Leader of American Nazi Party: Trump win will be ‘a real opportunity’ for us

Yeah, he's literally Hitler

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Shaun King loves these guys that endorse Trump, though.

i.e all Nationalist groups loves Trump, Shaun is just made his fellow whites are doing it, because he doesn't like being white, seeing other whites doing it.

wait Sean King is the leader of an American nazi party?

these groups always vote, every year.
so these groups always favour one candidate, so the point that they like Trump is moot.


he's a white guy LARPing as a black man being a professional activist for BLM

>American Nazi Party

Literally who or FBI honeypot. The world may never know.

American Nazi Party after GLR death is just a honeypot.

And Farrakhan murdered Malcom X because he wanted separation from whites, thus impeading the gibsmedats



"Trump's right wing death squads clean up New York"

Im sick of ypu fucking morons screaming CTR everytime says something about Trump you cant refute.

Okay, Jethro, how about this: SAY SOMETHING instead of stampig your feet lie a fucking child.

>inb3 shill!

Beat you to it.

>now say something meaningful, or youre a pussy admitting he has no justification for supporting trump other than being an edgelord and pissing ppl off.




Left has the fear of a white planet.


>Shawn KANGZ
Lol get fucked

Soros money shilling hard this morning...

I get that you are unemployed and a quick buck is all you are looking for. Rather than taking scraps from the dnc team that put you in your current spot, why take a longer term approach and support the guy that is going to get the govt off your back and allow you to make and honest living?



Trump is Trump. Hitler is hitler. He died in Patagonia in the 1960's according to the FBI.


>nazis are so dumb they don't realize trump stands a better chance at winning if they don't publicly express their support for him

the end.

this comic is several years old, like 90's or 80's

>a great victory and a real opportunity for white...

stop the presses


White nationalists are not out ambush killing police officers and getting their surviving single moms invited to the Republican National Convention.

That's what the democrats are doing.

Also Shawn Kangz is white and literally has a severe and untreated form of psychosis.

Not an argument

>media tries to push story of KKK people supporting Trump
>"Look, Trump is literally the Klan!"
>propaganda fails
>media tries to push story of nazi people supporting Trump
>"Look, Trump is literally Hitler!"
>propaganda fails
What else can they call him now?

He's white enough to be a member, so...

Literally who?
Controlled opposition m8 it's a boogeyman made and controlled by the establishment.

I'm saying waste because he got quads for such a shitty post.

oh and yea
>CTR shill
Pick one faggot.


The Nazi Party hasn't been relevant since Des Moines. They're just a literally who. Why don't we talk about the wall street bankers who endorse Hillary, or the communist groups who endorsed Bernie? Oh yeah that's right because remember the 6 million goy literally Hitler.


I unironically like this ad, because it reaffirms me why I'm voting for Trump.

I don't give a shit how much of a racist doofus Donald Trump is. He still has nowhere near as many skeletons in his closet as Hillary Clinton.

The more that gets revealed about her the more sincerely horrifying she becomes.

Except being literally Hitler isn't stumping him. Shills are going to have to dig deeper.

Not to mention that Trump has an amazing track record and has shown that he knows how to manipulate the media.

I'll just leave this here

Fed and State Raid on Union IBEW & Hillary Campaign Office


>s a g e

>It's another תazi group that endorses trump episode


to safeguard Hillary? trying to collect evidence that would harm her??

american nazi party, kkk, any "mainstream" white power/nationalist organization in the us is 100% controlled by the fbi.

to me he isn't even white. He's just a wigger

Keep trying, shills.
Nothing is going to work.
Trump will be president and nothing short of historic vote rigging will stop it.
By the way, major waste of gets.

But the RevComm party rallying openly with masks outside Bernie rallies was no big deal.

>Trump wants to fix American economy
>American economy benefits everyone, especially whites
>Somehow retarded skinheads liking this isn't okay
Its almost like the media doesn't want things to get better....
