Belgian state media calls for machete ban

Our state media is surprised you can buy machetes without a licence and is clearly pushing this idea forward:

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Just ban Muslims

All media sources are now reporting about this


>tfw can't walk down the street with a 3.5" < fixed blade knife
>tfw I can walk down the street with a AR or AK + 30 round magazine

Blade laws are fucking retarded

haha cucks

better buy 100

JUST IN: Charleroi attacker was a refugee


What do you need a machete for? You don't need a machete.

This wouldn't happen in South Africa

Where the fuck do they even get machetes? Its not like there are massive swaths of danse forest and agriculture to warrant a machete shop opening somewhere where attacks are happening.

Now, you'll only have to worry about knifes. No other tools of murder will be used in Belgium because they're outlawed there - common sense (like there aren't any guns in gun-free zones). Keep being progressive, you glorious bastards, and remember #NotAllMuslims #TerrorismHasNoReligion.

The easier solution right here


awful! how can you survive the belgian jungles without that ...

At this point Nigel is right. Belgian isn't a real country.

He was right from in the beginning la

RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE what's next. I'm going on a rampage if they take my hunting permit

The general public is really pissed off at the media for shilling a machete ban. You can clearly see that journalists and politicians are working together and have the same fucking agenda

In my country, I have to carry a machete to deal with brush and snakes. What will replace it?

Also, machete is a very broad term. Do they mean cane cutters as well?

Nobody needs assault machete in Belgium , it is 2016 ffs!

no ban everything
when you have nothing left think about where it went wrong and why didn't you stop this

Journalists are stupid, lazy and don't know what they are talking about

>brush and snakes.

>Be Belgian
>Get Slashed
>Recovering in subsidized hospital 80% of my taxes go to after waiting in line for a week
>Turn on TV
>See media channel talking about the attack
>Wants to ban machetes
>Defends the acts of the Mudslimes and repeat that its our fault as Belgians for the violence

You're that capital of the EU. Wew

We need those machetes to keep these animals in line.

gardening ;)

Fuck sake, if they ban gun permits also i'm going to flip. I love going to the gun range in my spare time. Seriously fuck this country. I can feel where this shit is going

This. I can carry an FAL with API and extra mags around town while wearing level IV body armor, but God forbid I carry a 5" hunting knife or brass knuckles.

>sandniggers deal drugs and have access to machine guns
>law-abiding Belgians have to bin that knife m8
>you now have to be a criminal to defend yourself from terror attacks that the government cannot prevent or properly deal with

You must become the hero that Belgium deserves.

Well an Illegal is not the same thing as a refugee.

When I went to elementary school, kids made throwing stars in shop class. They were forbidden, but did it anyways.

A fucking machete is sharp piece of metal. Any 12-year old can make it, just get a piece of steel and a grinding stone.

This technology has been around for thousands of years. They might as well try to ban people from hitting others with sticks.


And it's all the fault of our justice system, that is completely infiltrated by masonics. A lot of the things that go wrong in this country are because of the freemasons.

Islam is now so pervasive in Europe that you guys feel the need to ban basic gardening and landscaping tools...

God help you all.

So true.

>tfw I can carry an AR-15 on my back which can wound from hundreds of feet away and go to the store. But I can't put my katana on my back and wakizashi on my waist and go to the supermarket


>justice system
>not the leaders you elect

They didn't ban tires either :^)

We didn't have a "machete ban" for the past 286 years in our country, and it wasn't necessary to keep people from randomly cutting up people on the street, and now it's happened here, in Germany, in the UK, etc. But sure, lax regulation of sharp metal objects is the root of our problems.

he's not wrong.

Stick ban when?


Not just that. Banter aside, it's frustrating for me to talk to a lot of Europeans because you're so absolutely ethnocentric that you won't listen to anything outside of your own agreed-upon narrative. You're completely deaf.

You imported 3rd worlders, and you're shocked that they act like it's the 3rd world. As Europeans, you've never interacted with anyone outside of your culture and class that it's literally incomprehensible to you that other value and belief systems can exist.

And right now you're reaping the rewards of that ignorance and fighting it with more ignorance. Taking away the rights of your citizenry is no way to properly ensure their safety.

You claim to be open-minded and analytical. But you're absolutely not and keep sacrificing people to the state religion. It's time to start actually using those brains you claim to have.

Well, there are always these things if you want to defend yourself


You're a bastard country that shouldn't exist.

I see no need for a civilian to be carrying a military grade assault knife.

Jesus calm down son. You are throwing all kinds of statements at me that I haven't even made.

The stuff you are saying is right though, and should be preached to the European cattle that still trusts the gov't

And so is Belgium and Ukraine

The only question here is do we belong to China or Japan?

Pro-tip: Just buy lawn mower blades and make a handle for the end. You can shape the blade end any way you want with some simple garage tooling

Good luck banning blades, they are too easy to make

They going to try and ban baseball bats next?

China belongs to you of course
The good old days

Nah, they will probably just go full on sharia and start cutting hands off.

Are they going to ban kitchen knives, nail hammers and wood axes too?
Good hammer is much more efficient than machetes.

fuck off chink

Well it's a belgian tradition after all

Bad goyim!

Stop being racist

Diversity equals strength

The hardware store. Over at the garden section where the other blades are for trimming and pruning various plants.

You are.
Nationalist China.

That's right fellas, if only the islamist didn't have access to a machete none of this would have happened. He wouldn't have even considered any of the virtually unlimited ways to murder people and would have simply given up on his idea. Obviously the machete is the problem, not Islam, so we'll keep importing violent jihadis and as murders happen we'll progressively ban the weapons and tools used in the attack until we're literally not even allowed to own fucking spoons without a license, background check and a 3 month waiting period.

Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder and should be cured via firing squad. What the actual fuck?

>ban the implement and not the person behind it
Like that worked so well here.

>Also, machete is a very broad term. Do they mean cane cutters as well?

Funnily swords require a special sort of licensing here

Well what's a sword?

No definition of it within legal codes, you can buy a 30 inch machete just fine, and you can buy a sword too and just say it's a machete, it's pretty retarded


>Banning a tool whites use to effectively kill shitskins while shitskins are unable to properly use it as last attempted machete attacks failed
>Attempts to ban it while you can just drive a few miles over to North Brabant, Dutch Empire, and buy a machete there.

Fucking imbeciles you Belgians are. Good thing we let you become "independent" :^)

Did EU take any measures against assault trucks yet, by the way?
Seems stupid to worry about machetes which kill 0 people on average, when you got these monsters running unchecked.

This took me 10 minutes to make out of steel from a local hardware store and a homemade furnace. You guys are literally going to have to ban metal to stop this.

I never knew it was legal to hit people with sticks in Belgium. Might as well get your stick whoopins in while you still can.

>Let you
While you retards put your whole Army in Indonesia and only could rely on Flemish and Luxembourg garrisons.
Wich we managed to push back those subhuman Walloons in the 10 day campaign.

You retards immediately retreated back to Holland when the French army came to Antwerp instead of wagging defensive guerrilla until the Prussians or Dutch army could be fielded in the South Netherlands leaving Antwerp to fend for our self.
With light infantry and no support.

Nothing but spineless cowards you guys where.

Lawn mower blades, flat files and old bandsaw blades all make excellent knives. Ahmed could easily take an old bandsaw and turn it into a 3 foot blade that's as sharp as a straight razor.

just ban women from voting

Why not both?

>Implying it was ever worth from the start

Sorry m8, but only Antwerp was worth fighting for and that city was a serious strain on our economy because of the rivalry between Antwerp and Rotterdam. Had to let ya go.

Get a life bin that knife you dirty majo-french fry niggers.

There it is traitors.

>getting a taste of their own medicine

top fucking kek

God I fucking hate UK blade laws.
>Get randomly searched by moron cops
>Yeah I've a folding knife in my inside coat pocket
>A look of shock and terror spreads over their face
>"What size is it!!!!!!!!!"
>"Idunno It's an Opinel No. 7, want me to take it out and show you"
>"Fine, slowly"
>Pass over the knife
>Officer struggles with the blade for about fifteen seconds
>"Um the childlock is on, rotate the collar until you can see a gap for the blade to pass through"
>"Um what"
>"Want me to disengage the child lock then pass it back"

>I turn the collar, check the blade is lined up, make it look slower than it actually is.
>Hand back the knife
>Officer still has a ton of difficulty opening it as it's not spring assisted.
>"Guess you can lock it in the other way too?!"
>"Yeah, though it rarely ends up locked unless it's being opened for something slightly heavy duty, I mainly use it for eating out and stuff as the steak knives you're given are way too blunt and steak knives rubbing on china are like fingernails down a blackboard for me though I'd also use it for any odd job that needs a cutting tool, such as opening a new pack of headphones, or cutting the zip-ties off something I've just bought"
>"You don't have any convictions for shoplifting do you?"
>I'm going to need your details to confirm that
>Give details
>Details are checked over radio, officer asks sergeant what to do, mentions child lock being engaged, asks me why "Well if it's ever dropped, which is highly unlikely as it's been in this jacket pocket for over a year it'll slow down anyone trying to use it for criminal reasons or any curious kids looking through my coat pockets" officer relays this back through the radio, guy on radio asked if I had any explanation for why I was carrying it, was it easily accessible, was it open at the time of search.

A few years ago after leaving a friends house around 2am, we passed a group of three spooks with pangas on their shoulders. A block less than a km down the road there was a JMPD car parked on the pavement. Stopped and told him what we'd just seen, and got "Theh probably on theh weh to wehk" as a dismissal before he went back to reading his Drum.

Well it doesn't really matter doesn't it? It's not like you need a big ass knife for daily chores

>Sergeant tells officers to give me back the knife as I have no prior cautions or convictions for violent crime, shoplifting or theft"
>Two officers look genuinely fuirous that they weren't told to confiscate it
>Hand me back knife, I put childlock back on, put it in my jacket pocket and zip it up
>"Sorry for the bother"
>"No problem, but we'll be watching you

Absolute cunts when it comes to knives in the UK
Oh as for Belgum and machetes, that's bullshit, what about people who do bushcraft/survivalism. Make machetes illegal and it'll just be lead pipe/hammers(of various sizes)

I want to see your garden




Hello fellow safe friend

>country creates some of the best firearms on earth
>cant own them
How do germans and belgians cope?

Cutting up watermelons and your sister's Barbie dolls in mom's backyard

Fuck it took big knives and a saw for gardening here as we've got some fast growing bush-tree that needs giant limbs chopped off or else the whole garden starts to lose about half it's size in a year and twigs grow into 3 inch branches.

They're pretty useful when you go to the actual forest and no just to the premade paths

Omg those serrations make it look so scary, if only they weren't a royal pain in the ass to sharpen!

>banning machetes
>not banning slimes and nogs

wtf i hate emachetes now

I actually agree. In Belgium there are no fucking jungles to cut through so it makes no sense to have one except for violence.

>good goy. allow The State to determine what you do and do not need, and allow The Media to determine what you do and do not want

Still gets used here if you have like a massive overgrown garden with small trees and big bushes.

Dont drop spaghetti bin that machete.
Dont push your luck, scrap that truck.

Terrorists need more varied weapons, I want to see just how far the governments will go banning literally anything.

Dont be a loon, bin that spoon.
Dont be a dork, bin that fork.
Dont be a fag, destroy that plastic bag.
Look, just bin that book.
You know what we will do, if you dont drop that shoe.
Drop that lute or we're gonna shoot.
Drop the brush or we're gonna rush.

Do you have a qt sister I can use to marry into your country?
When we divorce because
>marrying modern American women
Can I still stay in America?

I'm not brown enough to go through Mexico.

I can live without machetes, so long as they stay away from actual survival knives I'm good.

>missing the point entirely

>But I can't put my katana on my back and wakizashi on my waist and go to the supermarket

Well yeah you be a autistic weeaboo faggot then

i do tho