""""Villains"""" who did nothing wrong

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He was just doing his job

IIRC Zeke wasn't fighting against literal nazis, he joined them

hes a bootlicking faggot that helps enslave his own people

>jewish nazi collaborator



Hey Max. Guy gets on the MTA here in L.A... dies. Think anybody will notice?

>Just doing his job
>Not a picture of Eichman

At least pick the right Nazi

He betrayed his parents but honestly maybe his parents deserved it.

Zeke is fucking horrible.

They honestly had it coming.

>hey 5-year old son we're rebelling against the government!
>oh and we're sending you off to get brainwashed by that government

What did they think would happen?

He's not even a villain. He resigned himself to bootlicking because he can't see how Eldians can win against the whole world.

Still he willfully ignores that accepting being weapons for the nazis only makes his people more hated and seals their fate even more.


>He's not even a villain

He takes immense pleasure in torturing and murdering other Eldians in the most painful way possible. Remember his first appearance?

Eldians are Nazis/Germans. Marleyans are Jews.

Eldians are Koreans, the Marleyans are Japanese. There's even a parallel with the way that Japan recruited Korean subjects to be kamikaze pilots in exchange for their families becoming "honorary Japanese".

He's not really a sadist. Sure he doesn't care about how many lives he takes but his "enjoyment" seems quite forced.

I think it's pretty clear that the Eldians are the "bad guys" of the series.

The Marley government has taken an extreme hardline stance against them, so of course they get some flak.

Also, Reiner is 100% /OurWarrior/

In that panel his reaction is irritation about them still being alive. He doesn't regret killing them. And in his first appearance, he could have easily killed the guy painlessly and quickly but chose to let him be slowly devoured by titans instead.

Reiner is just a half Jew who thinks he's Ayran basically. He is not /ourwarrior/

He only had 5 or so years to live at that time, he's gotta find some enjoyment somewhere.

He doesn't give a fuck about their suffering. That doesn't mean he enjoys it.

>I think it's pretty clear that the Eldians are the "bad guys" of the series.

There is no evidence supporting that except for the Marley government's claims, which have been revealed to just be propaganda. The only fair point that Marley has is the fact that Eldians really are monsters in human skin, all it takes is an injection to turn them into a virtually unstoppable killing machine.


Out of interest, why did the author take a WWII story and put it in a WWI setting? Is actually an interesting take

>There is no evidence supporting that except for the Marley government's claims, which have been revealed to just be propaganda

Except the founding titan is a complete psychopath as evidenced by Eren's batshit insane occasional bloodlust, and his "subjects"(the Marleans) are controlled by the founding titan.

In a WWII setting the titans wouldn't be as dangerous. What the hell is a titan going to do against bombers and long-range artillery?

>In a WWII setting the titans wouldn't be as dangerous. What the hell is a titan going to do against bombers and long-range artillery?

Uhh, read your history books. The soviets broke the siege of stalingrad with an armored titan noob.. baka

>as evidenced by Eren's batshit insane occasional bloodlust

Eren's batshit insane bloodlust stems from the fact that he watched his mother get eaten alive in the first episode...

Bert did nothing wrong


>this whole thread
>he watches shitty anime

How the fuck can a genocide last 1700 years and not wipe out a race? I have a feeling they might be lying

it is made very clear that both sides could be lying/twisting the truth.

The king behind the walls is the real villain. He brainwashed the population and actively hindered the advancement of tech. Paradis island isn't ready for the race war all because some shithead kept them in the dark.

Again, that's because Eren saw his mother eaten alive as a kid. That's incredibly traumatizing.

To be fair, the entire series is set in Africa but there is literally not even one black person. Something happened.

Good point. I love the WWI setting personally. Just though it was an interesting decision. Maybe its the Isyama choosing to make the Germans the bad guys in a war where they weren't on their side


>Everyone in the walls has a German surname
>Many of them have blonde hair, blue eyes, etc
>The only non-Eldian families in the walls are Japanese, who allied with the Nazis
>The Eldians lost the war and went into hiding, just like the Nazis
>Marleyans rewrite history to demonize Eldians, like Jews did with the Holocaust

The parallels are so obvious but people can't see deeper than "internment camps = jews".

>The only fair point that Marley has is the fact that Eldians really are monsters in human skin

This, idk if Isayama is trying to go >muh racism but the Marleyans actually have a really good point here.

>Eren's batshit insane bloodlust stems from the fact that he watched his mother get eaten alive in the first episode...

That's what I thought at first, but i'm becoming convinced he's being possessed by the founding titan in those moments, who has said some similarly grizzly things.

Also, why would Eren, who saw his mother get eaten, say he wants to "destroy the world" not just the Titans whom he swore revenge against?

Ymir terraformed the land and everyone was living a good life before the marleyans made a power grab

Are you referring too the Allegory of the Madagascar plan?

whats insane about wanting to kill every giant man eating monster

not even owl said that could be true


But most of the Marleyans have German surnames and European features too. Are they supposed to be Americans/Brits?

Not really, I'm just pointing out that we have yet to see a black person in the show despite the fact that it's all in Africa. I think that lends a lot of credibility to the ethnic cleansing theory. IMO, Eldians did commit genocide but for whatever reason they spared the Marleyans.

The part of Africa where the series is set was German colonial territory at one point irl, so even the German surname thing makes sense.

And wanting to "destroy the world"? Quite a bit, he also seems to "switch personality" at specific moments, speaking with what seems to be a few voices at the same time.

A pack of lies, user.

No Eldians are the jews. Their world is the upside down and mirrored real world map, and the island where the wall are is the equivalent of Madagascar.

The Madagascar Plan was a nazi plan for a jewish state : european jews were to be settled on this island after defeating Britain which was controling the seas. They didn't and so they resorted to the Final Solution.

This is no coincidence.
Still I admit there are similarities with continental Eldians being guilt tripped for their past, called Devils, asked to repare the supposed crimes of their ancestors, encourraged to become race traitors... and how modern germans and whites are treated by those who hate them.

Oh shit what? I just thought it was a planet like ours. Plus, the Northern part of the Island is too cold too settle and regularly freezes over. Where in Africa does that happen?

in the context of that moment, the "whole world" is that which is controlled by titans

even more so, when they finally reach the sea eren has a moment and realizes that maybe fighting the whole world is not the answer

>Going against his race's only chance at sovereignty and survival all while knowing his people including him and his family will be killed the second they've lost their usefulness

Everyone in the walls is eldian. Pureblood Asians are said to be rare.

>Oh shit what? I just thought it was a planet like ours.

No if you look at the map it's obviously our world, the map is just flipped upside down.

>Plus, the Northern part of the Island is too cold too settle and regularly freezes over. Where in Africa does that happen?

Climate could be different. Remember at one point Antarctica had a tropical climate. Maybe something major happened that rapidly affected the global climate, like some major solar event. It might also explain why physics seems to work differently in the show (Eldians fly around with 3DM gear in a way that's physically impossible).

germans are a bunch of faggots who went to war against the world twice. they are lucky they even still exist

>in the context of that moment, the "whole world" is that which is controlled by titans

But it also contains humanity and everyone he loves. Even in that moment it was an extremely crazy thing to say. I mean, common, you really think by "the whole world" he was only talking about the titains that control the world? I'm pretty sure there is more to it than just wanting to kill all the titans.

/ourguy/ was Erwin, may he RIP

oh shit you might be right. I thought it being flipped outside down was laziness

>to You, after 2000 years



Eren was under the impression that the entire world was controlled by titans. He didn't know that people were alive outside the walls.

That's a little excessive

I think you are reaching too much. The auther probably just didn't care enough to make up a landmass and copied something straight off a map and flipped it because he was lazy.

So wait, are you trying too tell me that the map is in fact Zanzibar, just flipped upside down?

Was Isyama playing Victoria 2 with the genocide mod on when he wrote this?

Could explain why Asians are there however, Germany did hold Asian Islands

*Oops, this post
>that's a little excessive
was meant for

No it isn't. The Isayama directly said that it's a different world to ours.

death of the author bro

Can't believe that little bitch Levi chose too save Armin over Erwyn. Bet its because he want too fuck Armin.

In all serious though Erwyn's death was a hard one too swallow

>But most of the Marleyans have German surnames and European features too. Are they supposed to be Americans/Brits?

I looked up the few Marleyan characters' surnames:

>Gross: German and Jewish (Ashkenazic)
>Magath: No info but Magat is a Jewish surname
>Koslow: Germanized or Americanized spelling of Polish Kozlów (see Kozlow) or of a Sorbian cognate. Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic)

They could be either based on names alone.

Zeke is a hero. Tell me, would you want to live in a world where people could turn into mindless blood thirsty monsters with an injection? No, I wouldn't.

Zeke realizes his kind are poisonous and an aberration against nature

He is really doing nothing wrong

Reiner is the hero of the story though, it's so apparent even Isayama made it known he is his favorite character.

Reiner deals with PTSD, mental illness, mission fatigue, loss

Eren is a mary sue who gets artificial powerups and deus ex machinas

i'd say being responsible for over 100 million deaths is also excessive. fuck germany

I haven't seen Season 2 since it's taken so long to come out that I would have to rewatch Season 1 to know what the fuck is going on, but I remember this Sasquatch faggot from you spergs spamming the manga. I forgot he existed until this thread. Makes me wanna rewatch this shit. Eh do not bother trolling me with spoilers. I have no reason to come back to the thread.

Why is this Sup Forumseddit garbage still up sange?

Pretty obvious.

>it's so apparent even Isayama made it known he is his favorite character.

Isayama's favorite character is Armin, the amount of silly asspulls that keep happening to keep Armin alive and relevant...there's just no explanation.

Actually those 2 wars where launched by Britain and France to either diminish Germany's influence or put a stop to its ambitions.

Keep in mind that Hitler invaded one half of Poland but that Stalin did the same, and yet the war wasn't declared on USSR.

eren seems largely there for narrative convenience, never really the emotional or thematic core

Eren is no Mary Sue. He loses all of his battles until either Levi, Armin or Mikasa bail him out.

Isyama stated that he's favourite character is Jean though

World War 1 was not launched by Britain or France.

>and yet the war wasn't declared on USSR.

It was seriously considered, but Britain and France recognized (correctly) that they couldn't beat the Soviets and Germans combined. In reality they would have struggled to beat the Soviets alone.

Only character to be eaten by a titan and survive, shifter or not. Really, that is the biggest POS. Even Marcel , a shifter, loses his power to a mindless titan. Beats Annie e-z through "force of will", has super special co-ordinate powers to bail him out,

like this person said

Eren is basically an automaton with no real development, he isn't affected and behaves the same regardless of what happens.

With Reiner, you see real development, maturation and growth. You also see probably the most realistic character.

Honestly Reiners transformation scene and his related mental breakdown is the pinnacle of the show when it comes to emotions

marleyans are jews

>Only character to be eaten by a titan and survive, shifter or not.

He was swallowed whole. The titan gains the shifter powers by ingesting the spinal fluid. If Eren had just stayed in the stomach and dissolved in its acid, then the titan would have inherited his ability.

>Beats Annie e-z through "force of will"

If by "easy" you mean "after hours of the entire military throwing everything they had at her", then sure.

>has super special co-ordinate powers to bail him out

Eren can't use the coordinate on his own. Maybe you haven't read the manga but there's a very specific reason why it activated in that moment.

wtf i love chad now

AoT doesn't actually take place in Africa you fucking idiot.

lmao don't act like reiner doesn't literally have plot armor

how many times has he been saved from death

>He was swallowed whole. The titan gains the shifter powers by ingesting the spinal fluid. If Eren had just stayed in the stomach and dissolved in its acid, then the titan would have inherited his ability.

>hurr THIS ONE TITAN miraculosly doesnt chew down on eren despite all other titans including Ymir doing so.


>If by "easy" you mean "after hours of the entire military throwing everything they had at her", then sure.

Yeah, he just says "he'll kill them all and gains powerups despite annie raping him in a fight"

>vEren can't use the coordinate on his own. Maybe you haven't read the manga but there's a very specific reason why it activated in that momen

its a dumb asspull and eren is a generic shonen MC that we all know

Just a continent shaped exactly like africa attached to a continent shaped exactly like eurasia

>Austria launches war on Serbia
>Russia (Serbia's best ally) declares war on Austria.
>Germany (Austria's best ally) declares war on Russia
>France declares war on Germany (officially because it's Russia's ally, but actually because of muh Alsace)
>Germany attacks France through Belgium
>Britain says it's an attack on a neutral non-country and declares war on Germany (the germans didn't expect that)

In the end the Western Front was the consequence of Britain and France power-play against Germany, because their excuses were fucking stupid.

it was his second fight against her, he lost the first one

The difference is Reiner always has things working out AGAINST his favor, you know, actual challenges required for character growth and evolution. Nothing ever goes his way and he has to live and deal with that

Nothing of consequence happens to Eren apart from mommy dying in the FIRST fucking ep

I'm a show only fag but can one of the Sup Forums autists spoil for me what this Titan's deal is?

Fair, but the eastern front was a power play by Germany against Russia, they were well aware that Russia would soon become unmanageable as an enemy because of its industrial potential. Also Germany was clearly eager for war with France too. Look at the enthusiasm surrounding the Schlieffen plan.

It's not a dumb asspull, it's a major part of the plot. Now, Armin getting roasted alive then dropped 50 meters and still living...that's an asspull.

Bitch the western front was because Germany couldn't take out Russia in time, Britain choosing too dig in rather that advance and lack of communication

He's Reiner, Annie, and Berthold's handler for the mission to take the coordinate

He's also Eren's half brother who rated out Grisha to the NOT Nazis and brought him to Paradis

He's Eren's big brother and he really hates their father.

Is the co-ordinate the ability to control the Titans?


it can also make the walls disappear and flood the world with enough titans to destroy it

Yes, but Eren can only use it if he's touching royal blood. The reason it worked is that the titan he touched was originally Eldian royalty.

He's Eren's half-brother and part of the same race as Eren (they're Eldians, people who can turn into titans). However, he fights for the Marleyans, who hate Eldians and want to use them as weapons against other countries.. He's a brainwashed soldier, just like Reiner and Berthole.

> Brainwashed

Well what would you call indoctrinating a six-year old and putting him through harsh military training?

Systematic training for the harsh realities of the world and punishment for your people's sins