How do we stop white genocide?
White genocide
We don't.
Let mudshark genes die off, they just create more niggers anyway
Ethnic cleansing.
We become robots so we evolve into something better then whites. Robots haven't been cucked yet and niggers and poo in the loos are too stupid to make robots. So only the whites and asians win.
Why do hot girls flock to the BBC?
>12.4% of population is black
>the rest of it is white or hispanic
>somehow that 12.4% can genocide shit
The biggest redpill is about the jews knowing how stupid niggers are so they are trying to dilute them as much as possible.
Pure blooded anglos are stupid and ugly as shit anyway.
It's black genocide. The majority is white so black will die out way before whites do. We should support it and why I encourage my gf to continue having sex with her old black bf.
America is not Anglo, our biggest white ethnicity is German followed by Irish.
Deportation of non-whites (In Americas case, mass genocide or diffrent states being errected)
Force abortions and sterilisations on mixed couples and mixed babies
Make non-white immigration illegal
End all sorts of UN-welfare
Introduce a child-friendly policy which single purpose is to increase birth-rates among whites
Also "Lebensraum" for future generations, were gonna need it
You don't.
This is like men in 1919 asking how to stop the women vote, or white guys in 1940 asking how to keep them got-damn negros drinking in their own got-damn fountains.
You're on the wrong side of history, which is par for the course for Sup Forums.
>wrong side of history
>im german on my great grandmothers cousins side
genetic engineering and designer babies
Kill mudsharks, quarantine niggers in their ghetto hell holes and let them kill each other off, and remove all current black and muslim leaders from all forms of political power. And crackpipesmatter as well as the regressives should be demonized and eradicated.
as long as the children and grandchildren keep it white, we will get some more athletic genetics and play Russian roulette with some of the other ones.
On the other hand True Hebrew blood does need to get back to Israel and dismantle the so-called Jews.
pretty much this
might not seem realistic now but it will soon