Are there any majority black countries where blacks are objectively better off as a whole than the ones who live in Western (white) countries? There is a recent anti-white surge I've noticed in the past few years and I can't find a single instance where blacks would be better off without whites, I mean just look at south Africa, after the whites gave up control of the country to the blacks everything went to complete shit and it's the violence and rape capital of the world. Where the fuck is this anger coming from and why? What did white people do to blacks to get them so angry these days? Seems like they are better off now and in Western countries more so than ever before, what the fuck gives? If any blacks lurk you gotta explain this bullshit to me.
Are there any majority black countries where blacks are objectively better off as a whole than the ones who live in...
I think you're right. I don't think there's any majority black country that's better than your average western country.
I think this anger is stemming from tribalism, directly, but the reason why this anger grew is because of the West's socialism. It led to many many blacks relying on the government and therefore suspending their sense of self determination.
So with this belief that they are not responsible for their own situationa, they seek people to blame. And with their sense of tribalism, they won't blame their group, they'll blame whites.
>Where the fuck is this anger coming from and why?
A combination of things
First and foremost is that they are dumb motherfuckers. This is the problem that is the root cause of nearly all of their other problems so just come to terms with it
Second is that they are painfully egocentric. Nothing is ever their fault and they can do no wrong. This makes learning and growing from mistakes impossible as they never seek to better their own shortcomings. Their arrogance will lead always them to blame everybody for their own problems, even other blacks. This is why so many of them develop such strong victim complexes.
Third is resentment. They are bent out of shape because they everybody (except for native americans) is doing better than they are. Even the fucking Hispanics are realizing their potential when compared to the niggers. And, as previously mentioned, this stings their delicate egos
Fourth is that when they do try and seek to better themselves (or at least do something they consider to be bettering themselves), they tend to flock to echo chambers that only re-affirm their arrogance and egocentric worldviews. IE in Academia, they have a tendency to crowd into classes and clubs that repeat the nonsense that everyone else is evil (especially white people) and that they are victims who are incapable of doing anything wrong. Their tendency to flock to these sort of echo-chambers is so strong that they tend to do so at the cost of missing or outright rejecting a much better opportunity. Many colleges will go out of their way to accept black students AND find them scholarships, yet instead of getting into medicine, engineering or something that will earn them both respect, independence and good income They instead opt to squander their free/easy college on black studies, sociology, journalism or some other meme degrees whose curriculum re-enforces their victim complex
Lastly is the ghetto culture. Single parent households, an alarmingly high shortage of fathers, peer pressure into crime, gangs and drugs, emphasis on frivolous spending at the cost of opportunity and in general severe disregard for anything resembling responsibility. I'm sure everybody here is well aware of it so I won't wax idiotic on all the details
>meme degrees
Gabon maybe? France?
The problem is the cancerous victim mentality that has been created. If you make someone out to be a victim, like liberals have done with blacks, do you think they're going to suddenly wake up one day and say "oh shit, man... I guess I've complained enough now. It's time for me to start working on my life"?
No, they're going to keep taking and taking and pushing harder and harder until there's nothing left or until someone says no more.
No. And now they want it handed all over after the hard work is done.
There was...
South Africa is objectively better than Moldova
South Africa was always a violent shithole
The problem is that blacks have been victims in this country for 500 or so years. In the last 40 years or so they've had equality under law and everyone now expects them to get over it. If whites had been treated to 1/100th the indignities of blacks, every white person on this board would never shut their fucking mouth about it. There are certainly cultural and community problems, but don't fucking pretend they haven't been shat on repeatedly over the years
A lot of African nations are developing rapidly. Just as China was a shit tier, poor, corrupt, country 35 years ago; it developed into a capitalist haven. Africa (and India) are going through the same process, within 30-40 years expect to see a lot of great powers rising in Africa. Powers such as Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana, so forth. Why do you think China is heavily investing in Africa, both financially and diplomaticly. They know what the futube holds for this continent, and are preparing according.
>inb4 these dumb nigger nations couldnt develop for thousands of years.
A lot of the nation's in Africa are new and unstable, thanks to the colonial snow niggers drawing illogical borders, often placing 2 3 rival tribes in one country.
Point is, new nations need time to settle.
Also don't listen to the dumbass failures that think blacks are inherently dumb, it can easily be disproven; and these people make the white race look fucking degenerate as fuck. Back to point, as literacy levels in a country rises, iq rises with it. And literacy rates have been rising all over the developing world.
So basically, Africa is behind... several decades behind. However that is an obstacle currently being surmounted. Nations on the dark continent are on a cusp of industrialisation style growth, just look at Ethiopias economic growth, see for yourself.
Even a few decades behind they will always be shit i garuntee you that even if they had the same stability and infrastucture as us it would deterioate so fast and crime in those ountries would be way higher. Dumbasses like you are why white countries keep bringing in slime
Mate your deluded
Your right, there isn't a single instance where black people would be better off without white people, particularly the welfare afforded by hardworking white countries. Without sounding like a conspiracy nut, and I won't generalize because there are exceptions, but there has been a major change among the thinking of intellectuals in the west over the past 70 years or so that that is extremely self deprecating, and which throws all good that western societies have ever done under the bus and brings all the bad center stage to try to make us feel guilty. If they succeed in guilt tripping us, then they are in a position to extort wealth and manipulate popular opinion to achieve their agenda. A good historical example similar to what's going on now in the west was in Weimar Germany. The academic world, as well as the upper echelons of German society at the time we're dominated by jews. The Jewish intellectuals in academia were proponents of an anti Germany/German culture, and an attempt to normalize degeneracy. I think that is very similar to what going on now, Academia , and the media, both dominated by leftists and Jews, are behind the anti white, all white people are racist, anti west, the west is and always has been evil, sentiment.
TLDR: it's da jooz!
>wites r master rase
>can't spell or articulate an argument above a 3rd grade level
this is pretty much accurate. Additionally there are tons of logistical problems in Africa. The population is extremely sparse relative to its land mass, which is ridiculously huge. Imagine trying to build something like the US railroad or interstate highway system on a landmass that is about 4 times the size, and is covered with thick jungle across most of it.
What about all the slavic countries that were essentially genocide boxes for the Soviet union? Lithuania and ukraine being some examples. Primarily white places that moved on from their past to form succesful states. Or my country Ireland? Slavery, genocide, and hundreds of years of racial based inequality. Less than a century later we'recommend doing pretty damn good. Your point is wrong.
that's just not true. many european nationalities were treated badly by other nations, but they still work harder than any african. croats were fucked over for a 1000 yrs, serbs were raped by turks for 500-600 yrs, germans are being ostracized as we speak etc etc
there is no excuse for not wanting to better your life or society, most blacks are just lazy
based china
you are correct my friend, the dindus want our standard of living and quality of civilization, when they know damn well historically they have been incapable of paralleling our quality
Also, I was talking about blacks in the US. Imagine the Irish were kidnapped from Ireland, moved to a Black Country, enslaved for 400 years, treated as subhuman and oppressed brutally for another hundred, and then given 40-50 years of freedom under law. During this time they were not allowed to accumulate any wealth, and had minimal economic opportunity. Also everyone in the country hates you for your skin color, and characterizes you as lazy, stupid and useless. How successful do you think you would be?
How are you able to reconcile this belief with the fact that Jews have been constantly persecuted for over 5000 years, were kicked out of over 100 countries throughout this time span, "holocausted" 70 years ago, and yet they still run the show today?
I would first have to believe your conspiracy theory that they "run the show"
They weren't kidnapped, they were criminals, POW's, vagrants and other delinquents sold into slavery by African warlords
>enslaved for 400 years
Actually, the trade route shipping slaves en masse to present day america was only in effect for about 150 years
>treated as subhuman and oppressed brutally for another hundred, and then given 40-50 years of freedom under law.
Few living people where alive to experience it first hand, especially nobody in the tumblr generation so stop trying to claim somebody elses suffering as your own and guilt trip everybody into handing out gibsmedats because of it
>During this time they were not allowed to accumulate any wealth
Yes they were.
>and had minimal economic opportunity.
It was before the industrial age. The only real economic opportunity in america came from heading out into the frontier. Everybody living west of the Mississippi had little more opportunity than farming or working a shitty factory job in a major city, regardless of their skin color
>Also everyone in the country hates you for your skin color, and characterizes you as lazy, stupid and useless.
Well, modern blacks sure as hell are not helping to improve their own image
i like you
It's pretty obvious that the Jewish lobby in western civilization wields more than 2% of the political power that we would expect if it were commensurate with the % of the population Jews comprise.
If you can't see that, you're being willfully ignorant. They own > 50% of the media, are 33% of the supreme court, are 10% of the senate, comprise far more than 2% of major corporate CEOs, etc, etc, ad infinitum.
Why is this?
Literally none of this is true. I'm not going to address each point because I'm in my phone and formatting is a pain, but I think you're being intellectually dishonest to fit your narrative that blacks are lazy and inferior. And I think you know it.
>Literally none of this is true
Yes it is.
As far as the picture in my previous post goes, each bulletin provides it's own source from a government agency. If you don't want to face reality, there is nothing I can do
>I'm not going to address each point
Then stop posting. You're contributing nothing by shutting your eyes, plugging your ears and screaming at the top of your lungs
>but I think you're being intellectually dishonest to fit your narrative that blacks are lazy and inferior.
I think you're living in denial. Your own ego blinds you to the truth. I have no doubt that even if you do read the sources I've provided, you will reject reality and substitute your own. Because your arrogance consumes you. Like a typical nigger, you see everything as being somebody else's fault and yourself as free from doing any flaws. This is what is keeping you down and will continue to keep you down; Your inability to admit to and, by extension, learn from your mistakes
nice proofs
Jews, Irish, and Japanese got treated like shit, yet they succeeded. Blacks had Africa for thousands of years, yet they had spears when the white man came armed with guns. They had nothing but huts, everything else was build by the Muslims that came to their land.
You can only defend a race so much before toy realize that only blacks have those issues. An Asian that just came to this country with noting had a better chance to success than a black that lived here for years and have all those programs to help him.
What's this post?
Handing off some gratuitous ((you))'s