About skinheads and such


Now dont get me wrong here. I really do think that ethnic Europeans are best people. I really think that Islam and other such cultures, are utterly disgusting and I would never like to live in such 'cultures'.
But why are all these white preservation groups so God damn disgusting? Face tattoos. Beer bellies. Petty criminals. Or serial murdering psychopaths. All completely undesirable.
Why are there no white fucking hospitals, who cure people and do research on how to extend human life??? Why are none of them engineers or scientists, that can provide better quality of life to their people? Hell even when it comes to easier to do bullshit, such as media and so on, why do they have no presence, while Hollywood and a numerous others, who are all anti-white in varying degrees, all seem to be much more successful in pushing out propaganda and so on, making these pro-whites always disgusting bad guys, which honestly they fucking are most of the time.

Is there a single competent organization that promotes ethnic European culture and peoples, that isnt a cringeworthy gathering of pathetic half retarded mouth breathing undesirables?

As a National Socialist, I feel bad for knowing there are no groups that ARENT a bunch of thugs.
I want something LIKE the SA. I want to protest, not attack people.
What's the point?

Is there even a way for national socialists to somehow distinguish themselves, for those hard working, law abiding, cultured, educated, calm, thinking, contributing, useful ones, can they even separate themselves from the retarded tattooed worthless thugs and degenerates?

Proper National Socialism will never be a thing, because it seems impossible to separate people in the op picture from the legitimate ones, ones that cured multiple diseases and invented a rocket.

The smart ones are emotionally/mentally stable enough to not throw their future, reputation, and job out the window just for the sake of making a point. They make money, live their life and stay under the radar living in white neighborhoods and shit just voting for presidents that will look out for their best interests.

btw, I'm not white.

>poverty is only for black people


So you think we are all equal? And that all real world physical objective and measurable differences we keep encountering every day are 'just racism'?

Lack of 5'5 Jews in NBA is just 'institutionalized racism'? Lack of black Nobel prizes in hard sciences is just a 'cultural patriarchy'?

lol wut?

how does monetary acquisition have anything to do with physical attributes?



who can be behind this post.

>>Now dont get me wrong here

People with white supremacy beliefs are generally looked down upon by society, so it's only natural that the people with nothing to lose would be the ones yelling the loudest and getting the most attention.

White gangs arent really seen on the street user, they are also called MAFIAS and usually control multiple towns and even entire countries.

Who are those guys, and why have I never heard of them?

So are you denying the easy to prove physical existence of utter degenerates white nationalists? I know that jews thrive on these types and I know that jews cherrypick them to ruin that entire movement, but my question here is how the fuck there exists not a single pro white movement that manages to exclude these subhumans from itself.

And what good has this done? What good has being silent and not acting produced? Becoming a minority? Working their asses off, and half of their work going to the hands of immigrants/refugees that they never even wanted there in the first place? Being robbed and raped?

These are all people who have had no guidance in the world. They aren't intelligent enough to realize the importance of appearance. They have no shame in being trashy nor pride enough to keep themselves well-groomed. They are human trash and only a few among them can be saved from that fate.

The only ones you see are the degenerates.
The others won't make themselves known because being affiliated could mean a witch hunt.

If you're a black panther you're 'a proud black man'
If you're a neonazi or a KKK member then you're just a redneck racist meth head, such is media's perspective upon the average citizen.

Only when another race fucks up majorly, like a full on BLM militia or invasion of the Ackbars will white nationalism be accepted like it any other nationalism.

Because they are working class White people. They suffer from addiction obesity low income but their heart is at the right place. They are still less disgusting than j*ws

>And what good has this done? What good has being silent and not acting produced? Becoming a minority? Working their asses off, and half of their work going to the hands of immigrants/refugees that they never even wanted there in the first place? Being robbed and raped?

Your an example of one of the ones that's possibly emotionally/mentally unstable. You have a lot of rage. You need a target. The thing is you are acting like you're a part of the "successful" group when in reality you might belong with the KKK degenerate ones.

For one like I already said, white people staying under the radar haven't drawn attention to themselves and ruined their credibility and drawn more attacks towards themselves just to make a point. A lot of white people make a point by voting and many a times it does the job.

You are directing your hatred at immigrants. That's that attitude that even smart white people don't like. It's one thing to say illegal immigrants are fucking things up and another to say "immigrants". What your saying is what Trump thinks and we all know it but he isn't saying it because he knows that would fuck his chances up even more. How would it help to say "I'm full blown racist". It won't.


>Who are those guys, and why have I never heard of them?
Casapound italia
nationalistic movement that also like to promote socialistic things, pretty damn based people i helped them in some occasions, they have a civil protection group, several libraries and other cool stuff and spawned similiar movements in france and spain.

you probably never heard of them because they are starting just now to go into the state politics.

you should look at them and theyr french/spainiard conterpart

even if im not 100% with them because they look more at the culture than the race.

nazism are derided and hated so derided and hated people are attracted to it

extremism of all forms are bad. We should act like superiors not anything less

Simply put OP, it is because the damage done by commie bastards on the nature of this country has already been done. They might try to fight against it, but at this point most were born the children of commies and thus only have a rudimentary idea of how to go about seperating themselves from the pack.

Something about destroying the wellspring of knowledge of generations long lost.

>the only people willing to broadcast to the world their extremely unpopular views for which they could lose jobs and relationships are dumb retards with no jobs or relationships

Colour me surprised

Also this thread topic was old a decade ago

Tribalism hits harder among the low IQ populations, high IQ people for the most part don't have time for such things.

There is some overlap, but for the most part this is true and why individualism is a trait valued among most intellectuals.

>Tribalism hits harder among the low IQ populations, high IQ people for the most part don't have time for such things.

I'm calling horseshit on this.

White upper class families practice ludacris amounts of nepotism. I would equate it with "Tribalism" but more adapted to civilized society and where jobs, institutions, and shit like that matter.

White people can and have ALWAYS done this which is exactly why they've ALWAYS been on top of blacks. Blacks start with nothing, whites start with success and top position. Both races evolve until this day into what they are and we see the result.

I'm actually impressed that the amount of blacks to overcome their doomed and destined position at failure.

Yes individualism is better than tribalism and I am not even trying to argue this, but what I am questioning is, is individualism even sustainable? How are you going to, as individual, deal with the islamic migrants and becoming a minority in your own country and so on????

Soon enough thanks to individualism, individualists are going to disappear because of tribalists. Isnt every 5th kid in France or Britain named Mohammad already? See what individualism did?

>Is there a single competent organization that promotes ethnic European culture and peoples, that isnt a cringeworthy gathering of pathetic half retarded mouth breathing undesirables?
Yes... several in all honesty. The most prominent one I can think of is Génération Identitaire, in France. 21st century nationalism is nothing like the '90s skinheads you saw in mainstream media...

You really think that's how "ludicrous" is spelled?

Nigger detected.

>blacks start with nothing

what about africa; aren't there rich black people there?

isn't the purpose of becoming a success in life to give your children an opportunity to also succeed?

how long have blacks in america been allowed to choose their own destiny?

I always leave a misspellledd word for faggots that can't come up with a real argument.

what is media bias

Well another thing we see from this thread is that most whites think that organizing themselves is "tribalism" and inherently wrong.... all while disappearing as a majority in their own countries.
Largest cities in Europe arent even white anymore. And this is somehow a good thing. Next thing you know they declare sharia, and this is somehow a good thing too.

They really do... but I'm a different kind of demon. I don't give a shit if someone calls me "racist"... I'm open with my pro-white views!

Everyone else here should be too... or there will be no future!

there is literally nothing wrong with skinsheads


>what is media bias
What is media bias? Some sort of ancient and arcane sorcery that existed before the universe? Or something that that could easily be countered and fixed if there was any organized effort against it?

The fact that it exists and that everyone is ok with it is retarded.

American Renaissance and NPI are a bunch of normal guys in suits. Skinheads and Neo-Nazis are more like prison gangs than ideological movements, using them as an example of ethno-nationalism is like using Chicago street thugs as examples of the Black Nationalism movement.

I won't condemn them when they're the only ones that would stick up for me in a dangerous place

There is, if these skinheads act just as bad as the all other undesirables. If they are no different than the shitskins, what's the point?

This is why a more organized movement should exist. One with a clear set of values and culture. One where you cant be a member if you have a beer belly and face tattoos.

Well, I was talking mainly about the United States situation. I should have clarified. I don't want to ignore 3rd world countries because I mean, they are totally fucked up and have always been that way.

>how long have blacks in america been allowed to choose their own destiny?

I guess you mean how long have they NOT been slaves?. When you say destiny are you implying an equal chance at success as a white person?. Shit. Blacks up until recently didn't even have the same public transportation privileges as whites. That says a lot. Blacks had a tremendous challenge all the way up until not too long ago and it's only been recently that they've had a REAL chance at a fair chance to success as any white person. Don't even get me started on the black people getting years for some shit a white person would get off on a couple days of probation.

These people have nothing to lose by being open about their politically incorrect viewpoints


>Is there a single competent organization that promotes ethnic European culture and peoples,
there is but they know that those like pic related are organised by FBI(drzavna bezbednost) .They dont have nazi perifinilia anywhere near them ....so yea

It exists and people are okay with it because it serves the interests of the Left and of the Jews. You will never see Jared Taylor or Peter Brimalow in a discussion about race and immigration, they will drag out some hick who considers himself a "white nationalist" because he joined the Aryan Brotherhood in prison to keep from being raped by blacks. The media does not exist to inform public opinion, but to shape public opinion through selective revelation of the facts.

Everyone is protective of their own family though and it washes away the further you get away from it. It's definitely tribalism but for the majority of people assuming no economic problems it stops at a certain point, which is why most (even those who oppose mass immigration) take a centrist/leftist stance on the issue of immigration.

It's only when problems occur on a large scale that even these people will oppose it, but not really on a "tribal" level so to speak, though it will sway more towards the kind of tribalism that is popular here.

Yes it is, tribalism flares up in times of conflict and it normalizes towards individualism in times of peace. Right-wing populism is a centrist reaction to this.

Personally I don't care much about the idea of nations as monolithic and deserving of preservation based on "reasons". Just like technology is the main reason mass immigration exists, technology will be the end of nations. It's not really a question tribalism vs individualism, but rather a question of geographical distance and how technology influences our perception of it.

real nazis are dead. the guys you're talking about are just human trash, not real nazis.


I have also never wore a swastika or anything right wing in public, hell I never even said anything right wing out loud. I get that people keep quiet and do not act upon it, for obvious reasons....
But this whole keeping quiet thing, is just running from the problem. And running works. As long as you have a place to run.

I feel like today, there is less and less places to run to. And when you cant run anymore, you must fight.

Jews are the most tribal people on Earth


>Everyone is protective of their own family though and it wash

Thing is these white trash skinheads that this thread is about are confused about their friends and enemies.

Whites don't look out for them and fuck them over as if they were niggers and so they fall into the category with the other unfortunate cast off minorities/people of no importance. They then make this interesting decision to imply that the same tier group they're in is somehow indirectly fucking them over instead of the people of their own color.

Even if you put technology as the only value, and ethnicity/genetics and politics as completely irrelevant, it is hard to ignore the correlation between certain ethnic peoples, and contributions to modern science and technology.

Blacks and hispanics for example, have never produced any notable piece of modern science or technology. And they are becoming a majority in the US.
Same goes for Europe. Just put the middle easterners instead of blacks and hispanics.

a lot of kebabs are actually fairly economically productive.... when they aren't raping and murdering.

No. This is beyond retarded. Why are their home countries not economically productive? Why are China and India not more economically productive than Europe and USA?

Because manual labor of unskilled and uneducated is near worthless. Western economies are highly mechanized. They do not rely on illiterate retards so pick fields. A single tractor gets all of that done.

The media ignores any respectable nationalist movement and so people only see skinheads and hooligans during protests.

There's Generation Identitaire, Action Francaise, CasaPound, Nordic Resistance Movement, AmRen and Magyar Gárda, all of whom I consider respectable enough for their location.

>neo nazis

Only in name though, there is absolutely nothing nazi about them

Maybe so, but I think there are too many variables for there to be the same cases among all nations for this kind of problem.

There are some who have this kind of innate tribalism where they will oppose any kind of immigration or different ethnic groups, I'm sure it can happen among any segment of the bell curve but the people more open and violent about it tend to be towards the lower IQ side.

Not that technology is the only value, but I don't think it will be possible to uphold the idea of nations as geographical locations in the future.

What I mean is if I can transport myself from Norway to New York in a matter of seconds, geography and location as we know it loses all meaning. And this will be a reality at some point in the future, it's impossible to defend the idea of the nation as a monolithic structure in this kind of idea.

Globalism regardless of whether you like it or not is a product of technology, not some shadowy organization trying to rule the world.

You still need to have a land to farm in order to feed yourself. You still need a home. Even in a globalized world. And everyone wants to share your home now. And they can all get to your home. Using technology. But that doesnt mean you can not stop them. Using the same technology.

Just because the world is getting globalized, it doesnt mean you have to share your home with people who do not share your values, your culture, your genetics, your anything.

redpill comic sums it up


Being male middle class and white should be the only thing in Europe anyway. You do not hear about churches in the middle east, or foreign aid FROM Africa to some other place.

Good point. It is just a personal observation here in Canada that a noticeable amount of kebabs occupy upper middle class jobs in fields like dentistry and engineering.

>You do not hear about churches in the middle east

Just to be sure, this is bait, right?

Because they're the ones that actually live in the vicinity of niggers and see why they're such a problem.

The higher class whites don't act out because they live in the suburbs and never have to deal with the shitskin scum.

Exactly, they don't have to swim in the mud with the rest of us.

The KKK guys in Anaheim and Sacramento looked a little professional. They knew all the laws and were able to stab people and get away with it.

They uniformed and don't really stand out besides the patches. Don't know if they had tattoos though.

Its the Jews
They have cornered this ppl like animals, somehow it's a survivor response