I'm confused. Did he save billions or kill billions?
I'm confused. Did he save billions or kill billions?
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I kind of think it was beyond his control. He just tried to do his job the way I remember it.
original series: turned everyone into tang, if they want to retake their physical form then that option is always open to them....but they will live in a strange hellscape
rebuild: accidentally killed millions, not sure if billions
Neither, the billions existed in a superposition of being both alive and dead at the same time until you, the observer, looked at (measured) the outcome.
You murdering bastard. How could you!
The final decision came on him twice though.
>Everyone should die
>This feels weird. Rei turn it off.
He saved people from the real world of sorrow and loneliness to live in their own fantasies, but then changed his mind. If people recognized their forms and wanted to go back to living as individuals in the real world again they were then free to do so.
what show?
i think millions/billions were stilled 'tang'd' in rebuild but some people weren't
A matter of perspective. To me he didn't save anyone, being tanged is much better than being a flesh puppet.
reifags: autists
asukafags: normies
misatofags: patricians
i watched like 4 episodes, but jesus christ shinji is such a pathetic whiny emo bitch
should i keep watching?
>Used goods
>Daddy issues
>Sex can fix anything
>I'm sorry Shinji, fuck me Shinji it will make everything better
We all know who the real patrician choice is.
No, you're too old to enjoy Evangelion, since you no longer can self-insert as Shinji.
The entire series went completely over your head.
No, that's wrong
The guy hiding under the table when everyone got tang'd had the best reaction to the events that unfolded completely.
Congratulations, OP.
People forget how integral it is to the viewing experience to see it for the first time when they are actually going to high school.
You can't compare seeing it for the first time when you're that age, I'm glad I did.
what would you have done in this situation
>weeb mods delete the porn and racist threads, but leave this shit up
Because it's a movie
What do you expect from the new Sup Forumseddit janny? He's proven over and over in his short time as janitor that he's from Sup Forums
at this point Sup Forums is just as bad as Sup Forums maybe even worst since they probably don't have daily blacked threads
>janitor doesn't delete a thread that violates literally none of the global or board rules
Yeah what a faggot haha
>maybe even worst
It is now with this new guy. He is everything every board hates about Sup Forums and hes a fucking janitor
It's up to the people, really. If they wanna come back, ey badda boom. No dice? Fuggedaboutit
yes, I'm sure it's just coincidence that this weeb bait thread is still up after 2 hours:
Nobody got tang'd in Rebuild, the botched Third Impact didn't get there. Still, it had catastrophic consequences on the planet, the mass destruction is pretty evident in the third movie.
>shinji is such a pathetic whiny emo bitch
He is, but he also has every right to be like that.
How about us Marifags?
I've only seen the series and the first movie End of Evangelion, can you explain to me what being tanged is?
guess i needed to watch more
all i wanted to do after 4 episodes was punch his face every time it showed up
He "killed" them I suppose but they can come back to life whenever they want
Do people still do this?
When the entire planet was liquified
why does misato kiss a 15 year old. wut a bitch
why are you complaining wouldn't you want misato to stick her tongue down your throat when you were 15
probably tastes like cigarettes and strawberries
I'll be honest the last couple of episodes and the movie went over my head
I even tried reading the manga to see if it helped but the manga has a totally different story
trying to tempt me satan?
Even in the first ep his reaction couldn't be more justified. He is called by his estranged dad after several years of living alone, only to find himself in the middle of a battleze with a giant alien monster. Once he gets to where his dad is, he doesn't even say "hi", just coldly order to jump into that robot without any explanations or training, and go punch that alien or i'll send that badly wounded gir over there. And when he does jump in the robot... well, nobody tells him shit, not even the fact that he will feel every harm on the robot as it was done on his own body. Shit's bonkers.
Is there even billions left on earth during End of Evangelion?
How the fuck do you not understand? Do you just not know what tang is? Jesus fuck
speedwatcher detected
This. 18 years since i first watched it in high school.
They never really make it clear how many people died during Second Impact (which happened before the events of NGE). I didn't even realize the world was supposed to be depopulated until reading about it later. I'm pretty sure the world population is under one billion.
Why shinji and asuka were the last ones alive? No
Why the rest of the world went to liquid? No
Did his mom make him become god or something, making him rewrite shit?
Basically, humans lose their AT field which causes their bodies to lose coherence and turn into LCL, and their souls joins into one super-soul.
>Why shinji and asuka were the last ones alive?
Shinji rejects Instrumentality (A.K.A. getting tang'd) and so does Asuka shortly after, so they return to their physical existence. Anybody who wishes to do so will return, allegedly.
>Why the rest of the world went to liquid?
They all lost their AT fields.
IIRC the world's population was halved
Dude, really?
>Thinks a movie is not Sup Forums related
>Main theme of the entire show and the purpose of the Human Instrumentality Project is about the rebirth of humanity and evolution
end yourself
I hate how much I related to Shinji as a kid.
I watched Eva when I was ~14 originally
I watched it for the first time a month or two ago and I'm in my thirties now, but I immediately understood why Sup Forums likes this movie so much as soon as Shinji started talking and doing things.
Anime threads are deleted randomly. The mods actually hate anime, so what they're doing is frustrating people as much as possible by letting threads stay up for a while before deleting them, but also not deleting them consistently so nobody is ever sure if anime is allowed and under what circumstances.
underrated comment
It's either vehemently hated or pathologically praised on here. There is no middle-ground and it's precisely because people on here relate in some way to Shinji.
>Go fight mind-numbingly terrifying skyscraper-sized hell-monsters in this equally terrifying skyscraper-sized robot! What's that? You're not confident in your ability to do that because you have no training and come to think of it, you don't even know how to drive a car yet? Well, mister, you need to stop WHINING. If you screw up, that's MILLIONS of innocents dead, and their blood is on YOUR hands! No pressure though, get in that robot!
Honestly, the fact that Shinji does anything at all makes him pretty amazing.
The planet is devastated and every person is dead except for two people. This is the bad ending.
Everyone dies. Horribly I might add. There's no point in choosing to be reborn just to starve to death in a wasteland.
Eva went over your head.
Albeit terrifying turning into tang looked painless and was instant
not have sperged out just because i got a boner
Why is 3.33 so shit?
>has every right to be like that
LOL at this emo
boku no pico
The End of Evangelion is the definition of kino.
This is you.
fan service instead of suspense or inner conflict
wow that really activated my AT field
why is evangelion predicated on metaphysical nonsense
It has some fucking AMAZING visuals - a few of which unfortunately ruined by garbage CGI, like the descent into Termina Dogma - but the writing was a mess.
I genuinely appreciate how ambitious and daring it was to go completely off the rails, but the execution wasn't up to the series' standards.
>He expects a weeboo forum to be unbias towards weeabo content
>why is a story about mankind sticking its dick in biblical-themed cosmic horror gods predicated on metaphysical nonsense
it's just to set up big returning to the womb visual metaphors
>Everyone dies. Horribly I might add.
Everyone got to see what they desired the most, for Maya it was being noticed by her senpai, for Fuyutsuki it was seeing Yui again, for Gohan it was Misato. Not sure what Aoba desired, he saw multiple Reis looking at him so he was probably that kind of guy?
o i c
i think all those teens shoulda fucked
It's the only decent rebuild movie so far, user.
1 was a recap of the first 6 episodes.
2 was a hot mess trying to fit episodes 7-22, family drama and a new Eva pilot in a single two hours long movie.
3 was episode 23 retold in a different fashion.
i always saw it as not so much what they desired the most, but something or someone that they'd let down their (literal) emotional barriers for. and just kinda assumed he didn't have anyone like that and so got brute forced down.
>have your most sincere wish fulfilled
>live in comfy soup for eternity
>get to spook any ayyylmaos and/or future humans that visit when they realize what you are
Happy ending desu
>humankind becomes apathetic soup
>teenagers die as warriors, no fucking
shit ending desu
>no fucking
Shinji was LITERALLY inside his mom/god toward the end there. Their pelvises were fused together.
yea desu
did he nut?
also i thought he wanted to fuck rei. see he shoulda fucked rei and asuka should have had a threesome with misato and kenji
everyone fucks happily ever after.
I think he, as a level headed person, actually sees what is objectively happening. The others, having weaker minds, succumb to fantasies.
The Reis are, in a way, tempting for people to get tanged, but he doesn't want it to happen.
don't forget he jumped into an active volcano
He stopped wanting to fuck Rei after Ritsuko showed him that Rei is a fucked up clone thing.
>also i thought he wanted to fuck rei.
rei is some weird mix between lilith and sinji's mother dna.
wincest is win
shinji was after that boipussy dog
Any person can reform their body from the soup, same as Shinji and Asuka did.
He only wanted to save Ayanami. To hell what happened to him. To hell what happened with the world.
my opinion of it went way up after getting the chance to see it in a theater, the visuals really benefit from the format
I'm jealous user
How will they survive though
Drinking LCL?
>tfw I'm just a mere brainlet /newfag/