STOP taking the bait you retards

In almost every thread I go to there's some CTR shill either openly bashing Trump or subverting. Every one of these posts has a fuckhuge trail of replies.

Don't reply to these posts. Only reply to posts and threads that are openly supportive of Trump and his campaign. This is the only way to guarantee you're not being subverted in one way or another.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck those guys
go Trump!
also fuck capchas

They'll start a >OMG YFW TRUMP LOSES thread (or something similar) and then bump it a few times by replying to their own posts.

Just ignore them. Keep your spirits high and MAGA

>implying shitposting isn't part of our board culture

>Implying replying to them with dank memes and red pills will not empty CTR's funds even faster
It's like you don't even want to see how much of Hillary's money we can flush down the drain.

Not true, OP. Trump is doing so badly that we're all wondering where to hitch our affiliation. I'm thinking that down-ticket contests are where the real action is -- defending the Senate majority and the makeup of the Supreme Court.

Trump is so undisciplined and off message now that I can't see him doing anything other than damaging his own campaign in the coming weeks. Really stupid stuff like thinking that the Ukraine hasn't already been invaded by Russia. I don't think he's the man for the job. His real skill is with twitter and reality TV, so he should just focus on those while the GOP rebuilds from this terrible shit pile.

>le concern shilling
But even if you aren't that's not an argument, Trump is better than hillary any day, even if hes a fucking retard.

Well intentioned idiot >Actively seeking to destroy the country



I think that Hillary will be boring but competent. The blunders in the past couple of weeks make me think Trump is too erratic and ill informed for the job. He just doesn't understand enough about national security or international relations. The man hasn't even read a book in his adult life.

You have to admit too that Hillary is running a tight, disciplined campaign. She's simply not fucking up all the time. The result is she's almost certain to get elected, even though this was meant to be the occasion for a right victory. Shit gets depressing. I'm just glad I'm not a Republican senator or congressman now -- everyone is struggling to work out how much to distance themselves from the coming trainwreck.

Maybe in four years time there will be a better option.


>Doesn't understand national security
Not really an argument for the person who already broke those laws.
>The man hasn't even read a book in his adult life.
You literally can't be a successful businessman without reading books mate, call bullshit.
>You have to admit too that Hillary is running a tight, disciplined campaign. She's simply not fucking up all the time.
Meaningless when her policies are third world Marxist trash, completely antithetical to the values of the west.

We don't have four years.

Fed and State Raid on Union IBEW & Hillary Campaign Office



>person who already broke those laws
The "Hillary to jail" meme has failed after the web server issue collapsed.

>be a successful businessman
You can do well in business without books, but not in international politics and diplomacy. The source is his ghostwriter for The Art of the Deal (who basically wrote the whole book).

>third world Marxist trash
You're not even making sense now. Hillary is a political centrist. It's why so many Republicans are coming out and saying they're voting for her.

I'm opposed to Hillary but I think that Trump is registering off the scale for incompetence. The board isn't full of shills now; it's just that Trump's campaign is losing steam, mostly as a result of his own blunders. Gary Johnson looks pretty appealing to me right now.

>You can do well in business without books
You just proved you know nothing, goodbye.

Or maybe Trump shills finally ran out of funding.

Fuck off an die. Sup Forumsacks have never changed their mind as a group as quickly as you are implying has happened. As well as, the blatant nonstop shilling just a few days ago. You are a shill and we know it.

Lol trump fag are so sensitive. A little banter and they start smashing their keyboards and yelling at their computer screen.

shitposting is ok, but the
>really makes you think
>something something drumpf something
>blacked porn
and baiting/shilling threads spam get pretty annoying after some time...

We're all fleeing from a sinking ship -- even the rats and frogs. The past two weeks have created a sense of death around the Trump campaign. What next? I hope that all the superpacs redirect their money into supporting Senate races and leave Trump to manage his own brand.

This post itself is subversion. Stop trying to pretend Sup Forums is against free speach, if anything its the only place its welcomed. Trump is pretty retarded desu, I feel bad for you guys either way..

Trump is unqualified and the only reason to support him is sexism as you can't stand the thought of a qualified component women, like Hillary in the white house. Sup Forums is a hillary board. trump was a meme it's over.


this you retards
not everyone who doesn't support Trump is a shill

Once again, Sup Forumsacks have never done something like that. Its completely out of character for this board. Why don't shills realize that?

it is just a suspicion, but i think they get paid by replies, not by posts. so they probably fill their posts with as much b8 as they can.

Shut up faggot

that's very true. trump is a russian insert. the only way to maintain the peace is to elect hillary who is independent and put american interest before money.

Then kindly go back to

Sup Forums has been Republican since it was founded.

They wanted to shut us down because the white nationalism got out of hand.

Trump is the Sup Forums choice this election and no one else, point blank period.



no thanks, this is Sup Forums, not /trump/
you're the one who needs to go to his /r/TheDonald circlejerk safespace if you don't like it here

very correct most trump supporters on this board were hired by the russian government to advance their agenda of getting the west to turn their backs on each other. HILLARY 2016

Fucking newfag, it was libertarian and nat soc from the beginning.

>We're all fleeing from a sinking

top jej. no.

>I'm opposed to Hillary but I think that Trump is registering off the scale for incompetence. The board isn't full of shills now; it's just that Trump's campaign is losing steam, mostly as a result of his own blunders. Gary Johnson looks pretty appealing to me right now.

retarded strategy. too obvious. shilling for a candidate that can't win to split the votes of a voting base is the oldest trick in the book. literally kill yourself.

privet you eurobutt fuck Sup Forums is territory of HRC the on;y serious choice.

false Sup Forums always was liberal and pro gay rights. just recently a infestation of paid russian shills turned this version into russia today the board.

Right because there hasn't been /trump/ threads. When something else comes on we all jump into threads like /sg/ or /brexit/ but Shilling is just getting big all of a sudden


Op is obviously a member of CTR

We're on to your dirty tricks

>pro gay rights
Nice meme. Just because you eurofaggots supported it doesn't mean the majority of the board did

Not even a believable shitpost, Hans. Back to the cuckshed young man.

>being against Trump is shilling
I really don't understand this


>supporting Johnson or Hillary isn't shilling
Fact is a lot of peope aren't even saying a better choice, just random spam of anti trump baits.

so you're just a real life faggot then?

thats just worse.

It might be because for more than a year its been nonstop trump train and all of a sudden we have fucking three days on non stop shilling. Actual shilling from CTR. If you have criticism of trump form it in a reasonable way. When it sounds like the blatant shilling we've witnessed you're going to get called a shill.


no one wants an echo chamber but the shit threads you highlighted should just be ignored

privet how's it going with the baltic? sucks that they are energy independent now does it.

The Trump stuff for the past year has mostly been wishful thinking and optimism. Now we're facing a reality test -- we have to accept when a campaign is failing and look for alternatives other than shitposting and "Hillary 4 prison" memes.

You can't support Clinton or Johnson without being a shill. They're the same thing - an option to stump Trump who's against everything they stand for. Anyone who has half a brain right now is voting for Trump.

trumpeters running out of shill money and the true progressive side of Sup Forums coming back through.

There are none. Its Trump or bust for the US. If Hillary wins and gives amnesty to illegals and allows everyone in there will be a demographic shift that will never allow for a conservative to win the presidency.

and anyone with an entire brain is supporting the qualified and historic women candidate hillary rodham clinton.

Expect more like this
CTR shills breaking campaign laws are being doxed let and right
Illegal activities are being reported left and right
4+Sup Forums doxing more shills illegally shilling

Not every person who's anti-Trump is a CTR shill you fucking crybabby "Muh safe space circlejerk zoen!" OP's you're little better than an SJW I swear to fucking god.

>you're little better than an SJW

You know this line hasn't worked in a year right?
Check your script faggot use another line

Most are. So it's not wrong to assume all of them are.

CTR is fiction. the website was created by a neo nazi group called sons of odin. the guys who got paid by the hillary campaign are a spell check group. hence correct the record.

Pol is dumb though

Low energy


Thank you for correcting the record.

>really makes you think
>something something drumpf something
>blacked porn

That IS the shitposting you dumbass. I can't believe y'all niggas can't tell the difference.

This is true but I'm tired of seeing people like OP REEEEing the fuck out over it. That shit has never worked on any board on any topic vs any form of shitposting ever.

They also shill replies to make it look like it's a popular point of debate. Most of the time it's Ctrl+C Ctrl+V so if you suspect it search some obvious shill threads.

Because supporting Hillary or Johnson is supporting open borders, Muslims, blacks and Mexicans. Even without trump that's something every flag of Sup Forums is against.

I know it is, but as I referred on
>threads spam
I meant keep doing the same shitpost over and over until it get stale. I never got english lessons so I'm sorry if I couldn't pass the idea on my post, it looked fine to me but my english is pretty bad after all.

just look at their logo for a second and you'll see.

Ok antifa

so that is the message they told you to push, eh

antifa is as much a russian gov plant as the trump shills, only acceptable attitude for a proud westerner is being a liberal progressive democrat.

It's not shilling, it's just regular old baiting. And it only gets more effective and attractive when it results in threads like this.


CTR shills don't care if you reply. They get paid either way. It's not the same thing as feeding a troll.

we are being overrun, our only choice is to
evacuate to the other pol. These new franklin forum shills are pros at subversion

they'll reply to their own threads and argue with themselves to bait more people into discussion

they have a counter argument ready for each sort of reaction like this thread so they can maximize their rhetoric.

we must retreat fo rnow and devise a counter attack

your paranoid leaf bro the only people over running Sup Forums are trump shills being paid to shit post for trump and to keep their ridiculous trump generals alive.

How is infinitych faring against this attack?

well it's like a fortress, mods are aware of shills and have setup counter measures.

If we don't reply to bait the people baiting just will start replying to themselves, which they already sometimes do.

So what's your plan?

yeah it's called the trump general

Aw is the whiny little kike baby mad that people aren't falling for his Jewish politicians?

Well intentioned idiot who doesn't understand why it's not a good idea to take nuclear weapons off the table when negotiating with our european allies

trumptards starting to lose it...there still 90 days to go sperg get ready for more butt ramnig

What exactly is illegal about the shilling?

Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah