ITT:Give a summary of your childhood and then say what your political views are.
>Parents divorced when young, alcoholic dad.
>Moved across the country 6 or so times with mom and brother, never settling down.
>Never bullied, if anything did bully.
>Got into wrestling as I hopped schools, kept me out of the trench coat group.
>Going to college now, neither parent is going to help me pay for it once I finish so I'm on my own now.
>Mostly align with authoritarian right.
Childhood v. Politics
>Nice parents
>Comfortable life
>Worked hard at school, did some sports too
>Went to good university
>Never once liked niggers or women
hahahha "call da ambalamps"
>raised as military brat
>single mom
>play vidya and watched matrix at 8 what is redpill?
>dad an intelligence officer and freemason tells me about crazy shit hes seen
>tfw black with college parents
>conservative due to military mom and baptist family.
>switched to democrats due to obama at 16
>liberal but never for gay marriage, gloablism, or immigration
>childhood conservative christian military values linger into blue phasee
>see degeneracy at it base levels due to history degeree
>realize indoctrination process of schools at 7th grade
>realize true nature of women at 19
>point of no return. lsd mushrooms and camping
>mfw trying to explain social structures beyond the political dimension to normies
> native American father ran away when I was 18 months old, never heard from him again until I turned 18 years old
> grow up in a shitty trailer park in Eastern Oregon
> mom meets a guy who loves both of us. he becomes my step dad
> he's a trucker, light aircraft pilot, and former race car driver .. a super hero in my eyes
> he gets a fancy six figure job crop dusting in Kansas .. we all move with him
> he dies in a plane crash second day on the job
> move back to shitty eastern Oregon town
> mom figures out she's pregnant a few days later
> raised by a widow in a mobile home
> mom finds religion, forces me into religion
> beats the shit out of me nearly every day
> I memorize a shitload of verses, read the bible all the way through 3 times. we attend old timey revivals. I see "healings" and people speaking in tongues
> get into punk rock music. start skateboarding. quit the church. get into lots of fights with local hicks.
> move to Eugene Oregon for college
> surrounded by dipshit drug addled hippie losers
> move to Portland Oregon for work
> transition northward to Vancouver Washington. get married, have kids, get a six figure job in the data sciences. buy a fancy home.
I'm a registered democrat whose sick of his party. I'd register as independent but then I wouldn't be able to vote in primaries.
Caucused for Sanders, probably voting for Johnson. Not like my vote matters here anyway Clinton will win this state in a state landslide. Washington is blue as fuck.
I consider myself a "progressive capitalist"
I believe in making fair, equitable opportunities for every demographic. Once the tables are level, it's up to the individual to seek opportunity. If they don't, it's on them, not the system. But until that level, equitable system exists, a lot of inner city youth and rural young adults have little choice but weak/no jobs, or crime. There's no compelling, competitive alternative.
>born and raised in Peru for first eight years of my life
>dad leaves my mom, still comes and visits me but never helps out
>mom meet step-dad, he's super nice and loves us both.
>eventually we get to the United States legally and not illegally
>never quite fit in and was bullied quite a lot during elementary and middle school
>end up becoming mostly a shut in until sophomore year
>meet this one girl l, end up liking her decide to get my shit toghether
>over the summer before my junior year work out, get fit and otherwise get my shot toghether
>find out she moved
>still try and get my shit toghether
>Senior year I'm all Bernie or bust, feel the been kind of person
>same year I took AP economics
>realize sanders is a fucking loon
>decide to vote trump
>just graduated this June
>plan to vote trump this November
>Parents both college educated liberals
>I have very high natural intelligence, also parents talk to me about intellectual matters a lot (I know that sounds pretentious but idk how else to say it)
>I adopt their political and social views, try to be an intellectual and a good person
>This makes my life horrible because I'm not a normie and can't fit in correctly
>Over time I stop actually caring about people's rights as individuals because I hate them for being horrible to me and horrible in general, just care about the 'idea' of them and their rights, if that makes any sense
>Go to diverse middle school, gradually start to hate minorities
>Get opened up to new left wing ideologies on internet in early high school, experiment with them and realize they're all full of shit
>Meet SJWs, realize they're disgusting
>Sort myself out, develop confidence, get fit, take red pill, become very mean, cold-blooded person but in a way that most people can't recognize
>Spend a lot of time fantasizing about the happening and getting to kill niggers
>Alt-right is a pretty good description, I hate minorities, think women shouldn't have the right to vote, love Trump and only care about myself and the future of the white race (but mostly just myself)
Mighty white of you, friend.
>born with HIV
>don't really know what it is at first, just know I have to take a lot of pills
>otherwise raised normally by nuclear family in white neighborhood
>get old enough to learn what HIV is
>get pissed at my mother for having 3 husband's and being a degenerate who gave me aids
>she dies when I'm 15, I never forgive her, or my cuck dad for settling for used goods
>end up extremely conservative
I literally can't understand how anyone can be an authoritarian after spending 5 minutes researching collapsed governments.
(pro tip, all of them get corrupt and destructive in time)
>Nice parents
>Lower middle class, Catholic upbringing in small, White, midwestern town
>Happy childhood
>Parents made me work hard for everything
>Small family trips, mostly education stuff like museums, zoos, historical sites
>Parents divorced when I was in high school but managed to remain on friendly terms and avoid any nasty divorce/custody issues
I'm a moderate ex-Democrat. After Webb was chased out of the party before the primaries I registered Independent and am reluctantly supporting Trump. I don't agree with him on every issue and I think he's a gigantic asshole, but he's also the closest thing to a moderate in this race and the only candidate who seems to genuinely put American interests first.
That's an old reference. I got nostalgic.
>parents fought a lot but never actually divorced; just split angrily and violently when I was 21
>at that time, moved out of home on what little savings I had, ended up joining the military for a paycheck (they called back first)
>bullied a bit throughout school
>bullied still by my peers pretty much everywhere outside of work
>was always a bit techincally proficient but prefer design and interface work more (architecture, vidya level desgin, industrial design, UI/UX, etc)
I'm pretty far leftist when it comes to things like worker's rights and social programs being funded by heavy taxes, and moderate on the more "individual" issues like gun control or
live and let live, but a well-regulated and good functioning state is a much better provider of services than corporate interests. if you're going to pay for stuff, may as well pay it to a gubment since it's non-profit and, unlike a corporation, if you don't like how they run shit you can vote the current guys out (or throw rocks at their house)
like, if i wanted, i could literally go deface trudeau's family estate right now. or I can deliver them a muffin basket. can't do that to SNC Lavalin or Blackwater or w/e
This pic represents the problems in society
Black people are living life having fun and joining together to express there happiness while the white man is unsatisified with the blacks happiness and tries to find a way to bring them down. Maybe if whites could loosen up once in there god damn lives then maybe they stop attacking us and instead actually have fun
>Dad cheated on my mother
>Both my eardrums were completely destroyed at birth but restored at 12
>Mom was taken into a mental hospital and I was raised by nurses
>Mom has had problems with men ever since, often being cheated on or moving in with abusive men
>Became extremely protective of my mother and still have a very deep connection with my mother
>Forced to go to my dad every weekend
>Dad partied in the weekend while I'm around, would tell me about what kind of girls I should fuck when I'm older
>Christian identitarian nationalist
>Parents divorced when young, alcoholic dad.
Same but mother drugged by corrupted hospitals.
>Moved across the country 6 or so times with mom and brother, never settling down.
>immature parents
>Want to make divorces illegal
>Child should have 2 parents : only this set : one man, one woman.
>never liked niggers or women
nice looking flag
>raised catholic
>upper middle class
>moved to countryside at 9
>dad started working abroad
>bored and angry growing up
>went to an all boys catholic school
>be and edgy teenager, never bullied but got in lots of fights
>started lifting weights and learning martial arts
>became a buff weeb
>went to college got a girlfriend
>got bored with degree and joined the military
also identify with nationalistic policies
>Father an abusive asshole
>Mom hardly around
>Bullied constantly at school
>Loved to get into fights
>Stealing was a hobby
>Also loved 'urban exploration'
Nationalist, traditionalist, limited Democracy
>parents childhood sweethearts, been together since they were 15
>live comfortably
>did alright at school, nothing spectacular
>in my dream job (accountancy) at age 19
Right-wing. I voted for Brexit. I think that we shouldn't take in any refugees.
>Fucking wealthy parents
>University education by seriously don't have to work, just do it because I might become a useless piece of shit otherwise
>work at government job (A13 salary)
>mostly post at work via cell phone
>just pissed with biased leftists media
What flag is this? I'm on a phone
Ireland of India
>born in South Africa
>mandela elected
>blacks and whites work together in government
>country starts becoming better place for everyone
>friends of all races and languages
>affirmative action begins, crime rises
>get older, black kids only hang out with black kids, bully white kids
(Blacks are held back because they fail the year, some of them 3+ years older than the whites)
>dad almost gets hijacked for the third time. Shot at some niggers to stop it
>move to the uk to stop this.
Teenage years
>educated in the uk, obtain degree
>begin seeing affirmative action becoming a stronger thing
>wasn't able to join the afro society despite being born there, and the majority of the niggers being 3rd+ gen
>nigger identity increases with age, affirmative action policies become more numerous
>work in US, considering countries to leave and start a family with my gf in
I lean harshly in the authoritive right. My ideal political system has birth and voting licenses, it's ideologically fascism. My girlfriend is mulatto; I have no problems with different races just some of their cultures are fucking horrible, and liberal left white culture makes it worse. Gf shares the same views.
>family used to be rich
>grandparents lost everything in the war
>mom is a white African
>dad grew up in a small village without running water
>both university educated
>upper middle class now
>privileged, if you will
>take a lot of vacations to Africa
>have always had the white African's perspective
>school sucked, but never took me a lot of effort
I'd say I'm a liberal, though not in the American sense. I think the best system is a system that affords maximum individual liberty, and as such loathe the Marxist doctrine of banning everything that goes against the party line. Lefties say they value "diversity", but as Sup Forums regularly points out, it's just code for "non-whites". I was a supporter of Fortuyn, 14 years ago, when I was still in school. He was the sort of person this country needed, and who seemed to be a perfect fit for the sort of politics I prefer. He was senselessly murdered because he opposed islamic mass immigration. He was a faggot queer who had two faggy, little dogs, spoke with a lisp, wore rainbow-coloured shit and pink ties, and openly professed to fucking ethnic youth in darkrooms. He's the very picture of the gay minority the left constantly claims to protect and cherish. Yet they whipped their dogs up into a frenzy. You guys weren't there. You didn't see the shit they threw at him, even fucking literally! Leftists LITERALLY threw shit at this man for opposing a political policy in a democratic Western nation.
In truth, my family only afforded me extra perspectives. I've always viewed our society partially as an outsider, due to the family history, and due to knowing things about the colonies and Africa that, generally speaking, wasn't common knowledge. But the #1 thing that made me lose faith in politics, and still maintains my lack of faith, was the murder of Pim Fortuyn and everything that led up to it. Every time they slam Wilders, or PEGIDA, or anyone else who's not onboard with immigration, I remember Fortuyn.
>please user, help us fill in our FBI profile on your early life
Fuck off
>Born in a southeastern Asian country
>Witnessed murder of dad at 3
>Mom abandoned immediately after
>Raised by grandparents, Gramps was boss man at a manufacturing co.
>Moves to US at 9
>Got along well with peers
>Liberal during high school years
>heavy alcohol and drug use from 14-17
>Conservative, proud American (naturalized), Christian, on white wifu #2, and continued treatment for PTSD
Pretty much the ideal
>both parents are still together
>my brother and I are close
>grew up in one of the best counties in America
>parents planned on having children and allotted resources for us while we were growing up
>4 years paid for my dream school
>parents set up nest eggs for my brother and I before we were born
>graduate debt free
My whole family is democrat...
>tfw conservative as fuck
>2nd child
>huge age gap with older brother
>bullied when I was quite little
>dad quite red-pilled but making an effort to be liberal
>mum more progressive, mostly because she likes to be inclusive and not confrontational
>both voted Conservative
>dad ex-Labour gave up on them as soon as Blaire got in
>private education
>under achiever
>lost relationship with my dad in my teens
>now haven't spoken for a year (I'm 20)
My views are all over the place. Sometimes I'm very libertarian, sometimes quite national socialist, sometimes just plain centre-right. Always supported Conservatives same as my parents. Losing faith in them since Cameron. Maybe 4 years of May can sort it out but I'm doubtful. Conservatives aren't right enough in my opinion.
>grew up in commiefornia in a city called Manhattan Beach
>middle class, dad is a realtor
>go to nice schools, and have a nice house, had to live in a shitty house in a shady city for a summer while we moved
>dad was a shekel sniffer until I was about 7, then he converted to Christianity
>both parents extremely Christian, involved in several groups in our church, mom works there
>dad was a closer alcoholic for most of my childhood, never beat me or anything but would come home drunk and yell, went through AA
>parents are very conservative, always vote right
>despite this, I had a liberal phase where I thought all their propaganda was true
>go to Highschool around 20 miles away in a different city, very diverse
>slowly become redpills
>people talk to me about white privilege, meanwhile we have to pay like $10k tuition a year while the football nigs have to pay $1k a year
>philipeno friend introduced me to Sup Forums
>find pol
>become fully redpilled
>was at a family reunion this summer, 13 year old second cousin was fully liberal, go hillary, we should kill trump, etc.
>btfo her
>currently live with parents, didn't go to college, have a job working at local pool as lifeguard, going to get promoted soon and plan on taking community college courses this year
So yeah, pretty conservative
>Thinking the FBI gives a fuck about the childhood of some autist on a Chinese cartoon image board
>Thinking there's anything they couldn't discover or infer from your school records and info they have on your parents
also, my sister is 8 years older than me, was very liberal, would often argue with my dad over immigration, gay marriage, etc., she ended up going to the naval academy, does really well, gets to take lots of travel time because she can fly on military planes, goes to Somalia for a month, comes back red pilled, tells my dad he was right. Dad literally looked like smug pepe, was pretty great/10
I wish I could see the part after this video when Jamas and Tyrones raped the white girl for pushing the poor black queen off her table.
Let me see
>Born to white lower class parents
>3 black kids in grade in elementary school, they're alright like any other kids
>Parents divorce split time between them
>Have to go to not summer school/camp woundnt say daycare but whatever as my parents aren't home all day and I'm too young (7? 8?) for them to trust
> 95% black
>They're mean ass shit, literally all hate me for no reason
>Fucking hate that place
>Cried when I thought my dad was going to pick me up early but had to work or whatever, not for him bailing as I knew he had to work but because I was stuck in that shithole for an extra 3 hours
>Start middle school, more black kids, most are still crap (not to me personally) and some are alright
>Some maintenance staff are cool, some are annoying slapstick movie nigger dumb.
Start having bad experiences with >hispanics, being dumb, talking shot about USA etc some are cool.
So now I'm not completely indiscriminate in my hate but blacks have issure, idc if it's genetic or cultural but either way highly heritable. I've seem "good" white parents have degenerate kids, and degenerate parents have good white kids but for blacks it's like 80% ghetto and rarely see crossover.
Hispanics are OK if/when they fucking integrate, cut the spanish, support america, stop being machismo or gtfo.
P.s. hate white degenerates too. Designer drug using, vidya time wasting big state supporting, lazy losers, thinking "the workers" are entitled too a buncha shit while they flip burgers or wait tables are bartend and blow all their money on booze and weed. I mean that's your choice idc but don't cry when you can't afford your car insurance or diapers or whatever damn.
give video source pls
>australian by birth
>dad left before i was born
>raised by mom and grandparents for a while
>mom meets future stepdad online
>he's military
>immigrate to USA, move all over the country throughout my childhood
>extremely lacking in social interaction because military brat
>end up in NC
>slowly gaining lost ground in my social progression
Right-wing. Currently in the process of working out where I stand on specific issues with regards to the libertarian/authoritarian spectrum.
you fucking nigger
Yeah, going to Africa is often a big red pill for people. And the ones for whom it isn't nine times out of ten are those idiots with dreadlocks who travel in the back of some company's Unimog, only getting out to oggle at the pre-approved sights. Or they spend three weeks on some compound, providing manual labour for free in countries with 50% unemployment rates. I shit you not, there was this show on TV about a doctor and his daughter doing "humanitarian work" (that means, being a doctor, but in Africa) for three weeks. I've spent longer than that in the bush, with my family, among the tribals, for fun.
The incredibly warped view people here get of Africa is extremely detrimental to how we deal with the continent. As is the extremely warped view they get of us. Some of those guys legit think none of us ever have to work, because they see The Bold & The Beautiful, and think that's real life for us.
yeah, she loved it, had a great time and all, but she understood that a lot of the nigs were stupid, hopeless, and prone to violence. She's also recently learned what a problem Islam is. She said she won't vote for trump, but hopefully I can call her and get her to understand that he's the best option, and fully redpill her
>Grew up in upper class family
>parents loved each other
>Went to boarding school
>traveled the world
>Went to prestigious university
>Libertarian Nationalist
>parents still together, alcoholic dad
>both parent's college educated w/ economics and accounting
>went from middle class/upper middle to lower end of wealthy
>lived in the same house until moved out for college
>raised presbyterian and am member of the same church I went to as a child, I just never go now
>went to small private prep school
>always made good grades and tested in the 98-99th percentile
>sort of bullied when I got cancer at 12.
>sports and shit mostly soccer. pretty good.
>two sisters one older one younger.
>mostly libertarian
>still voting trump because some libertarians are too libertarian.
>mostly agnostic
>Parents still together and even sometimes do embarrassing PDAs despite being old now
>Catholic, 5 kids
>stay-at-home mom, engineer dad who worked for NASA, Lockheed, and Rockwell Collins
>Sent us all to private school to avoid the awful public education system, 5 kids in private school means we were still living a fairly frugal lifestyle despite engineer dad
>Shitty old car, no vidya consoles, get groceries at winco, eating out is incredibly rare, we all share rooms with siblings, just never had any worries about where the next meal would come from or anything like that
Views are closest to libertarian party though I don't associate with them or care much for Gary Johnson. Currently I work as a software engineer who would rather have lots of disposable income and fuck sloots than shack up and have kids.
> Upper middle class parents, still together. Both conservative.
> Went to a good school, got good grades, went to an exceptional uni.
> Played sport, had lots of friends and girlfriends throughout.
> Got a top grad job.
> feelsgoodman.jpg
> All male school, no sisters or female cousins, all male friendship groups.
> Been described as 'cold', unemotional, cynical. Really just means I don't have time for pussy bullshit.
Very pro-market, broadly libertarian socially.
No real problem with minorities/immigrants because I'm wealthy enough to have very limited interaction with them. Don't care about homos, stick your dick wherever not my business. Atheist.
Despite that, I'd vote for a Trump in my country just because I fucking despise SJWs and I'd love to see the mass nervous breakdown on tumblr if he won.
>prairie nigger
>>> born in middle class
>>> Very intellectually stimulated, learned to play instruments
>>> Parents hated each other, screaming, throwing, beating, got beat with a belt a couple times
>>>>Dad addicted to porn and lives in basement, not much contact with us kids
>>>> Dad divorces mom
>>>> Still happy go lucky schoolchild
>>> Middleschool comes around
>>>> Mom goes to hospital for months, dad comes to take care of me and sibling.
>>> Dad Starts molesting me
>>> Shut off from everyone and everything, mom's nearly dead, dad is pedo, don't talk to anyone in school
>>>black kids make fun of me for not speaking every day and I just sit there, staring ahead, dead inside
>>> eventually mom gets out of hospital, couldnt care less, dad still keeps molesting me
>>> Can't take it anymore at age 13, tell the cops.
>>> Cops get restraining order, put him on probation.
>>>Never see or hear from dad again
>>> MFW mom and brother keep in regular contact with him, have dinners with him and shit
>>>Once I was in a resturaunt with mom and brother, they see my dad, and they make me go sit in the car while they have dinner with him
>>>> FLash forward to 19, have a major death wish, go kind of wild, hang out with felons and shit under bridges
>>>> Run away to college, develop charm, make friends, leave that hellhole forever
>>> Family still hangs out with dad all the time, realize how fucked up that is, don't talk to them either anymore
>>> Only hope is to perhaps get a family of my own one day. Thankfully, getting redpilled helped me realize that was possible.
Trump is my dad now.
>White mom, early divorce
>Dad is redpill alcoholic beta
>Shitty gradeschool / >50% immigrant
>Bullied in school by immigrants
>Put into posh liberal highschool afterwards
>Bullied by mom if she had a bad day at work (Human Resources Policywriter)
>Loves to get plowed; i had a lot of daddies
>Distrust everyone except the other gamma kids
>pathological distrust of all women
>spend half my free time reading redpill philosophy shit
>other half video games
>homework never 2cool45school 420 smoke weed
>2007 graduate somehow
>2008 deadend jobs, no school, no pussy, no money no life
>Read subversive shit fulltime
>Listen to audiobooks while working (braindead boring work)
>close to a BSc. IT somehow
>No pussy, no life, just codemonkey, a ghost
>No pussy, no love, no money
>Left/lost my loser friends (sorry guys)
>Almost over my inferiority/trust/mother complex/chip on my shoulder
>Why do women always start shit?
>Try to get back to normie life
>Work for A+ corporation
>Sleep 6 hours a night
>Dislike for liberals, immigrants, most women, 'social' 'scientists'
>Need someone i can care for and who cares for me; that's all i ever wanted
>Think i found her
>hippie mom from NY, pot smoker before having kids, blonde blue eyes, full German background
>raised on a ranch in TX dad, brown hair+eyes, predominantly English with small amount of Mexican
>three older brothers, one younger sister
>oldest brother used to abuse the shit out of me and my sister, force fed us spicy peppers when we were 6 and 4, and forced us to eat our own vomit after throwing up the peppers while my mom and dad were taking my second oldest brother to the ER for broken arm playing football
Made me hate niggers and rap since that's essentially what he was
>Autistic youngest older brother, treated me like shit throughout my life, destroyed my belongings and got away with it because he was "different"
Made me realize world is not fair, and made me hate people that use "disablitiy" as an excuse for everything
>second oldest brother and younger sister turned out good, both pretty smart (I'm considered the brains of the family though, not my own words). However they are both full blown leftists that refuse to see republicans as potentially being right on anything
Made me realize that just because someone is intelligent, that does not mean they are open minded
>dad was an asshole to me my whole life, always tried to punish me more than my siblings, told me I was the reason my parents fought and why he tried to leave my mom, never believed anything I said especially if it was about my sister, still treats me like a child and gives me less respect than my siblings even though I'm 25, married, with a kid on the way and make the most money out of my siblings, but still acts like be was the best father of all time to me, I could go on
Made me realize that people need to earn respect, it should not be demanded because of a title or role
>mom is the greatest thing in the world, always protected me from my father, excited to be a grandma. Love her to death
Made me realize there is good in the world
Mostly moderate, but I've been moving more right lately
>The Northwest
My friend, you have had no interaction with black people and if you have they are probably mild ones.
>born youngest to a family where dads side is lebanese Muslims and moms side is German/polish Christians
>parents were broke for a long time
>dad works 3 jobs at the hardest time and mom works full time
>grew up around a lot of fighting whether it was my parents or parents fighting with siblings
>dad was a hotheaded motherfucker and mom was loudmouthed and crazy when they got into it
>dad gets arrested a couple times
>fast forward and he gets better even though they fight often, especially with sister, constant issues.
>elementary was cool but I got picked on for having huge ears and was overly emotional and stressed because of home
>middle school was just a weird time but very good because I met many of my best friends
>highschool was when I started to get tired of it all and by the end I was just glad school was over
>going to college now
>parents still working very hard
>dads a landlord on top of other real estate and a full time job
>they bring in good money these days and we have a nice home/cars
>right wing
I would say conservative but I'm not completely sure I'm a true conservative. Certaintly am very right winged these days though.
No real problem with minorities/immigrants because I'm wealthy enough to have very limited interaction with them.
This is a very myopic view. You tacitly recognize that immigrants and minorities are bad news but don't care because it's "not your problem."
Race is basically extended^2 family. You should care about the impact on them, as what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
blacks "just having fun" usually ranges from, at a minimum, being extremely annoying, intimidating, vulgar, and rude in public places (the loud shit booming music coming from cars and on public transport, the loud talking and impoliteness in public spaces, etc) to outright violence and hostility at its most obvious and unwarranted (the multiple daily assaults, robberies, rapes, and murders). Your fun frequently involves complete disregard for others and shows either a burning hostility towards them or a complete lack of empathy for their feelings or well being- probably a combination of both.
>middle class, generic ex hippy parents, dad public defender, cares about civil rights, fairness, honor, etc. both raging narcissists that are comforted by their own enlightenment
>growing up saw a world much different than the one they described: one where the lowest, lamest, most devious path usually results in the highest rewards
>started chasing high salaries, etc. parents mad that i am materialistic/unenlightened
>own a graphics/webdesign business, house, gf, investments, etc. 34...perhaps i am content.
views? meh, mostly disengaged. i guess i am sort of a technocrat...I think most problems posing as political/cultural issues are actually organizational/resource allocation issues. i only really care about science and space exploration. would vote musk if that were an option. hoping for strong AI/singularity in my lifetime.
Epic story. Impregnate an aryan and have lots of kids fampai-san
Sri Lanka
goddamit user. how long do you have?
Fucking niggers.
The only people who believe that they're "not that bad" are people who have never had to deal with them.
Bla bla bla atleast I'm happy and your not cracka
>parents divorced and got back together
>dad was a bit of an alcoholic
>school was cool until 8th grade
>had to go to 8th grade at a school in the projects
>got bullied all the time
>finished high school in my hometown
>mostly right wing with some lolbertarian views
Nicely designed, too.
Sri Lanka
friendless, virgin, autistic
far right nationalist
I fit the stereotypes.
>Mormon family, good and stable
>Taught to love everyone, so no problems with niggers or spics at time
>All kids graduated school, no prison time, no drugs, good kids.
>Very good grades across board
>1488 white race only, no faggotry allowed
>All thanks to statistics.
I remember last time I picked up some Thai and this black guy and a girl were in a booth just sitting there, not ordering anything but just being annoying and talking loud, laughing at the ladies accent, and when she left they took handfulls of the little bowl of candy in the front. Absolute disrespect and useless to society. And these same people cry that they get shit from white people and that they're equal, fucking pisses me off. They literally act like fucking monkeys and expect respect and play the victim when others outwardly don't like them. I have black friends but there are too many monkeys to account for.
>Age 4 Mama became single parent, knew my father though, just never picked up the phone sometimes
>Insert average black kid growing up in the hood story with minor events changing me throughout life
>Get into college late at 19
>Major is comp sci.
>Become part time worker because loan debt scares the fuck out of me
>with almost one year to go
>Father gets shot
>Decide to move home my final year of college because I don't want to pay rent and save up money to pay off small loans
>Just recently Mama was laid off from her salary job of 16 years
>Console my crying mama
>glad I moved home now despite the shit I get from peers and girls when they figure out I'm just "another nigga living with his mama"
>mfw I'm just trying to do the right things in life but get shitted on as the journey continues
>Centrist leaning towards the right
I can't be happy if my mama ain't happy.
Good for you for taking care of your family man. It takes a strong person to sacrifice like you have to take care of her.
Yea I know. But I've had a shitload of interactions with Hispanic people.
who says I'm not happy, nigger? I'm just telling you how the rest of the world sees you.
Ayy what's up fellow Vancouver bro?
>brightest, cutest child you could ever imagine
>popular, funny, make all the mothers swoon
>maturity suddenly hits me like a train at 4th or 5th grade
>become acutely aware of every embarrassing thing I've done
>incredibly, painfully sensitive to any form of embarrassment, writhing around in bed over old memories
>completely lose all social energy, feel like the candle that burned twice as bright
>parents are both socially anxious - mother tries to power through it and father is like an old goat
>start acting like a freak, desperate for approval
>lose friends, become a shut in
>live in a world of darkness: sleep through school, get home, go to bed, wake up for dinner, spend all night on the internet, repeat
>have vivid dreams of dying and being a ghost
>constantly think to myself that I'm just a character in a slasher flick who isn't old enough to be butchered on screen
>wonder if I'm actually retarded and nobody has the heart to tell me
>parents don't do anything - mom says "anxiety is linked to intelligence", dad suffers just the same, brother eventually gives up trying
>have a really rough time in middle school
>something happens, I just want to be left alone, teachers won't stop following me
>wind up throwing my coat at one of them
>sent to a psychiatrist who says that I was probably raped as a child
>only hear of it when my mother remarks to me "That guy thought you had been raped. Isn't that ridiculous?" as though it's just some humorous happenstance
>spend all of 8th grade just trying to mentally disengage from school
>high school is great to me - incredibly kind people, not a drop of ill will anywhere
>start applying myself intellectually and realize that I'm rather intelligent
>have a major surgery to correct my scoliosis
>the anesthesia does something wonderful to me - upon waking up, I'm not gripped by the usual sadness
>my old charisma returns to me, then gradually vanishes
>currently dream of having friends, being better
Coolidge did nothing wrong.
Yeah I could have lived it up one last year at my campus, but I decided to come home. Everything I have is here, plus my close friends who graduated before me are back home so that's also a plus. Being on a college campus made me realize some people aren't really as tolerant as they claim to be. Girls had too high standards and shit, so I just so fuck it by age 20. I'm gonna do me, if I can land me a programming job in the next 2 years I'm set.
Plan on visiting an old high school teacher after I graduate and thank him for scaring me on loan debt. I'm glad he subtly tried to tell us to work just a bit while you're in college.
im not trying to be racist, but do black people do anything but shuck and jive?
Also any girl that calls me a "Mamas Boy" can fuck right off. I'll proudly choose my mama over any girl who DARES try to pull that shit of what's more important. She's the only parent I got left in this world
I'm glad things are going well for you. I'm in a similar situation. I am trying to move out of my parents place but right now I kind of help support them until my dad gets another job. How hard is comp sci as a major? I was thinking about going for the same thing.
>good parents
>brothers were assholes with anger problems
>constantly fought with my parents
>made me afraid of any sort of IRL conflict
>still avoid conflict to this day
>now I deliberately piss people off with my political views but still shy away from conflict IRL
call me a pussy I don't care
>*Japanese data mining intensifies*
It's pretty difficult, but I always tell my younger cousins that nothing is really difficult if you just take the time to shut the fuck up and listen as well as read. I wish I had got more active while I was on campus, but my part time job got in the way and is the main reason why my social life died in college. Try to get into a group when you do it, I miss my old group. They weren't the Nu-male type that Sup Forums and Sup Forums seem to hate now. We were just bros on our computers.
>Posting Junko
>Typing up that weak shit
Better press that button and kys right fucking now senpai
That sounds pretty cool desu senpai. Best of luck to you, I hope everything works out for you.
>parents divoeced when I was 5
>lived with mom until just before 11th bday. We were poor, lived in mixed, rough neighborhoods.
>went to multiple different schools
>move with father across country at 11. Move to different states three more times
>father is incredibly violent, alcoholic, gambling addict and sex addict
>be depressed and awkard in school because home life is hell, get bullied and get in a lot if fights because I won't just take it
>struggle in school, not because I couldn't do it, I just didn't want to. Didn't care about anything or see the point. Full of anger and contempt for my peers and the world at large.
>barely graduate highschool
I am right wing now, though I spent most of my 20s being anti-authoritarian liberal.
I still hate society and most people, but I've long since learned how to be personable and sociable, because I recognize life is easier when people like you.
In addition, blacks cannot responsibly plan for anything past a day or a week in advance. This is why they are incapable of developing any semblance of society. The only kinds of blacks who do behave responsibly and respectably are the ones who have more than 40% of European blood in their heritage.
She'll give me the best Zetsubou boner I'll ever have right before it's oshioki time!
Hey I'm home now and somethings are pretty much the same. Can't fuck up in school since I got that "Mad black woman" aura hovering over me. So that's my motivation to do good.
>grew up on a farm with older brother, sister, and younger brother
>mother was religious, little brother was too eventually, the rest of us werent
>shot first gun at age 6, grew up hunting with dad
>dad was an alcoholic, mom was a bitch
>parents divorced at 11
>moved off farm and in with step dad when i was 14, started playing guitar a year before
>grew up around rock and metal, began writing music, played with some friends in a shitty garage band in high school
>graduated barely, currently live with my best friend from highschool
>i'm 20 now, work in flooring with my dad's company, $10 an hour. Play with a band in my free time
Oh, and i'm voting for trump, hate muslims, smoke weed on occasion still, and i own guns.
>Married parents
>Lower middle class in a fairly run down part of town
>Middle child of 3 sons, the eldest gets praised first, youngest gets coddled for being much younger than us
>Everything I do felt like an imitation of my older brother but slightly worse
>Parents good with money. Saved enough to get both me and my brother to uni
>Never really left an impression anywhere, at school, at work etc. I'm just sort of 'there'.
>Social reclusive behaviour left me underconfident to ever ask a girl out. Fear rejection and humiliation too much.
>Only a handful of friends I speak to now every so often.
>Used to be a standard lefty. University instead of solidifying that belief turned me to Conservatism.
Guess I'm conservative now. Or whatever you'd call a classic liberal these days.
>Fairly decent life
>Alcoholic Mom who got sober after intervention I participated in for her at age 19
> Dad started his won business but bad economy plus bad ideas plus unhappy marriage plus poor health (emphasema) caused failure of his dreams making it big
> mom and dad fought re: money all the time
> only child
> 2 step brothers from dad's previous marriage, but they're much older, live far away, see once or twice a year at best.
> Mom's family is religious homeschooled nutjobs
> Mom's Mom lived w us. All other grandparents = dead af
> Parents substantially older than normal (Currently 19, Dad currently 76, Mom currently 60).
> Mom had her own hair salon business, eventually closed it down after 2008 ruined everything nice and started working at a retirement home
> Mom and Dad never cheated on eachother, never hit eachother or me, but were verbally abusive.
>Lower middle class, but the banks gave us one of those bullshit mortgages so we got a house we totally shouldn't have been able to
>Was a weird loner as a kid, spent time on internet a lot.
> Hardly any friends until high school
> small group of close knit friends
> rebelious period = LSD and weed, not drinking and sex
> became funny and found the brighter side of life in art and philosophy
> started lifting, performing, playing music, and reading
> became good friends with a philosophy teacher I had
> turned my life right the hell around
I am in support of Donald Trump and despise HIllary. Not ready to buy into the Jewish conspiracy, but certainly acknowledge there's some shady backroom nonsense. BLM, SJWs, feminism pisses me off. I don't care if people are liberal or more left leaning, but I fucking hate their nonsense media-promoted insistence that an orange mean person is worse than the most corrupt bitch in American history.
A sensible Canadian.
Who'd have thunk
I was on /r/TheRedPill for a while, but never fucked a lot of bitches. Did find my current GF through my enhanced confidence and understanding of sexual marketplace dynamics. Dont like MGTOW or "Enjoy the Decline" or anything because I find that spineless and cowardly from supposed "men." That doesn't mean be a beta or a cuck, but it does mean you put in the work to help save the best civilization Earth has ever known.
>parents married for nearly 30 years
>great family life, great home life
>talk to them and siblings every day
>we're all independent doing our own thing
very right wing
This sounds like the perfect childhood and life. Congrats Dad.
>grew up with two parents who stayed together
>went to nice school growing up
>was pretty shy for a while but became more social when I got to high school
>middle class
>Grew up in Nigger JErsey land
>Despite this my town barely had any niggers
>Had ok childhood
>Summers in my area sucked because I live outside of a family tourist island
>My family owns a business there and they were busy as fuck so spent my summers mostly in Maine with my Grandma
>Grandma grew up in east germany, Hitler apologists, hates race mixing, became an atheist after being kicked out of her church with the rest of her family for being nazis
>My Grandma is redpilling me at an early age
>Remember watching Judge Judy one day, it was about a white woman trying to get her shit back from a black guy she divorced
>"You see that user? Never marry a black man!"
>"Yes Oma."
>Few years go by, stop seeing Grandma around 12 and started working during the summer instead
>She dies 2 years later
>Forget everything she has taught me, become an edgy liberal
>Out of high school now, going to a community college near Atlantic City
>Experience interacting with niggers for the first time
>I would get harassed everyday by a chimp or be asked to "help them with home work" and ended up doing all the work for them
>At some point discover Sup Forums
>Realize my grandma was trying to save me at an early age
Anyone else had based redpill grandparents?
Sorry for your loss
< a pleasant childhood in a small town in Iowa
< father was an engineer, solid middle class, never had any money problems
< pretty good student, heavily involved in music
< sometime around age 13/14 or so, I started paying attention to the news a lot more
< immediately pissed off by the religious fuckwads trying to cram their religion down people's throats
< disgusted at the tele-evangelists claiming to be "moral" but were actually the most immoral of all
< airwaves filled with assholes who wanted to keep various people (like gays) from having more rights
< hypocrisy and mean-spirited people everywhere i looked
< started realizing a common thread: all the assholes were republican
< totally disgusted by republicans, they made me feel ashamed to be an american
< i thought democrats were kinda stupid and kinda corrupt, but at least i didn't feel ashamed by them
< began to identify as an "anti-republican"
< i hated being defined as being "anti" something, but it was the bitter truth
< started feeling very alienated about politics
< democrats were embarrassing, republicans were pure fucking evil
< at age 18, i started voting democratic, but only as the lesser of evils -- never felt good about it
< around age 20, started getting red-pilled on corporate america
< realized lobbyists had bought every congressman, and therefore controlled everything
< realized that voting was still tolerated only because it couldn't hope to override the lobbyists' cash
< 2001-09-11 happens, the government responds by taking away our freedoms
< realized that authoritarians were everywhere
< sickened to realize that both republicans and democrats were cheering on the authoritarians
< crash of 2008 happens
< i realize that it only happened because fraud was no longer a criminal act, thanks to lobbyists
< the corporations had won, and the 2008 crash was them spitting in our faces with their arrogance
< i'm glad i took the red pill, but fuck the side-effects feel awful
>humorous happenstance
gave it away
> raised by neoconservative parents who subscribed to Christian values but never went to church and don't live particularly pious lives
> politically apathetic until 18 years old, then just a puppet of what my folks taught me
> early to mid 20s discover libertarianism, become huge Paul supporter
> latter 20s (now 29), start warming up to the idea of nationalism after watching the slow painful deaths of once great European nations, become staunchly resistant to the social justice movement and liberals in general
I'm still very undecided about Trump. I'll likely vote for him, even though he's not libertarian enough for me, but I can't help but still worry that he might be a Hillary plant. But I wanna believe that's not the case.
>Suburban family with two kids
>Upper-middle class
>Grew up in a Baptist Chruch
>Attended private school all the way until 6th grade then went to public school
>Played sports in school and was involved in clubs
>Going to UChicago next fall for Business Administration and Economics
>Pic related