Trump seen as less honest and trustworthy than Clinton

Trump seen as less honest and trustworthy than Clinton.

Not to mention his other really bad numbers.

Other urls found in this thread:

>washington post

Head in the sand?

Trusting the polls released by the MSM after witnessing the RNC, the DNC and the MSM attack Trump.

Hilary has been constant seen as untrustworthy

How could that have changed suddenly, I'm calling nonsense

she is still within a few percentage points of donald, its not like people trust her, but why would people trust a real estate mogul who's been famous for being a prick?

oh, and has no remote understanding of the issues relevant to the presidency.

>a poll favoring trump comes out

Oh fuck yeah! Eat it, Hilldog, Hillshill motherfuckers!

>a poll comes out that doesn't favor trump

The poll is fake. I call nonsense, this is wrong/rigged.

That tends to happen when you have the entire corporate media pissing on him and 6 million dollars worth of online shills shitting on him 24/7.

Ifl Wiileaks drops a bomb on Clinton machine, you'll see her numbers turn south like a duck in winter.

It's rigged whenever Trump is losing, that's how it's gonna go even when Trump loses the election. He's already playing into it talking about rigging elections ", etc..

How can you trust this man.

The media is in full siege mode on trump.
They twist his EVERY word.
All the while Hillary stays silent...
Like rush, savage and even that fag beck said would happen would happen.
And trump didn't listen to anyone.
He keeps talking and attacking and he goes down and she goes up.
In order to beat Hillary you have to beat the media.
Trump isn't going to win this.
Kennedy, or fdr could come back and they couldn't beat her, because they couldn't take on the entire media complex.
I'm still voting trump, but more as a fuck you to the media and Clinton machine.

>implying 800 people represent the feelings of all registered voters
Why the fuck do people take these polls seriously?

considering the media was also responsible for his rise, I see this as a fitting end.

>what is the mathematical field of statistics

Liberals must really dislike Clinton to view her on par with Trump

because wikileaks didnt release a fuck ton of emails proving bernie was fucked in the ass in the primaries

>literally admits to lying to the FBI about the email server
>seen as more trustworthy than a guy who always speaks his mind

Oh, that's right, because the polls conducted by news agencies are known for being predictive and accurate.

Saying "i-it's just statistics bro, haha" doesn't mean you don't have a weak sample of voters.

I love how trumpers blame the MSM. They're just covering the news. If Trump would stop saying newsworthy idiotic things they wouldn't cover him.



Cucked by media

Perhaps if Trump stopped going after Soldier's parents and firefighters the media wouldn't have words to twist.

They did, that's why the democrats piled on Trump about Khan. They masterfully sidestepped the scandal and caught Trump up in a bullshit one.

Brexit polls weren't totally rigged either.

>They're just covering the news
Nobody over thirteen believes that.


Oh right, Trump fans are the oldest, wisest, most mature fanbase ever. I forgot. Man, I'm dumb.

>irony: the post

What the fuck does that have to do with the fact media outlets are sophisticated propaganda outlets? You're not to bright are you user?

And Hillary fans are?
He does speak his mind, sadly half his shit is just misinformed or just a flat out lie..

How does it feel? The desperation settling in?

Is she nervous? She must understand.

Were she winning, she would not need to go through this, funding you. Is it almost that time?

Are you afraid?

gee, i wonder...

Prove it

The CTR attacks are genius. Trumpeters have a way to ignore actual facts and call anyone saying anything a paid shill. Trump is way down in the polls. That 10% gap isn't made up by people getting paid by CTR. It's like watching the stages of grief.

> Implying the videos doesn't show him talking from his ass

>MSM completely against Trump and flat out relaying propaganda
>suprise when people don't trust him

The fact that the MSM have pulled out all the stops against Trump is proof he is the greatest

>stupid assholes Trump is way down in the polls
>just ignore them oversampling democrats you dumb goy

>that 10%
No, it's made by false polling. Polls have been one of the biggest forms of propaganda in recent history

>wapo and abc news work together to find 815 people to poll

They literally could have passed fliers around the office and had more people respond than this.

Its obvious that they repeated a 1000~ person poll X times until enough trump voters didnt answer and they got a 65-35 skew.

Seriously. I'll agree there is a bias against Trump. But a lot of it is because he's an idiot who doesn't understand how to turn off his ego and just doesn't understand how to handle himself in a political arena.

The papers/networks/blogs are going to cover and scrutinize everything he says, more so than Clinton, because (as Trump says) "he gets ratings."

And instead of using that to his advantage, he's used that to make himself look like an idiot to the general public. Though of course, the Trumpers are going to eat it up -- but that's not the voters he needs to go after.

As a celebrity/billionaire, he's made a living off boasting about himself and seeking attention. He's the business equivalent of a camwhore and Sup Forums is his whiteknight.

At this point, with all eyes on him, he should be doing things to improve his image. Show he has character, show he is a leader, show he can really get things done.


Thanks to over a year of MSM smear campaigns.

Stage 1, denial. Stage 2, anger. Bargaining will be soon.

>how dare you call me out on my bullshit

>doesn't understand how to turn off his ego and just doesn't understand how to handle himself in a political arena.
Name a good president and ill name you someone who didnt turn off their ego in the 'political arena'. Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Adams, Kennedy, all known to be prideful and outspoken about their beliefs. Slime belongs on the floor of congress; behind the desk is for the guy who is larger than life.

They don't need a smear campaign. Trump gives the msm 24/7 coverage with all his batshit behavior. Maybe if he'd stfu for a second they'd stop.

The Trump tears are growing stronger and more delicious with each passing day.

Even the most diehard of his supporters seem to be realizing his poll numbers are a sign of the inevitable defeat in November.

>Image of Maddow blog
>Can't tell the difference between actual reporting and commentary.

Here's the actual NBC News articles:

thanks for correcting the record

They may have had egos, but they could handle themselves. Trump shows us time after time he can't.

sick burn, that'll shut me up

>cite two articles
>didn't even read them
One is quarter the length and the other is filled with propaganda. You must be the dumbest shill I've seen today

Oh look another "rigged polls" edition.

>ignoring that people have been dissatisfied with the poll system for decades
I guess you're in stage 1

Yeah, that's because I can't find a Khan article before Trump blasted him.

I might just suck at googling, but it's because (other than Maddow) nobody noticed Khan -- who wasn't a primetime speaker -- until Trump put him in the spotlight.

Name me a president that personally went after the parents of a fallen soldier for days with zero tact.

Name me a president that boasted about his penis size during a widely watched debate.

Name me a modern politician that condemns and a group of people as criminals and rapists.

Trump is on a different level. Most good politicians know what to say and how to say it to avoid controversy. He doesn't.

CTR is out in full force today

Even assuming that is the case the articles are clearly propaganda. The Khan article actually states that Khan didn't assert Trump hadn't read the constitution