Wonder Woman
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Haha time for webms
>implying I would waste two hours on capeshit
full of shit op
I just found it on a chinese site. might not be real tho
>not being on PtP
Its not on the main release database so its 100% fake.
No KORSUB of Guardians 2 yet?
Why would you give a shit
>muh secret club.
Come back when you are not underage
Congrats on killing your computer, faggot
post more screens to prove it's legit
>Korsubbed capeshit
ay it's spud
Korsub just hit pirate bay a few minutes ago. HC HDRip
I don't think anyone really cares though, other than shills. I'll never watch it. Capeshit is dead to me.
>less seeders
were you born retarded?
Can someone explain these KORSUBS to me? How is it that some Channel 12 in fucking Korea gets these movies so early lately?
It isn't a scene release, so obviously not in that pre list.
They don't. The people leaking it just brand it with that to shift blame.
It's a streaming service for hotels.
I already downloaded it from iptorrents, it's legit
Not even stuttering or anything
Fuck... she's exquisite.
It's recorded from a streaming movie service for businesses like hotels. The subs are hard-coded Korean.
>no seeds
I don't think they update by the minute these days
Hotel rooms where you go and jerk it while watching new flicks.
Seeds 8 Leechs 111 right now
>inb4 its cropped to shit
Here comes the kino!
I'll never know. I just checked the seeds then removed it from my list.
Look at the screencap in this very thread
Those are from >Wonder.Woman.2017.IPTV.KORSUB.1080p.x264.AC3.5.1CH-OHE.mkv
It isn't cropped at all.
Any screens?
HOLY FUCK ITS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those fucking Korean subs though.
prove it
Looks pretty good. Is audio fine then?
it's 10/10 thank you yify
nah but for real it's like any other dvdrip apart from the subs
No proof that it won't look like shit but ok
We'll see
haha guess I'll give it a go. Thanks!
.. and where's your proof that it will look like shit? right, you're just a bitter shitposter
> and where's your proof that it will look like shit?
Burden of proof is with you fagboy. It is SHIT until proven otherwise
>tfw literally just finished watching a shitty cam-version
just kill me now
>watching cam versions
HAHAHAHAHA it's your own fault
nigga, are you fucking retarded?
How was the movie's overall quality tho
I literally posted that screenshot fuckboy
Not an argument kiddo
this was for you
What site do you use for the torrent? kickass has stupid registration shit now
get on iptorrents
best torrent site hands down.
thank mr user
oh damn I didnt know, would have been willing to send you an invite. had no idea they had a shitty account limit tho
no problemo
I got it off good ol TPB
sweet now i can not watch it in two places
Webms when
I'm not on a private tracker.
Can anyone link the torrent?
I know, I know. I should be on a private tracker.
>complains how london looks
>their buildings look like crumbling old ruins
bitch its called taste. ruins are obviously more aesthetic
Themyscira weather > London weather
Enjoy being crushed by your aesthetics faggot
literally looks like shit brazil
London is legit a shithole though.
Oh okay never mind I was almost interested
You are faceblind but for architecture
It literally doesn't.
Streaming korsub on random pornsite at equal quality that is still terrible
What an ugly goblin
>Sup Forums in charge of architecture
fucking square homes
Nigga put ur glasses back on
You're embarrassing yourself holy shit, never comment again
I assume you think these prove your point?
They do not.
Koreans have been godly lately.
Why so mad Mickey?
>I am taking literally literally because I'm autistic
I said never comment again. Fucking kill yourself
In pajeet land is that consider aesthetic?
Oh, it's the illiterate russian. Do not reply.
>just edit shit away to make it look like it, the first pics werent convincing so maybe this third pic will
You are fucking braindead
why don't people just post the magnet?
Go look for it bitch, you're a magnet for decadence