I'll just leave this here
New polls
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We still have a chance.
We're not out of the game yet.
Does this election technically count as femdom
only if Shillary is female reptilian
How does it feel? The desperation settling in?
Is she nervous? She must understand.
Were she winning, she would not need to go through this, funding you. Is it almost that time?
Are you afraid CTR?
>take the three worst polls out of a dozen
>show them on TV to act like this is the average
Wew, good one ABC
>Trump takes lead in polls
>the #mentallyHill make an effort to respond to opinion polls they would otherwise have ignored
>encourage their faggot friends to do it too
>average Trump voter is not as well connected, nor do they feel the need to tell anyone who'll listen how they're going to vote
>polls skewed for Shillary
>inb4 Romney is president
I'll just leave this here
>Drumph fags getting analy annihilated
>Are you afraid CTR?
Jesus christ, you lads are fucking delusional
This too
>implying the american people actually have a choice
Que butthurt cis-white males
>irony: the post
Fucking rekt.
At what point do drastic steps need to be taken? If Trump is consistently 15 points behind, then maybe it's time to:
- ask him to step down and put forward a Ryan-Rubio option
- accept his likely loss, but distance the Republican party from this so as to allow rebuilding after the election
- the above, but with GOP funding and infrastructure pulled from Trump
- create a new political party based on conservative economics, an embrace of cultural diversity, and celebration of American traditions, i.e. not a white nationalist butthurt party.
I'm not sure which is best, but after another week or two of polling and performance like this, we're going to have to accept that Trump is over and work out the best next step.
>all this fedora roleplaying
Time to trigger Trump supporters just for the lulz.
Any other republican candidate would have easily defeated Shillary.
Sup Forums will literally be kill by winter.
That poll was an outlier lad, please keep reality checked
Booty blasted ctr just wont quit!
Bill Kristol, is that you?
She won't stop.
trump hangs out with a child abuser (jeff epstein) and DESTROYS the bill of rights and RIPS AWAY constitutional protections for artists. trump does not even America. trump is a clueless moron who doesn't understand freedom of expression. kill yourself, trump.
pic related. evidence that trump hates freedom of expression. America hates trump. Real Americans hate the enemies of freedom. trump is an enemy of freedom.
True. This was meant to be the Republicans' year. Hillary is an unusually weak Democratic candidate too. How did it all go so wrong? I'm blaming the tea party for being so vocal and extreme and the GOP strategists for leaving the primary process too susceptible to hijacking by the party fringes. We need a system that allows the most viable candidate to be put forward, and not just the loudest or most abusive candidate. Trump gamed the system; the system itself must be changed.
Is CTR the new JIDF?
What does Crash Team Racing have to do with anons post?
Sup Forums
pls stop.
>Specific data not released
into the trash it goes
Every other poll had remain ahead by at least 4 points m8.
Trump has been full retard as of late.....the media is making sure to take advantage of it.
those aren't new faggot, those have been out for days
Yeah we should've run another moderate like Mitt Romney, John McCain or Bob Dole. Because they all did very well as Presidents.
I vote for policy, not persona. If someone else suggested a border wall and ban on Muslim immigration, I'd vote for them too.
there's still 3 months left.
but this is the same electorate that voted in obama
anyone have what obama was polling in august against romney ?
yes, but this time CTR is real
> America has been 50/50 on every major topic for the last 15 years
> Hillary is the least liked Democratic candidate in living memory
> Trump is the most populist anything candidate since Roosevelt II
> Trump is farther behind in polls than any Presidential candidate in at least 5 elections.
I'm watching electorates in the entire continent of Europe undergo a mass revolt, yet despite that the US is fucked from top to bottom, SIGNIFICANTLY more Americans are enthused for Hillary over Trump?
These number are horseshit. If Trump was really going to lose his numbers would be closer to even as disgrunted Americans simply toyed with the idea in polls. But there's not even enough people pissed off at the status quo to get him within 10 pts? In 2016 America? Bullshit.
The polls are bullshit. The media are fucking liars. They like about the economy. They lie about foreign wars, about bankers, politicians, about immigration, about terrorism, and about themselves. And when they're not lying, they're shilling, shafting, or stirring the pot.
I don't believe Trump will win. I still don't think America is ready to go that far. But that doesn't mean that I'll buy for one fucking second that he is actually 15 points behind. That is Grade A, 100% pure premium bullshit.
I can tell you for free that nobody enforces cp laws all that hard.
Unless you have pictures of actual children getting raped or are a politician, you just get a year of probation.
well calling everyone JIDF forced the real ones to abandon Sup Forums so I don't see a problem
>Every other poll had remain ahead by at least 4 points m8.
No they didn't lad, Leave was ahead for most of them
>How did it all go so wrong?
You should ask your fellow murricans :^)
Literally anyone else would have defeated Shillary. Her popularity is at an all time low.
Guys like Kasich and Rand appeared to be more moderate than the rest, and they would have easily won over democrats.
Nice try Mr. Lolita Express.
Trump campaign is a meme that is getting old.
>this is all too complicated for the average normie to understand and therefor care about.
Much simpler to just pander abortion and women.
so is your country
this I'm donating my whole paycheck to trump, I haven't eaten in 3 weeks. Who's going to match me??????????????????????????????
Romney would have won easily this time. He would have kept his campaign disciplined too (except little gaffes like "binders full of women").
>I vote for policy, not persona.
Unfortunately, Trump is thin on policy and not super knowledgeable. His strength is persona -- the faux-authoritarian, strong ruler thing. But now his personality is cracking because he's showing he's too easily baited, gets mad at babies, has a bad-choice wife, and messes up basic facts of international politics.
these niggers literally came out of nowhere, and then promptly delievered a Clinton +15.
Why didn´t they poll earlier? Why are their values so far off, and why are they taken seriously despite that?
Even CNN isn´t shilling this hard.
Please go back to red dit
i see more remain in the final month before vote.
>gets mad at babies
This is what liberals actually believe.
Hahaha you voted a nigger into the White House twice
Trump may be the most populist candidate since FDR, but he's also the least liked candidate on either side for as long as Gallup has been conducting opinion polls.
Let's see the polls just before the election:
9 show Remain winning and only 3 leave winning by a small margin.
I do admit that Trump is currently down by a lot (about 5%) but what people tend to forget is that he was up by about the same margin in the LA Times poll just last week. And it's not like this is the first time he went down (remember the 50 to 39 picture) and still recovered just fine by next month. Nothing is certain until November.
Haha you lost a world war twice
>Romney would have won easily this time.
the reason trump is running because a romney/ryan victory IS also a hillary victory which is a globalist destruction of america and the west via wars in the middle east and mass immigration
this is why we went with trump. he's a manbaby but he is the only one fighting the good fight. and so we are stuck with him
And you were the jews pawns.
Where are the actual numbers?
I want a head count, not a percentage
Kasich would have won easily. 2020 is going to be about Kasich or Ryan to defeat Hillary.
The Democrats have superdelegates to protect themselves from a hostile takeover of the party. It almost happened to them this year too, but their internal structure is more tightly disciplined. After the election, the GOP needs to reorganize the primary process. Voting needs to happen in a short space of time so as to not hand easy advantage to a media troll like Trump who can keep dominating news cycles.
(((Allied))) detected
Fuck off Justin nobody asked your opinion
Highly underrated, user.
Do you want us to just overlook Hillary and her lies? She broke the law, numb nuts. She should be in prison.
>Let's see the polls just before the election
Cherry picking the majority were for leave
The one's with +5/+7+10 were not done by respected polling companies
>mass immigration
You only have yourselves to blame though.
I don't know man. Western nations went around conquering places and countries that didn't want to be conquered in the first place.
It's like kicking a hornet's nest. You wanted it, and you got it.
He should get a new slogan MPRA
Make Polls Rise Again
Drumpkins on suicide watch.
they just cashed their shillary checks in few days ago and banks delayed the payment.
I know this is just shitposting, but I'm genuinely curious. Why on earth would you want Kasich to have won the nomination? Even if he beat Hillary, America would be headed in the SAME direction with different window dressing.
>B-but muh polls drumpfkins BTFO
Can't wait the day she is elected President ... Sup Forums will be glorious. So many crying Trumplets.
>your voice your vote
>put polls out for dummies
Nice democratic process you have down there. We're keeping Trudeau, he's better than Hillary in several million ways.
Why do people keep posting rigged polls? This will be the thousanth time today I've had to explain to you fucks that the polls are intentionally skewed for Clinton. SHE HAS NO SUPPORTERS. all you have to do is see how they got the numbers. They are telling how they are changing reality, all you have to do is read. Then you post it as if its the least bit accurate because you're so uninformed.
shut up bill.
>rigged polls
more (((((((((((((((((((((((((polls)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
There won't be anything to rebuild. Enjoy your permanent Demoshit state, nigger.
Not the other guy, but GOP would be more likely to hold the Senate with Kasich as a standard bearer.
Also, since Kasich would be more likely to win, he could appoint good SCOTUS justices.
>Go to look at the data behind some of these polls
>Check out NBC/WSJ first
Sample Size: 97
Sampled Region: Northern California
This is very, very silly.
lots of butthurt in here
>poll democrats
>make polling methodology accessible, creating a thin veneer of legitimacy while obfuscating the exact proportions of political affiliations polled
>trump filling massive stadiums with his supporters
>shillary struggling to fill middle school gymnasiums
hmm ya guise theres no fuckery afoot the MSM are totally unbiased and not corrupt lol goofy right wing conspiracies
I get the SCOTUS argument, but I honestly see Kasich giving us someone worse than Roberts.
Granted, I'm still very optimistic about Trump's chances.
That's what Bernie Bots initially thought too.
But then it just sank in that people really wanted their first president with a vagoo
where did you get the poll info
1500+ sample produced the most accurate results during the referendum, anything below 1000 is just a meme poll
>trump filling massive stadiums with his supporters
Just like Bernie.
The silent majority will go with Clinton.
You guys really are the new berniefags...