What's everyones opinions on the flat earth theory?
What's everyones opinions on the flat earth theory?
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Tell that to the guy who fell down the waterfall looking for the edge.
It's possible only if NASA has faked everything. Maybe Mars videos are shot in the dry valleys of Antarctica. This whole world is full of deception, we should all know that by now.
I don't believe it but it makes god-tier bait.
It's good for making bait threads, I'll give you that.
Nothing wrong with beeing stupid, senpai.
I wrote f a m and it turned senpai? Dafaq
its the only thing that makes a bit of sense. i mean, a ball that you can stand upside down on? what is this nonsense?
You can literally watch a live stream from space and see Earth's curvature.
That's what happens in the Berenstain flat earth universe
I'm from the old round earth, f a m universe too senpai
>shows CGI
weak m8
>a ball that you can stand up on
Jewish tricks
It is a meme, even people in the middle ages knew the earth was round, you are over 1000 years behind in education burgerbro.
It's not just NASA but every space agency ever.
Including North Korea.
Why would North Korea tell the same "lie" as NASA?
There is literally nothing wrong with a flat earth model
Notice how NK has failing rocket attempts?
It's because they are trying to operate from the round earth paradigm and their nav systems fuck up.
Last thread I took part in, guy said it was because the truth would obsolete governments and end science and prove religion correct and so such
lmao that's called bait
why would jews cooperate with jews???
Water fills whatever container it is in, creating a flat surface.
So are YOU telling us that the ocran surface has a rounded curve...?
Checkmate ballsuckers
the earth is flat, guess we dont need roads anymore
>implying the majority of the population had anywhere near the education of the highborn
Protip: no road, canal, bride, landing strip or human platform has EVER been built to consider any curve.
Hundreds of miles of road... no curve acknowledged
Thousands of miles of highway, no curve considered
put a few drops of water on a penny
it makes a round curve
fucking retard
Fuck flat Earth, Hollow Earth is the new deal.
Complete bullshit.
Why would you need to consider the world's roundness to keep making it straight?
Just make it straight.
Oh no, he's retarded
ok this is bait but this legit made me laugh
good on you
You can not out a thousand mile plank the surface of a round ball.
flat earth was invented to discredit hollow earth
Nothing wrong with being stupid, senpai
You just don't get it, the world is a flat & hollow
Well..of course
But roads aren't single solid objects. You put tar and shit on the ground.
You're dumb, extremely dumb if you believe that
why don't flat earthers pool their money together and mount an expedition to finally prove their theory is correct?
There are no footage or evidence of the worlds end.
Therefore flat eart is hoax
earth is an infinite plane
It's flat where I am, and even when I drive a long way, it is flat there too. I don't go around thinking, "Hey, you know if I was looking at someone right now 10000km away, they'd be at right angles to me."
You put the picture of the world together in your head depending upon what you want to accomplish. Everything is a story you make in your head, then you fool yourself into thinking the picture is the world. The world is neither flat nor round nor anything until you make a story about it that is useful to be believed.
A road built through the salt lakes is perfectly level, because of lazers and making it perfectly level.
No curve is ever considered. Hundreds of miles, flat as can be.
This destroys the ball earth model.
This, if the flat Earth model is true it should be impossible to sail around the world.
>everything is a story you make in your head
Wew lad
>American imtellectuals
It takes the same amount of time to fly from Johannesburg to Buenos Aires as it does from Athens to NYC.
Simple test of the OP image
Its nice to know I can see Brazil from window
Fuck off back to X. Only conspiracy allowed here are the ones that are real about world leaders
>solipsistic horseshit
t. relativist
Can I have some reading about this utter flatness?
its flat and round at the same time
Got a link to prove that?
No curve or spin is EVER accounted for in routing flights.
They travelat the same speed whether going with OR against this nonsense 'spin'.
Bad day for round earthers
Sorry, Johannesburg to Sao Paulo
Earth is round
t. Galileo
Ball earth plebs actually think every pilot on earth is constantly dipping the nose of the airplane towards the surface
It is insane
They have those autopilot things to keep their altitudes steady with
And of course the world's spin doesn't factor in, the space in the atmosphere doesn't move independently of the planet
>The world is neither flat nor round nor anything until you make a story about it that is useful to be believed.
Wow, really makes you think. But I imagine if you were planning a missile launch to a country thousands of miles away, it would probably be useful to make a story about it being round, correct?
Huh? I mean the hours it takes.
Run a search on Google for flights.
>Athens to NYC
>Johannesburg to Sao Paulo
Then take a look at the OP image and ask yourself how it's possible for a plane to take the same amount of time for each flight.
Is the Johannesburg to Sao Paulo route using a Concorde or ramjet?
Yes. How could it be otherwise? The world is. You are not everyting. Therefore you sense things. But you don't sense everything all the time, nor do you only sense things you have sensed before. Therefore you must have a map in your head that is either right or wrong. You continually update the map, and correct the map.
But the map is not the world.
That map is called your narrative.
The brain is a sense organ that senses itself, then senses itself sensing itself. This creates a recursion - pathways in the brain with many forks and exits and entries to traverse.
You match these pathways up and the picture of the world forms.
To make that narrative work, you become the map. You don't see a difference between the map and the world because you cannot see the world. only the map, only the narrative.
But that doesn't make it any less of a story.
What really cooks your brain is that even what I just said was a story.
>gas travels with the exact same characteristics as solid mass and water
This is the sort of mental gymnastics you actually need to explain your ball model
Retarded. White rabbit has debunked it in 3 different 15 minutes long videos. This is someone that believes evolution is the religion of the nwo. Look him up, interesting shit.
We are all joking here, no one actually believes flat earth, right?
the earth is flat
Planes don't stay completely dead level. It's impossible to stop them from wobbling entirely, and some of that wobble is vertical. They ARE constantly readjusting, even minorly. They certainly don't travel anywhere near fast enough for it to become noticeable.
Take the redpill, Sup Forums.
Tldr go back to /x/ witch guru astrologer. The universe does not care what is going on in your head.
Take it up with the theory of gravity then
No one actually believes that two planes can take off in New York and travel at the same speed around a spinning object, arriving back ar New York at the same time right?
Who would've guessed that clouds move?
Gravity is real
Clouds are stationary, the earth moves under them
>MFW there are retards who full blown legit think the Earth is flat and aren't meming
Solipsism is a story, and fails for the same reason as any story. You cannot know the world except as a story.
The world has no reason to know itself. The world is indistinguishable from a story of randomness without the story. Without intent, there would be no objects, no perspectives.
Oh, by the way. The meta-narrative says that Name calling is an emotional and instinctual argument - the rhetoric of ethos and pathos.
If that persuades you, you should probably not waste your time in this thread...
Can you draw a pic of how a flat earth would look like since the UN/OP image version is easily debunked?
WTF I hate spheres now.
What about the spin of the planet in your model?
If one plane goes against the spin it should arrive first. My 8 year old nephew can see that senpai
the wind helps them move
no. there is only one force
Sure, it's right under our noses
T. United Nations Flag
Is this the height of US Science education?
The air is rotating too. That's how come there is wind on some days and not others.
It makes a bit of sense at all.
wind is up to solar energy
Wind is created by the movement of the earth. We are moving so fast that what you think is wind is actually friction caused by the wind resistance against our bodies being moved by the earth.
It is right in front of us
Planes only work, only achieve speed and lift, because of the air around them
The atmosphere most definitely moves with the planet. If it wasn't bound to the planet, what would stop it from coming apart and emptying into space?
But I just said that's already been debunked. How can a plane fly from Johannesburg to Sao Paulo in the same amount of time as traveling from Athens to NYC?
Wow, you're a waste of 2 dubs in a row.
This. For some reason or another people still believe that people believe in a spherical earth.
>curved lens
>only clouds move
So? Niggers are asking how it's possible for a plane to not go faster when traveling against the rotation, but they must have slept through the lesson on the Coriolis effect.
hurrr u see the airlines r in leeg wit da j00z and alter their flight paths enormously so dey have flite timez that match up wiff da fake round earth model xD