most Muslim scholars think it was added later by Sunnis but Muslims are so brainwashed that they bought it anyway
Muslims actually hate black dogs specifically the most. They dislike all dogs but apparently Muhammad said for black dogs to be killed. They love cats though lol. pretty much the exact opposite of Christianity, who hated cats for millenia, labeling them as kin to witches.
Jesus, Sup Forums, that's Nehru. India's first PM. He was Hindu.
worse, she is a protestant