sorry, but I need to post this in english since united statesians are monolanguage
Oh, irony is a bitch
Based Brazil.
lmaoooooooo Brazil shoving their big white cocks in our nigger mouths
>expecting us to know Portuguese, a language only spoken in Portrugal, Brazil, and a few irrelevant countries that are even more 3rd world than you
Yeah no fuck off.
Most of them are already diverse
Yes it makes me sick that is the "USA" team.
Each and everyone of those black bastards most likely hate the fucking nation.
All the blacks are busy playing soccer.
Don't worry, he loves your white ladies, and for him that's almost the same.
Quick Quiz:
Who is highest-paid in your US: LeBron James, Snoop Dogg or an average white entrepreneur? - The last one with an supposedly average IQ of 100. You can give any IQ you wish to the others.
I dunno about that. They're successful because of their own merits and likely haven't received a communist education.
Besides, American blacks have a tendency to like basketball more so than whites, similar to their tendency to like committing crimes.
tfw I can only recognize two of the niggers on our team. hopefully in 4 years I won't recognize any of them.
No country can withstand the awesome might of our basketball Americans. They are trained at birth, you know.
"Estadunidense"... suck a dick, Kauê
Odeio quando brasileiro tenta chamar americano de estadunidense.
M-mas o Brasil tambem faz parte da américa... Muh continente americano. Your country is irrelevant
>tfw no BasedBall in this olympics
Sup Forums is calling me a cuck again
Kek, good one m8
USA puts together the best team possible and they are all black and the world is shocked.
Blacks are just genetically superior.
There's no need to be aggressive meaningless ape, we are reasoning like true gentlemen here.
That's the only alert, next time I'll release my dogs upon you.
Physically yes, intellectually no.
Yes, physically that's why they were typically relegated to lifting heavy things and doing what white people told them to do.
>Blacks are just genetically superior.
Of course blacks are superior.
Nearly all of the history of Sub-Saharan Africa consisted of cultures that hadn't invented the wheel and lived in mud, surrounded by wild animals. Natural selection and sexual selection demanded that the biggest, strongest, and fastest could be the only ones to pass on their genes, because the African races were never smart enough to conquer the wild.
Then those who were brought to the West were sold and bred as farming equipment. Of course the largest and strongest were used as breeding stock; anything else would have been economically inefficient.
So yeah, blacks are physically superior on a genetic basis. The same way that oxen are genetically superior to humans when it comes to pulling plows. The same way that gorillas are genetically superior to humans when it comes to living in the wild.
Idk, is this something you are proud of?
Fuck off favela zika baby
Time's up!!
The answer is:
Snoop Dogg comes first, then LeBron and then an average white entrepreuner.
Now the next question:
Who's highest-paid in Brazil: Gabriel Jesus, Seu Jorge or an medium entrepreneur with an IQ of 90?
Time's up!!
The answer is:
Snoop Dogg comes first, then LeBron and then an average white entrepreuner.
Now the next question:
Who's highest-paid in Brazil: Gabriel Jesus, Seu Jorge or a medium entrepreneur with an IQ of 90?
>a medium entrepreneur with an IQ of 90?
Stupendous, bravo, "bravíssimo"!!
Ten points to Australia.
The next question is shorter but takes a little more knowledge.
Unlike US, Brazil has chosen to deal with the black issue by fully integrating blacks into society. The question is: Why?!
Because an impoverished population constantly living in fear of violence is easier to control and because corruption goes largely unnoticed when the average person is just trying to stay alive on a day to day basis?
No Great britOne, I'm sorry. The question is still up, The tiny island is denied the right to try a answer - only for this question.
You just shot him into oblivion lol
Time's up!!
Since GB was the only one to try they receive 5 points.
Australia: 10
Great Britain: 5
The answer is:
With a constant oppressed minority chances are that they will sooner or later turn into a dangerous threat, promoting uprisings and increasing violence exponentially - it's even more alarming considering their fertility rate. By integrating them into society, on the other side, the menace absolutelly disapears since they no longer will have an identity to fight for; and since they represent small parcels of population the process is worth it on the long run since the losts are minimized among all the data.
The next question is tricky:
Despite being the 5th larger country, Brazil has only the 5th defence budget. How come that?
>an sport team that is not diverse is not ok
you are talking exactly like a SJW
If they are better at basketball, they should be on the team.
If that's how the team was selected, I'm ok with it. And seeing as how black people practically worship basketball, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how the team was chosen.
We shouldn't have hiring quotas for sports teams you fucking SJWs
>you fucking SJWs
For aggressive assertions, US is deducted 20 points:
Australia: 10
Great Britain: 5
United States: -20
Ooh, good try, but wrong answer. Obviously the violence and fertility rate among the now wide-spread poor haven't been solved in the slightest.
-5 points from Brazil
>not using any means necessary to advance your ethnic, racial and in-group interests
Found the cuck
You're living in the past US... Also, I'm the judge ITT.
Hint: US has the highest budget with only the 4th largest territory but they don't always receive flowers...
I learned english posting on Sup Forums, I also became redpilled posting on Sup Forums
Brazil is the only country that got diversity done right
Australia: 10
Great Britain: 5
United States: -20
Should I hit the timer? I would prefer if someone could answer that one:
breeding out black genes and behavior, making it harder to blame whitey and das racist?
oh i didnt see this post, oh well i was close enough.
Australia: 10
Great Britain: 5
United States: -20
Time's up!! Nobody scores.
Unlike US, which is the "famous" most militarized country in the world, brazilian diplomats often declare their country's desire to become a peaceful superpower claiming that it would assure every single superpower's priviledge without the so common inconvenients associated.
A lighter one to calm the united statesians' nerves: There's a country where it's not allowed to blow your nose in public like a true elephant would do - and like true united statesians do -, also it's not allowed to touch any kind of food with bare hands. Which country is that?
a) United States
b) Paquistan
c) Camboja
d) Brazil
e) Argentina
When it comes to nigging, Our niggers are niggest.
Checkmate NIDF
you didn't hide that 'no no word' from me, your mischievous US.
Less 20 points to the illegal mexicans:
Australia: 10
Great Britain: 5
United States: -40
all dat gold doe......
pic. related: gold silver or bronze since hitler
Come on, I'm really enjoying this game!!
Ding ding dong! Time's up, no one scores.
The answer is:
d) Brazil.
In Brazil it's bad etiquette to blow your nose in public, you have to sniffle your nose, or use a bathroom if things get too critical. Also it's a well know ettiquete law in Brazil that you can't touch food with bare hands. We have two vulgar kinds of napkins here: one made of a plastic-like paper to hold the food and the 'usual paper napkin' so common in any other country to clean your mouth. Obviously, in formal meetings we have the good and old cloth napkin.
Australia: 10
Great Britain: 5
United States: -40
This one is really really easy, quite popular among 4chans and even more popular among NSA agents monitoring Sup Forums's traffic: Why on this men's Earth Snowden betrayed his own country?
How much of an issue is race is Brazil?
It's getting bigger because SJWs are druming up black resentment for their own purposes
But it's not very worrying at the moment
real niggers
>and a few irrelevent [3rd world] countries
lol pls they lost to Spain a shit ton of times
Tfw half Brazilian and half American
i know this is irrelevant but lebron james definitely has more money/assets than snoop
Even your president is black and you call other niggers. kek
Yes, they were bred to be that way by white farmers. This basketball team is the result of a forgotten eugenics program.
The fluffy white rabbit runs to the infinity, but sooner or later the time always reaches it.
Don't worry about it.
Honestly basketball should not be an olympic sport. The game is in shambles and no one in the world is great at it any more. Not even America.
It's just a cheap way to get niggers some medals.
And that's IF you consider Portuguese white
Racial coexistence used to be pretty peaceful in general. Some random racists here and there and perhaps the vocabulary wasn't politically correct, but people of all races would sit on the same table at work and be friendly and such. No such thing as the KKK or enforced segregation existed.
Then the black movement happened, started politicizing race and suddenly racial tensions began to increase. A number of black people who used to be largely apolitical are now suddenly interested into joining this shit because of racial quotas in universities and civil services, and because that gives them an excuse for their underachievement.
Now, Brazil is largely mixed-race, which has created something known here as "Schroedinger's pardo" ("Schroedinger's brown person"). It is this mixed-race person who counts as black when that advances the black narrative (so many black people in prison!) but as white when it doesn't (so little black people in universities!).
The inevitability of time, don't you think? What do you see?
(I need just a little more time)
Popularizing internet was a mistake.
Brazilians should have been banned from internet.
Oh, don't be so obnoxious, your proxy traveler.
I said that was a quick quiz, so I'm already finished! The answer is: he didn't want his government to have any kind of surveillance power.
final ranking:
Australia: 10
Great Britain: 5
United States: -40