Pewdiepie is red pilled but gets away with it publicly by promoting it ironically

Pewdiepie is red pilled but gets away with it publicly by promoting it ironically.

> Only liked book on his personal facebook is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

> Said he is excited for the Wall jokingly in one of his "Broken Podcasts"

Yes I watch his videos, so what

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump as one of his desktop backgrounds jokingly.

I watch his videos too, and I agree.


My respect for the guy will certainly be more if he does like trump.

must be fun to have fuck you money

How old are you

Not being condescending just curious

ayn rand = jew kike

He can't really say that openly without losing a shit ton of subs.

That's fucking hilarious

He's so rich that he just doesn't give a shit

I watch him since 2011, since 2013 his content became shit, since 2016 he is surprisingly good. Maybe good ol' Pewds is back again. Hopefully.


I dropped his content in early 2013, did it really get better?

He also looks kinda manlier and with a stronger jaw in the OP picture, what happened?

He took the trump pill apparently

>be 30-something
>still play LoL
>get called a dad in chat
>"no kids, but [insert the fourteen words here]"
>"holyfuck you a racist dad"

Whats wrong with kids today?

Yes, I think he found his motivation and muse since this video

tldr on Atlas Shrugged? I heard it was poorly written, never bothered to read.

>there are people on this board right now who have consumed Pewdiepie's (or any Youtuber's for that matter) at some point in their life.
There's nothing more bluepilled than that.

I like him, he's not an idiot.
Although most gamers tend to be rather redpilled anwyay so it shouldn't be too surprising.

Dunno about his content but recently he sent Filthy Freak ass hair for his "human cake"

That gun is CUTE

Red pilled?


Says socially absurd things to retain attention of his ADD viewers? Likely.


>sunbather shirt

immediate respect


Pewdiepie started on Sup Forums. This isn't really surprising. He probably lurks sometimes.
Without Sup Forums I really don't see any reason for him to wear the hat and not just make jokes about Trump's hair. He's not even American.

If we didn't know that he started on Sup Forums it would make literally zero sense for him to even pay attention to Trump beyond occasional ''lol Muricans electing funny hair man XDD''.

How does he keep getting away with it without having his 12 year old followers go apeshit?

It's alright. Characters are one-dimensional.

It's over-hyped by it's fans and over-criticized by it's detractors.

Wtf i love pewds now.

what kind of redpilled materials does atlas shrugged contain

>sunbather shirt

wow what a faggot

wow what a faggot

Get a life, oldfag. Only under 26 people can be here without being degenerate.

A shitty micra
A fucking Nissan Micra

He could've bought something better

I'm not subscribed to him, but I've watched some videos and he seems like a cool guy and I like his sense of humor.
>inb4 people calling me underage, who've never seen any of his videos and assume he just plays video games and screams.That was years ago

He has mentioned a sort of dislike/apathy towards Sweden in its current state multiple times-

Broken Podcast episode -

Pewdiepie: Man I'm so over Sweden right now

Ken: Why? I hear there is a lot of trouble in terms of sexual assault etc. etc. I thought it was to do with the increase of immigrants?

Pewdiepie: No, look it's not that. There is more to it than that. It's the old people who being accepting while it's the younger generation who are acting more racist towards the immigrants.

Sweden Simulator episode:

Pewdiepie: All of my family and friends have moved to Stockholm. I'm not sure why but everyones like fuck Gothemburg i'm moving to Stockholm right now

It's about objectivism and capitalism.
The blue pilled fucktards all hate capitalism, so that alone makes Atlas Shrugged interesting.

You guys know that he fucking hate trump, right? He a leftist. I swear to god most of you guys are retarded


>I like his sense of humor.

Has it changed from "I'm going to scream shit at a camera"?

I knew Felix when I was 16, he's smart and normal enough to realize that the PC culture is cancer as shit. But he would never go against it publicly for obvious reasons.
But then again, last time I talked to him was ~4 something years ago over Skype.

>it's a "Sup Forums deludes itself into thinking an e-celeb they like agrees with them politically because they can't fathom being a fan of someone who doesn't share the same world views as them" episode

just when I think this place can't get anymore pathetic, just when I think you guys can't sink any lower, you go and subvert my expectations. well done

>normal enough


Is Felix a normal name in Sweden?

When I hear Felix all I think of is Felix the Cat

Yeah, Ayn Rand definitely pisses off the contemporary liberals.

She especially pissed off liberals with her stance on the Native Americans' land. I don't remember what exactly she said, but you could google it.

Sure mate. He a fucking leftist. Watch him on twitch or his broken podcast. He is a fucking leftist . I swear to god you guys are fucking stupid.

21, I watched him in high school until now. His videos this year are good. Even though I would be embarrassed to show them to people because of all the shouting, stupid videos cuts and random noises.

You become desensitized to it. Plus he uploads everyday so he knows it's basically just stupid shit he has to make + have fun with it.

He definitely goes on Sup Forums btw. Sup Forums as stated above + Sup Forums he took a screencap the other day and uploaded.

Hi Pewdiepie you've been caught

what the hell

no one likes pewdiepie you fucking retard

go back to reddi,t

He also supported the HeForShe campaingn on twitter.

His non-gaming stuff is pretty good, I enjoy his personality in those, but fuck I cannot watch any of his gaming shit without wanting to off myself.