Brave Sup Forumsack whitehandles nigger scum:
Watch and learn, europeans
Brave Sup Forumsack whitehandles nigger scum:
Watch and learn, europeans
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So basically bulgarians are white niggers is what you are saying?
Violent, irrational, easily provoked.
Have a banana OP.
>Acting like niggers saves you from shitskins
He who fights monsters etc
Yeah I think OP is confused about why nogs are hated
gypsies have been beaten up and abused by every single nationality that has them in their countries. No great feat.
You should try peace and tolerance then. Maybe give them your wife for the night to help relieve post-slavery stress syndrome and help them integrate better. :^)
Acting like a nigger on a nigger makes you worse than a nigger because you should know better.
You should have the brains to deal with it without chimping out.
This guy is just an asshole bully.
Another white nigger here.
Sorry I'm out of bananas.
Gypsies here mug old ladies and break into the homes of old people to steal because they are too lazy to work.
A few weeks ago there was a report about a 60 year old man who had to defend his home with an axe against a band of a dozen gypsies who threatened to kill him with a knife if he doesn't give them money. luckly the gypsies only hit him on the head with a shovel and scattered without stealing.
you will never know what a plight these people are to us until you meet some yourselves.
acting like nigger + bully= Sup Forums hero
Look, i know this video seems fucked up but it is exactly this kind of behavior that deters immigrants from settling there. You can't act like civilized people all the time and expect shitskins to respect you as such. You either put them in their place by acting like savages or they put you in your place by being savages themselves.
No. You can't. If you want blacks to start acting like humans and outting their nig nogs, we have to do the same to our own.
OP is a white nigger. He needs to be outted as such.
Coward prick.
Kicking a man on the floor.
And yes; he is equal to him.
Good luck teaching that to eurocucks
That's right, if you kill them you lose!
Whites have been outing their own extremists for a long while now, the shitskins have been behaving worse and worse.
Want to hear a joke?
What's the difference between a bulgarian and a gypsy?
Nobody here knows the back story. I cannot believe this gypsy did not provoke that guy in some way.
Toothpaste knows what's up. Chimping out over nonsense just to show you're macho is nigger behaviour.
cucked weedman detected
I would enjoy this vid if I were 100% sure that the gyppo wasn't retarded.
Chris me on, Bulgaria.
Over saying they're equal?
What a fucking autist.
Gypsies have no honor, they deserve everything they get.
Stay on your high horse, it isn't going to save you or your country
countries that don't have gypsies
Firm but fair.
The best way to make them act like decent humans is to attack their culture. Tell these pricks to dress like normal people, to stop talking in Ebonics, to stop having kids they can't support, to stop letting fucking 10 year old's listen to gangster rap, maybe give them role models that aren't rappers or sports stars.
But you won't do that either will you because all cultures are (((equal))).
That video did not seem very satisfying to me. I realize that Gypsies are universally despised throughout Europe, but we don't have them here, so it's hard to understand as an American.
God damn Bulgaria is a fucking shithole.
>cuckolds will start speaking against this hero
LOL!!!!!! EAST EUROPE!!!!!!!!
You're clearly under age of 18, please leave.
Video is proof you can be a nigger regardless of skin colour.
We do have them, the guy is just a retard
Lmao yes nonviolence is the answer goys when muhamed is raping your wife make sure to politley ask him to stop.The guy in the video is right thats how we treat those animals 2 he took it easy on him 2.
>it's thanks to people like this that the west is a liberal shithole
>chimping out over nonsense
people like him are the reason why bulgaria has a particularly bad reputation among immigrants and refugees so they avoid us like the pleague. thanks to him we are not cucked to the extent of having 30% nigger cities like malmo.
Enjoy your nigger rape baby future, cultured solidary swede
the gypsy guy looks like he got some kind of disability/is a retard, its really no great feat beating up such a thing..
Then you should know better.
Why is he calling him "big brother"?
>beating up a random, harmless gypsy is going to stop muslims from raping
The guy doing the beating is more likely to rape your wife.
fuck you, kudt gypsie
>All these countries that don't have large population of gypsies.
I'm from Balkans and let me tell you this Cigans are worse than than Niggers.
>proudly stated while watching a somalian impregnating his wife
His disability is being a gypsy
Reminds me of the video of some Serbs beating up a gypsy. Video starts with the gypsy in a wheelchair without any legs, the big Serb starts slapping him around calling him scum.
Now at this point even though I loathe gypsies I thought that these guys are pieces of shit for literally beating up a legless cripple. Then the guy grabs the gypsy, pulls him up and the gypsy pops out legs.
It was on youtube, but I have no idea what the name of the video is.
> gypsy smiles constantly
It`s either disabled, or paid so poolack would look cool by kicking nigger lightly.
Literally this
Yea its shit, but what are you gonna do wait until government is gonna kick them out? Fat chance of that ever happening. If these faggots get soft hearted by seeing one gypsy getting kicked then how will they react over millions of Muslims rightfully getting kicked out of Europe. Will you faggots in this thread feel bad too?
in the past i would be against behavior like this but times are changing. you come into our countries and treat us bad and make complete areas unlivable you are eventually going to get what is coming to you. The time for talking is over.
t. gypsy
>harmless gypsy
Come to the states and try that, niggers here don't really roll over like that.. Dude would've had his camera stolen and head smashed in
You obviously never met a gypsy the point is this is how you treat subhumans just the other week i bitchslaped a gypsy kid for asking me 5 times for money.
So you'd show pity. They are like animals, if you show your power over them they become subservient lickspittles.
is like my japanese animes
when you kill your enemies they win
- t.A Leaf
Why didn't gypsy fight back?
Honestly, if you are a man, you must alway apply your strength when you need it the most.
Say what you want about cruelty, say the same for cowardice.
So a white gypsy beating a mentally challenged gypsy is considered brave now?
>harmless gypsy
That's a paradox
Because you let them, a fully armed white fudd band could easily take any neighborhood, until the cops ruin the party
These soft hearted faggots in this thread would probably be first to protest any action against muslim problem.
>Hurr durr we gotta do something against these invaders
>b-bb-but don't hurt their feelings :(((
they are just like niggers but even more violent and savage
proves u are cucked
fucking based
cigan deserved it
A few years ago there was a report on the tv about a gypsy woman who had given birth to her 30th child.
The woman couldn't remember all her children's names: she said 6 names and gave up.
She said herself that she had given around 20 of them for adoption because she couldn't take care of them.
at the end of the report there was footage of her rouse: it was some shitty roofless brick house and her kids were running around covered in mud and beating each other with sticks.
Her children will probably grow up to be criminals and thieves because the best thing you can get here with middle school education, especially if you grew up as a minority in an adoption home, is a coal miner job
These people are scum on earth and they deserve what they get
Good riddance this man got out of his way to incite fear into the gypsy community by beating this poor kid: gypsies have been getting brave lately: mugging old ladies and breaking into the homes of old people and such.
Scum do not understand of kind words: you need to hit them or kill some of them: this is the only way to keep them from manifesting into their natural state of stealing, fighting killing
He should have beat that shitskin to death
All shitskins deserve death
why is the fucker wearing a HYPO tshirt?
thats a criminal bank we had to save with our money.
Jews and Gypsys... They go Hand in hand.
The Jews have empty houses nobody wants, and the Gypsys move in and pay with solid taxpayer money.
PLUS they do the dirty work for the jews because they do ALL for money.
Wow! He really taught him they aren't equal. This is how we used to teach niggers they were inferior to Whites.
to NEET cucks on Sup Forums?
Right I hate to break it to you but you and your buddies would be full of holes, the niggers will kill you and the innocent bystanders, and went even get jail time.
>big brother
Please stop, onii-chan~! :3
neither of you guys are white and neither of you have dealt with gypsies before
They really know how to pull on the heartstrings.
Why does he call him "big brother" ?, feels bad, I don't like gypsies, but this one...I don't think he deserved it
>, the niggers will kill you and the innocent bystanders
>implying niggers can hit anything with their shitty hi-points
>.I don't think he deserved it
They all deserve it
They need to get out of our nations
no, he is afraid from the superior bigger bulgarian so he smiles to look less threatening.
it's animal nature for the inferior to submit to the superior and gypsies are animals.
I feel bad for him, he wasn´t aggresive, just a weakling.
There are some even in America; they robbed me, once.
Gypsies are the only people I hate with no exceptions.
sure looks like something to be proud of, nigger.
Looking up to braindead degenerates ...
Ceляндypcкa мy paбoтa
He's a hero.
He's the reason Poland has no migrants, and are you all against that or something?
Shit like this makes me want to visit Poland and spend some money there to help out
I love you Poland and am grateful for your service to the white fight.
yeah that fucker is not white and is a cunt
all i see is niggerish bulgarian behavoir and a dirty gypsi boy.
>neither of you guys are white
Says the abbo.
look at the title of the video
>feminists will condemn this because they don't understand gypsies are criminal and violent and WILL kill you if they can get away with it
I almost feel bad for that poor Romanian
First, the "white guy" in the video is behaving like the nigger. Do you want to live in a society where people behave like that?
Second, you do not hate or like people based upon skin color. "Nigger" refers to people acting like retarded gang bangers and taking part in thievery and the like. I'll support a non-white over a white if it's the white acting like the criminal.
Third, you should feel ashamed for promoting this type of behavior in your country. You are officially a white nigger. Congrats on making your streets and other public places unsafe, nigger.
damn romania on suicide watch kek
>. If you want blacks to start acting like humans and outting their nig nogs, we have to do the same to our own.
Many of don't want niggers to 'act like humans'.
They are incapable of this, collectively.
The only solution is genocide.
How is he a cunt?
Look at this shit eating grin. You just know this 50 IQ subhuman was up to something before the video was shot
it's because the gypsy was a coward.
besides, if you were a skinny malnourished shitskin and a huge slav who is 2x as big as you comes up to you and proceeds to punch you in the face what would you do?
Probably run away but the guy getting beat up in the video was a gypsy so he didn't have the mental capacity to do even that.
Any white man that has gypsy scum call them equals should be pissed off.
It's like a worm telling a lion that the lion is on equal ground.
They should all learn their place beneath our boot.