That's it, let's just put an end to this shit
That's it, let's just put an end to this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>spiritual belief
choose none
>No Taoism
>No Buddhism
Shit list.
What the fuck
>atheist / agnostic
>atheist and agnostic in the same place
Re-do it.
didn't think faggots would be on here this early
All statues of false gods will son crumble under the superior might of KEK
Yeah. I'm amazed at how he forgot them too, since he had Tengrism in it.
>follower of kek is in the lead
bump want to get more votes
need more followers of kek
kek is not real
All these fedoras.... I'm disappointed Sup Forums
He's just as real as your God
Why are atheism and agnostic the same answer?
One is open minded and the other is not
Put an end to your shit poll while you're at it
Tfw kek will win
Oh! that must make you a faggot
kill yourself
>all these fedoracore beta males
Your "country" isn't real here, yet you are here posting.
>no esoteric hitlerism option
If Kek isn't real, then how come the ancient Egyptians accepted his existence?
Check mate you Puerto Rican faggot.
Jew masterrace reporting. Don't you goys know you're just cattle?
>current year
>not a follower of kek
tfw i unironically believe in this
am i insane
One out of three poster is an atheism believer.
really make you think.
One is completely misunderstanding the question and the other isn't.
The question isn't about knowledge. Agnostic means "without knowledge". No one is asking you whether or not you KNOW about god. What they are asking you is whether you BELIEVE in a god or not. It's a binary thing. On or off. You either believe or you don't. You're other a theist or an atheist. There's no third option aside from being retarded enough to say "i'm not sure whether or not I believe in god" in which case you're a fucking retard for not even being aware of your own state of mind.
You can't know god. All humans ever universally agree on this one.
That's why belief is a thing. Knowledge is irrelevant where any evidence for or against, is impossible to get.
Because yehova flooded them with frogs
I would like to inform you that I always vote for whichever option I think would infuriate Sup Forumsacks the most.
the jews won
>no pantheism
Kek is real and you need to pray to him to pay your debt.
He's older than you god, heretic.
and yahweh was just ripped off from some pagan bullshit
kek is pure
>bowing to a nigger
Truly the religion of cucks.
>look at me im an atheist im special
just vote fucking nigger
oy vey the goyim are winning
good job retard adding kek in there making this poll a meme poll
he's not bowing, he's a frog that's his natural stance
>Christianity and Kekism make roughly about 50% of the Board's religion
You shall be banished to the darkest pit of hell you heretical nigger
>not slaying the negro (who has been put on a pedestal) with rad fucken shuriken ankhs
the scene is dbz as fuck m8, you are weak in the ways of KEK
How is following Kek any more fake than the other beliefs?
>implying frogs stand on two legs
>implying hes not on his knees like a good cuck
>jelly as fuck of my 911 get
Even kek agrees its a religion for cucks
>if you stop feeding your spiritual energy to the jewish war god, they win
Nice try, Trudeau.
> an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
Religion is literally a meme. But our meme has pyramids n sheet.
hahaha yeah right ecks dee
making you shouldve added more meme options like tai AI and the weird head i dont remember its name to make sure your poll is as useless as possible
>Sup Forums is a christian board
>over half the board doesn't believe in god
>if you forcibly stop human nature in the name of "progress", they win
Nice try, Dawkins.
the only god we recognize is White Man.
might as well be atheism, no religious person would pick a meme over their god
last chance to help the 4th Reich decide the final good solution
Bless you my child. Soon you will learn the glory of chaos and darkness.
Sup Forums has been an atheist board ever since it was /new/
>forcibly stop human nature
How can something ~2000 years old be "human nature"?
How is it "forcibly" stopped?
religion is literally a meme, by definition
meme magic is real
Beveling in stupid shit is human nature to be fair senpai.
prove it
>only 8 other heathenbros
Having atheist and agnostic in the same spot makes this entire pole pointless.
If you were actually an atheist not just an edgy contrarian, you wouldn't believe in "spiritual energy" in the first place let alone that a "Jewish war god" (that isn't real right?) could siphon it up.
because Kek doesn't have a holy book or scripture or any code to follow
it's completely made up and follows no philosophy
prove yahweh exists lmao
>Humans are 2000 years old
>Austrian education
topplum kekum
Damn it, nihilist is not in there. you could have least put a "other" option.
Get fucked
Here if you want a non-meme poll with with less useless options
Here if you want a non-meme poll with with less useless options
Here if you want a non-meme poll with with less useless options
Here if you want a non-meme poll with with less useless options
Here if you want a non-meme poll with with less useless options
So a spiritual belief needs a book in order to be recognized by you?
I don't have to prove shit to you fag, the burden of proof lays on you, also nice assumption there about me being christian
other counts as kek
lmao calm down sperg
why are you offended that people don't believe what you do
>atheist/agnostic same choice
Test made irrelevant by the first choice.
Where did I claim that I was an atheist? I'm a hermeticist and I'm happy that gods that don't fuck us over get more powerful again.
>e-everyone that doesn't believe in my shit must be [label]
That's why your cuck cult is dying. It effectively makes goyim retarded.
That's my point, humans are older than 2000 years, therefore doing something 2000 y/o can't really be human nature.
Your negro admixture is showing through.
>15 fellow deists
it's a good feel
>Christcucks get BTFO once again
>quick, let's make a new poll!
You people are pathetic.
After everything we know people still selecting atheist.. Just choose Christian/Protestant and keep your atheism under wraps like your pedophilia.
no but they need some sort of background/mythos that establishes it as a religion and not as some cult edgy counter-culture teenagers follow just to spite people
and again
no philosophy behind it and no codes to follow
i did it because kek is there and agnostic is in the same option as atheism
like i care if my option wins im saved its all i really care about
>no /k/ubist
gay list
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
all that matters
nice avoiding the argument there friendo.
you Kek fags are all the same
Alea means dice friendo
stop acting so spergy
girls don't like it
>atheist/agnostic the same
You fucked up
>follower of kek
You fucked up because we're ALL followers of kek you fucking dipshit, now you've messed it all up because we're not giving our proper religion
Christ you're a moron
>atheist/agnostic is in the lead
b-but I thought this was a christian board...
That's part of the joke Mario
On a single question survey, I don't think the order is relevant.
nope a religion is an organized body with a clear hirearchy and beliefs
kekism is more of a cult
Sup Forums has NEVER been a Christian board and NEVER will.
Those roleplaying crusader threads you see are just bored fags memeing around
Christianity and modernism are incompatible. It was only a matter of time.
Another one bites the bait.
Newfag please, christfags have and will always be a minority here
>delete the most successful one hahah
Why are you people such subversive vermin?