Pyramids were not build by egyptians

>be egyptian in 4000 BC
>discover those big ass pyramids and the sphinx in the desert
>claim them as your achievement
>literally no hieroglyphs found inside the pyramids
>build a cult around it (egyptian mythologie)
>destroy the original head of the sphinx
>the sphinx has literally water erosion from constant rainfall which was only possible at around 10.000 BC
>thousand years later, everyone believes the egyptians build them

Other urls found in this thread:|

Egyptians wearnt black.
They were practically white.

I could care less who built it, just as long as the niggers realize they didn't build it

Ancient Egyptians were 6ft blonde-haired blue-eyed Aryans.

who cares

I remember reading somewhere that the Egyptians wrote about coming to this land (probablu from NE of there) and finding the sphinx on a small island surounded by water. Now you could say that there was a previous civilization and/or cult that built it or just agree that the africans built it (unlikely, given that their tools +10,000 years ago was stone-age material)

>I could care less who built it

Not caring about history is nigger tier.

>just as long as the niggers realize they didn't build it
Don't hold your breath.

Cool story. You should turn it into a screenplay. Call it "Gate to the Stars". No that's lame. Maybe..."Stargate"?

Agreed, he who neglects history is bound to repeat it.


yes they probably found it surrounded by water and heavy water erosion. Then they destroyed the original head, shaped it to destroy any evidence that it wasnt them who build it.

Also they buried it under deep sand much later.

I hope niggers built them, while being whipped ferociously


niggers will just deny evidence and say is racist to keep a brother down

>implying we will ever know our true history
>implying our history hasn't been intentionally covered up for this very reason

look, these are the only markings found inside one of the big pyramids. They dont look egyptian, nor ressemble anything we know.

We had some threads about history of Egypt lately and I noticed that Americans don't care about history whatsoever.
Are they just niggers or spics or do actual Americans really not care about history?

The sphinx was likely buried by sand, not by people but by being in a desert with shifting sands. It has been buried and rediscovered plenty of times throughout history.

Yes and who the hell really knows how old it really is. Probably more than the supposed 12000 years.

That's literally impossible the world isn't that old yet

Thanks for correcting me, Ahmed

egypt history is just pretty boring 2bh

Yes, i couldn't agree more, but its beneficial to continue with anthropology research of esoteric civilizations in search of the hidden truth (which has been covered up by almost all mainstream civilizations)
As seen in

agreed, its boring. I hate egyptian mythologie

but the pyramids and the sphinx are not egyptian, thats the point

What is not boring history then?
Don't even try to say ww1 or ww1.5 or who founded the first burger

The colonisation of the world by the British and the Victorian Era
>even foreigners call the 19th century the victorian era
Long 3h podcast, rather interesting.
In short:
-flood was real event
-it was caused by sudden melting of ice 12 000 years ago
-it caused mass extinction of mega fauna
-change of climate
-increase sea levels
-it destroy pre flood civilisation leaving behind many artefacts like sphinx, pyramids, some submerged cities
-similar events can happen again
Watch the sky.

Yeah i agree, also that robert shoch and Graham hancock were credited to those set of rain erosion illustrations as they were deep into geology and anthropology but then were labeled as pseudoscience proliferators and there goes all their beliefs to the science community




We have bigger issues at hand like what is Kim kardashian doing right now or hey look there's a pikachu over there.

Your great grandfather was a pussy Hans. Why didn't he fight harder

>what are the pyramid texts

not only no heiroglyphs but there was no DNA found in the pyramids and

more insane, there is no evidence of soot from their torches on the ceilings of the chambers & passages

It makes me wonder if they mummified themselves for this purpose. Perhaps they knew they were going to be massacred or lose their lands and sought to preserve themselves in order to prove in the future who really founded their civilizations.

Makes more sense than thinking it will make you travel to the afterlife properly.

There's are even caucasoid mummies in America that Indians refuse to allow to be properly examined because it may disturb their journey to the afterlife. Total fucking bullshit.

faggot go read a national geographic lol, im sorry but you ackbars did not build the pyramids no evidence for it at all

so they carved something inside after they discovered the structure. What does that prove?

>Implying you will get to learn anything about North African or Middle Eastern history in the future
Islam will finish what is started in Egypt and do what it did with the Buddha statue. Just you wait.

Wow this makes actually sense. So basically they wanted to make sure everyone believes that they build it eventhough really they didnt.

>The Pyramids are way to complex for a bunch of neolithic sandniggers to have ever built

>what are the similar coffin texts used by Egyptians until the new kingdom

shiet thats creepy

It was the Nuwaubians. Get woke.

>tfw the shitskins will take credit for all of white people's achievements after we are inevitably bred out of existence too

thats the equivalent of kids spraying graffiti on the colosseum

My sides

history repeats itself

Misunderstand me right NL. I am a big fan of robert schochs work, I actually follow his work closely.

To believe the sphinx is younger than ~15,000 years is retarded. It's a complete neglect of evidence.

so how old you think it is?

Exactly. It's not hard to plagiarize something.

without a doubt older, 12000 years is just the date of the official end of the younger dryas, marking the last time areas like egypt would have received more rainfall..but the place was probably built for a while before..unless it was literally made as some sort of chamber to survive that 1200 year or so period of the ending of the glacial period.

all fo this shit is directly tied with the jews you know because they try so hard to cover up all the discoveries made aroudn the world that confirms everything we know is wrong..the idea humans barely migrated to america right before theland bridge went away is stupid and the idea that homo sapiens merely migrated out of africa hunted out the local human population(who were much more advanced than they were, look at the denisovan bracelet from 40000 years ago) and then spent the next 30-40k years doing nothing until they accidentally stumbled on agriculture conveniently right after the ice age ends and washes away our entire landscape and flooded every river, coastline, island, lush subcontinent, and lake where people would have lived. gimem a break

obviously the world flood myth has some truth to it and the cabal doesnt want this part of history being undug

homo sapiens and especially this modern generation of homo sapiens are not the first people to start establishing civlization

What? Lots of us are history autists. There is a meme here of the guy who goes $50,000 into debt to get a history degree thinking he will be Indiana Jones but ends up teaching high school world history for 40 years

I am a huge history autists because I am obsessed with trying to piece together the coherent truth of existence and things like that, and I have concluded after about a decade of constant reading and discussing that the vast majority of what we teach our kids about history is bullshit, and what actually happened has been deliberately obscured for reasons we don't know. Everything, from claiming the first civilization began 6000 years ago in Iraq, to the official narrative of the recent world wars, is deliberately erroneous and pushes a political agenda.

And it is a lot more sinister than it first appears. Humans used to be capable of utterly astonishing feats of engineering in the ancient days, yet we can reason out very little of their methods. Perhaps we are truly divine beings who are living in a world cut off from god by mortal evils, and everything about this existence is a lie to keep us feeling hopeless and ignorant of our own capabilities. It is equally as likely as the Sphinx which clearly has erosion dating it 10000+ years old being made by Ancient Egyptians a few thousand years ago

>judging a nation based on posters on Sup Forums
I'm not going to imply you're retarded or anything, but what the literal fuck? You realize a vast majority of people on here are autistic introverts looking to piss people off, right? I don't know a single respectable person IRL who knows of this board, much less posts on it.

Since the last time it rained in sufficient amounts to cause such erosion is roughly 11-12k years ago, and the erosion we see on the sphinx would also have taken considerable time to erode to begin with. We're probably looking at 15-20k years old.

It makes sense that there were ancient civilizations back then, as we have found many ruins in the oceans today, in parts of the world that would not be under the sea level 12k+ years ago.

I.e Birmini road, yonaguni, off the coast of india in all directions etc.

Bless this post.

Finally someone else is saying it.

>all of this shit is directly tied with the jews

This. Moses was no prophet who received the word of god. He was a thieving, lying kike who ransacked Giza with his legion of negros and nomads and stole the gold cap from the rgeat pyramid, the ark of the covenant and the teachings of Egypt then claimed them to be his and forged an entire religion based on lies.

hello new friend

This is not a new topic on here. People are just largely ignorant.


>Egyptian defence force arrives in the nick of time

>hate egyptian mythologie

that is retarded, remember Solon(then Plato) was told about Atlantis because of egyptian mythology and Herodotus was told about Hyperborea throught he egyptians.

according to egyption myth,
When the proto egyptians discovered giza, they found a wooden temple outside the sphynx with animal skins painted with the story of the sunken land we know of as atlantic, and they knew of it as the land where their predecessors & gods come from..

they called it like island of reeds or something, and reeds represent knowledge and then in Aztec mythology, they also come from a sunken world called Aztlan(atlantis???) which they said the people brought them their knowledge and culture came from and it meant field of reeds

atl also means water

in Basque culture, they believe they are from a sunken culture called Atlantika...they are right on the coast of spain and linguistic analysis shows they are a unique group from all other europeans.



i always thought mummies were preserved so that we can access their dna and general knowledge of them and then recreate them in some way.."journey to the afterlife"

trust me, we all feel like that

Basically as i understand it hancock and others argue that the pyramids and sphinx are far older than believed and aligned with star constellations in a specific configuration that was only visible in the sky 10.000 of years ago or more and were built to resemble that.. thus basically a blueprint of the sky at that time.. Basically by turning back the positions of the stars in the sky you can find out when they were built.. Kind of like making it idiot proof to know when they were built. And that it seems that some went to great trouble to show when they were built or whatever, and we should therefore find out when they were built and what it possibly means.. is what graham argues along with others..

Whatever the matter of the theories that graham hancock has, It is very troubling that Zahi Hawass is so afraid to debate him, if it's very easy to say ok graham you're an idiot and you're wrong about water erosions on the sphinx.. Why not just do that.. If it's so open and shut case.. just go through the evidence why what graham is saying is complete crap and that's that.. should be easy if you have the evidence on your side..

But he not only declines he gets clearly very upset. And the talk about banning someone from egypt for bringing this up is pretty out there..

They were mimicking chryochambers.

Very interesting post.

>with animal skins painted
that rings bell and makes think of gobekli tepe

And where did you read this about the giza plateau? Could it be that the artifacts in this wooden temple are now deep under the sphinx in the presumed cave ?

He does get triggered when graham says shame on you.. don't say that to a muslim egyptian HAHAHAHAHA... "shame on me what u mean shame on you kuffar! don't say these words to me" hahahaha

t. doesn't believe in Radars.

The pyramids were built before white people existed.

Here's the video of the caucasoid mummy discovered in Nevada in 1940.|

>In 1996 University of California, Riverside anthropologist R. Ervi Taylor examined seventeen of the Spirit Cave artifacts using mass spectrometry. The results indicated that the mummy was approximately 9,400 years old (uncalibrated Radio-Carbon Years Before-Present (RCYBP); ~11.5 Kya calibrated) — older than any previously known North American mummy.

This made me so mad this is zahi hawass btw. the guy that's arguing with graham in the video.

there is another video where zahi says he doesn't believe in radars. kek
at around 3:50


A tribe that explored them originally broke the nose off the Sphynx to prevent non-Divinity questions.

this has happened before, our "shining" genes(blonde colors, red colors, blue eyes, green eyes, white skin, etc) come from the old white people(neanderthal, denisovan, and human hybrids) and when those species began to go away way back in the ice age, the human hybrids took over and formed empires like atlantis, who were then wiped out and the survivors mixed with the local hunter gatherer populations in europe, americas, middle east, wherever and then over a long period of us farming ourselves(through caste systems and invasions from groups with higher % of those old white genes), we were able to bring those genes back to the forefront..

now were going to get destroyed, mixed with brown skins, and then it will take forever to climb back up again..

notice how every time this type of civilization pops up, out comes the "jews" to sabotage it?

Why do they do this?

I know right.

Atlantis never existed. It's impossible when factoring in plate tectonics. Was simply an allegory to make Athens stronk

Afro Americans claiming Egypt was a black civilization.
Afro Americans come mainly from western Africa

- The distance from Berlin to Cairo is 2700 km
- The distance from western Africa to Cairo is 5000 km - with a huge fucking desert in between

egyptians learned to build pyramids. they developed it slowly. first mastabas, then step pyramids, then real pyramids.

you can still follow that up today.

your theory is bs.



It did exist but not like you think as an isolated island. It existed as global reaching empire.

Hancock doesn't actually question the pyramids but the Sphinx

The "pyramids" that the arab egyptians build later during the kingdom era pale in comparaison with the giza plateau.

>why do they do this
It's a concept in islam called jahillyah meaning basically ignorance.. things that predate islam present ignorance and must be destroyed.. Same reason they burned down libraries and all kinds of things in the past. here's a very short video about it.

TL;DR Islam calls all history that came before Mohammed, jahiliyah, ignorance which is offensive to Allah. It is to be annihilated.

Palm leaves have been found under the ice in antarctica.

It is becoming increasingly likely that antarctica is in fact "Atlantis" and it was moved there in a near cataclysmic instance of continental drift.

yes exactly man, the ark belongs inside the kings chamber in that little box that is clearly too small for a person but just about fits the supposed dimensions of the ark...

this happened in babylon too, they show up, steal all the occult info and then destroy the place so that they are left with the knowledge and the ability to use it to "rise above" the crowd.

happened in Rome also

same with Britain, and germany

Now the USA..

I honestly believe they might not even want to use the info, just prevent us from having it...

>mfw muslims tore off the white limestone that covered the pyramids
>we'll never be able to properly analyze weather and age of them

Feels bad

If it did there ought to be just as much archeological evidence to support it as there is for hunter-gatherer cave paintings.
Not well versed on the subject, so there might be.

they would argue that the "original egyptians" migrated to west africa

yet there is like 0 egyptian architecture there so it is obviously a retarded idea

The sea level rose 100-150 meters (or more) after the last ice age 15,000 - 20,000 years ago. Who knows what was flooded.

Also, probably the origin of the ancient myth about 'the great flood'

I remember them running a series on network tv in 1992-93 that brought up the water/wind erosion on the sphinx. they talked about a wet period in eygpt even then. if I remember correctly, they just assumed that it was more recent, like 5k years ago.

knowledge diseminates slowly

fuck I'm mad know

Where do you think the ark is? I've heard theories it was hidden in Ethiopia. Maybe it's locked away in a deep underground facility or even in space by now.

~12,000 years ago*

Someone mention Khemitology yet? Want a fucking genuine head-scratching WTF? Look up the serapeum.

Start here.