How do we deport filth like this
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You can't. She will more than likely pay a fine or go to jail in the long run.
Women are not funny and do not understand politics
Report her to the police department of the city she resides in.
Careful guys, she'll make your life hell on twitter
>liberals still think they own the itnernet
I reported her to the Boston police department.
Good, these brown bastards need a lesson.
Girl's based.
Don't deport qts
What did she mean by this?
>Don't deport qts
get some standards man.
pipe bombs
She'll make a Hillary sign from that, Genius!
How those rods are way to thin.
>How do we deport filth like this
>BU, Engineering
how do these politically retarded people who are hardly coherent get into engineering? What the fuck am I doing with my life? This is very unsettling.
But don't you burgers shoot everyone who trespasses your lawn?
>he knows how to make pipebombs
reported to trudeau, good luck in the gulags
Its Boston.
If you guys don't ruin this cunt's life like you did with the mexican and his coal burning gf last night I seriously will leave this board, after posting here for three years
She is going to trade them for drugs.
>like you did with the mexican and his coal burning gf last night
What happened?
lol I dont know about that I was just stating the east coast gun culture is a lot different than the mid west or southern states.
She's a hispanic woman. She's a shoe-in for any STEM program. The fact that she was only able to get into BU and not a better school speaks volums about her intellect and qualifications.
pol ate one of it's own in a matter of minutes
Why doesn't she get those spots on her cheeks laserd off? Fucking disgusting
deportation requires a serious charge or illegality of citizenship
the BEST thing to do is forward this bitch's info and the video to the police, and have her v&
she will have all the free time to express herself in her county jail when shes hanging out with all the other progressive and tolerant shee-boons and dindus
Make fun of her down syndrome brother......
I'm kinda new to this, do these raids usually work? Has Sup Forums ever gotten someone arrested for stealing/destroying a Trump sign?
cool cheek piercings
wew that was a good thread
I downloaded the video and about to file a report. Anyone doxxed this ugly cunt yet?
We have her address guys.
Check the twitter comments, scroll down until you see a pokemon go map.
Are her eyes even 'brown'? Ever notice all these liberals and crazed sjw types have deep black eyes...
I didn't think black eyes was an actual trait, but here we are. They look like demons or vampires from a horror film - seriously.
Well someone did send a crime tip to Boston PD in the comments section so I guess that's something.
cool lets dox her and make her cry.
That's good but what I'm asking is do these raids usually work or do they fail?
Nice nice, lets go booooois :^)
Katia Checkwicz, 3 Stratford Terrace. Springfield, Mass. Let's get this out there for the police.
>Sup Forums
If someone gets her phone number I'll call her like 50 times
Sad to see America like this.
Give her dad a call?
She lives in Springfield, Massachussets and her name is Katia. If anyone from Mass. is on this thread call Springfield Police to make this bitch pay for her actions.
Springfield police number: 4137876302
I gotcha. Lemme download a free call app.
Here's how it works. If you have information police should know, text the word CRIMES. After that, type the world SOLVE and then type the information. Lastly, press send.
"The person will be anonymous. That's because the text goes to Canada, then back to the Sheriff's office in Hampden County, and then local agencies will take the information, " the Commissioner explained."
You know what to do.
Nice job user.
record if you can. Do it for the lulz.
This can't be real
I dunno how I can, but I see will say what happened.
>not respecting people freedoms
>taking sides in national elections
>these while not even being an American Citizen
Disgusting. Not getting involved in politics should be a requirement to foreigners.
She's part Polish
Send Honduran qtpi
How the hell can she claim to be Costa Rican with a straight face when she has a jew last name?
Sounds like a kike rat to me
I know, -wicz gave it away
She might also be jewish
time to tell jews to pay-up too, ohh wait Trump is a cuck
>BU, Engineering
The fuck? Since when is there a generic "engineering" major? It's like typing "BU, Science." Smells fake if she doesn't understand that much.
Anyone filed a report yet?
>tfw no qt jewish gf
why am I alive?
They would make nice lampshades.
>I took two Trump signs off my own lawn for retweets
Dumb cunt would've been shot otherwise.
Does she realize that we can...just not go on twitter?
> BU Engineering 2018
Tweet Boston University directly at @bu_tweets
Let's make this fun for this womyn. :)
Smells like a "General Studies" scam to me
Ok lads, gonna call her dad on an app called TextNow. I feel a bit sick rn so I'm gonna wait fir my nausea to go away and I'll do it. anything I should say? Taking all requests.
If I had enough strength, I would drive downtown to a payphone and make a bomb threat
Contact the dean of Engineering at BU:
Kenneth Lutchen
Dean, College of Engineering
>Costa Rican
I thought ticos were supposed to be based?
Being this beta should be a criminal offense. C'mon man, it's not like this whore is gonna suck your dick over the internet because you defended her honor
Someone should photoshop a pic of hers into a nude and send it to her friends.
I uploaded the video to Youtube in case she tries to delete it on Twitter.
Tell him that he's a fucking white male.
>losing young jews
nothing of value
record it with your webcam or something. you can remove the video if u want
It's black.Only audio.
im on that
>It's black.
typical leaf shitpost.
next thing you gonna suggest is that we log out if we get cyber bullied. you are a mad man.
Tell him that his daughters sex is good, but too bad shes ugly. Mention her name and address if he doesn't believe you.
What can I do to help?
Pretend to be a police officer and tell him his daughter has been in a car accident and is at a hospital. Find out the local hospitals in his area to sound more convincing
Only have my phone on me, ill find a screen recording app
Will do famalams. As soon as I feel a little better I'll take my Pepto first
>What can I do to help?
Start an uprising in a beer hall, Hans
Record call audio
File a police report with Springfield, MA.
Call him while you're nauseous and puke on the phone. Also, tell him that you're from the police department and that his daughter was raped and hit with a brick.
Pretend you are the guy with the Trump signs and tell him that you know where he lives and that you're gonna beat the shit out of her daughter
If you can text/email send this user's nude to him.