Who /onemanarmy/ here?

I am literally a one man PR company. I don't have to worry about making money or working, so I dedicate my life to swaying politics in the directions I choose. Where PR companies win with education, mass and budget, I win with experience, extreme knowledge of popular culture and online info channels, unorthodox methods and strategies to cause maximum damage only by myself.

I take partial credit for making Brexit happen. Now I am going to put Trump in the White House. I could subvert a government if you give me access to the internet and enough time. There is nothing you can do to stop me.

I really hope you are trolling and are not this delusional...

You have no idea what one man can do with the power of the internet. I am my own visionary, coordinator and executor. And when I execute, I really put in quadruple the work a normal worker does and precisely in the right spot.

Maybe it will change in the future, but it hasn't changed now. The world is my oyster.

same tee bee ech

So it's your fault Trump is tanking in the polls?

One word: underdog

if you are so wise then what kind of animal is this?

A polar rabbit

So your strategy is basically to make him appear as shit and unappealing as possible, for some nebulous "underdog" cred which will somehow win him the election on polling day?




I am not Sup Forums, but I can pull the strings well enough to effectively harness its insane power. Anyone who has become a prisoner to Sup Forums like me can do this. Most never discover their power.

Any hints on how one can get close to your ability? I'd like to help get Trump elected and help save Western Civilisation.

You don't learn Sup Forums, you become it. For this cycle, you are too late. For the next one, most likely as well.

Stay for a decade, become an oldfag and we'll talk. Maybe we'll even organize when the governments start harnessing us for generous pay. For now, I am a vagabond.

I'm only asking for some/a hints/hint, bro.

OP can I into ze armee? I pwomise I is a vewy vewy sewious hacxoor. I givs you infowmatieen fow frwee but I needs ze armee unifurm fustt.
seriously though, I have plans and shit ready-to-go and I wanna watch the world burn before I die.

Read books on social engineering and lurk. A lot.


Literally everyone in this thread except a select few is butthurt they can't into controlling the masses.

I obviously don't only use Sup Forums to achieve my goals. You can get flustered today, watch me give a shit.

Tfw not enough monies to maintain legions of shill servers and fake websites

Eyyy Nepal lemme fix yo flag


no really I shitpost a lot man

best kek in a while. Thanks OP. Have a (you).

thats not what I typed.
whats habbenyng guyyz. Sup Forums just altered my text after i hit post.
this bread is now getting spoopyy guyz. leave now while you can guyzzz.

Thanks, user. Long live Western civilisation.

Why would I want to stop you user? I applaud your efforts. Keep on going good man.

I'm not really out to control - I just want the masses to stop voting like turkeys voting for Christmas, which only hurts the rest of us who are vastly more awakened...

And, yeah, I watched Stefan Molyneux's video on the decline of Rome and its modern parallels.

It doesn't matter they act like turkeys. It's because they are turkeys.

Your job is to program their brains to walk in the right direction and do their turkey thing. You achieve this by doing a shitload of thinking, a shitload of planning and most importantly, a shitload of work. A normal person could never do this, that's why I feel so confident in my ability that I can tell the doubters to fuck off and suck my dick.

10 points for gryffindor!!!

What platforms do you use?

The good ones ;)