Can someone redpill me on Hitler? Was he actually evil incarnate, or is that just American propaganda?
Can someone redpill me on Hitler? Was he actually evil incarnate, or is that just American propaganda?
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It's not American propaganda, it's ZIONIST propaganda.
Denazifying Germany was a TERRIBLE MISTAKE.
Yeah, no. If the systematic eradication of an entire race of people doesn't make you "evil" I don't know what does.
But that particular race of people wanted, and still wants to, get rid of an entire race of people themselves. An eye for an eye, my gentile friend.
He was a puppet that was funded by wealthy industrialists to use as a bulwark against the spread of communism.
Depends on weather you believe he gassed da Jews or not.
He was a top lad who got BTFO.
Also there was literally no written/film etc record that shows hitler ordering the mass execution of the Jews
Yes, it was american proganda. Of american natrionalist, who didn't like diversity and other nations
No sane person believes killing a race of people will solve your problems. The average german did not know of what was really occuring
He was a good boy. Dindu nuffin
Imho he did wrong but could have done right. He should have Anschluss'ed a bit more and minded his business there for the time all the while propagandizing Europe to be on his side playing on their fear of Commie USSR. He went balls deep with not enough dick...
And yeah if you want to go to war maybe wait another 10 years to have all the secret advanced tech and maybe a nuke but i shouldn't delve on all his military fuck ups.
He had some good (((ideas))) though
Hitler did nothing wrong
>wealthy industrialists are mostly jews
>comunism was started by jews
this dosent really make sense
Good things : managed to revive economy
Bad things: Control freak,made nationalism a taboo, caused a fucking world war
there are rumors he was a nazi.
Why does nobody ever talk about how Hitler was a socialist? That's why I don't like him.
One element of Hitler that I liked was that I see him as a conqueror and a strong-minded person. Nobody like that exists anymore.
end thyself
Evil is subjective. But if you consider genocide, suppesing freedom or blobbing over half a Europe a bad thing then yes.
>Good things : managed to revive economy
That was H. Schacht, if you want to attribute it to single man.
Because he wasn't. Nazi Germany economy was centrist, slightly leaning to the right actually. He was basically forced to go full war economy at the end though after her stupidly started a war on two fronts
>hitler has no upsides now
>It's not American propaganda, it's ZIONIST propaganda
Implying it is not the same thing.
this, american goverment is so infiltrated by jews and aipac that there's no deffirence anymore
Wtf, i hate Hitler now
He was a lot better than Stalin, and National Socialism was a lot better of an ideology than communism. (((Bankers))) and (((global elite))) shut him down.
All of the propaganda is due to the fact that virtually half of America, having lots of German heritage wanted nothing to do with the war. If you drafted them to go out and slaughter their racial kin, you better have a good reason to do so.
If you don't have a good reason, you better fucking make one up before they turn on you.
He liked dogs :3, he had a cute German Shepherd
>Because he wasn't. Nazi Germany economy was centrist, slightly leaning to the right actually.
I've never heard that. I will have to look into it. I have always heard that "nazi" meant national German socialist worker party or something like that.
Yes, he was evil. This is just a meme from the stormtroops.
>and National Socialism was a lot better of an ideology than communism.
>Both are leftist ideologies
>Both are intrusive to the individual
>Both are authoritarian shitholes
>both will cause long term harm and pain
They're the same
inb4 le nazi germany eutopia maymay
I've never heard better speeches than his.
It was Russian, and then Jewish propaganda.
Morality is subjective. In the eyes of the Axis states, he was a good guy and the embodiment of "might is right." In their opinion, he was ridding the world of what THEY viewed as evil incarnate.
His interests went against the interests and moral standards of the Allied states and cultures, so in their view he is evil.
Morality is all relative. There are no objectively good or evil figures, since morality is a human invention and differs between individuals and cultures.
The world is just one big grey area, with no true heroes or villains.
Remember that "Hitler was good leader and did nothing wrong" sentences are just memes.
He was a terrible leader, but a very charismatic one. His enormous ego has managed to fuck everything up for the Germans.
He did nothing wrong except lose, and even then his fight continues on in the hearts and minds of all who love truth
>the "bankers funded Hitler" so he never really went against bankers meme
You mean the Arabs? The Jews will have to fucking get in line.
For those who want to understand what national socialism really is, see pic related.
>le moral subjectivity meme
I thought we banned teenagers from this board.
The Holocaust requires insane levels of mental gymnastics to believe.
>Morality is subjective
It's not.
Hitler was vegetarian and "invented" animal protection. He introsuxed tge curch tax which we are still paying without doubts (church tax = money for the government so people dont need to know this idea is from Hitler). Because of him we have highways.
His ideas were:
>work for every citizen
>everyone owns a car (Volkswagen = by Hitler)
>no brutality in own country
>happy families
>pic related
The fact that we can disagree regarding morality and that you cannot prove one form of morality to apply universally shows that morality is subjective.
>Munich treaty
>M-R pact
>Conquering France, the leading military superpower in matter of weeks
Well, he did pretty well, before he got the wonderful idea he could conquer USSR in half a year.
He wasn't bad
Only reason we see him as evil incarnate is because he lost the war.
Some radical ideas the nazis had but abandoned like eugenics wasn't considered that radical then, even America or Sweden had such a program at some point
There was no such thing as a holohoax
He wasn't a socialist in the Marxist "seize the means of production blah blah bourgeois blah blah" sense.
The Nazi's defined their "socialism" as putting the society above the individual using a uniform cultural identity. Basically synonymous with "nationalism". They most likely hijacked the term "socialism" to appeal to the left leaning populace in Weimer Germany.
>all this leftist schizophrenia
i just did some research about hjalmar schacht after czechbro told me about him
He is the guy that got germany's economy back on it's feet
and he isn't even a socialist
>was a German economist, banker, liberal politician,
Propaganda. I'll show you where the rabbit hole is and I'll leave you to it.
Search Jesse Owens Hitler.
Why exactly does everyone need a car? Would it not be healthier for the people to walk? Would it not be better for the nation to not have to import so much oil to run said cars?
if the japs weren't retardo they could have attacked them together
Just because someone can be a contrarian, does not mean that nothing is objective. People do this on every other board too; just because you can sit there and pretend to like farting noises and nails-on-chalkboard noises, doesn't mean that it's arguably better than Mozart.
I mean, I can just sit here and lie, and say that I like eating poop better than I like spaghetti. Doesn't make it valid in any way.
Thank you, Charles Dickens
Japs had other priorities, like getting access to oil or keeping Chinese in place.
His idea was that everyone in his country is able to visit every part of its country. He wanted the independence of the Deutsches Reich. I bet you too need cars? It is technology which increases and gets better.
Anyway, back then environment didn't play a big role and no one cared about it or thought something could destroy this planet..
What's the morally correct answer to the Trolley Problem? There's arguments for both answers, and neither can be objectively proven to be morally correct.
Wait, you didn't know National Socialism is distinct from Marx's Socialism? Maybe if you'd actually read what I posted you'd realize that.
I'm not saying all things are subjective, merely that our world contains both objective and subjective aspects. There are objective standards for beauty that are universal across all cultures, for example. Morals are the general opinions of society on topics. Often these opinions are the same in every society for obvious reasons, because they promote group survival, while other issues are more culturally dependent.
No problem Hans.
Quality of music can be objectively measured, morality can't.
false equivalence.
I think everyone knows what's right and what's wrong. It's called your conscience. Don't kill people, don't steal things from people, etc. It's just really obvious what's right and what's wrong, and it's universal. People sometimes deny this as an excuse to do immoral things but that doesn't mean it's not true.
If you believe anyone was happy, or at least satisfied during the nazi era, you're deluded
For instance the nazi goverment was so intrusive on the individuals, Hitler was basically a control freak.
He also nationalised everything and basically told every corporation/business to fuck off which dissatisfied the german population
>Work for every citizen
arbeit macht frei amirite? :^)
If by "work" you mean conscripting every motherfucker or throwing them on shitty jobs
>everyone owns a car
>in a socialist goverment
am i missing something?
>no brutality in own country
wrong.not only he did bring brutality in his country, he brought it to the whole world, he also made nationalism a taboo, dipshit.
And seriously? all you have about the "happy families" is just paintings of le epic nazi eutopia? no real pictures? Makes me believe that all of this is propaganda
>morality is subjective
end yourself
"principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior."
"a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning."
if morality is subjective, than morality doesn't exist in itself
>What is africa: the post
>What are muslims
>What are niggers in america
nobody likes to talk about that here on Sup Forums, as you trigger ptsd to former nihilists and dudes in rehab
like myself
so fuck off
The correct answer is that have you ever seen a fucking switch track in operation? The train has to come to a stop, one of the engineers gets out, and then spends several hours cranking it because it takes a lot of mechanical reduction for a human to move the thousands of pounds of steel that are in the track.
The trolley scenario is retarded. People need to shut the fuck up about it.
>Told corporations and businesses to fuck off
>nationalised everything and basically said "bye outside trade" and practically fucked their economy bad
>forced distribution of money
sounds like marx to me
>He was a lot better than Stalin
Really? Why?
>criminals and terrorists do obviously evil shit
they were both equally shit, don't listen to that guy
Just an example
He was agreat ally to muslims.
Serbia wouldn't exist if he had won.
>implying they don't think what they are doing is moral
You don't seem to understand what morals are.
Is it wrong to rape a woman? Is it wrong to take something by force from someone? If so, why? Might makes right is the law of nature. Society, not nature, determines whether something is moral. Nature only cares about what survives, and what survives is what is strong, not what is moral.
I'm sorry Italiabro. You have to be strong enough to handle it. Don't believe in yourself, believe in the me that believes in you.
>Tunisian shitskins actually believe this
>they think nationalization=workers control means of production
>they have
please give me better arguments
can't stand your bullshit
you leftie believe every shit your history book tells you, don't you?
>no real pictures?
few examples in pic related
Hitler was an American conservative talk sho host and somehow got into German politics in the late 1920s and early 1930s. I think his mother was a German of Jewish descent.
Hitler transformed his government into a model of American conservative talk radio as applied to basic government services in Germany: a strong military, unified political opinions and eugenics as applied by delousing gas and old ammunition depletive services. His model of providing government services even to those who did not agree with him was the model of government under US President Nixon. Nixon's advisors (Haldeman, Erlichman, Kleindienst, Kissinger, etc., ) were German nationalists who made America great despite the creation of the EPA.
>Wait, you didn't know National Socialism is distinct from Marx's Socialism?
Correct, they're unaware for some reason. They don't understand how one word might have various meanings, interpretations and implementations. We just don't have any other word to describe it, it sort of looks and sounds like socialism but it's definitely not leftist socialism as we know it, the only other word that comes close to describing the nazi government is fascist, which is obviously a right-wing ideology. The means of production wasn't even entirely in the hands of the state, far from it, Germans were encouraged to open up their own businesses and flourish, to become rich and famous. This is nothing like leftist socialism.
Just because people can do things that are wrong, and say it's moral, doesn't mean it actually is moral.
Those things may or may not be right, depending on the circumstances. Everybody knows what's right and what's wrong. Also, society is an illusion. People are individuals. Also, how do moral people keep surviving and reproducing if it's not strong? Every evil person is usually opportunistic, paranoid, and actually very emotionally, mentally, and physically weak.
>You have to be strong
the abyss is always staring at me
please make it stop
>Was he actually evil incarnate, or is that just American propaganda?
No, just a loser cuckold who killed white people for Jewish interests.
just go a little further and you'll agree with me.
Look up his stance on tobacco, he was a decent guy.
Just because they 'think' something is x, doesn't mean it's x
look at pic related, a crappy modern art painting
is it crappy? HELL FUCKING YES, and it TRUTH
just because some hippies think that this painting is good and revolutionary, doesn't mean it actually Is
>>>they think nationalization=workers control means of production
Where did i state they are the same? i mentioned both in different lines.
Nazism is as close as you get to marxism. You cannot prove otherwise
don't resort to personal attacks.
>It's not.
>Because truth is the ultimate reality and it is God.
>The bible told me so. And this book is objective.
Bullshit. If we exterminated every black and arab a SHITLOAD of problems disappear overnight.
If Hitler was evil, that would mean that the german people were evil, being that they provided Hitler his power.
So no, Hitler was not evil, because if he was, it would mean all germans are evil.
He just needed to not invade Poland and be happy with was already annexed with the Anshluss. But he wanted too much the war on Europe. Also yeah, genocide and murder is bad.
>Heaviest propaganda
>Goverment controlling your every step like it's 1984
>""""Great leader"""" ended up destroying his country, making nationalism a taboo, and ran away to argentina, Letting civilians get killed by anglo bombers
>Tried to wage war on the whole world and attacked russians even though they had a pact
hitler basically fucked germany (again)
You know why did germany gained so much power? no, not because of hitler
it's because of their economist, hjalmar schacht, Who wasn't a socialist, nor a communist, He was a capitalist liberal banker
And why did nazi germany start losing power after nationalising everything? because they closed outside trade, and starting to implement hitler's socialist dogmas
TLDR Hitler was a hothead who fucked germany and socialism sucks penis
>you leftie
where did i state im a lefty? oh right, nowhere. im a libertarian capitalist
See and read the first two pictures I posted. I'm not going to spoonfeed.
We're all gonna make it, the ride never ends.
Morality sustains large scale societies well. In smaller scale situations it would be reasonable to discard morality to propagate your genes. As soon as actions become right in one situation and wrong in another, you now have a subjective morality. Then you are ready to realize that acting in accordance with nature is not good or evil, it merely is the optimal way for something to survive.
bible or no bible, morality is not subjective, it's a true pillar that is made of stone. cannot be moved or altered
do not kill, do not steal, do not bribe, do not lie
these 4 commands are objective truth, and cannot be altered
>Germans were encouraged to open up their own businesses and flourish, to become rich and famous.
Got any sauce?
>German racislism is trying to make the german race stronger
mustard race bullshit
>hitler was not interested in having millions of degenerates
oh that's why he was a fucking DRUG JUNKIE and that's why germany was full of fucking fags and inbreds
nah mate not evil incarnate
more like hate incarnate
Then why did Austria vote by a 99.7% majority to join Germany under Hitler? Why did the Russian people see him as liberator and not oppressor?
>Then why did Austria vote by a 99.7% majority to join Germany under Hitler?
The same reason communist won every election here since 1948.
>Why did the Russian people see him as liberator and not oppressor?
>Nazism is not like marxism
except they were almost identical
>Germans were encouraged to open up their own businesses and flourish, to become rich and famous.
quite the opposite ya idjit, hitler closed outside trade, toppled the businesses and corporations because big corporations are "jewish"
so what does he do more? Nationalise everything! making the country's economy backpedal bit by bit
And then he finishes it off by fully implementing the socialist system, destroying his economy in the middle of the war,
Also another picture about the "strong german race"
Ya I guess all the footage of the Austrian people cheering and hugging German soldiers was doctored.
Psh, simple.
Grab ballast, jam next to the unswitched part, throw switch, points are stuck in between, trolley derails.