What do you think of new Flash Thompson?
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more loo pooson
More like (can't) Flush Toiletson
Shit skin Thompson this is what happens when you don't get Sam rain I as director
he looks like the guy from grizzly bear
Isn't Flash 6 foot alpha chad?
What the fuck is this
is his last name still Thompson? I mean hes not even half white
How could this guy bully anyone?
Except more shit colored
But isn't he the kid from The Grand Budapest Hotel? He's alright in my book.
Hella diverse, NBD pham.
More like HASH Thompson am I right?
do you think this guy will turn into venom?
what's the point of flash anyways
to bully parker in the beginning and then be cool with him towards the end?
Just to give nerds in the 60's something to relate to
>to bully parker in the beginning and then be cool with him towards the end?
He doesn't even become a fanboy at the end. He's useless diversity bait.
In the comics? There wasn't a "point" to him as much as the character evolved as the series moved on. He was Peter's bully at the start then they became friends.
Arguably, should have ended at that but Marvel had to turn him into a Vietnam vet with prosthetic legs and Agent Venom.
agent Venom was fucking awesome though
Didn't like the char. Venom should be Brock.
Lmao what's he gonna do, cyber bully him?
He looks brown, like shit colored.
Who the fuck is this turd skin?
Goes along with the new MJ tbqhf. Marvel is covering all their pandering bases.
Flash was a stereotypical bully who went off to war in order to highlight that even awful people have good inside of them.
And then he became Agent Venom, who's awesome.
>Nice suit, FAGGOT!
wow this 5'6 skinnyfat babyface gay hair spic sure is intimidating
disgusting street shitter
Does he look better in the movie? I just don't see this kid being an asshole bully that you would actually be intimidated by.
>manlet pajeets
>bullying anyone in any year ever
is he spic or habeeb?
IT'S 2017
*sniff* th-this is what representation feels like :')
He was great in Grand Budapest Hotel.
I don't have a problem with them turning Flash into some sort of minority if they do it well. If the person still embodies the character then what their skin color doesn't matter unless that is a defining trait of theirs.
thats fair enough, Flash was cool though as Venom, or at least I liked how he had a shoot to kill policy as a hero
When did Shamalan get so young-looking?
they're definitely changing him up, instead of a jock bully hes more like a rich snob bully
Didn't Flash come from a poor broken home? Or was that something that was added later?
Flash's backstory was added later when Marvel decided to flesh him out more, alcoholic abusive dad being the source of his anger etc.
>rich snob bully
Literally only liberals think these exist. I guess they're just vindicating that their words hurt somehow. It makes sense now.
venom better be eddie brock whos some shithead wrestler or football player who bullies peter
thats literally what they're going for. That being told your shoes aren't a brand pair instead of being shoved in a fucking lover is more hurtful
err locker*
>fucking lover
Too late, too late.
This guy loved the character and wanted to do an Agent Venom movie.
Is the third one what bullies are nowadays? Does he even play sports?
>“I’m not what the character was in the comic books,” Revolori told CBR. “I’m not, and we can say that clearly and easily — and there’s still people who will hate that fact. It was very disheartening to receive hate mail and death threats and things like that.”
>Rather than allow negative reactions to his casting, no matter how extreme, turn him off from the role, Revolori used them as fuel to push himself even more to offer audiences the best modern version of Flash Thompson he could. “It’s hard, but then I realized they love this character so much… this is just their passion,” the actor said. “I am passionate about things myself, being sports or movies or things like that. I understand where they’re coming from. Maybe they went about it a wrong way, but I took it all as constructive criticism. What can I do to do it right? Then I did what I had to, to be the Flash that they could be happy with, and sure, they won’t be happy with it anyway. But I gained 60 pounds for the role, and I did what I had to. I think that was one of the hardest things in the beginning, to be in that bubble of all this hate, and then just trying to walk out of it unscathed.”
>gains 60 pounds for the role
>eventually realize you are 5'6 and that doesn't make you any taller
This movie has excellent casting.
I understand what he is saying you know. This isn't his fault. Who would pass on the chance to be in a spiderman movie? It really is the casting directors and the writers to blame for this version of Flash.
>that fat girl in the back
>she's Sally Avril
RIP that show.
Peter Parker was from Forest Hills, Queens. 60% white. He went to school in Manhattan. 59% white.
>Holland's face
He knows.
I just want to see an Eddie Brock that looks like how he's supposed to: a towering Dolph Lundgren type with a muscular physique.
What the fuck is up with the casting in this movie, jesus christ
Esports and he will cyber bully peter
All they had to do was name the fat kid Ganke Lee and not use MJ and it would be fine.
Miss me yet?
Pajeet looks like a nice guy and a good actor and all, I feel bad for him. He's just not fit to play Flash, I wish they could cast him in another role, would make a good Miles Morales desu
Enjoy a clip where "Flash" threatens Peter.
>unless that is a defining trait of theirs.
The character is white. When you close your eyes and envision flash, he's a big white person, because that defines him. Caucasian, 6 feet tall, jock, buff, rival, bully...
But apparently his only defining trait is that he bullies peter parker; a nerd that fucking everyone bullies.
If they can throw any son of a bitch in there as long as he's a bully, why does he have to be called Flash? Flash is a specific person.
Just call it what it is for fuck's sake, Debra. You're not impressing anyone with your "open-mindedness".
>tfw we HAD eugenics programs.
Feels bad.
Unfortunately it's not just a liberal thing, it's a trope that everyone's bought for years despite all the fatherless druggie cool kids we've actually dealt with.
>why don't the crust punx want me to skip class and smoke with them :'(
Another weird thing. Angourie Rice is Betty Brant, despite looking just like the ideal casting for Gwen Stacy. Even has a damn headband. (But I think her role in the movie is tiny.)
She was great in Nice Guys, if she was actually Gwen and Peter's love interest, I wouldn't be nearly as mad. Black Liz Allan is fine in my book, since she was black and great in the Spectular Spider-Man cartoon, but manlet pajeet Flash and spic MJ is just weird.
he knows that he's the token white guy
>gained 60 pounds
but where did it go
I really don't mind the diversity since it sets in Queen which is diverse as fuck area but changing character's race from the comic is unacceptable
you don't mess with a source material.
fucking hell, now we will have an Indian Venom and Fat Asian Hobgoblin. make them new character or something
>since she was black and great in the Spectular Spider-Man
She wasn't black. She was light skinned Hispanic with white features.
>Angourie Rice is Betty Brant, despite looking just like the ideal casting for Gwen Stacy
Her outfit is Gwen but she's not hot enough
She's like 15, give it a few years
>hottest girl in school
When has this ever happened?
She's 16, Tom Holland, big Asian, Pajeet, and Zendaya are all around 21, black Liz is 27.
In an all black school.
I just looked her up. Whoa.
w-wait that fat asian kid is Harry Osborne?
>Everyone is smarter than Peter
>"Get fucked Petey. I'm going to troll you on Twitter. Get ready for funny rad hashtags, faggot"
No. He's Ned Leeds. One time Hobgoblin.
Kind of nice they humanized him
This movie is in an identity crisis. It can't function on its own because it absolutely needs to fit in with the "cinematic universe"
What a mistake.
Are there any Indians or Hispanics with the last name Thompson? I really don't think so unless they were adopted. I know white Thompsons and black Thompsons (Emma, Kenan), but no others.
>peter parker and aunt may are the only white characters in this piece of shit movie
I will not be seeing this.
Is this really how highschools looks like nowadays? I'm literally 19, graduated like two years ago and my class was literally 80% and only a few chinks and spics.
They call him Flash because ICE could never catch him.
Not joking. He is black woman in Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Flash and Vietcong looks pretty chill, I'd friends with then.
they go to school in Queens, thats actually what it looks like, mostly because white people live in nicer places
>tony is from Guatemala
>everyone is calling him pajeet
And he's a black man.