What's the best country for being a Neet and leach off state?

What's the best country for being a Neet and leach off state?

Fuck off retard.


Probably us

t. neet
Only if you got fired from a well paying job

How much do you get for doing nothing?

I just looked it up, and I got 13,511 DKK = ~$2,014 here the 1st

But I get more than most because asperger

$600 a month

have to pretend to look for work though and a few months in they will start pushing harder for you to get a job or internship.

It's easy if you're a genuine sperg though, nobody will want you.

I'm lucky, I don't have drivers licence and a smalltime criminal record help me stay unemployed

the fuck? 2K USD?

you must be handicapped to the extreme

No, but I get the same as the handicapped. :^)

>sage in the name field


Do you guys pay taxes on that?

The 13k was after taxes

How do you survive on 600$ a month? It's hard to get by with that amount in Romania, yet alone Sweden

i think he meant after rent, atleast i get 600$ after the rent is paid, and im on the lowest form of welfare atm

You should know the answer to that one, taco.

dude, send me $200 so I can buy a distortion pedal for my guitar. :(

rent is only $200.
Small 1 room in small town.

I haven't been on the dole for years, but last time I was they gave me about £77 a week, which is a joke.
I should act retarded next time.

but still. 600$ after rent is peanuts. how do you get by?

So you are left with 400$ for a whole month? I don't envy you...

when the revolution comes america will be the best

sage goes in all fields

how much you'd get? i guess we have about the same cost of living

Scotland. We get free uni and college, free healthcare, free prescription fees, free student accommodation, incredibly good student loans, benefits for students (some can get grants (money you don't pay back) ), benefits everywhere.

We also have nice people and a great landscape.

I think 900€ is the maximum amount that you can milk, but that is before rent. A single room will set you back some 200-300€, but you will be living in extreme poverty nevertheless.

>It's hard to get by with that amount in Romania
lol i wish i had 600 a month

yeah, that is the case if you refuse to work, refuse to go to school, and you're healthy

not really dude, 200/month includes everything like internet, power, heat, water.

food is about 200 a month for me so that 200€ to spend a month

what if you live in stockholm? 200 doesn't get you a trash bin

>living in niggerville

I don't know or care.

And to answer OP's question - if you're not willing to live in even bigger poverty than in your native country, forget this idea. It is easy to come to large cities or metropolitan hubs and live the NEET life there, but that will make you miserable. Comfy NEET life outside of those large areas are reserved for locals

you make almost as much as me you fucking piece of shit, end yourself

Finland might not be at the top of the list when it comes to neetbux, but I can assure you that here you can get them the easiest.

First off, there are about a million social programs you can sign up to as a neet, might not be fully legal, but you'll never get one complaint about it from the government.

Secondly, you wont believe how easily you can trick them. Here's how you get a free apartment:

(for the record, I've never taken out anything else than 60 euros/month student welfare, but I know these things for a fact as a lot of my friends have done so)

>contact any landlord and fill the contract
>go to the welfare office and tell them you don't have money to pay the rent

Done. You want more money? You can apply for a basic program which will pay for your food, basic hygiene products, rent, CAR, gas, car repairs + 15 or more """basic needs""" and obviously "entertainment and hobby salary".


if you are frugal, it's possible but you get depressed doing nothing.

If "studying" is all you do you are almost on par with the NEET-life. I am a student but I really feel like a NEET because I never go to class

Not to mention shot, bombed, or run over, Francois

>these are the people that accuse Greece of being a welfare state
>when the only welfare available here is a mere 300eu / month for terribly disabled people (missing eyes/limbs etc) spergs get nothing

You have one shot at life, buddy

>What's the best country for being a Neet and leach off state?
/pol usually said that; Sverige

mr cunt