How the hell should I respond?

How the hell should I respond?

Other urls found in this thread:


fucking faggot

I am user tyranozaur, that is some guy I met there.

this is what I should write? Or are you calling me a faggot?

nice bait, almost thought it was real. try again.

There's definitely reasons why communists are killed after being taken out of power. No matter what their history of abuse is, their ideology still infects more people. They could kill half the world's population and people will want to try it again.

why are you in a markist thread, and on leftit?

This may be true. They are out there. Still advocating for a system that killed millions. But I don't think we should hurt them.

Just call him a commie or something sheesh.

I am here, I am there. Just looking for a place to talk.

by getting the fuck off this board you disgusting reddit faggot

But he is a person. I want to be friends with everyone. Yet they hate me and wish me dead.

I am not a reddit faggot

shit sorry this was supposed to be the answer for

>I am not a reddit faggot

explain this then

well you got me there, I have an account, I had for YEARS. But look at my comment history, I am not a reddit faggot. I am a person.

>no way did you just say that to me?!

>someone leave Sup Forums safe space to debate
>call him a faggot

Dziękuję polski przyjacielu. Polska

I know, right?

don't be a faggot

I am not a faggot. I just wanted to say something nice to a fellow man. Don't be a cynic.

>I am not a reddit faggot. I am a person.

how ironic

Ironic how? I am a person here. A human like you. I have an account on reddit. They treat me like shit there.

Don't let it get you down, I also wish you death.

The possibility of a creator has been the cornerstone of philosophy since Greek homos in caves invented it.

Why my czech friend? You know I always wanted to visit Czech Republic and have a beer and talk stuff with you...

>42.987 sextillion cookies

And yet it is not worthy of discussion now? What, we got a definitive answer here? I must have missed it.

Motherfucker this is my fourth ascention, I have WAY MORE.

call that person a win

It is because the bastards are shills. Don't worry about it to much Polbros. They are just trying to divide us with any little crack they can find.

In what reality does calling a person "nigger" makes you a winner?

Thank you hamburger bro. I love america

the same reality where posting reddit on Sup Forums is nigger

That is not nice hamburger. Why do you dislike me? We could be friends.

In the white one.


Use nigger dick bennimax cuck analysis

>going to reddit
>posting about it here
listen OP if you want to be a faggot and use plebbit that's fine
just don't post about it here

>posting lebbit discussion

How are you not banned yet, shit-eating pole?


You do SEE that they don't like me on reddit do you?

Lithuania enough with the hate you silly.


So much wrong with this image.

>highlighting words with big letters

pure faggotry, faggot

>replying to everything, talks to me like I was a country in a countryball comic

Holyfuck, Jasznus.

>It is because the bastards are shills
no its not.
Its because reddit is trash, the UI is trash, the users are trash, and I have no interest in seeing it posted here.

Congratz OP! Reddit don't like you.
I don't give two flying fucks if you use reddit.
Just stop shitting up Sup Forums with reddit shit
also we are not your debate team coach
learn to fucking win a debate on your own you useless monkey

Clean your tabs you faggot.

Also stop posting.

What the hell are you trying to say?

>>replying to everything, talks to me like I was a country in a countryball comic
its not even just that
he replies to every post in an individual fucking reply
its disgusting

white is right you stupid nigger

That is not nice Brit. Why do you hate me? I don't hate you. I wanted to talk with you. That's all.

>use reddit
>instantly become a faggot

when did Sup Forums get filled with underage edgelords

call that person a nigger, then post the pic here and i will gift you Sup Forums platinum premium pass

Yes, I am stupid, you are the smart one. This place sucks.

this thread is full blown autism

Pole you have to understand that those who do not wish to help themselves do not deserve your respect , attention or sympathy. Communists and their sorry like would enslave everyone in the name of equality and basically boast about it openly. They are one of the worst groups.

>telling rebbit shills to fuck off to rebbit makes you a shill

Cancer. Pure unadulterated cancer.

>use reddit, the blue-pilled faggot/cuckold land
>surprised he gets called a faggot for using it on Sup Forums of all places

when did Sup Forums get filled with unironic cuckolds?

i'd like to be friends with you OP, you seem like a really nice guy

You think you are better? You treat me like shit also.

I think its fairly clear he's a newfag to Sup Forums and a plebbit veteran

see >Sup Forums
>not autistic

Lad let me explain this: the only thing I want to see from reddit are their tears when we win something
ie Brexit - that was great!
Trump winning I want to see reddit tears etc

the reddit UI is disgusting, the user base is obnoxious, self righteous, and overly concerned with their karma-ran hugbox to make me want to interact with them or see interactions between them.

What you posted is a prime example
>you disagree with me so you need to change your views or die
I want discussion here, I want opposing viewpoints, fuck I go to leftypol to argue from time to time when I can't get a good argument here but reddit is not something 90% of this board has any interest in

Posting your conversations from reddit is borderline blogposting and is attention seeking.
On top of that you're posting reddit cancer.

Its trash overall. Stop it.

Not to advocate marxism by any means, but he expressly said people DIDN'T vote for the nazis because they would exterminate the jews.

Let's totally be friends hamburger. Here is my email: [email protected]


Because that is true. No German voted for the nazi party because he wanted holocaust to happen.

Ask why does he think you are a nazi and what is behind this label he threw at you.
Does he want to understand the world or just throw labels at everything without thinking?

Well maybe you are right. The please tell: where COULD I speak normally? Have a converastion with a fellow human? Because I don't know anymore.

Well he obviously thinks I am a nazi because I talk about nazism. Good citizen does not discuss such topics. Fall in line citizen.

i got you man, sent an email

There are animals, mad fucks and stupid thrash amongst humans. Always were.

Animals can be tamed, mad fucks can be manipulated and stupid thrash can be used.

Esti look at his username
OP needs to learn on his own that these people can't be saved.

Here you stupid faggot.
This board is anonymous.
After you leave this thread no one knows who you are any more.
but if you start a thread like this you will get called a faggot for two reasons
1) OP is always a faggot
2) you're blogposting about reddit

Remember lad the reason this place is so good is because its anonymous
There is no "karma" or "gold" to earn.
You shitpost and get (you)s, and you talk to other anons about whatever the fuck you feel like talking about.

Also please try to respond to several people in one reply so that you don't send threads to bump limit 100x faster than you should

Also, why don't given Baden-Württemberg to the Swiss rather than the French mongrels?

Call him a retarded antifa niggerfaggot, because that's what he most likely is, a worthless subhuman.

>Arguing on Reddit
>Arguing on a leftist subreddit
>Arguing with someone named CarlxxMarx

Bratanki, I am disappoint.

You can't argue with leftists. The only option is to lock them in a cell and turn them into soap and tourist's delight.

>jews decalre war on germany in the early 30
>adolf tries and tries against to deesqulate the situation, agrees to military dibarment, on the condition other nations do it as well.
>annexed poland in diplomatic mode
The war was a result, not a catalyst. And one perpetrated by das Juden, and the international business men.

That will not make him change his mind though.

You where/are 100% in the right.

No German voted Hitler in power because he was going to hunt down and imprison the jews.

JIDF can't rebuke something like that, so they just call you a nazi and pretend they have some form of moral high ground. You shouldn't be bothered by that though. Most people reading that discussion would probably agree with you. So it'll turn into a net-win after all.

Lad its impossible to save those people.

Anyone who honestly believes that those who disagree with them should be hit by a bus are beyond saving.
You cannot change their mind.

How have you not been arrested yet?!?

Merkel is too busy censoring kikebook to work on 4chins

Though RIP all the German anons if GookMoot ever sells their info to her.

Thanks for that. I was beginning to question my sanity. I think that in the end you might be right. But where should I go? Reddit seemed like a nice place actually.

The only things changing the minds of useful idiots are bullets.

Cops hate antifa.

lad what do you mean
"Where should I go?"

This will end with you in bath of ice with an empty torso

I saw that.
Question is not about saving.
Question is about stringing brain so it starts to haunt in dreams.

He won't change his mind

Can't save these people senpai

I have no place on the internet where I feel welcomed. Even here I feel like an outcast.

But he doesn't actually believe that. Or Rather, the only reason he wants to inflict physical violence to Mr. Sup Forumsand here is because he basically got intellectually outplayed.

And make no mistake! People MOST susceptible to 'changing their minds' are the ones who hold themselves in high regard, they're the ones who don't want to be caught out as dumb ever again.

You should stay at Reddit if you so desire.

Remind yourself that this is a containment board. Most of the hate Reddit gets on here are shills trying to stop people from flooding over to Reddit.

In example
Have you visted /r/The_Donald... the entire subreddit is like one of Sup Forums's Trump Mega-threads...

The best way to do that is irl honestly

My hardcore lefty friends had a meltdown when i first had a conversation about politics with them in our group.
Most people in the group started to agree with me because I kept my cool and they didn't.

Just stay calm, don't back down, and let people see how crazy they are and how calm you are with it.

Most of them stopped talking to me (and a few people in the group after they supported me) after that.
It was nice.

That's how you do it. Just remain calm, don't let yourself go full Sup Forums, and smile as they lose it.

see This is Sup Forums. This place is anonymous.
No one knows you here and no one cares.

Everyone on this site loves and hates each other for no reason at all.

You're assuming he's an intellectual and not a pseudo intellectual.
Most of these people are the latter: they make their mind up and stick with it no matter what.

>Have you visted /r/The_Donald... the entire subreddit is like one of Sup Forums's Trump Mega-threads...
the donald was started by Sup Forums a while back I believe
its turning itself into a Trumpgen hugbox, or was the last time I looked.
Believe that was when he won the primaries.

Also Trumpgen is arguably the most cancerous general on this board.

on top of that
>shills trying to stop people from flooding over to reddit
you're misunderstanding completely.


that's why i'm migrating to 8chaн

Insult Carl Marx
Call him a jew
Post facts about Auschwitz

Been there done that.
Carry on.

Sup Forums is about diversity.

>he goes on Sup Forums and reddit