>a dutch member of parliament and the guy set to win the upcoming dutch election is posting Sup Forums memes on twitter
I don't even know what's going on anymore
>a dutch member of parliament and the guy set to win the upcoming dutch election is posting Sup Forums memes on twitter
I don't even know what's going on anymore
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alright calm down Khalid, no need to be upset
He is blessed
i like where this is going.
Praise based Geert!
>says the kraut muslim
He's been on there for years Achmed.
>who hates fags but thinks it's not gay if it's a little boy
>1 post by this ID
sssh achmed don't get triggered
Do you want more or less Moroccans?
We may want less, but we need more cultural enrichment. The vile and vicious ways of the native Dutch must be enriched by other vibrant and lively cultures!
they are the blessed of Kek.
His Aeon is announced and the overthrow of the jewish demons masquerading as Gods is coming to an end.
Glory x 3
Geert loves the kikes though, so does Trump
Quick, post rare Geerts
muslims are notorious boy fuckers Achmed as I am sure your dad taught you
G-guys, am I approved?
My dad is half-french and my other is Dutch, I have pitchblack hair, do you consider me a fellow Dutchie?
>My dad is half-french and my other is Dutch
You have two dads?
as long as we're only taking the women
I despise marxist jews... however, I fully support their right to conquer mudshits in the ME.
I just don't think we should back them and the rest should GTFO of my nation (and other European ones) and go fight there if that's what they want.
I'm all for semites killing semites.
I also understand the nature of reality... at present, jewish intrerests control the western financial institutions which are the holders of debt of each nation's central bank.
anyone who thinks a politician's gonna get anywhere saying
>seig heil! gas em 14/88!!! vote4me!
is a retard
half French?
mean you are part arab??
Solution: live in belgium and wait till belgium becomes part of great netherlands?
>muslim women
>two fathers
Kill your fathers and then yourself, goy.
Did he really use break your own news?
Really makes you think
Who is this geert wilders chap, is he a top memer?
We broke reality
He is blessed by Kek.
So yes, he is the toppest memer.
Dutch anti immigration populist. Has been a major part of the government coalition for some time now.
Basically the other parties are too PC so anyone even remotely anti-PC has to vote for him. Dutch political system allows any party to become popular if they gather enough support. Otherwise this would never have happened.
>wait till belgium becomes part of great netherlands
Senpai, its going to be the Belgian Caliphate way before that happens.
Based Geert
He is our own little Trump.
Do the Dutch not have state media that villifies him?
if only France was like that
of course we do
They do, they make fun of him when he suggests something (especially Mark Rutte) and goes on his Islam rants. Yet a lot of the things which have been suggested by him back in the past are getting through due to other parties suddenly coming with the brilliant idea to (re)suggest it. Then it's all K, since nobody wants to say that Mr. Wilders is right on points.
I meant mother, not other.
Yeah just like you Londonistan.
But I love the Netherlands more than I love myself.
Can I atleast be European then?
Oh yes. Plenty of it. Media is shit anywhere. Anything that rustles their PC jimmies ends them up in a mad rage of lie-spewing. Look at what horrible things they said about poland after the conservative party won.
desu I really hate the french system. It's weird, inefficient and nobody around here really cares about the elections. All they care about is 'anti voting', aka not wanting Sarkozy in power (for good reason). I might not support everything from FN, but desu I want them to stir things up to make a message that the whole system has to change to be more democratic.
>I meant mother, not other.
Well, kill yourself anyway. The Dutch are disgusting.
Everyone is welcome to be a Europoor. Being a European requires effort beyond the lifespan of an individual.
don't be jealous of our 100% white aryan masterrace genes, paco
You're already much more welcome than the turks and maroccans living in the country who say they hate the country itself and love their own culture, but stay there for the welfare benefits.
How about a combination?
When you say set to win, how sure are you of this?
>taxes on pets
Yeah, ok. Putting a tax on mans best friend is literally muslim tier.
The pollster that does these is usually the most accurate
>not wanting to extract maximum shekels from your people
White women have a natural maternal instinct that is wasted on pets when it could be put to use through raising white children.
So you admit dutch are not aryan. Checkmate, jew.
I said mans best friend you stupid fucking leaf.
My father is Eyptian, so would I be allowed to rape her?
Latest polls
>G-guys cmon religion of p-peace remember...
Unlike most other Western European nations the Netherlands had a little pre-revolution in 2000 when Pim Fortuyn started raising the issue of Islam and intergration. Moroccans and Islam are generally viewed as negative things by the general public. However after 2001 the main stream parties failed to acknowledge the problems within the bigger cities and stayed on the politically correct side. Now with (almost daily) happening you can guess yourself why voters are looking toward Geertje to govern.
oh fuck please make it happen, i didn't know he was this popular
when are the dutch elections?
They stand across from eachother in debates over there? Good damn that is cool
March next year if the cabinet doesn't fall.
march of next year at the latest
if he wins, all the berber scum you've been complaining about (i see you, anime poster) will be deported to your country
oh shit, i mistook your flag with the moroccan flag
You forgot to mention Pim Fortuyn was actually shot by a muslim for criticising islam.
It helps explain the massive popularity for PVV.
ok, are there genuinely any threats to him winning? he has such a massive lead
>Pim Fortuyn was actually shot by a muslim
no he wasn't, it was a radical leftie
a radical muslim shot Theo van Gogh
No he wasn't, he was shot by an animal activist. You're thinking of Theo van Gogh
Donald has led the way
our centre-right party is probably going to pretend to take a hard stance on immigration because they know it'll be popular and they might trick some people into voting for them
Kanker Op Alle (Niet Westers) Allochtoonen
Why does every right wing party in Europe have to be like this.
Israel is great tbqh
>Demons masquerading as gods
You mean thieves dressed as kings?
You're right. Well, I'm sure both of them helped.
He can get shot through the head, happend to Fortuyn...
Isreal is fighting against muslims. What's not to love?
Yes, homo sapien, unlike you muslim subhuman scum.
Geert's fatal flaw. He loves kikes.
Sup Forums is literally influencing world politics.
We got a meme candidate competing for the number one political office in the world. Never doubt, meme power is unlimited.
No choice
So lets import some white americans, canadians, some japs, a couple of koreans and a set of new zealanders.
Just fuck off with the fucking muslims.
Geert is indeed a priest of Kek
Kikes over Slimes.
Hello achmed, come over, we like to watch you hang.
>read about Pim Fortuyn
>guy got shot in the brain in public for being anti-Muslim
>they ask the guy why he did it
>"Yes I did it, I shot him because I didn't like his views. It was completely premeditated and I still agree with the reasons that made me do it."
>OK, you get 15 years in prison
>OK you're all done now, be nicer this time :^)
>self-admitted political assassin is now out and walking around
>talk to two dutch people about this
>"Yes but you see, Fortuyn was a mean racist, so it's OK"
>tfw you can just murder anyone you want in the Netherlands and get away with it
no choice
you don't bite the hand that feeds you
Incorrect. He is part of the opposition currently and has no real power.
They tried a weird support coalition where his party was outside the ruling coalition but supported it so they had a majority but it fell pretty quickly and resulted in the current (surprisingly stable libral / democratic socialist) coalition.
But why does it have to be either of them? I just wish a party would even remotely focus on the actual people of a country instead of desert people in the middle east. They should not be a concern to us.
Because he's a secret jew, sadly.. If he wasnt he might have been great but nope, he'll destroy it all. However, we do need to deal with the sandpeople and we need to deal with them soon.
No, you're a filthy shit, go kill yourself african piece of crap.
> welcoming an arab african roach
Kill yourself.
>mfw will get my dutch passport in 3 years while France will have morphed into Lebanon
And remember guys, we haven been enriched by ISIS yet. When that happens he will skyrocket. Alot of people still think he is too radical, that will change when a carbomb goes off in their street.