can someone explain the anglo meme? is it just for fun or are they the true enemy of the west? if they are can anyone explain how?
Can someone explain the anglo meme? is it just for fun or are they the true enemy of the west...
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It was posted by a Turkroach proxing as a German.
It's just a meme now.
Mosley is based.
Success breeds jealousy.
Like every meme, there is some truth to it. The UK played a very evil role in the 1st half of the 20th century: going after Germany because they were becoming to succesfull, helping the kikes (a lot),...
Belgium on the other hand were goods guys.
Uh n-no
*presses button that opens trapsdoor to piranhas*
Perfidious Albion is a historical term you know.
Also , "the great game" which is responsible for fuckery today's middleeast is.
>OI M8! THE ARYANS KNOW Shut it down!
>Thinking this is a meme
>Not a conspiracy to destroy the ARYAN since before the dark ages.
We all know that the Eternal ANGLO conspiracy is real
Open a history book.
Very term 'BEADY' Anglo comes from the ancient scribe, monk and the eternal enemy of the ARYAN: The Venerable Bede.
'BEADY ANGLO' is a corruption of 'Bede de Anglo' - the ancient and shrouded group that has sought to destroy the ARYAN ever since the raids by Germanic and Viking raiders in the 500s
Every meme is a bad meme here
>Every leaf is a bad leaf here
>Buttmad "tanned Aryans"
Anglos are jews 2.0
>Still reeling from the destruction of his people, the subversion of his culture and flooding of his land by subhuman muds
Your anger will not save you now. The ANGLO has won. You should surrender yourself to the BLOOD REFINERY now while you still have the chance.
Correction: We made the homeland for the Jews (ISRAEL) so that they could strike out at and destroy those who sought to resist our influence.
The Anglo is a filthy creature and a true enemy to mankind.
Reminder that pic related was offered peace 4 times but preferred to destroy an empire and give half a continent to communists.
You threw your lot in with the ARYAN.
This was your punishment - we sold you out to the Communists without a single thought.
We're still counting our Sterling.
I think most people are reffering to the actions and rhetoric of Chamberlain and Churchill during WWII. It's ironic that Mosley is used to represent Antifa Britain when he was extremely pro-Hitler.
>Antifa Britain
I ATTACK him because he was an ANGLO fascist and nationalist
Some Jew shitposters got mad when neo Nazis claimed that most Jews today are not Semitic.
The Jew shitposters decided to retaliate by trying to divide the white race. That's how "Are X white?" threads became common on Sup Forums. The "beady anglo" threads are a subcategory of those anti-white threads.
We are the most beautiful race on the planet ANGLO.
GOD DAMN that face triggers me so much. I hate seeing it while scrolling Sup Forums
I don't get this meme, pls no bully.
But I, as a native Brit, still identify as a Germanic, since Anglo-Saxons were Germanic, and most of Northern and Central Europe is Germanic.
I don't like this division, I'm not an Aryan which is to suggest a pure Germanic, but I still have that heritage. What is this supposed to mean really? Beady Anglos? Because we assisted in the downfall of Nazi Germany? Because we, like many nations were corrupted and tricked into war? Is it from the middle ages?
I don't understand, obviously we don't identify as Germans but our ancestral heritage is the same.
Can I please get a sincere explanation because this meme hurts my head every time I see it.
I am an ANGLO Historian and I have submitted proof on this board as to the origins of the BEADY ANGLO meme - which is more than just a forced joke being paraded by the filthy Turkroach.
The picture supplied was written by a man called 'BEDE'. His life was spent in fear of blue eyed, blonde haired ARYAN raiders that savaged and raped the east coast of England through the dark ages - he was twisted and moulded by the nightmares that were inflicted upon his people and his faith by these unwashed barbarians.
This hatred has been kept and kindled for centuries by those who came after Bede's death. His descendants and students swore to remove permanently the ARYAN from Europe forming the secret society known as the 'BEDAE ANGLO' or more specifically 'BEDES ANGLO'S.
They have sown destruction and death against the Aryan and its children for nigh over a thousand years, and they appear to be winning.
The BEDAE ANGLO will reign triumphant - the Turkposter has drawn our eyes and he will be next to be destroyed.
Aryans need to learn to behave
an enemy of white european solidarity with a german flag made it a forced meme by personally shilling it non stop for the past year in order to engender hatred between germans and Sup Forumsacks of anglo origin
Also Mosley was a fascist and favoured Hitler greatly.
Can someone explain why is he the face of Eternal Anglo? By that logic wouldn't Churchill be the better suit?
True enemy
If it wouldn't be for human ethics then would have been gone by now
>tfw it's ingrained in me to a be proud of all our achievements and the way we've shaped the entire world
>tfw at the same time I know we pretty much invented the greedy transnational kikery currently destroying Western civilisation
it's some hard cognitive dissonance feels if I'm honest lads. we're both the pinnacle of humanity and hyperjews at the same time
Who said that?
Have you drank your daily teacup of ARYAN blood today, fellow Anglo?
seeChurchhill is the true monster of WW2
the retarded part is that anglo saxons are literally fucking germanic
don't even partake in this stupid nonsense. i feel nothing but shame for what we did to the germans
Even if that is the case, which is either hilariously memey or an ancient tin foil scheme, things were different in the 5th century. Everyone was raiding everyone, there was no uniformed Europe, there was no racial solidarity.
How could something like this persist through the modern era?
I tend to favour the idea that it was pushed by Jews and the snow ball just got bigger. What you're suggesting is that it's a deep rooted thing that's the cause of this?
What do you honestly think? A bit of both, or one over the other.
The eternal anglo comes from british involvement of fucking everything up. The british empire working together with the US and the jews/zionists brought death and destruction to the european mainland.
You made an anglo-american plan for world hegemony around 1890, through either conquest, colonies or resource control/capitalist imperialism. Since the jews had lots of money and palastine was a british colony, their goals partly lined up with yours.
Through several circumstances, europe had to be engulfed in war two times while you actualy could have had peace. But you didnĀ“t want peace, you wanted hegemony.
>Can I please get a sincere explanation because this meme hurts my head every time I see it.
A concerted anti-white is trying to divide us by dangling shiny repetitive simple meme images in front of gullible idiots who are mistaking them for organic Sup Forums culture instead of artificially shilled forced kike nonsense.
Looks like you are expressing doubts as to the righteousness of our cause.
You walk as a Petty-Anglo, taking no advantage from your heritage, from your talents within. So many things of flesh are greater than you.
Walk among them, these subhuman beasts that are less than you are. See their strength; see how easily you fall to their muscle and skill.
Why do you stand for this? Why do you submit to the flesh, when superior ANGLO genes are bred in your bones?
Do you realize the power you might hold? When the world of the ARYAN is beneath you, even countries mysterious and strong will fall!
Follow, and receive the gift you are owed by the blood in your veins.
Follow, if only to protect the weak that fell because of you.
I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?
See :
What the fuck is wrong with these ''people'' anyway?
Pic explains it all
Don't you remember the Blitz?
What happened to Coventry???
euros just buttmad about brexit
We supported Brexit, you kike bastard.
Anglos fags like Russel Brand were against Brexit. Every single one of those beady eyed bastards was against Brexit.
david the """""""""""""""""tanned"""""""""""""""""" German
Some eastern like you say may have been for brexit, but the predominant western countries Germacuck, France etc were against for obvious reasons.
That's because beady eyes (((anglos))) like brand and milliband are not anglos at all.
no true Anglo huh?
Like it or not they're the new anglos. They're what people think of when you talk about the British.
This is what happens when you tolerate invaders and tolerate race mixing. You end up with tiny beady eyed rats with 2 inch dicks controlling you.
The blitz only came because you guys bombed germany starting 6 month prior. Actually it was churchills deliberate attempt to bait germany into bombing britain so that he can use it as propaganda.
It refers to London and the (((banks)))
(((They))) are doing the same shit all over Europe. They are fucking shape shifters.
Memes asides i am persuaded that anglos are worse than jews. They are responsible for the industrial model since the begining of the 19th century. Capitalism and exploitation is the anglo thing, and they use greedy jews to run the system.
Anglos are mostly Celtic.
Who /hatesangloswithpassion/ here?
you think Jews are just pawns in an Anglo system?
Haven't the Anglos stolen artifacts from your country?
wow, didnt read the wiki until after i posted
fucking sick bastards
How many psych meds do I have to be on to give a shit about this enough to repost it daily for months on end?
Yeah the looted antiquites like common criminals and now refuse to return them. Anglos are so devoid of culture and history they need to loot and steal
Yes I have fellow ANGLO, do you fancy a game of "Push the ARYAN off the ramparts"?
Shapeshifters you say?
A reminder to all NON ANGLOS.
Why do you think the fish is a prominent emblem amongst our people?
The cold hard fact is that we have always been one with the oceans.
We rule the waves, above and below.
My favourite game!
Fancy a blood orgy later with the lads and lasses? I hear we just pushed a fresh batch of organic Hans through the ripper-centrifuges at the BLOOD REFINERY.
And we will keep stealing artifacts from your country until not even a single marble column stands in your wretched arid hellhole.
Subjugated by TURKSCUM for centuries - you have proven yourself weak and pathetic custodians of antiquity.
>this fucking image board
>t. turk
Refute his perfectly reasonable argument.
Tip: you can't.
Ah yes that sounds fantastic, what better way to sustain our ANGLO souls. Perfect wether for it today as well.
>posting shopped images
>not knowing the truth
Brian May