Why is communism wrong?

Why is communism wrong?

>inb4 jews

serious question

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It's not

yeah what is it, 12 time zones?

The marxist method is the fittest one for analysing the social relations the working man finds himself in and dismantle the bourgeois jewry.

It simply does not work, and you can piss and then suck the piss out of your underwear all day baiter, but it never worked, and it will not work, just look at all the examples, and yes dummy, it's always the jews.

It strips people of their human dignity. You become a number, a robot, cattle. You might argue capitalism does the same thing, but communism does it at a far greater magnitude. You have almost no power to shape your own life in a communist system.

Tradgedy of the commons

Because all you're doing is replacing the oligarchical capitalists with the oligarchical commie bureaucrats who have a 75% probability of being dumb fucks appointed by their higher ranking party buddies.

See: every single country that attempted Marxism/Leninism.

>serious answer

Fuck off /his/

Communism failed to create a free society.
Communism failed to create a fair or just society.
Communism failed to create a prosperous society.
Communism failed to create a society in which power lay in the hands of the many.

Communism succeeded in killing people by the tens of millions.
Communism succeeded in clinging on to outdated high industrial notions of production.
Communism succeeded in destroying all liberty in societies where it was implemented.
Communism succeeded in creating poverty on a scale unimaginable in the non-Communist world.

And yet, despite the rivers of blood spilled under the communist doctrine, you people continue to believe that the solution to it all is even more communism, that it hasn't been tried in the right countries, and that all those other communists who tried it just didn't understand your perfect and infallible brand of true Communism[tm].

Jesus Christ. Are you sociopathic, delusional or just incredibly fucking stupid?
You have failed.
Capitalism has won.
Capitalism has made men free and rich.
Communism made them slaves or it made them dead.

because its absolutely ludicrous to think you can run a state (a vast organization in itself) and every single commercial industrial and agricultural enterpise at the same time.

Get a job Paco.

100 million people and my grandgrandfather died because of this shit

Why should the state dictate my life?

>what is market socialism
>what is communal ism
>what is fully automated luxury communism

The communist project of the 21st century for the most part was just industrializing the 2nd world. We are far past that now.

>Ignores all other posts.
>Just one more time guise
Feck off.

Stay butt mad nazis

>Capitalism has won.

Here is a firm reminder that Communism lost and Capitalism won.

Che Guevara's face is now printed and sold on various pieces of merchandise

I want everybody reading this to take a moment to relish in the irony

Because of Jews, just google Jewish Bolshevism



this is bullshit lol

The funny thing is that Karl Liebknecht was co-leader along with R. Luxembourg, but you took him off the jpeg because he was a gentile.

>being this much of a baby

Lol, you probably got your idea of communism from Orwell, who was a zionist shill

Islamic gommunist :DDD

>'Durr commumism is undignigityfied'
>Prostitutes himself to his employer every day

>capitalism has won guise
>even as world faces ecological disaster and another economic crisis and probably another world war in a decade



The fat lady hasnt sung quite yet Capitalist pig. Once your pitiful excuse for an ideology crumbles communism shall rise again!!!!!!! Muahah.

Seriously tho. I think communism could work but it needs to happen in a very socially, economically and technologically developed country. Just like uncle Marx intended.I think in 300 years most developed countries will resemble something similar to communism.

Orwell was himself socialistic. 1984 was written about the Nazis and Soviets, its half the reason why we have this mongoloid liberal buzzword 'totalitarianism'.

He actually explained Sup Forumsack anticommunism in the Road to Wigan Pier, you ought to read it.

But if capitalism is all jews, it a-ok?

Lack of personal responsibility.

Guy who work extremely hard and guy who works really shitty, both of them get payed the same. So no one wants to work hard anymore. So half of Ukraine starves to death.
Everyone must work for the state. Meaning no one works for themselves. Meaning no one even wants to work. And than you get put into gulag and they kill you if you dont work.

>invades russia
>t-thats entierly commies fault
Oh wow, typical dindu german

You know nothing of history.

Please send yourself to the gulag.

this entire post is cancer, must be cetnik poster or even ustasa scum hiding out in serbian cave

Because as opposed to the masses overthrowing the bankers, the bankers overthrow and enslave the masses. It is the perfect tool for population to be degenerated, enslaved, and destroyed.

it's wrong cause it failed, it lost to glorious capitalism

here, a logo of McDonalds, a symbol of capitalism and American influence, trumps small flag of soviet union shortly before SU fell apart

The 120 million people it killed for a start

>describing totalitarism


Because it creates an overbearing state that regulates the life of its citizen in many facets of daily life.
Besides unless it is voluntarily implemented by huge majority (like 80-90%) all it's gonna do is bring down productivity because hard work is punished and yesmen that agree with the party are rewarded.

just look at how the people who believe in it looks like

>>inb4 jews
Marx was the grandson of two rabbis.
Trotsky was a Leiba Davidovich Bronstein.
USSRs' fall become after jews started destruction of Middle East Institute, and especially zionism researches. Mr. Primakove did it, also this person unfolded his plane in atlantic, in the moment when NATO started bombing Yugoslavia, and in two month after that mr. Putin became a prime minister, half year later he's became a president.


I thought jews were greedy, money-grubbing capitalists and banksters.

Now you're telling me they're socialists and communists?

Make up your mind Sup Forums. It's starting to look like Jews might not all share the same social and political views just like any other race or ethnic group.

I honestly dont even know if it even matters what kind of system you have going on. I mean as long as people arent shit, it will work. People are not perfect beings on reason and logic, but for the most part, people are logical when it comes to actually doing stuff.

I think that it doesnt matter all that much what we put on our flags and what kind of words we recite about it, we all still do the same thing at the end of the day, people still work for their survival, people still want to live, they all grow food from the ground and so on..

If you look at examples of people on the continuum of the left right spectrum, you'll notice a stark progression from disgusting brony on the communist end to ubermen on the NatSoc end.

I don't know OP why don't you move to China and find out
>inb4 democratic republic
No it's not

Also, the whole theory just makes no sense. Capitalism is a win lose society. Some people win some people lose, that's why it's free. In Communism you have no way to win.

Because a handful of dudes that steal money from the people cannot effectively plan an ever changing economy.

There's a difference between capitalism and corporatist globalism that has been in US and mostly Europe too for a while.

I mean the big corps are essentially deciding the laws because the government is dependent on them.

They infest and control societies, eroding their moral fibers and traditions. They accomplish this through whatever means are available to them. It is in their nature to attach to a European culture and erode it.

Communism is synonymous with Big government. Big government leads to widespread corruption and an inefficient Bureaucratic system that serves against the interest of the people. These problems create an opportunity for a Dictator to take power and therefore defeats the purpose of Communism in the first place. Communist countries are doomed to fail, and while to some people it may appear ideal and even utopian, it doesn't work in practice.

>even as world faces ecological disaster and another economic crisis and probably another world war in a decade
Shit! if only communism was responsible for the Chernobyl disaster, Mass starvation in Russia and South East Asia and world war II, then I might be able to form some sort of rebuttal.

...oh wait

>Why is communism wrong?
>inb4 jews
>Spell "landmass" without using any letters from the alphabet

Even in post-war Stalinist USSR it wasn't true. You're probably talking about some extreme shitholes like Pol Potian Cambodia. What communism lacks is entrepreneurship but you aren't raised to fulfill some role. You could choose whatever career you want including the managing ones as long as it existed in the society and you were qualified. Planned economy combined with counterproductive reforms (for whatever reason they thought that it was a great idea to reduce specialization) killed everything but people weren't angsty about how they are forced to be shitty engineers with free college education and do nothing all day taking tea breaks every other minute. A lot of people were really fucked becasue they thought they could do manual labour their whole life and state will provide them with everything for comfortable (by Soviet standarts) life. If anything, people were taking it a bit too easy in late USSR. If communist society really worked like a giant it actually might have had more success.


>grow your own food
>half of it is taken away because your neighbor Marko didn't grow any and government decided everybody is equal.

And yet everytime people suggest that corporations should be more socially responsible they are shouted down and called hippies and communists.

Jews aren't the problem dumbo.

It's funny how from all of Sup Forums only people from countries who have never had communism advocate for it.
Just fucking google Red Terror, GULAG, Philosophers' ships, Collectivization etc. This shit is irredeemable and marks a huge blood stain on the very concept of "communism". And it's not unique to Russia of course, it's just I know better about USSR

>like a giant machine

The Soviet communism model was pretty awful.

>T. Latvian

We had a whole bunch of disadvantages with very few advantages.

Might work with a benevolent leader, but any system that treats people the way that soviet Union treated them is simply bound to collapse.

Look at chunks, it's basically communism and think if you want to be one of the soulless chink drones. I for one wouldn't.

They aren't the only problem, or the cause of all problems, but they are a problem.

Because the masses do not realize just how much power those corporations have.
i mean you have shit like Goldman Sachs falling apart and government is forced to give them money or the whole economy falls apart, and people are okay with that because it means they'll be able to afford the bread tomorrow.

Serious answer: jews.

>implying the British didn't starve just as many people in India
>implying stalin started ww2
>implying nuclear disasters is what the problem is



the historical reason for a lot of jews appearing in leading positions is basically that the jewish disapora in europe used to be banned from the trades during medieval times, which meant that many had to turn to banking which tends to make you much richer than the trades, and also jews usually marry other jews , so you had an unproportional number of rich jewish families coming out of that

wealth being paramount to good education eventually lead to lots of intellectuals and therefore leaders of political movements being of jewish descend

pair that with Sup Forums style cherrypicking and you can easily construct a jewish conspiracy theory for just about anything, even they totally oppose each other

it doesn't matter what ideology you have, you can always use antisemitism as an easy cop out to discredit your enemy. the soviet union had antisemitism to make jews responsible for capitalism, and the nazis to make them responsible for bolshevism

some dude who's name i forgot clevery pointed out the main difference between antisemitism and other forms of racism: antisemitism uses jews to project what you hate about your own nation the most onto them

North Korea no longer claims to be socialist/communist

you could spell it using an abjad, syllabary, feautural, or abugida script , none of which qualify as an alphabet

Communism is wrong because it tries to change human nature. It can work on a small scale, but it's doomed to fail if it's forced on an entire country. Humans love helping each other, but most people value themselves and their immediate family way more than strangers. We also almost always take the path of least resistance. Most of us will only do what we need to do for ourselves and our family and nothing more. Expecting a whole country of people to be hard workers for the benefit of complete strangers is a childish fantasy. like I said, we only do what we need to do. Why work hard when you don't need to? Why even work at all in a communist state? Because you'll get shot if you don't? How is that better than capitalism?

humans aren't designed for communism

Capitalism nothing is free. Communism it's free but it's all complete shit.

> jews
All of them.

jesus christ, marx and engels spend decades proving that human nature is the product of material conditions and you think you can disprove their work by saying "UH NO IT ISNT"

Where does that number stem from?


Read or watch Animal Farm. Or this may help...

They are socialist

Actually USSR and other commie places have absolutely nothing to do with what Marx thought, and are a product of Leninism.

Originally, communist would arrive naturally (predictable uprising) in an extremely advanced capitalist economy because it would be obvious to anyone that marginal costs of goods were ridiculously low, and the only reason that everyone couldn't have everything was the greed of oligarchs. True communism is basically a post scarcity economy,and makes a lot of sense if you look at industrial economies.

But he is right.
Communism only works on small scale.
Nobody wants to work for people with whom the only thing you have in common is the country you live in.
Especially if they do not contribute but somehow demand same share as you.

Yeah. But they also claim that their people aren't starving and that Kim Jong Un doesn't have an asshole and that they're not a dictatorship, sooo.

I read the manifesto when I was a kid and 2bh I kinda feel about it the same way I feel about quebec separatism; it was necessary once, but we've got most of the good parts of it in our current system now without the clunk and junk of something so antequated so let's just archive this shit now

communism is old and broke but socialism seems to work in theory and practice

americans are just spooked by it because the us government has never done anything right, every other western nation fuckken loves this shit

>Expecting a whole country of people to be hard workers for the benefit of complete strangers is a childish fantasy.

>that -stan increase in spending after the beginning of Perestroika
wtf, I hate Gorbachev now

Was Soviet Union the only reverse empire in history?

So explain to how people stop being selfish when material conditions change.

You are aware that Orwell is a socialist, right? I'm not in favor of communism, just pointing out the irony.

Tax is voluntary. You have threaten people to comply. Just like communism.

>tax is voluntary
*isn't voluntary


"From each according to his ability to each according to his need" means that everyone gets to work what they can work and earn what they deserve. Not that lazy idiots reap the fruits of hard labour. That's capitalism. That's when you get paid 15 bucks an hour while you are making ten times the ammount of profit for your boss.

They don't. You just get a society where selfishness doesn't manifest in form of exploitative labour.


The arent starving

It tends to become very degenerate


1 post by this ID1 post by this ID1 post by this ID1 post by this ID1 post by this ID1 post by this ID1 post by this ID1 post by this ID1 post by this ID1 post by this ID1 post by this ID

He s is not a dictator

They get paid twice as much because their dollar is inflated over 5 times more.

fake austria, pls go

>Communism failed to create a free society.
>Communism failed to create a fair or just society.
>Communism failed to create a prosperous society.
What are these meaningless words you're saying any country in the history of the world has ever accomplished? What is "freedom" what is "fair" what is "just?" And give me one example of a state that has ever accomplished these meaningless words.

>"From each according to his ability to each according to his need".
Is your idealistic communism.
Actual communism is the socialist party members getting better pay that the men who do the backbreaking labor.

autism shoo shoo

>implying the British didn't starve just as many people in India
The British STOPPED starvation in india, or at the very lest made a concerted effort to combat it. And after they left, it spiked way the fuck up. Another glorious chapter of what happens when the third world are left to their own devices
>implying stalin started ww2
Stalin had it coming and even if he didn't, there is still the korean war, vietnam war and soviet-afghan war
>implying nuclear disasters is what the problem is
What the actual fuck are you babbling about? Did the Chernobyl meltdown not happen on soviet watch or are you retarded?

Oh, my. You brought out the smug looking anime girl. We're on our A-game today aren't we?

Well that's obvious, but it's still progress. It's a transition from capitalism.

i am doing this in memoriam of harambe, who was shot and unjustly killed, you degenerate