Caucasian pols, have you ever had sex with a black girl?
Is it something I should put on my bucket list or is it the same when the lights are out?
Are black girls more noisy when in the throes of passion?
What is the deal with black bootie?
Black girls in bed
this is some great politics and not a Sup Forums tier thread at all
it's nothing special
its not worth it at all for all of the shit youll have to endure around it, unless shes a hooker. i wouldnt bother.
>it's all Europeans.
Yes they moan loud. If you get one educated and pro Trump it feels 100x better. Not only that, the ass is phenomenal.
>Pro Tip: They love white guys, we are #1 on the market.
I have. It was gross. Like fucking an animal.
The "black girls have big asses" shit is a myth
Most black girls are either skeleton skinny or morbidly obese, very few are in good shape
Best sex I've ever had
When you're done with these girls you feel like a fucking traitor.
On the flip side, going back to white after makes you feel so much better.
It's just like fucking any other girl
Their hell smells worse more often though so missionary can be annoying.
Also they have much higher STD rates so it's dangerous.
If you can find a black QT that was raised well, it's very worth it. A lot of the higher class black girls are virgins and long for the white cock.
disgusting looking
this guy has never fucked a nigress
I hear they smell all sorts of awful, personally i find 95% of nog women to be terribly unattractive.
Yes and it was awesome, 10/10 will inseminate again. I imagine some are better than others and some are probably crap at sex.
Was acquainted with one at my last job. She was blazing hot. After a company party we got hammered at she came home with me.
Fucked her about 5 times until the sun came up and full thrust womb deposit came in her every time while she wrapped her legs around my waist like a vise until every last drop was out.
What proceeded was the most stressed 9 months of my life. Every day at work I expected her to tell me I was a father....
A lot of lower class nogs are terribly unattractive. Upper class blacks though are hot AF and have much lower standards for men that white women who want the a.)CEO of Fortune 500 company b.) must have ripped abs c.) Must let me have sex with 5 other men while dating d.) Must let me take the kids and all his money when I decide on a whim that I want out.
Really, if you're a man's man and you are a responsible adult then you can easily snag a 10/10 black dime and they will never leave you.
I think your just used to shit tier women. Negativity usually is a sign of an ugly person so that will reflect your views of women. To deny the beauty of any woman that is in phenomenal shape and intelligence based on their skin color is the largest form of degeneracy. To denie your natural male instinct to breed and conquer all women that make you horny because of a social stigma is why our birth rates are going down.
>>TLDR Your a cuck.
I don't think I could purely because black people have a real awful bodily odor.
I don't want an STD.
Smelly nigger shill kys
I've been with every race of women and pussy is pussy. The only difference is the visual aspect of it and black girls are the worst when it comes to that.
Eh, I think American blacks are 100x better than the ones moving into your country. I would take the worst blacks here over yours any day.
Are you seriously going to pretend negresses are not gold diggers?
Go back to africa you smelly ugly nigger
>Negativity usually is a sign of an ugly person
yeah ok bud, go back to reading The Secret
Was it worth it?