Donald Trump is packing stadiums in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida and Hillary Clinton is not.
Just your daily reminder that opinion polls don't mean jack shit.
Hillary BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
people go to Trump rallies for entertainment
he's a good entertainer, he's like a clown
that doesn't make him a good politician or president
>polls dont mean shit
why do trumpcucks say this now that hes not winning the polls?
I've been travelling all around America and I'm seeing Trump bumper stickers, Trump slogans, adverts, hats everywhere.
In the meanwhile showing off anything Hillary is a personal embarrassment.
I feel like we're going to win this.
this is too true lmao
when Trump is only very slightly ahead they lose their fucking minds
your delusion amuses me
Trump won this Sup Forums poll. The only poll that matters.
I think it's /qa/ shitposters this time desu
Because they changed the way polls are calculated to fake the results. They legit don't mean anything now.
>implying it's not rigged
I agree with OP that Hillary is the best choice for President.
Getting 23/77 on Sup Forums is actually pretty bad. How is it not 10/90
Australians and Canadians shitpolling probably.
>trump losing polls
polls dont mean shit
>trump winning in polls
This. The polls are heavily skewed. Every one of them. Look at the sampling done in the Reuters poll last week.
Polls are to be completely disregarded for this and every other poll.
>Americans are waking up
Yay here come the 60000 daily trump threads
The polls are been tiggee in Clinton's favor the entire time. If the media shows Trump in the lead, that means he's actually REALLY far ahead to the point where even they can't deny it.
The shills are learning...
I just fucked.
Rome is the mob
The polls are fake now. You can look at their sampling if you don't believe it.
CTR, it was really more of a test of their presence. Pretty dumb on their part
Hillary Lying again. Bill got Anal from Monica. It's in the record. Monica was a 3 input Jew.
The problem is determining what Trump's support ceiling is in those states. Filling a stadium with supporters isn't a big deal if that's the limit of your support, you know?
Hillary isn't liked by the democrats. The only reason anyone is voting for her is to stop Trump (outside of, like, twenty percent who actually like her for some fucked up reason).
I'd imagine about thirty-five percent is probably voting FOR Trump, so he's got more vocal support. They're the ones turning out to his rallies.
The issue is that remaining 45% of people who are voting against the other person. How will that shake out in November?
I'm sure they are buddy... I'm sure they are
You don't even live here, you just get to see memes about the election.
Because the questions posed are deliberately presented as something any rational person would agree with; "Is racist rhetoric bad, should we not be more sympathetic to other human beings et cetera, et cetera."
When Trump does well in the polls it shows that the questions being asked have more to do with the candidate's platform, rather trying to reel in general sympathy.
Finally a bread that isn't complete bullshit. Hillary is going the fuck down. I can't wait to watch her fall to pieces. She already is, but I want more.
I'm actually a US citizen. I'm just on vacation here in Amsterdam for a couple of weeks.
Wo ist das Argument?
Yeah, okay. Passport or GTFO.
I'll just leave this here
Fed and State Raid on Union IBEW & Hillary Campaign Office - George Spencer, Journalist
That's good though, if most of Hillary's supporters are only voting because they hate Trump more, then they can be moved.
Hillary is still suffering from 2012 concussion and she has radiation poisoning from all those trips to japan during fukushima. Shes thyroid is gone, thats why shes coughing so much.
Shes so exhausted after public speeches that she has to sit down and rest after them, thats why she left democratic debate for over 5mins while commentators were wtf. Im pretty sure that she will collapse during debates with trump and thats how trump will win.
Here is the REAL poll
Hillary leads by only .7. That's .7, not 7.