Abo Thread

Ctrl F, no Abo thread. Thought I would share some of mine and Sup Forumss favourites

Don't smile at me bitch!

Crazy aboriginal VS Bogan

Drunk Aboriginals attack film crew

Don't Be Rama Rama

Other urls found in this thread:


Shit forgot this one too.

Wise Aboriginal Elders perform on QandA

been here 60,000 years

invented xenophobia

M8 its not xenophopia when there are gorillas literally smarter than them

>Go to Australia on vacation
>Touring Ayer's Rock
>Tour guide and park people are a bunch of raging SJWs who try to tell you not to climb the rock because it offends Aborigines
>Get pressured into it, go learn about Aboriginal culture instead
>Learn that they were utter fucking savages
>Go to Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane
>See that they still are

It's depressing how utterly consumed by white guilt and pro refugee shit Australia is. At least it's still cool to be racist in the NT

Nothing can top this.


I love how this is an achievement in an Aboriginal community

Its pretty bad m8 even after the government gives them gibsmedats, free uni, housing and priority for jobs 99.99% are still complete fuckups who can barely function

Also adding to that only Melbourne which is pretty much Portland ramped up is the only city that believes in the muh refugees, both of our left and right wing parties support turning back boats

Most of us hate abos, there has to be so much pro abo propaganda by the government to stop our entire country from wanting to genocide them.

It's always amusing watching some young SJW red pilling themselves going to work in some remote site like a mine or rural abo town. That's a harder red pill to swallow than Sup Forums

That's why Melbourne scum all waste their votes on the Greens lol

All during our schooling we had Aboriginal History forced down our throats and were told time and time again that the White man made everything worse. They managed to fill an entire 12 years of schooling with Aboriginal "art" appreciation and Aboriginal "inventions". After years of this crap, the smarter portion of the population comes to the realisation that Aboriginals achieved nothing of significance and were savages. They dear not say this in public though because then the leftist equality loving lynch mob will brand them a racist.
All you have to do is look at a full blooded Aboriginal to know the truth. They're far from inspirational or exceptional.

That was my hope. I figured that your coastal cities were disproportionately insane liberals like ours, and I don't think it's a coincidence that all the people who told me to love The World's Oldest Culture (tm) worked for the government. Good to know some Australians have it together.

>Aboriginal "art"

>drinking the carbonated Jew

Luckily we cant into urban development and dont get huge city-urban centres like you yanks, our biggest city is only 4mil and it keeps us conservative overall, we just elected a 'right wing' (centrist) government


The left is so patronising to the abos.
They have convinced them this is is quality art.

Sounds like a special perk.

Sticks were not invented superstar rainbo donky jizz fart.

They where discoverd.

Police brutality: 30% less likely
Driving skills: +20
Fighting skills: +10
Pain resistance: -15
Rape ability: -40

>keeps us conservative overall
melbourne is absolutely degenereate mate

Its now illegal to insult a religion in the ACT

Pauline going back to jail?

Is people sniffing petroleum a legit problem in Australia? My god

No, just abos.

Those two are obviously pol browsers, doing their best to trigger the wierdo tumblerina at the piano.

Google subcision

>been here 40'000 years, invented stealing

Abos of europe