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>Newest Interviews w/ Assad

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>Aleppo City Aug 5
>Manbij Aug 5
>Darayya Aug 5


>S.Aleppo phase 1232345 - rebels gain some ground in Ramousah but are repelled eventually - offensive failed
>Handarat camp ongoing battles
>Darayya gains reported - a western part of the pocket gained by Republican Guard&SAA&NDF
>LATAKIA clashes near Shillif castle/hill as Desert Hawks/Marines/NDF attempt to get fire control over Kinsabba

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First for israeli posters don't count.


>there are pro-FSA shills lurking this thread right now



Rebels will lose the war.
Idlib will be liberated in the next 6 months

> thinking that the rebels are not jihadists fighting for a sharia Syria (and dying for pussy in heaven)

:D :D :D :D

smug little faggot

Assad will make Syria great again!


If a "Sunni from Douma" decides to fight Assad because reasons, he joins a jihadist group because that is all there is. Even if he is not, personally, a jihadist, he is still a jihadi because he is fighting for a jihadi group.

He is also free to surrender at any time. Surrendering rebels who are Syrian have generally been well-treated (as opposed to foreign fighters, who are not).

HAHAHHA he believes the "ebil dictator" shit, ignoring that Assad's democratic reforms were blocked by the rest of the government HAHAHAHA

>Wut? Qatar doesn't even have a real standing army, let alone make them station in Syria for any reason. Assad blew their offer because the Qatar pipeline would have left too much money in the eastern and northern quarters of the country, and that's not where Assad's people are.

Foreign PMC's guard pipelines, in literally every non-western country that has them. Syria (not merely "Assad") refused to allow PMC's to guard anything going through Syria.

>That was the foreign workers bringing back money and the modernization taking hold at least a little. The EU also helped a lot with erasing Syrian debt (let me guess, you don't know about this either).
Right, and would that be why the growth of the GDP started when Assad took power, not years later?

I didn't come here to moralize about the SAA and the Islamophobia of edgy Westerners

I'll just discuss why the SAA will objectively lose this war from now

>trying to argue with an arab

>Nusra has a lot of people who just want to fight Assad
Look at this guys eyes, he's hungry he wants more he won't stop.

There are too many people like this on the Jihadi side, the SAA has a lot of regular soldiers, but Jihadi groups are full of people who were tortured with eyes like this.

If you torture someone let them out and give them a weapon, they don't think like normal humans anymore.

You have to either put these kinds of people down as soon as possible or give them therapy, I'm morally more inclined to want these people to recieve therapy, but realistically that's not possible, you have to kill them. They won't stop till they are dead.

Sorry to say this but the one who promised that should deliver.

We should show we aren't faggots


No one has a fucking phobia of Islam, we just think its ass backward and retarded, also offers nothing that Catholicism/Christianity offer, which are actual more peaceful religions, even in writing.

Fuck off using made up terms like Islamphobia.

Just ignore him. Look at his flag, he lives on a delusional place

>everyone barrel bombs countryside cuck invalid arguments

>people who were tortured
Jihadis torture their own fighters? Do you have proof of this?

Not a real thing.

>“Islamophobia” was invented by the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a Muslim Brotherhood front organization. The term as confirmed by former insider Abdur-Rahman Muhammad is specifically intended to suppress any criticism of Islam and Muslims — even those that commit violent jihad.

Did moderate headchoppers break the siege?

>biased as fuck against Syrian gov
>a Sunni living in an Gulf shithole

>objectively discuss SAA
Okay chief, we'll be looking forward to your fantastic "objective" analysis.

Yes. They've sent food and supplies through already.

Yeah. They manage to get small convoys into East Aleppo now, its too dangerous for large convoys though

Much like Mallah farms I guess

Just remember how butthurt y'all will get once Jaysh al Fatah breaks the siege of Ghouta XD

All your mumbo jumbo about jihadists will not rescue you then

come the fuck on, mate, you sound like a bitchy teenage gril


Welp, that sucks. Guess their suicide bombers haven't been completely useless.

Once Jaysh al Fatah wins, I propose Douma becomes the new capital of the reborn Syrian nation


Why does /sg/ get triggered when you call them Islamophobes?

hi there reddit.

Before Assad wins, I propose the Gulf States get what they fucking deserve.

Was it real, in your mind?

>“Islamophobia” was invented by the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a Muslim Brotherhood front organization. The term as confirmed by former insider Abdur-Rahman Muhammad is specifically intended to suppress any criticism of Islam and Muslims — even those that commit violent jihad.

More skyscrapers? xD

Why do Muslims/Islamic dustmen get triggered by women and dogs?


Obama told me ISIS is getting BTFO in Syria. Is this true?

>T- user who checks these threads once a month.


the tsar bomb?

>Saudi shill
>doesn't even bother getting a proxy

eh. people don't even try anymore these days

I'm Sunni so again, stop being retarded. Your arguments are shit

Suuuuuuure 7abeebe

No they don't torture their own fighters, but Assad did torture a lot of people, one of the first targets the rebels had were the torture prisons, also for some reason probably to destabilize Syria there was a general amnesty which let a lot of twisted people twisted by torture out onto the streets, once people from those prisons were released most picked up arms and joined the most radical factions.

The leader of Al Nusra was probably tortured for almost a decade before he was released and started a Syrian version of Al Qaeda.

post more female roacches please

>>doesn't even bother getting a proxy
he can't pay for a vpn registration, he's underage.

Do Assad boos really pretend they are offended by some shitskin brat getting beheaded?
Soon that will be Assad's children getting rektd

I just noticed something, the trolls are getting worse and worse with the time

Mark was kinda fun, Otto also, sometimes. But this guy is simply trying to hard

Yes, in Manbij. I don't know what's happening in Iraq though. It doesn't really matter though they'll turn into an underground movement as soon as their caliphate fails, which would mean more attacks in Europe.

>elected by the 13,3%


That's why I said I won't bother moralizing anymore

I came here to enjoy the disappointment, that's all

Only in Manbij they are getting bolder on the Palmyra front I think they are biding for a counter offensive.
>23 Syrian government soldiers killed in double ISIS attacks southeast of Palmyra, Aamaq reporting

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....Bashar Assad tortured people.......

Take your lithium, or whatever they give you kids these days to stop the voices.

I hope you dipshits realize we get rich from protracted wars.

Eh, I mean each time something happens that plays into the faggots hands, they'll crawl out of the woodworks. Nothing new here, they'll disappear once the moderate headchoppers will start to get their shit pushed in again.

You mean your industries get rich while the average American is screwed into the dirt until he completely loses it and votes Trump (another rich guy)

didnt you know?

he drops bombs himself, pulls the trigger on the holocaust gas launcher and orders the deaths of FSA chilluns

this is not even near the su-24 incident. That day even Erdogan was here

Confirmed. Here is a leak of the cluster bombs schematics.


Oh, shit, I didn't know!

Is.... is it true he eats their souls to extend his life?

>Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....Bashar Assad tortured people.......




it's all true, all of it

>the Guardian

I mean, that day Turks got their 5 minutes of fame, but look what happened afterwards.
Sure, the moderate sandmonkeys broke the siege and that is very shitty, but as far as I understand it's still very shitty for the headchoppers.

Kek approved my post but not yours, try harder Straya

barrel my bad but w/e still shows how ebil he is.

We'll see if you can outlast me then

>not cluster barrelbomb

Wow, I never knew Italy was so islamophobic!

Considering that nothing's threatening me? Unlike you whose army just drops their weapons and runs away from the battlefield as soon as they hear the word "Yemen"?

Mah the SAA really fucked up here, here's what the SAA supply roads looked like. You can clearly see the gray line that is a highway.


I'm NOT see pic related it's me, I love islamists.

>pic related

You faggots are aware Assad is the only person who opposed the use of excessive force, and the only one who insisted that the regional police commander who authorised it be punished?

You did know that fact, right?

You didn't?

Here the dirt road though Mallah farms, this is the only road connecting west Aleppo to the rest of SAA territory. The gray line ther is the Castello road which goes deep into rebel territory, they can only use the dirt road which goes north then east into the Industrial district.

Are you arab?

Assad's soldiers have tortured people yes, the problem with this is that Assad never ordered or wanted this, there are corrupt people in the army that made sure these people could get away with their crimes.
I'm sure army commanders haven't told Assad about these incidents, and assad believes nothing wrong happened

He's a turk, I bet my left testicle on that

There are (surprisingly) few turks here though, so I doubt it.

Everyone tortures in the middle East.

Maybe Assad on a personal level sees how barbaric torture is, but he isn't in control of the war machine, which is using a lot of torture.

>You did know that fact, right?
I never cared about what Assad personally thinks

my money is a proxy or a government official with heat up is ass over Yemen

My projection for the guaranteed victories by JaF over the next few months

The only variables are whether they got for the whole city before moving south, and whether the SDF-ISIS-SAA circlejerk in the north amounts to, that has huge implications for Sheikh Najjar

Ok, I kinda get it now then. So how did the FSA push through then exactly? What are some of the estimate losses on both sides?

>Everyone tortures in the middle East.
>Maybe Assad on a personal level sees how barbaric torture is, but he isn't in control of the war machine, which is using a lot of torture.

So, according to your own argument, Assad is neither responsible for torture, nor at fault.

How will they do in the Olympics /sg/?
Not Syria related I know.

Good morning /sg/:

So, in wich phase the moderate beheaders are?

How many kilopiles of dead jihadist?

500 is the number I've heard for all casualties on both sides. Some more casualties figures might come out later.

I don't know how the SAA couldn't defend this site, it had plenty of ammo and many buildings with many windows from where they could have set up defences, the side the rebels attacked from was wide open with nowhere to hide. The SAA rally didn't prepare for this at all. There's a video that shows rebels just jogging around in the open among the artillery college buildings and not getting shot at all and in the background you can see some SAA running around doing nothing.

we're in phase "proclaim victory on twatter"

The answer is ∞+1 to both

>siege broken

how fucking incompetent is saa jesus fuck

now we can look forward to 5 more years of war


>Trolled Sup Forums

Well, if the US user who made that bold claim ever pops by, we'll be sure to ask him to fill his part of the bargain. Hopefully he writes it on his dick for the ghost guy.

>have 5 years to fortify an artillery base
>do nothing
>lose it in under a week

bravo SAA

I dont know who made that bad statement on the /SG/ Twitter but it was pretty obvious siege was going to be broken if this was the biggest attack in history, nobody with strategic experience would swear on it.

Not that I have much use for it, but how would you give up your left testicle?

Hers the video I'm talking about, they just storm in with little oppostion.

Man, I've got nothing even really to say about this. This is just fucking shitty.

>So, according to your own argument, Assad is neither responsible for torture, nor at fault.
When I said Assad tortured people, I meant SAA, I thought that was obvious.

He's the commander in chief he bears some kind of responsibility for what the people under him in his chain of command do. I don't want to judge what kind of responsibility or fault that is.

Because I don't even think Assad should go, I think he's the last pillar of stability for Syria, and getting rid of him would destabilize Syria even further.

The point I was making earlier was that when people who were tortured pick up arms to fight they tend to be more ruthless and dangerous than regular rebels, which is why Al Nusra and the other Jihadist groups should be eliminated ASAP.

Of fuck forgot link




What do you think about this?
Can anyone hear confirm that this is what the hezbollah fighters are saying?


>Hizbollah leak: fighters spking abt how SAA were running away frm base leaving Hizb 2fight alone
>Hizb fighter reporting to base: "they surrounded us from all sides, Iranians and Afghans and Syrians ran away..every one just ran away"
>Base: "what can I tell you brother, rag tag army, no will to fight, you capture a point, it falls a few hours later"